.'it I Vil ; 3 bi Herald l OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NIWIPAMtt OF KLAMATH FALLS 1 OF KLAMATH COUNTY Twelfth Y.r-N. $ KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1918 Prlca Bits Cants . IfcUpttlttfl ADVANCE OF ENEMY HEAVY LOAD" PLACED ON BY ENEMY KRYLtiNKO REPORTER TO HAVE RKHIOXED AFTER DISAGREE. MOT WITH PEOPLE'S CX)M MMIONEHS FIRST SPLIT BOLftHKVIKI IN1 tlXO FERDINAND LEFT ON THE THRONE OF HOUMANIA, HIT I FORCER TO MAKK HUMILIAT 1X0 TERMSMANY CONCK. W0M4 UIVKN Hammary by Ammh-UIimI Pre Ths HumiUu revolutionist liuvo Hrack tack at Ilia Germane who do ellssd to liull their advance when the Urmi of )cnro wore agreed to. The KYolutlonUtM have taken JamhurK. which It sixty-eight mllea southwest of I'rtruKrml, from thu Invader. Serious ilirforoncea betweon Ensign Krylsnku anil tlio people's commit sloatr aru reported to have led to Krylsnko' resignation, which la tlio Intreal split In the bolahevlkl rank. It U now claimed In Fetrogrnd Ut Kiev, which waa reported last WNk to have boon taken by tlio In vsdsrs, Is Mill In the handa of tlio Mthtvlkl. Within tlio last five days Germany ass forced peace terras on three dlf reel governments, Ruaala, Ilou. ilia and Finland. It bow seems apparent that King ftrdlnand of Ituumanla baa been left on the throne, but forced to accept Us most humiliating terras. The central powers will get wheat, II tad salt concessions, and control of lha Roumanian railroads for fifty inn. LOCAL HOY BENDS CAULK A cable message received by B. D. all from Herbert Uarry, who U now ths Aerial squadron, says "landed wsly." llert I now trying to figure whether "Herb" has made a auc. "M Bight among ths clouds or aethsr he has reached Francs. ' At V rate his many friends In Klnni h falls win be glad to know that he Ufa somewhere. ROUMANIA Fine Irrigated Ranch Is Sold Here Today Ths Irrigated ranch nssr Wilson 'Wis. owned by 0. F, B.tier of this ";1WM W today to B. W. Ayles "f of Cresham, Ore., who will .isiamei,te possession of Ad new JL y: Mr- Aylssworlh will leave iir. Tw wth,n " dy "Md bring his fslly aad' house Tfc- ' , ' Prorerty aurchasad consists of aooas. m r r-.v purees ". 0 of which ---s-ss ---"" "rrrriiVVrrrMVWvvtfinnnjvxrtnf iron iiMintn IHiES I'. 8. DESTROYERS ASSIST IN' SINKING FIFTEEN U BOATS DURING MONTH JUST PAST NO QUARTER GIVEN AN ATLANTIC TORT. March fc AnuTlcuii and Japanese dostroycis arc to-opsrstlng with warships of (lieat llrllnln, Italy and France In fighting rnl'inarlnes In tliu Mcdlterrnuoin, .....f (.. . u... t viiuin oaiu iniuauiuiu, .luimnrrc naval attache at Rome, declarod here, on iili arrival on an American Hnor. American destroyers have helped destroy fifteen U boata In the past month, the Japanose officer declNrcil. He added that the entente nnval 1 forces have the submarine situation well In hand. Captain Yanamoto, who I on hi way to Toklo, declared that tlio war on the subnurBeln4tho Mediterran ean I growing more Intenso every day. No more ships are being sunk, lie said, but (he'll boat are becoming more active. "The allies are not capturing u boats," he declared. "They aro sink Ing them. It 1 tlio pulley to give the submarine no quarter, a they give none." Fl MEN WHO POINT TO GOOD RE. HULTS NMR HUFPALO, ORK., WOU1J) COME TO KLAMATH IF BOUNTY WAS MADE WORTH WHILE A scheme of using traps and poison for the oitermlnatlon of coyote ha been worked out by n group of slock. men at Buffalo, according to a letter received by the first National bank, which Is producing very satisfactory results. A number have used It in that district successfully, and the let. ter declares that If the stockmen of this locality would be willing to odd something to the state bounty, rank log It worth while for a man to put In his tlmo, they would be glad to corao to Klsmath and" cloan out the pests in this county. falls, and the rest nearly all under lr rlgatlon. The consideration ot fbs deal was not mads public. Mr. Betser, the former owner, Is prominently Identified with ths Chel sta Lumber and Bog company hers, and has disposed of bis property be cause of lack of time to look after It ... ink.. J..1 ... mmmAm ttlVII propeny, ? - - the agency of the Smith Rsalty eom- RASH ORKUUNG THE COYOTE YANKEES LICK HUNK AGAINST HEAVY ODDS WITH TUB AMKRICAN ARMY,' March 8. An American patrol of five men outfought an enemy patrol of ten men three night ago. The two conting ents mot In "No Man' Land" and fought sharply for a few minute, after which the enemy retreated, leaving two dead and two wounded. The rest were llavarlans, who were mruln prlsonor. The Amer icana wnra unharmed. HELD BY U. S AMFRICAN (M)LDIERH NOW OC Cl'I'Y Ht'UBTANTIAL TKHRI TORY IX FRONT MNK TRKXCH Kh OTHKRH IN' HRAK TO OtVK Hll'l-ORT WASHINaTON, U. C, March . American troop are now holding somothlng over eight mile of trench es on the battle front In Prance, It was learned today, altho In an airline their frontage I only about four and a hult mile. This frontage Is liable to extension at any time to the regu lar trench allotment for an army corps. Irregularity of the trench lines Is responsible for their eight miles of length. They are laid out so thst Clinking operation may be begun on any part of the front. The trenches alio follow closely the protective slope or the country, and wander up uud down hill. The American sector Is understood to be a divisional front ago, which mean that at least three divisions of American troopa are there to give the necessary support in depth for the front lines. . CXCI.K HAM MAY BUY 8F.KD8 FOR FARMERS WASHINGTON, D. C, March 8. Representative Haer of North Dakota. whoso bill to appropriate f SO.Ouo.ooo to finance farmer In the purchase ot seed recently failed of approval by the house agricultural committee, has In troduied a measure which he said would meet the objections raised by mombers of that committee. It would appropriate 110,000,000 of which $7,600,000 would be loaned to the farmers in the spring wheat belt to buy seed and f 1,500,000 would bo ured by the government In mobll Ulug und transporting farm labor. No more than $400 would be loaned to any ui.e farmer. m DANKER RETURNS FROM SOUTH Captain J. W. Siemens of the First State and Savings bank, returned last night from San Francisco and other points, where he has spent the last three weeks on business and pleas ure. ' He reports tbst while conditions are aood In the south, there Is no nlaco where the prospect are bright as they are right here In Klarn. ath Falls at the present tint. FVnLOVOHB FOR FARMBKi WASHINGTON, ,D. C March I. Furloughs' for farmers ad ottsrs needed! aon-iiUlUrr pursuit teces. sary to ine iroseenuasi ". were atttaUrlsil today la a senate bill FIGHT MIES OFTRENCHES passed by ths bouse. I "lj tj... $ I ll IslllTII Hill RUM MM : TELLSA60UT i mm i anawssnaMS YOUNG OFVKER WITH BOTH EX GIN'KKMt WRITEH HOME OF HIS EXI'ERIKXCE IN THE RECENT TERRIBLE DISASTER The terrors' of the sinking ot the Tuscanla are brought close home to the people of Klamath Falls In a let ter just received by Mrs. D. W. "Pat" Parker frosa her husband, who was one of the survivors. No sign of the submarine was ob served by anyone on bosrd, imd It was Just before dark on the night be fore they were to lend, the boys were congratulatlng-themselves on the fact they bad crossed the ocean In safety, when the toraedo smssbed Into the side of the aalp. Instantly the lights on the boat went out and the men were summon ed to their stations on deck by mega phone orders, of the ofgeers. Parker, .who U.a.ssaVad lieutenant la the Tweatleth Engineers, soon found him self In a leaky lifeboat with thirty- nine otbera in too freeslag cold. He says be thought about tbe folks at home In Klamath while getting Into the boat, and wondered what they were doing about that time. After being tossed around by tbe waves for sis hours, the boat was picked up by a small steamer and the passenker were Isnded on tbe Irish coast eight hours later. The unusually fine reception and treatment given them by the Irish people during their stay there is dwelt upon by Lieutenant Parker with great emphasis, and It Is evident that tbe kind acts performed for the worn-out men will live long la their memories. BVDEEHK PARIS, Janu, 16. Correspondence of the Associated Press) Transmis sion of urgent orders to troopa In the tint line and tbe sending of Interest ing Information to the rear by projec tile la one of the new developments ot trench warfare, according to the monthly review, La Science at la Vie. One of tbe Instruments employed for this purpose by, the Germans was capturod In a recent successful st uck made by the French at Moron vlllters. It consists of a tin cylinder about flftoen Inches long and an Inch nnd a "quarter la diameter at the mouth of which is placed a boa con taining the message.' Tbe cylinder and message bos are placed In a grenade thrower, which lauurhes It In much the same way as aerlsl -torpedoes and grenades aro red from a trencb mortar. The extreme rang of these new en gines Is about 1,100 "yards, which Is genorally suHcleat to cross the tone of French curtain Ire. The utility of such a systaag became apparent with the development ot bar. ring Ire that made taa carrying or maisagM by dispatch bearers slwayj Murdflus.aad free.uentlyjmjeeslbUr, teUpaba JIbjs by latsaie dieiruetlve arillUry r"i ' v" ) ' SHOTTOREAR HALTED IN COAL PniCEH ARK HEAVILY REDUCED WASHINGTON, D. C, March I. Drastic reductions In a fixed price for coal at mines in Colo- rado, Utah, Montana and Wy- omlng running In aome cases as high as 15 per cent, have been ordered by the fuel admlnlstra- 0 tlon today. The coal operators have declared that practically half the mines would have to stop production under the now schedule. B. P. 0. ELKS KLAMATH FALLS ATTORNEY CnOHEN AH HEAD OF LOCAL LODGE LAST EVENING ALL CHAIRS CHANGED Wilson A. Wiley was elected Exalt ed Rater at thoaaanal election of the R. P. O. Elks last night, succeeding ,V. O. Smith, who has held this chair for the past year. Dr. Fred Wester- feld was elected Esteemed Leading Knight; H. R. Glalsyer Esteemed Loyal Knight; W. L. Smith Esteemed Lecturing Knight; C. A. Hsyden, sec retary; A. M. Collier, treasurer; D. V. Kuykendsll, trustee, and O. L. Larsen, tyler. W. O. Smith was elected delegate to the Grand Lodge and E. D. Hall alter nate. The new officers will bo Installed oD April 4th. VOLUNTEERS INDUCTED INTO SERVICE AS DRIVERS OF AUTOS AND TRUCKS WILL SOON BEE SERVICE IN FRANCE Sis Klsrasth boys who have volun teered as chauffeurs and truck drivers In answer to Call Forty, made by the government last Saturday, left on the noon train today for Camp Kellyfleld, Ban Antonio, Texaa, where It I ex pected they will be given a short course of training, and then sent to France. One hundred men were asked from Oregon and applications were received so rapidly that the en tries were closed early this week. The men leaving today from this county are Rex and Roy LaPralrle, Henry Katsdover, Roy Nelson, Leslie Plymale and Claude Epperbelmer. ANNOUNCEMENT Tbs medical advisory bosrd of Dis trict No., 11 (Klamath County) will mast at l:S0 p, m. at the offices ot Drs. ker ryman and Fisher, on Tues-day.-vThurs4er gad Saturday of aach aw, ffsmcrsnu are reviosua w aMfjgr atthgt time, aatao board ca,a Aft ,-M In .seeslea, erery day.-rDr. Merrymaa,' truner, aouie ana nemoo. KW OFFICERS ME NAMED BY SKARMY WW 1 t I MUCH STOCK BHNED NMMA AUTHORITIES CAITURE MAN RE. LIEVED TO IIK RESPONSIBLE FOR KILLING CATTLE, MULES AND POULTRY LOS ANGELES, March 8. Johann Frederick Meyn Is today In Jail In Fresno, charged with connection with an alleged systematic polnonlng of livestock near Fresno, which is now ocupylng tbe attention of the federal authorities. Hundreds of cattle, mules and chickens have been found desd re cently from the same kind of poison which has been discovered In barley and corn In Meyn's barn. HUNS PLANNING BIG MOVE WITH TUB AMERICAN ARMY. March 8. It Is believed here that tbe German forces are planning some thing unususl against the American troops to tbe northwest of Toul. A big Incroese In tbe camouflage con struction' has been noted, and-maeh activity is proceeding behind tbe en emy's lines. FINED FOR HAVING LIQUOR Chas. Davis, who wu given a bear ing before Justice K. W.. Gowen, charged with having liquor In hi pos session, was fined $50 and costs yes terday afternoon. RETURN TO FORT William Crawford, with Mrs. Craw, ford, son and daughter, have return ed to Fort Klamath aftor a week spent In Klamath Fall. They were guests at tbe New Clairmont. ' . PATRIOTIC PniZRH GIVEN DOULDER. Colo.. March 8 A $60 Liberty Bend and a $25 war savings certificate were awarded as prises In a patriotic oratorical con- est held at the university or Colo rado here recently, under auspices of the university patriotic league. SEAMEN GET INCREASED PAY SEATTLE, March 8. The Pacific Coast steamship companies novo granted the demands or ssllors, oilers cooks and stewards for Increas ed wages. The Increase allowed amouuts to $15 per month in most coses. It will not be too much to ask able-bodied men with farm ex perience to aid the farmers In the necessary task of maintain ing the food supply. Secretary of Agriculture. Many Casualties From Air Raids Last Night LONDON, March 8Seven or sight nm.M i,ni.n.. r.Mrf Rn.i..M Osrman airplanes rajdad England iiiitniui, one oi which rwva- hi i.uuuuu una arupnwa bwuiub uitr EAST -ri-inrnnaimrumriarum-L-.-n.rij-L-.iru-LrLrj I T IN RUSSIA INFLUENCE BEING BROUGHT TO. DEAR ON TARTARS IN RUSSIA TO SLAUGHTER REFUGEES FROM TURKEY HORRIBLE ATROCITIES OF TWO AND THREE YEARS AGO WILL BE REPEATED UNLESS SOME. THING IS DONE BY ALLIES UOSTON, March 8. There to evi dence that at the present time Ger man Influences are being used upon the Tartars In Russia to institute a massacre upon the 1;600,000 Arme nians and the 1,350,000 Georgians dwelling In the trans-Cnucasus," ssys a ttatement issued by James L. Bsr- tou, foreign secretary ot the American board of commissioners for foreign missions and chairman of tbe Amer ican committee for Armenian and As hyrlnn relief. The statement adds that 050,000 of 'the people In tbe trans-Caucasus are Armenian refu gees from Turkey. "Unless something can be done by the allies to stop this carnival of In discriminate slaughter of the Innocent and helpless," It continued, "we may soon expect reports of massacres In those regions surpassing In horror the Armenian atrocities of two and three yenrt) ago." SAILS FOR : ILAND SOON Mrs. W. II. McFgrren has received a message from her brother, Carl Schubert, who is well known in Klam ath Falls, to the effect that he has ar rived at New York and will leave for England in the near future. SPANISH CABINET RESIGNS MADRID, March 8. The Spanish cabinet has resigned, according to dispatches received heie todsy. BACK FROM PORTLAND J. E. Howie returned Isst night from Portlsnd, where be has been at tondlng to matter of business for tbe pnBt few days. While In the city he nttended the meeting of the Max well Dealers' Association. tha city. Eleven kilted aid far. ty-slx injured, accord! ta ths teisst r;porUiMduylrtha4.4aKO rsmsta' In. the' ruins -oftM DOQlSs v' St, houses.' HUNS WAN ARMENIANS MASSACRED & i 't A, m;& are now in aWsnr T$ a