WM it UiciAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH wuw ffiijg ibmntmg Brralft KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1918 OFFICIAL NEWtPAFEX OF KLAMATH FALL Price Mvo Ooa ies Are Determined To Act In Siberia MMMWWWWlM llojPWNMejeV)ejsaVM EMU Off" GREEMENT HE STILL INSETTLED IXKT MKCTINtl IN WASHING- TOX TI)AV ItlXJAHDI.Ml MAT-f i TKR Al,l.ll.l rtMIMIMMIIIMMI IV A8K INTERVENTION IIV JAPAN lllll HA ULU YESTERDAY substantial quantity of wet goods pound ix lohmkhhion of man ami woman tiiehk. hearing thursday CONSERVATION HOWS II EURO MX AM) Tt'HKIHII AGENTS ox moxTimt are attkmit- 1X0 TO AHOl'HK MOHAMME- d.imi against tiik chinese govkiinment WASHINIITON, I). C, March C fUa tbe cabinet met today with ntd-nt Wilson It bceaiuo known ut the United .States U now In an OTeaeni with Japan, England and tltr illlfj on tlm principle of some. rtlo- In HlbcrU. lint the detail aro tt to be orkcil out. Report! Imllcntu Hint Japan will asset tu prated tlm ullles' Inter- i In Kastcru Siberia. The allied Inbuudors will ask tlm Japanese pwnm-nt to omioxo Hio (Icrmnii ropopuda nml to protvrt tlio stores kwt Turklth ami Coitimn agents on the alnwe frnntlon are nttcnuitlnir to ptiicthe Mohammedans against tho wseie lOU'rnment. It If officially denied In both Amer- IBd Japanese cl felon In Washlnc. " tht Japan linn already taken ac ta, tod that Japanese troop linvo '"4el In Siberia wlilln Chinese troona 'cptntlnK In Manchuria. The dc. i or tbl action In quartora la par Marly vlxoroiis. It U again vigor wly Imlitcd by Japancso diplomats T- w action of Japan will be guld- -yeie principles: I Japan Will art nnlv wllh lm Mllpnroval Of tlm I1nll,l nolo, anrf rlllci. "8ha Will mnvn Inln Oil..!. .,.. L. BIWVIM Will P- bar own luterosts are threat- -She considers that tho ta-U i.f Irmnlaf tha penco of the FaclAe in snores Is peculiarly hor own. win not welcome allied aid, Mcularly that of tha Phtn- ir i nceary for bar to Intor- WNDON, March 5. -The Evening Tho office desk of Justice K. W. (lowen Is today neatly decorated with n row of bottles containing an timber colored fluid taken lu a raid lato yes terday afternoon by tho local police mid representatives of the shorlff'a (i III c, on the Lakeside Inn at the went end of Main street. As n result of tho visit, Mrs. Jen nie llrookH nnd Dnvo Hurling woro brought Immediately before tho Jus tice on a charge of having liquor in their pussenslou. Mm. Ilrooks gavo bonds lo tbe client of f ISO for her appoarance at examination set for Thursday, while Hurling, In lieu of bonds, was rciuhudcd to the county Jail. Officers nllego Hint the defendants have been under suspicion for somo lime. vv HEAVY DEMAND FOR WHEAT Wll.l, CAUSE TEMPORARY SUS PENSION OK MEATLESS MEAL AND OTHER CHANGES MOVE HTAHTED I OH SALMON PROTECTION 8AI.KM, Mutch .1. Pecreliiry of Stiito Olcott bus uppioved tho form of nn Initiative petition for u pro posed "bill proteitlng sulmon by for bidding Hull-wheel, trap uud solue Hulling In the waters oter which the btnto hns concurrent Jurisdiction." Tho potltlon for tho mensuro, which was originated by E. Walters of Ore gon City, now Is ready to leiolvo alg nut ti i ct. It will require 22, .'.33 mimes hi elKbt porcent of tho total vote cast for supremo Justice In the general election of liilfi. 0 IIFTV-FIFTV RULE NO. . IN KPFKCT IIKIIE 7 Contrary to the news publish- ed In tho Herald yesterday re- gardlng the new basis for tho purchaso of whoit Hour nnd tubstltutcH, tho following mesi tagc was received by County Food Administrator Clcorgo T. 4 llnldwln today from tho odho of Hlute Pood Administrator Ayre, 4 In Portland : "No chango In Oregon rules, flour and aubstltutaa fllfty-flfty not In effect, nor nro potato vi.bitltutea." WA8IIIN0T0N, U. C, March f.. Teuipornry suspension of the meat less monl and announrament of other changes has beon made by the food I administration at a readjustment of 'its food conservation program. In creased meat production and tbe ne cessity for still greater aavlng In wbo.it, It was declared, make the change advisable. The suspension la made effective for mi Indefinite period, and It prob ably will last three month or longer. Hlnce all restrictions on consump tion of. mutton and lamb had been lifted previously, the food admlnls Mutton now asks the public for the time being to deny Itself In meat onlyliud pork one day a week Tues day. Increased meat consumption, food administration officials believe, will of llsnlf curtail the use of wheat, and for the present there la no Intention to mid to the restrictions already In forco against tbe use of flour. In a statement aettlng forth the rousoiiH for tho change In program, Food Administrator Hoover said the alllei huvo mado further and Increas ed demands for breadstuff, these en larged demands being caused to some degree by shortage In arrivala from the Argentine. "It U, therefore, nec-n-mary for tho food administration to urge n still further reduction In the conmimptlon of bread and breadstuff generally, if we are to meet our ex port necessaries" the statement aays. Newa says that tho question of Jap aneso Intervention In Siberia la set tled, nnd that nil allies, Including the l.'nllrd Btnte. hnvo agreed to Imme diate action to safeguard the Intereota of the powers. lational Conventions Meeting in Chicago i i CHlCAC,0. March fi -h- ..i. .i "Mention nf ,k .. a. ,-"" imuonoi ana proni-. Pile, PtrtlM . , ' la i "'"" nore loaay I year. The national n.rv w.. Kl.'Mt 0ctob"r byrapraien- I'M. lav. 1pronib,un'". progrei- Both parties aland for national pro hlbltlon. suffrage and public owner ship of public utilities. Virgil Hlnahaw, chairman of the prohibition national committee, in an address, domanded, tbe Immediate na tion wide prohibition aa a war mm ure. He auggeated that help be se cured from churchea, labor organisa tions, farmers and manufacture!. LITTLE CID CAUED HOM E 1 HISMORNING )AV(illTi:it OF BAPTIBT FASTOR ANHWERH SUMMONS EARLY HUH MORNING, FOLLOWING WEEK'S ILLNESS Dorothy Louise, little daughter of Mi. and Mra. W. H. Cot of this city, passed to rest at the Cos borne on Touth street shortly before T o'clock this morulug. following an Illness of about a weok from bronchial pneu monia. The child would have been 5 years old on tho 17th of next month bad she lived. Tbe sympathy of a host of friends la exteuded to Rev. Cox and his ram lly In their bereavement. Tbe funeral services will be held at the house tomorrow-afternoon at 1:30. NEW RAILROAD OFFICIAL NAMED, WASHINGTON, D. C, March 6. Director McAdoo baa appointed Rob. err S. Lovftt chief of a new division of betterments and additions of the railroad administration. Lovett has resigned from the Ualoa Pac4l6 rail road and' the war Industries oard, and has given up all corporate la-terests. MCI HOMES TO Ei E RENUMBERED PLAN OF POSTMAN FOR FACILI TATIXO. MAIL DELIVERY IN THREE ADDITIONS ADOPTED DY CITY COUNCIL LAST NIGHT . flenumberlng the bouses In Fair vlow, Hot Springs aad Mill addition on a plan auggested by Postman R. L. Griffith waa decided upon at a meet ing of the city council last night. Main street and Link River are to be used aa bases for the new system, and the blocks numbered consecutively. Tho council authorised tbe employ ment of an extra man to proceed with tins work, which Is to be completed by April 1st. Allowing of bills occupied a largo portion of tbe evening by the coun cllmeu. Permits were given for the con struction of three tve aad alx room bungalow a on Ninth atreet by Fred Carrlch and Louie Bradford, at a coat offg,ob'oVlermlt was given for a barber pole In front of the Mecca, and for a gasoline atatlon at tho corner of Sixth and Klamath, to be Installed by the Arm of Lucas Furnlvs. J Cu Johnson waa given permit to construct a garage la Hot Springs Addition at a cost of 10. II. I,. Smith was appointed assist ant Are chief, In charge of tbe city tiro truck. A petition for an alley between Sev enth and Eighth streets In block 14, Original Town, waa referred for fur ther dlscutslon between the petition ers and the city attorney. LOCAL IN SECURES BJG MARSHTRACT NEARLY FOUR THOUSAND ACRES OF LOWER KLAMATH MAK8U TAKEN OYER BY CAPITALIST. EARLY DEVELOPMENT IS EX-PECTED A deal haa just been completed bere whereby L. Jacobs, a local cap italist, becomes possessor of 3,760 acres of the fertile Lower Lake marsh lands, now being drained by the In stallation of the gatea acrosa tho Klamath Strait at tbe Southern Pa cific railroad crossing. Tha tract runs up on Its uorth boundary di rectly adjacent to Midland, and ex tends to tbe south some distance across the strait. It la reported to be some of the most valuable land of the entire tract. Tbe new owner, who purchased tbe load from outside realty speculators, declares that his principal Idea In the deal Is to get this unusually pro ductive soil Into Immediate cultiva tion, In view of the stringent need of Increased food production. It la prob, able that the tract will now be dis posed of In small parcels. A total qt more than M0 acres aae to be eventually reclaimed by the installation et sates acroes the Klam ath Straits, 40,000 pf which will be available for pasturage next year. FMM E. SLOW TO REPLY TOGOVERNMENT CHAIRMAN OF THIRD LIBERTY I.OAN ASSERTS THAT MANY REPORTS OF INFORMATION HE QUESTED BY FEDRUTRY 33TH ARE NOT IN Tbe work of posting tbe Informa tion desired by tbe government to be used lu the next Liberty Loan drive is being delayed by tbo failure of aome employers of labor to send In their list of employes as requested, accord ing to Chairman Cbaa. 3. Ferguson. Tbe campaign Is scheduled for April 6tb, and prior to this time ull the cards have to be posted and bo passed on by tbe distribution committee. This Information waa asked for by February J5tb, but many have failed to respond. Mr. Ferguson declared that a list Is kept on Ale In Liberty Loan headquarters and delinquents will be reported to the treaeury de partment It the Information la not forthcoming promptly. Employers should at once send In their lists to Liberty Loan headquarters, as tbe government Is determined to let nothing Interfere with this work, and will deal vigorously with those who obstruct the work, he said. "It Is, and will be considered, just as aerlous to obstruct tbe work of the Liberty Loans as to obstruct the work of the military forces. Many people have not as yet realised that the gov. ernment Intenda to leave nothing un done to accomplish the winning of the war, and will not tolerate any act which tenda to obstruct, delay or in terfere with thla purpose. Employers should therefore act Immediately, or they will And themselves called upon to face serious charges. It Is to be hoped that no employer of labor In Klamath County will require other than the request for this Information, but some of tbem will have to hurry." PROPERTYOF E NEMY TAKEN by ram NEW YORK, March 6. Enemy property In business concerns partly or wholly owned by German residents Involving many millions of dollars, Is lo be placed on sale here privately Among tbe propertlea taken over a those belonging to Countess Scecheluy. formerly Miss Gladys Van derbllt, which amount to 19,000,000. WASHINGTON, D. C, March 5. The president Intends to take over the legal title to the Hamburg-American and tbe North German Lloyd steamship companies' wharves and docke at Hoboken. He has arranged for an amendment to a bill giving blm this authority. FtriONEIF MCE LOGS TOBESAVED MATERIAL CLASSED AH LOWER GRADE WILL DE STORED BY COAST MUX MEN UNTIL PRES ENT HASTE FOR MANUFACTUR IXG IS OVER MAR8HFIELD, March 3. As a result of a conference between mill ownera of tbl vicinity with members of tbe staff of Colonel Brlce P. Dlsque, hoad of tbe government'a spruce pro. ductlon campaign in the Northwest, spruce logs In what Is known as class three will no longer, be cut by some el tbe mills, but Will be stored In booms. Other mills cutting spruce will be urged to adopt tbe plan outlined at this conference. Hitherto logs of all classes have been cut-In tbe mills. The percentage of acceptable airplane spruce In tbe class three logs Is said to be ajmoit'ifegllglble, and tbey will be eliminated la tbe future before aawlng, and will be boomed for later cutting, when the haste of getting out airplane material 1 past. Uy cutting only tbe best grade toga the amount of airplane material turned out can be Increased by a very large percentage, it I believed. Plan have been made, to bring about thirty soldiers of the spruce di vision to tbe Conlogue csmp on the Coqullle River. They will not arrive for several weeks. KEMRESS MUST RATIFY peace TERMS OF AGREEMENT TO BE ri'nUSHED IN PETROGRAD IM MEDIATELYTENTATIVE RAT IFICATION THIS WEEK LONDON, March 5. An oHclal Russian announcement signed by Le. nine and Trotsky says that the text of the peace agreement will be pub lished in Petrograd Immediately. The date of ratification haa been Axed for ctxt- Thursday, but tbe Anal decision rests with the all-Russian congress of councils of workmen, peasanta and Cossack deputies, which Is to assem ble In Moscow on March 12th. CITY SUES FOR BNDGE Oe CANAL AT 11TH ST. KLAMATH CANAL COMPANY IS MADE DEFENDANT IN ACTION FOR FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS BY CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS DEED OF EASEMENT MADS I.V 1WM TO CORPORATION BY TOWN TRUSTEES ALLKOED TO ASSURE THIS CONSTRUCTIOX. BOND FOR SS.VM GIVEN Alleging that a bond for 15,600 given In return for a deed of ease ment permitting tbe Klamath Canal company to construct a canal thru the city property ahould be paid because of the failure of this company to ful fill Ita obligations, a ault for thla amount has been flled by tbe City of Klamath Falls against thla corpora tlon thru Ita attorney, R. C. G roes beck, In tbe office of the Circuit Court clerk. It is asserted that In return for the privilege of building tbe canal, tbe Klamath Canal company agreed, among other things, to construct a bridge across Eleventh street when the city officials should determine that this was necessary. Tho agree ment was 'signed by the Klamath Canal company and tbe board of town trustees, according to the allegation on December 6, 1904. Since this agreeeaent was made tbe properties of the Klamath Canal com. pany have been taken over by the United States remamatlon service. But failure of attempts to get tbe bridge constructed has cauaed thla action against the original holders of tho property. It Is expected that defendaata in tbe suit will contend that their obli gations In tbe matter ceased when tbe property went out of tbelr hands, but this Is a matter that will have to be settled In the courts. HELD FOR HAVING LIQUOR a Charles Davis was arrested "here yesterday, charged with having liquor In hta possession. His bearing before Justice E. W. Gowen la aet for tomorrow. e TIMBER WORKERS BEHIND GOVERNMENT SEATTLE, March S H la an- e) nounced that sixty represents- tlves of tha Oregon and Wash- lag timber' workers and shingle weavers unions Sunday voted to oust all I. W. W. from their e) ranks, aad declared themselves e) aquarely behind the government. e e w e Klamath Boys Answer New Call tor Drivers The call for Klamath's quota for twin brothers, employed at tke Ford four men for the U. B. service as larage, ana nenry . swwu.t-, .- .J HnWlla Wait b ey-fetM IsMtteMi mthavw .... la.u. vuuuu m . .-- w... "1,atntlvas of -the local. reare- three of the best men la thla line in this community bad bsen signed up aa volunteers. They were Rex and Roy LaPrarle, board nave declared that U tke rati, of Oregon's 100 men.are as good u those from Klamath, the state wttl make a Ane showing, -. tf "1 vi :i vj 1" f .."!-. rut- r h V