ft i Sty? iJivmxina Herald i.t tMAL NEWBrnr. OFFICIAL NIWIFAPBt OF KLAMATH FALLS OF KtAMATH COUNTY 4 "fffl "WE w- ttMM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1918 Price) Five) Ota EW REPUBLIC STARTED IN RUSSIA - v-' MWWWMWWWWWWWXW 0WWWWWWWWWWVWWWWWW htzkWR rAinun onnnc tSlbrld OST AS INISTER ANNOUNCED GENERAL MARCH SAMV.lt MEM. HER OK TIIIM IMPORTANT IMtlV, HRPLAt'lXG GENERAL IILIHM OOETHAIJi NAMED WABIIINOTON. 1). V., Match 'J. A reorganisation of tlio war council li nniiouiicoit hero with Major Gen- WHO WAH RESPONSIBLE crul Miirrli lu llio placo formorly filled by General IIIIdh. Mnjor (loncral (Joi'tlmtN uml Itio surveyor of pur' rlmae, Edward fllecllnlus, urc alo on llio council. MirRKIl('AIK.T OF NATION' TOOUXATKH HIM CONNECTION vnu bolshevik. Imr rwuilic will he intko. KCVD, WHICH WILL REFUSE THINH FORCED IIV CENTRAL OVKKH AltMV IM BEING sUUJMCD tr iiy vm-atmmcu -True DATELE88 Fulfilling tha prcdlc Him of many who have boon follow- tsfUit .Ittutlon clo-ily for I he past In int. lcon Trotsky, who brougEt lent the arml-llce an tlio eastern fetft uhlch rnmlted In the present startd peace on Hiiitla, baa re Sped I u po'ltlon ai the bolshovtkl iwkn mlnUter. T iretent itltuatlnn la probably llMBo-e to him than any other one a, ai he cant llio deciding vote on etutr to send delegate to the Irat-Lltovik peace conferonro. With Entlgn Krylcnko gone, only iFnaltr Lenlne remain of tho three tee attempted to rule llusalu since Be downfall of Kerensky four saw-ago. Anerelng to the lateat dispatches Be social revolutlonlata are now NMaug the overthrow of the Hot 4rlkl regime. i,H Is declared that a great army la Sag organltcd In tho Don dlMrlct, wtk bu the aupport of the Cos- mm mm ABOUT JAPAN The general unlnlon Booms In hn Bet a republic will be Introduced M will refuse to accept the term f pHce which wn furred down tho tkroauof'iliubuhihevlkl. IBS Vaciiation li r l'Mrnvr.il roil. Mfc iteadlly. v - . ANNOUNCEMENT Tie RV Vllllm. Tluinii. Y fl.u.lv WLaktVleW wlin arrlioJ In If math ftlls yttterday on a call to nee nev. FaVtkaiB If .. "- ii. j. aiaranaii, paitor or the neart church, will say both WMal irimAiiMku ... n - "w.iuw lUUIIUIIjJ. UOT, l'!I .? T J """ w" Prone" " "" na win leave ror iage- on thn noon train. Confeaalona " heard at 8 o'clock by Rev. r i, j. iirndy, DECLARE THAT INDENTIONS OF JAPANESE IN EAST Wll.li LEAD TO AN AGREEMENT IICTWKII.N GERMAN AXH IllHKIA lljr AMH'ltiMl rrrwt AMHTBItDAM, March 9. A llorllli tllvpiitch to llio KoullnUcho Volka Zil tuiig aaya: "Yhn pretext that Japan iIohItoh to ftrur liemelf ngiiliiNt u Oorniun nd uiiiH' In Huii'ln Ik nbHolutely ridicu lous. Thla political uont will either lead to nn agreement between (Icr n'any and RiimIh ngalnat Japan, or an underflanUIng hetwevn (lenuany and Jnpan. Jupuncno avltlumont In Kantern Anla clearly mcanx the fun damental alteration of thn entlro world no-lilon. but which will not bo In any wuy to the dUadvuntago of tho central powom." McAIKK)'8 Hr:IUXIIV Ml'HT ANHWKK CAM BOSTON. March 9. Joaeph M. Hhnffer, pcmouul nocrotnry of.Dlrcc tor of nallwnya McAdoo, will reinulu In Claia 1. Division A, of tho cou acrlptlun urmy, uuIcmu tho appeal board grant him dorcrrou ciaHHinca tlnn. Tho exemption bourd of DIvIhIou 2, Kaat IIOMlon, ban turned down tno HP iieal of Mr. 'McAdoo to put Shaffer In Claaa 3, on tho ground that ho la n neceasary omployo In tho aervlco of thn Kovornniont. Himrror Ih alimlo and clulmcd no cxo'mptlon. IIU drnft bourd alatca ho ahould now bo nt Camp UovenB. Enemy Adopting New Tactics In Belgium r uorut4 Vtmt i twice within toe tail iweoiyiour DttSThe.fpi1Moth.,,ou Del,u,f' "d bMn U,r0? wtiUra ,... u.'. . r ' back with begvy loie. , u uow SBMraa .V OKIIMAN ATTACK IN IIKMJIItM flKPVIXKI) LONDON, March U After an nil day bombardment, the (ler- 4 nmiiH nindo an attack along a in I In front near t'oelderhoek In 4 HoIrIuiii. They were repulaed 4 pxntpt for n 200 yard front, and tlit'Hi) poMltlotiN were regained during tho night. PlERMtT REFUSED TO INVESTIRATE PACKERS FILES COl'IIT OF AI'1'KAI.H OKXIKM I'ER- MIT TO FHANCIH J. HKNKV TO KXAMIXi: CORJimfOXUKXCi: OF IIIO MKAT IMCKKIW CHICAdO, March . The. United Htntca Court of Appealea haa quaaaed a acarch warrant iiernlttlag the ex nmlnatlon of the letter Ilea Id the oiriie of Henry Vecder, couniel for Swift 4k Co., by the geverataeat Fraucli .1. Ilency In Inveatlgatfng'the nctluna of tho packera recently, bid wo i n out a warrant, the legality of whlrh waa questioned. Tho decision Intimates that he waa on a "fishing expedition," but do not bur further proceedings for warraata It counter attaeka by the British lion Th. "" " w yteroi M Qaruiana have attacked ground. lau. ....... " .uT ' ,wu ,lon " British par- yesterday the aermane lost some .IFI.V FIHHT 8I7T FOR CIUTKII LAKE OPKXIXO WAHIIINOTON, I. C, March . Pecrcinry l.nne aha announced that Crnter Uko National park will be men to public travel thla year from July 1M to September 30th. It la ex ported that tourist travel to Crater I.ako durlni: the year will be heavy. as considerable progress haa been made In construction of roada and trails opening up thla play ground of tho public to travel. a- I'ltlKONKR FIOHTH KKTCRX TO ORKOON 8AI.KM. March 9. Parole OMcer Keller baa notified state prison au ihoritloa that he has been stopped In bla attempt to bring C. B. Smith, pa. rolo vloluter. back to Oregon. Extra UllPm will bo fought by Bmlth'a rap resentatlves In California. Smith waa arrested by Keller Just um bo left Ban Quentln prison after nerving a term. He Is n baa caeca passer. utlilll.t: HOHHKH UOl'UHT FOR THK OOVKRNMRNT J. Frank Adams Jr. hai purchased a number qf crack saddle horaea for tho government. They are au front Langoll Valley, and were bought of W. D. Campbell, Louis Oerber and Kugono Wllkeraon FAMILY REUNION AT VRKKA w. II. (Irubb and daughter, Mra, B. W. McCormlck of Keno, leave to morrow for Vreka, to visit Mra. J. M. Onrdncr, the eldeat daughter of Mr. rimbb. John nrubb of Ashland, n brother, will meet then there, and the 76th birthday of John anion nna the 74th birthday of W. B. Qruhh. hnih nceurrina on next Wednesday, will be celebrated on that day with a big family dinner party. m RUM TrUNWORTS.BUK tONDo'N,'Mhreh 9.TAaf.Uk transports war ua,aaJK?" atroyera ft touth"ef the. Aland islands Thursday. n SNONEBUT 1 illS IJOCAL JKWKLKB WINH "JOHKIMI. INK MIXKRVA,- THK RKOIH TEHED UVROC JKRHKV PIQ, RAFFLFJ BY KF.I) CROOK The mysterious 1 bolder of ticket 701 In the rafle contest for the Red Croaa pig, haa nt last put In appear anca la the person, of no other but Thad MeHattaa, wbo, while be was off mooning ovar the theory that luck waa only a state of mlad, awoke to find It an overwhelming reality. The numbera. were drawn at tha Rtar theater las( week, but MeHattaa waa not present, and did not realise the fact that an epoch bad arrived In his career. He was particularly pleased to know of bla rood fortune at this time owlna- to recent caustic remarks by hla friends to tha affect that he would I be much mora of a success aa a farm! hand than aa.a Jeweler. He haa ar ranged to rend hla new source of revenue with a IMla playaaata ts Ma rauch Jn Jackson County, where they may grunt and wallow la tho Baud, and sniff fie perfume of tha spring Cowers. AMERICAN HKHO IlOl'TH 40 HfXH WITH AMKIIICAN AllMY, March 9. A lono American sen try attacked an enemy patrol of forty men last night, sumo of whom wean stealthily entering n trench near him. He succeed ed In driving them all off, kill ing the leader and vgoundlng othera. The Hermann retreated Imme diately when be opened fire. SUPPUESNOW M FRANCE PERSCHEDULE BIG CAM IS MADE FOR RED ANSWER CRIBS NORSES FIVE TIIOl'HAXO NUItHKti. WANT ED UKFORE JUNK INT IN MILL TAnV .HOH1MTALH AT HOME AND IN EUROPE mom HERE TODAY ISJCCESS ANNUAL BIRTHDAY PARTT AND BPRING OPENING DV ENTER. TAINIXO DRY UOODH MAN TO DAYMANY PRETTY THINGS DISPLAYED Many are tbo expressions of ad miration drawn from the ladles of Klamath Falls wbo are today attend. Ing the annual spring opening of H. N. lie A Co. Thla Is the second anniversary of tha entrance of thla enterprising Arm In the local Held, ajjd a real birthday parly Is combined with the regular aprlng opeulng. A fine musical program is being given by the high school orchestra, and carnations distributed to tha vis iting ladles. Thn clerka of the establishment are attired In keeping with tha occasion, which la decidedly on par with "- liar event In the stores or toe targe elttee. It Is-Mr. Moe's Intention to make thla annual event larger and more enjoyable each year, ui.AMATH ATTORNEY ENTERS SERVICE ' Attorney Harold C. Merryman of ha am of Merryman A Van Kmon, left yesterday morning for Kugeae, where he has been entered for a ape i training course In tha ordnaice department. A class of nlnaty man haa bean selected from tba atata at Urge, and special training will ha (Wen In Ifca work of tha departmant during a course of six weeka, :. , Mr, Xwryiaia . mmiNH, w TROOPS AND SUPPLIES FOR GEN. ERAL PERSHING CROSSING TO EUROPE IN SATISFACTORY manner big operations boer: WASHINGTON. D. C. March 9 Trewi and anppllea for Oeneral ... J Perehlag'a fereea now are moving to Fraaee en aeaedule time, It haa been announced by high authorities. While flanraa nar not be Buhllahed. It has been stated positively that transpor tation requirements of the army are being met by the shipping board, and tha Immediate situation as to ships was described as satisfactory. In view of thla assurance that the United Statea will be ante to maintain lt place aa a fighting unit on the bat tle fronts, reports from the western front are" being scanned more eagerly than eer by officers here for the first atgns of the 1918 campaign. It Is felt atrongly that the opening or ma jor operations In what Prealdont Wil son haa predicted will prove the de cisive year of the great war, will not be much longer delayed. Mud has been the determining fac tor of many previous .western front operations. Bo long aa the ground Is soft with winter ralna It la Impossi ble to move forward great guns and necetsary troop trains to support an advancing line. Even In Flanders, however, indications this year are that the around will harden early In the spring,' permitting either side to undertake the enterprise planned. In previous years, April has seen offen sive preparations set In motion by the allies. For that reason many officers here seem Mo anticipate raiding and minor assaults before the middle of next month, which will show in them selves. that the ground la being map pad, Information obtained and local strategio advantagee established by one side or the other In preparation for a great effort. i ' CASUALTY LISTS ISSUED RY WAR DEPARTMENT WASHINGTON, V. C, March 9. A call for 5,000 nurses between now and Juno 1st for service In military hospitals at home and abroad baa been made upon the Red Cross by Surgeon llencral Gorgas of the irmy. Nearly 7,000 nurses already have been supplied by the Red Cross, but the need for more grows imperative dally. Of the 80,000 or 90,000 regis tered nurses In the United States, General Gorgas estimates that ap proximately 30,000 will be needed for service In army hospitals this year. mmm TttJ-ZSttZEmrS. .jli;.aau I. fcla aarvie with' bM jrr ... - . ,j- gVTVI - WASHINGTON. D. C, March 9. The first of the expurgated casualty lists Issued by the war department shows Lieutenant Louis Jordon kilted In action and Lieutenant Greene ilihtly wounded. The names of thirty-six privates arc on tbo list, showing two killed In action, eight nad from disease, five severely wounded and nineteen lightly wounded. Two deaths by ac cldenU are listed, one causea ny air plaaee. ROUMAXIA SIGNS TERMS WITH RUNS EAST WGHT AT MM UN JOINT IlKNEFIT ENTERTAINMENT PROVES A IUG SUCCESS PRO. CKKIM FOR- RED CROSS AND CHURCH IMPROVEMENTS A largo crowd greeted tho perform ers on the program at Mt. Lakl last night, which consisted of several dec Inmnllnns nn.l a ahort one-UCt comody doplctlng the trials and tribulations of an awkward squad, also for their officer. Twenty-five cents admission was charged, and after the program tbo latest portraits or toe menarawn by themselves) were sold, ladles only being nllowed to bid. The price paid for tho picture included supper with tho owner of tho picture. Bupper con slbted of war bread sandwiches, cof feo, chocolate and Ice cream. In all IS6.34 wcro taken In, and, after u few necessary expenses have been deducted, half will go to the Rod Cross and half to the remodel Ing of tho church. m TRAIN OF SOUTHERN CATTLE DROUGHT IN Seven hundred bead of cattle be longing to D. M. McLemore were un loaded yesterday at Midland. They came from the San Joaquin Valley, and will be driven to Merrill to be pastured for a month, and then taken to tho Fort Klamath country for the summer. IS GIVEN BY COURT TO CITIZENS STATEMENT DECLARES COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ARE PRO. CEEDING AS RAPIDLY AH POS SIBLE TO WORK ON COURT HOUSF. . earaaaaraaawaaaas) WILL PROCEED WITH CAUTION TO EVADE GREAT MISTAKES MADE DURING PREVIOUS YEARS IN COUNTY EXPEND!. TIRES BIDS OPENED SOON To the Taxpayers of Klamath Ceunty: We desire to aay that the Couaty Court la proceeding aa rapidly aa pos sible toward the construction of a new court house. You will notice that we have been advertising for some time for bids for the comple tion of the building now under con struction In the Hot Springs Addi tion, and also for bids on an entirely new building, a Tho bids will be opened on tba 20th of each month. At that time we shall act for tho best intereata of all the people aa shown by the blda called for. If It Is to the general In terest to complete the building In tho Hot 8prlngs Addition, wo shall do that, but If we And It much mora economical to build entirely new, we shall proceed along that line. We have been making a thoro In vest Igat Ion of this whole matter. We bavo employed architects of wide rep utation for both character and abil ity, and shall coaalder both their re ports as subscribed and aworn to, and the bids thai may come before us. We have advertised for these bids In both the oclatffl county paper, a Portland paper especially designed to reach contractors and builders. We want to emphasise the point that after we bad the reporta of tho architects before ua the 'Court went over the .whole matter of completing the building In the Hot Springs Addl. tton, and we agreed unanimously on the details of completion In case that proved advisable, and we all algned a statement approving the plana and specification upon which, wo have called for blda upon thla work. We want to assure you that wo have the best Interests of the county (Continued on page 4) Itkil if.o-ln KUtaath FalU.for I LONDON, March . A conclusion &m&r&tm$W'tort9.i Russia Tend Rou- ."ri-. '..VSlE..".! fc.V.llt.t.V'kla MU.l.'tia-. hm anfiniifiMl!. in which Bla Mliaisala arovalsaa to evacuate all or Bessarabia. ' Ford Will Build "Tanks" For Army DETROIT, March 9. The Ford Motor company will aoon begin build ing a fleet of "tanks'' for tba -United 8ta.tt ""? ite-petro.lt-pltnti ac cording to. annouscemaaCroada here. . A model to ha submitted, to. the war,; department is now unoer construe tlon, and Just as soon aa it has been officially annroved the machinea will be turned out with all possible efoed, -It la estimated that. tAdra-evw elgament of tha newtta.eA t de livered to. the govarameat for, ship- stent to tha.eiaJedllW-.torfaU ...... .i.i.i. '..a stABta-Xta atX' , weeks, and additional shipments will bo sent at Intervals. 7 fin . Si.'