" w&i f rmM iVsffi!:j! iiV4 Mil '' :M r t 'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Ht KLAMATH COUNTY lurlltli Voir No. M3 omcrti, Milium OS KLAMATH MUS 1 1 r'v.SH ? KLAMATH FAlXS, drfitGQN, AEDNESDAY; MARCH , lilt '. "y '.i'lL Frleaftva &ht ttttta Heralft " ' - '..' '-It-I1 ! US. Makes ,w.... ,..., .,.,..,.,,. ... I - J CREDITED WITH BEST ANY -COMMUNICATION REGARD. ! IXO THIH HKIllOl'H QCKhTIOXj IKUN UNITED HTATKH WILL ItK MINT FIRST TO ENGLAND JAPANESE GOVERNMENT UNDER. STANDS FRIENDLY POSITION OF V. N. AND ITH MBPOMITION TO TAKR NO PAKT IN INTER. VBNTtON WASH1NGT0N..D. C. March . II la authoritatively elated that" ths tailed Stale ha aant so communica tion to Japan oa the Siberia action, aaa 11 i aaaenca nor tnai u any view are expressed they will bo con.' vayed to Kngtand, thru which the1 Waited States baa received all It In formation. The United Btatea haa not assented, dissented, or proteated, It la declared. Government oHclala affirm that Japan already underaUnda the friend ly attitude of tbo United States and Ha dlipoalllon to Uko bo part In the seateaiptsted nova. Tho United State credlta Japan with dlslntereoM es, purpose, ir Siberia ahould bo lak ia. Tbla goverameat la alao thinking of the.morsl effect In Ruaali of auch laterveatloa, and faela that .absolute Mceulty abould bo apparent before wilon ui ukan. While It haa no direct bearing upon the situation In Aalatle Ruaala, the atwa to the Bwedlih leaatlon that APAN OF MOTIVES Oarmany baa given notice of bar lu.l,h" the "' UAen t0,i .... t.itnn , !L:' ".w " V... .. -I tho limelight with a acoro of i In lead will haatea an acreemant uoon Jtpaa plana. Tbo Oerman oiplaua. Uoa to tho Bwedlah foreign oco which haa proteited agalntt tho pro (ding that tho occupation la to ro tore order and without Intent to tnko Permanent poaaeaalon la regarded aa try clear Indication of what tho Teu- waa may undertake In any part of fc w w - nuuia, now that the balahavlkl have "" orcea to accept thetr hard peace aaada. OCclali and dlplomata her profoaa laorance of what preparation havs1 etn made by Japan for the opera tions about to be undertaken. Aa a Jitter of course, secrecy 'has boon observed and a atrlct eeneonahlp In Jrd to the Siberian question la In '" HI TOKIO. I'naulhlv tha Hit ord to come out' of Japan. on the' . ' C Frenchman Is Accused Of Tremendous Thett WAEHIWTpk, p,'H3..'MjJrea .! ,'faajt J. pe.14: TllB.tBS 'vi'id eg vouttellor Bergeron of tbo Prenyl! !dP'pWltlTlLr mykW ?r-; SB wtmmkjm a warrant "i wo, a out yi will rsturas to rrajioB ay mo j QJO CLASSIFY urnm mttiiiKiAi MSfflT LORELLA MAN ARHIVRH FHOM MONTANA TO START RECLASSIFICATION OK COUNTY UNDER BUPEKVI HION OK COUNTY SURVEYOR A reclassllcatlon or laod In Klaci Mri County for aaaesamnnt purpose I to bo started In the lmin.dlate fu ture under the supervision of County Surveyor J. C, Cleghorn. Lincoln Stephena of Ht. Ignatius, Mont., who baa bad conilderable ex pcrltuce In work of tbla kind with Ihe Untied Btatea reclamation service, hH arrived to dovoto hit tlms to. thin work. The aum of 13.000 wan art aside In tho last county budget for thta woik, Mr. Stephen la familiar with thla country, having Hpcnt hla early boy hood here. TRAIN WRECKER GETS Ir.,,. A li MRAVY SENTENCE '4.A HOOD. ItlVKR, March .Philip' Solera, who pleaded guilty to placing a 'great aplko on tho railroad track nar Lindsay Crock Friday In an attempt to wreck an O. W. R. and . train waa aenlenccd to a term of i from live to ten yennt In the peal unitary. Klmer Mlmrr, '. t.Uteii year old boy, who waa alleged to have helped him. will be tried by the Juvenile court. r- KLKM TAKE TWO GAMES KHT NIGHT My winning tho flrat and third game laat night on the I'alm alley from tho Palme, the Elka gained a few polat on their rival', lly win ning two of tho next three gamea, the tournament finish In a tie, aa next Tueaday'a aerlea la the wind-up. Should the Rika drop two game, the Palma win out, and a straight aerlea won by the Elk would give tho Initial game and 106 In tho aoc ond, and an average of 101. IRISH liKAOKH PAHHKtt LONDON, March 0. John K. Red. mond, the Irish nationalist leader, died hero tbla morning, due to heart f.n.. fllnarln rrnt otieratlon t. in.uini lirupllnn. MfllH,W, l.ll"i-l - -- " aubject will be an announcement of something definite accomplished. In tbla connection It la recalled that at the beginning of the Rtiaao-Japan-eae war, the Japanese acted without heralding. Deforo there waa any auch formality aa a declaration of war, a Russian fleet had been smashed ana the war waa half won t- oSil'ttV. $VlSt VWSW .f fa Preach authorities. No Formal - ' .-......-, . i. ', IKKPINN iii RirrTiiin it MCAL DKLKOATION LKAVBfl TO UK raRflNT--rARMKMI BN. THL'HIAitTIO OVER PROBPRCT OP WATER PROM CLEAR LAKE To dlacusa plana for getting water on tbo lands In Laagoll Taller from the Clear Uko dam, a mooting of the farmfra there la echedated for to night at Ihe Lurella acbool houao. Project Manager J. R. Bend aad Aulitant Counsel J. T. Hlnckle of tho United Bute reclamation aerrlce and Secretary Archie Wwtard and Attay ney Albert B." Elder of tho Klamath Water Ueera Aaaoclatloa, are plan nlng to go from Klamath Pall this afternoon, nnd It la loped that oth er hero who am latarsats In ihls kind of progress will alao aitsnd. . Ths government had mad .tho farmers of tbo upper cosatry a mi price, for Irrigation from, Clear Lake, aad It Is hoasrf.to.doWMt.aoaM aaonns whereby ta water may bsocwri at an early date. Tho naUaats-t HfiU!J?Jrt-to bf tstj thualaatlc over tho project. FIRM STRONGLY METHODS OF RIO CHICAGO MAIL ORDER FIRM ARE 8URIECT OF COMPLAINT. Mt FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION - - WASHINGTON. D. C, March . Ths federal trade commlssloa haa la sued a complaint agalaat Bears Roe buck Co. of Chicago, charging un fair competition methods. It Is alleged that this company ad vertised sugar for SJ4 esaja a pound, and aold It at an actual loan oa eoadl tlon 'that certain amounts of .other groceries were purchased, oa which the profit waa to be mad up. -an ' LA FOLLETTR IH CONDEMNED IN HW HOME STATE MADISON, Wla., March . A reso lution condemning Senator LaPollette haa been paaasd by a vols of St to IS In the atate assembly, after a dead lock lasting twenty-four hours, wall the membera were self-Imprisoned. , . m t TWO VESSELS BURRED . , ATLANTIC PORT, March . The American ateaman'lp Araisnla, for merly a German merchantman,' lies beached and bdly .damaged on tho Hrlttah coast,, aiter bains torpedoed. Tho crow arrived 'today. LONDON.. 4lro. . The Rritwh armed mereantlls cruiser Calgartan was torpados sBdauakMBrch tttoff the Irian Coast, Two oHosrs sad for-ty-fla men wora lost. TortwbroU aeasboaril.' - " S '"'" .. ' as if i : 'K.:A:MaVhaVMsMl4Tsjts lT&WXXl h?t.-KXa ri wmnitmm Agriculturist-gw ;. yir. 3 T . M , CHED liME WTOIED "f.r INnKtUllBX nfKLKB Var JTS3VNO alUIXE jsJPYOCA' CATTLSj '; h? natesiilty ffno lot of young for tbi Klamath raams haTo krfti la by j. H. Bsekley bulk from. PorilaaSd, ,waro thoy war ss curod 'ftt;a rsjeapt salt. .The animate ro est tbo ffliorthoni vartsiy,' aad are. reported to bo seme f VU Saaaft atoek obtainable. All aro oaMMofSMy n4ar two years of ago, ana aoaso already weigh aa much aa tbo sWat fnttSTCwa animal of th srwsaarytyasj.'- Mr. Bsckyy bifTary oathsslastk OTsr tarn Man of tis Klamath stock- meti awktaf la bettor gnd of stock. Ha ssalnUwa tnatM.aaaUsr what tin Brat oaat may St .mm mmt ayi of tbo tan bulls naw Imported are Msra white In color, which Mr. Rock ley declares will Insure .roan calves. Thoy aro being token to the Klamath Marsh. ELECTORS OaT.KLAMATH OUMOA. TION DUTRICT WILL VOTE ON 'IMFORTANT MEASURE NEXT 'MONTH NEW DlRBCTpR M CHOSEN At a meeting of tbo directors of tba Klamsth Irrigation district hold bora yesterday afternoon, a contract was endorsed for. submission to tba elect ors of the district oa tho llth of April the question of whether or not' tho right to enter Into n contract with the United States "for the assump tion aa principal or grantor of Indesi odneaa on account of district landa to the United States under the federal reclamation law, shall bo authorised." The amount of tho oMIgatloa aa stipulated la the proposed contract la $1,113,03811. Robert Cheyae was elected as a di rector of tha district to replace Jas. Esall, who recently moved to Oak land. ARTILLERY ROYS ARK WELL TREATED The boya of tha 6th Plsld Artll Isry, who havs boon statlesed far ths past eleven months 'at Fart ttovaas, aad have reeeatly beta remvs4 to Southern OaUfornls, all see cheor M aaa happy, aad report taat'ttoy arc belag wall treatos, aeeerdwg 4 Mr.' S; Taraor who raiuriM ra seatly from Duasmulr. Calif., attar mlnibwaM, Robert. Al wasr sivan ror taa son ai . . . S . M ' I . A.' '.' fr WIH MfWn saannaa taroaiUBBSa . run Boutk la araar to gfr.M'aasj brief run far sxsrews. ' '":' '' SPECIAL ;,: ELECTION : , HERESOON !firl ari waw- Move - L, DECISIONIIF n anmxowuro ESCTNEHP LITIOA: 0!f WHPOW WHO COMTaWTHD SlMKIEa WILL OF HVSaUND WIN Emm CASE , Taw oprosM Crart yestsrdsy hand ad down a dectolea In tho esse of Hea- rletta F. Melhsse vs. Qns Mslhsse and others, la favor of taa plaintiff, up holding the daewtoai of tha Circuit Court judge, over which tho ease was This la the case whore the survlv lag widow contested tho alleged will of Frederick Methane, deceased. The will eentoatoi waa nude la 1101. but R appears that tha deceased made an other will la ltll. altho the last will waa aot produced, aad no evidence Introduced la tha trial of tho lower court. Judge Thomas Drake aad Attorney Chaa. J. Porguaoa represented Mrs. Mammae. Tha defoadafct'a cawaeii vara) Attoraay Chaa. F. Stoaa aa4 taa ttsi c V BnanasH A Thern: o-i BOOSTSIHIS PRjaHDBNT OF KLAMATH'S LARU. EST MILL WHILE IN PORTLAND TELLS OF PROSPERITY OF TME KLAMATH NSTRICT A flno boost for Klamath County appears la tha Oregon Journal of Sunday's tosus by President H. D. Mortonsoa of tho Pelican Ray Lum ber' company, who la looking after matters of business In Portland for n short time." ' Business conditions ware never better la Klamath County than nt tha present time, nccordlng to tho Inter view given by this prominent lumber. man. Everybody la busy; and tho highest wages are being paid la tha history of tha county. The total out put of the mills and logging enmps hero Is about 100,000,000 feet, aad tba output of tho box factories Is shout t0.000.000 annually. ' Scarcity of freight ears to handle tha output la taa only handicap to tha progress of the lumber Industry la Klamath. BRICK HAULED FOR NEW BANK RUILDING Tha old McDonald bulldlngat the earner of Sixth and Mala streets, one of tha landmarks of tha town, Is be ing moved away todsy to make way for ths construction of tho now Klam ath State bank, which la to go- for ward rapidly from this time. A large part of tho brick haa al ready been hauled aad piled for Its coastructloB. Tha vault haa already been constructed. 971 'newJMMX Use has Just purekae- L. KehW'BTvroom mod; w on C'svmt. feWais. Waf"BwMr.,WWhy. Tbtsn was ajaaVthru t tilseto rssl-ee, laiesgvow, KWIO LUM SHUN I0CA1ITY T m& With . - .r.r. - ELKS ELECT mm mm OFFICIAL FROM ASHLAND WILL BE PRESENT INITIATION AND UNUSUAL PROGRAM BEINO AR. RANGED FOR THE OCCASION Word was received hero tbla mora. Ing that Walter E. Newcombe, Dis trict Dsputy Grand Exalted Ruler of the B. P.o; EL. with headquartsrs at Ashland, Is, to be on bond at the an nual election of officers here 'tomor row night, Arraagemeata aro under way by the committee In charge of tho pro gram tomorrow1 night for an unusual ly Baa time. There will be Initiatory work la addition to the election, an excellent program aad refroehmeats. A Jaas ,baad la reported to have been formed, to add melody to the occasion. Mr. Newcombe In hla letter, expresses a wish to matt a large number of the brothers at Klamath Falls. -.' ...i , , ... sMaN-roanxA?rB Word has been received hero of tho death last Saturday of JJlmer, E. An derson, formerly of .this city. He, was a cousin of Dr. R. R. Hamilton of tbla city, nnd waa a member of the Wood men of tho World. He had lived In Portland for several months, nnd leaves a wife and three children. While In this city he was an employe of the Stilts Meat company. FAREWELL PARTY A farewsll party for Rex aad Roy LaPralrlo was glvsa at the homo of their sister, Mrs. Harry Booth, at Mt. Lakl, last' night, nt which a terse number of their relatives aad Meals of that section wore present. The brothers were two of tho ffrst throe to enlist ss truck drlvsrs In the army when the call came a day or two ago, ana they are to leave for tho training ramp In n few days. They expect to are service la Franco In n short time, aa tbey are skilled drivers, aad after a short period of training will no doubt bo put Into nctlvo ssrvlco. e AUTO DRIVER QUOTA PILLED Roy Nelson of Wordsn la the last nun to apply for Induction aa an auto driver to All tho Klamath County quote of four men requested by the government. Nelson Is known to be a man of considerable experience In candling can, and it Is believed by the local board that he will bo a good man for this service. It Is expected that the 'four boys will be entrained for the south the latter part of the week. i ' Ashland Road Opened Earlier That tha Orson Springs Mountain road between Klamath Falls suit Asfc teas' win be opea for' steady 'traval mack asrller thta usual thla year, probably early in April owtadt V.tas light. snow uii m the mouhtaiba.'ts, Mss&zmm who earns over yeaterday-tomaiia-ar. Japan VLn.nju - .. - ium.i r - i.m .- - - i'rr I TO SET UP A CAPITAL AT PETROGRAD REINO EVACUATED BY .BOLSHEVIKI AN ALLIED DIPLOMATS OEPARTURE OF LATTER HINDERED WARRING BLaHaRNTa) OV BOL-. 1 SMEVIKI APPARENTLY HAVE UPPMR HAND MAY REFUSS) TO RATIFY TREATY NEXT WEEK u ZJ',. . -CWsa,njBOTrjsssj; avjaoujavsei by tho bolshavjhl.aad Moscow I to" be the pew capital. ; The non-peace element of the bo!- Bhevlkt'now asem'to'-aa gettlag tho upper hand, sad may refuse to accept tho peaeo treaty next week, causing tke downfall of Loalnsnd Trotsky naloas thoy 'resign irst.' The asrntaas have apparently played Into the Russians' aaada by granting n respite before the treaty was rallied. LONDON. March d.-rBpoclal die patches from Petrograd deaerlba the departure of tho'BrHlah aad, Fraaebt embassies aad'tlto'Belglaa, Serbian, Greek aad Portuguese legations attar a aerlea of hladraaces watch In taa case of tha Italian embassy waa suH cleat to detala Its staff la Petrograd after the others' had left. Tha Italians warn atlll la Petrograd Saturday, aad alao t)ip staffs of tha eonsulatee, ac cording to tho corrsspondaat. of tho Morning Post x Tho bolshevJMforotga.oHos, white permitting tarn-American, Chlaass, Brasllten and Jamais delagatleaa to leava wlthoJB.rastralaU.teslated on ondorstng nil passports of tho othsrs before departure aad refused Indorse ment UBlees the pasaport apscileally deserlbed tho owaeras a diplomat. Consequently a number of military oMelsIs and other aismbsrs of tho vsrtous missions ware left bested, and, ssya ths correspondent of tho Dally Mall, "apparently are held as hostages." a MEETING POSTPONED The Baptist Missionary Circle meet ing has been ,poatpo,qd until Thurs day, March Hthf This Season MOSCOW ranaBta for tha eomtea season. , A5C.''l Howard will operate taa lias tbfcfp Mr I. nartmarehln with M.- S. '.'a --.&'. J Caauoa-of this etty. siiwlteg te aa; 1 aRamaBtBs'HtJs -J ui.uki.rui amVTaWr'Aitto bMiV&V, J vlcskmiama bfrftlt'te'salT -A - - -- J.- ,: ma ntalnodi ;-" V:!-!!? -A aw? ,. W , -W: -.; Wli . y.f -t