W''2.&W-V . !K 3?wv r ' th.imiiay, fKniu.ii wrr PACK TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON an, i( zv ' W Bm aV ft TheEvening Herald W. O. SMITH. Editor FaMMed dally ascent Bandey y fftt) raid Publishing Company of KkuMtfc Falls, at 111 Fourth street stared at the poetoBce at Klamath Falls. Oregon, tor transmission throiga Ua snails as second-class attttar. uaacrlptlon terms by nail to an? address la the United States t Om year IC.M Oaagsoatk M THVR8n.IV, FMIItl'ARY '.. HUM .OTICK TO SfUSCItini'RS Carrier Lore will call on all sub scribers In the clt) who have not paid! their subscriptions In ndauce, on the Orst Saturday of each month to col lect. Subscribers arc kindly request ed to arrange to hare the money r.ilr fnr flm hnr, xrlien thftr mil. ns each carrier has 'from 100 to 150 pec! pic to call uK)ti. It will be ccces&ar) to discontinue all subscriptions not paid for by the 15th of the month, unlets special ar rangements are made at thin office. Prompt payments of subscriptions' will be of great assistance to the car rier bo)s, as all are attending school during the week. KVKNI,VG HERALD Herald's Classified Advs. HELP WANTED 0t0W00im0i00www0wwwwww WANTED A cook at tho Klamath Agency. For particulars call or address It. Ralrd, Klamath Agency 27-2t WANTED Position as took In ramp or rsuch for crew of men. Address C2t Wall st. 26-St WANTED Teamsters and laborers for work on the I'aclflc, highway; also two flunkeys. Apply Warren Con ktructlon Co., Oakland, Ore , J. W. Sweeney, superintendent 23-121 FOR RENT 000WW0W 0m00000ww FOR RENT Storage room, convex lent location; terms reasonable. Apply J. D., Herald office. 15-tt FOR SALE 0m0000t0m0i0 0000WWW FOR SALE Rhode Island Red eggs for hatchings. E. L. French. Phone 426J. 28.21 FOR SALE A brand new electric generator, ut a bargain )ou can not overlook ; the Ideal article for a private lighting system; 30-llgbt ca pacity. If Interested call at US South Ninth street, or address C. K. DIs mark, box 1104, Klamath Falls, Ore. 27-St FOR SALE Cheap, 12-hhp. steam engine, IC-hhp steam boiler, com plete and In first class order. M. F. I'arker, box G21, Phono 82X. 26-3t FOR SALE Reo chauls, cheap for cash; good runnlngorder; fine for "bug" or truck. Call 1515 Main at opposite burner Rig Basin Lumber Co., Sundays or evenings. Phone 63Y. 27-2t FOR SALE Good paying hotel; will take farm or land as part payment. Address H. Hsbman, Klamath Falls. 19-llt LOSTANDFOUND " AAAJ-A"" i-.'E-imnnn iiqixi u uu LOST Two yearlings, one roan steer and one black heifer, branded 99 oa left rib, split In each ear. John W. Taylor, Merrill, Ore. 25-8t MISCELLANEOUS ..... .... - l.l.inrnnnrrLrL.J.J FOR TRADE Centrally located city lots for modern (He or six room house; will pay balance In cash; state location and price. Address A49, Herald. 27-3t AUTO TO TRADE on city property. Phone 359. 26-6t FOR EXCHANGE 80 acres Irrigated land, for residence In Klamath Falls. A. A. Mebaffey, 431 Main st. 19-tf TO EXCHANGE 160 acres this side of Olene for city property. v J. T. WARD A CO., IS Mala Street ORPHEUS THEATER Wn, A. Urady Presents Kthet Clayton and Carlisle Ularkwell IX HIS BROTHER'S WIFE" A society drama in 5 parts. Also Osw Reel Comwir " (S H - Ream' Wed-1 I'AIHVIKW HM)IXO . 1 II Dattson helped K C paper his haute Tuesda and neday of this week. Mr and Mrs C. A. Hill were Klam ath Falls lUlturs Monday. W. W. Lewis went to town Tuesday for a load of culverts. J. W. Itarncs ha started to work In ll.n In, fln .1 M,ml ,.,., ) no Is declared In an address. The Ion Mr. Calhoun and family arc plan- Kcr the war lasts, the better does the nlng to moe to the Miller Hill dls- position of the United States become trlct March 1st, when John Matncv a. compared with other nations, he and and family will return to their ranch. Mrt Mary Carlson Is lsltlnc at the home of John Koontr,. ,. , ... Jo)ce and l-o!se Slgford enrolled at thc Falr,lcw cho01 Monda"' K. C. Keini. Mrs. Thomas Hedge- pcth and daughter spent Sunday een-' Ing at thc home of the tasters Members of the school sent off S92 cancelled stamps this week, JI0 of them being tollected bv Vhlan Hedgepeth. School Superintendent Kdna Wells l.llml . Ii vnhnnl tarn n lal.nfrt . I ... .1 In.l 1 II.HVU 1111' HUWI 1V1 .1 S11UJ I llllll I.1CI Thursday, to explain the work of the I Junior Red Cross Thc school has been enrolled as a Junior Red Cross Society, with a membership of twen-t)-four. H OUSTON' s Metropolitan Amusements HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE IIAKK STAR THEATER Star Theater Pretend Winifred Allen In THE MAX HATER" A Saturday Evening Post Story Mary llrecht Puher. Also a ItUUKliulilc Triangle Csnnesly Lite K. Vernon, wlio turn" ut lite pinno. Plit) the Pic. I TEMPLE THEATER Temple Thcuter PrcNcnts "THE HOUSE OK A THOUSAND CA.MH.KS" Plcturlzcd in 5 Intense reels. From ' Meredith Nicholson's popular not el. ' HEARST PATHE NEWS Lute! Wur I'll Hurt, Current EtentN ' ADMISSION TEN CENTS What Germany Tho Qolshevlkl govcinmont of Rus. sin, under l.eou Dronstelu, ullas I.con Trottky, as, foielgn minister, has made peace tornu with Oermany on the basis of giving up tbe whole or IMfel ' CriertNIOOV jm. ) rUCOW "" V KIEV AUSTRIA - HUNOARY mKgZ!lL? U K R ft t N I 0 so wo too ! '" ' Uncle Sam's Prospects Are Good WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. Ii. Altho the cxpeudltures ot the United (States are far greater than those ot any other belligerent, the end of the war will find this country In a better diniiclal position than any other na- I.... I1AI.A.AM.I.. n.lHAM . till. , """ " "-u.-i., .lliv, Ul ....- added. ' " tth n banking s)stem that abso- lutcly lusures against panic, with our, .securities legalised by the war finance 'corporation net and with a gold cover n, f- op ,. .-., ,m rnv. j than any commercial nation has etcr had In thc world's history- tne con- Deposits In Banks Are WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 28. The condition of national banks as ot December 31, 1917, as announced by thc comptroller of the currency fol '"' I r.c deposits of the national banks or the United States at the time of the call of November 20. 1317. had reached the highest figures ever shown, mid were nt that time $1,564,. 079,000 more than nt tho preceding iptember 11. 1917. This In- call of Sell crease was to n considerable extent accounted for by deposits received In connection with settlements fnr the Second Liberty Loan, and It was thought that when the deposits which the gmernment had mado with the national banks at that time should by be withdrawn to meet the treasury re I qulrements there might be a large re duction In deposits. I The reports of the national banks, howocr, Just compiled, show that on December 31, 1917, the deposits of the national banks thruout the coun try were even greater than at the 1 time of the Xo ember 20, 1917, call If wL should ellmlnato the reductions in deposits shown by national banks 1 In New York, Massachusetts and 1 PcnnsjUanla. ' Tho aggregate deposits In all na- tlonal banks on December 31, 1917, MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURES TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS MerrilL Oregon Gets From Russia With Poland and Llthunla, two great piovlnces, which In past centuries huve been nations all by themselves. In addition tbe Dronsteln or Trotsky government has consented to give Germany $4,000,000,000 Indemnity. Financial icluslan of will ... tl.u uMrr I In thc position of the world's must -. .. ... - --- i powerful nation, so far as finances are concerned." Ralney said. At the bottom or It all, he said, was the fact that the dally per capita In come of the population Is 11.05. while the per capita expenditure Is only SI cents. Great Britain's per capita In come Is 70 cants and her per capita expenditures amount to 74 cents. France's per capita Income Is SI cents and her expenditures 60 cents. Oer- many has a per capita Income ot 44 cents and an expenditure of 1 0 cents. Up till thla time, Ralney said, the war has cost $111,000,000,000, of which total the allies hare exponded $83,000,000,000. National .raging was $14445,689,000 Tbls wss $3&S.4?,000 less than the total of 'all deposits on November 20, 1817, 1 but as th reduction In national bank deposits for tho states of Now York, j Massachusetts and Pennsylvania amounted to $358,042,000, we find that the deposits of the national ' DBnk t tho United States on Decern- ber 31, 1917, exclusive of these three states, exceeded br $6,395,000, the greatest deposits over previously ": r.u i . """"""' r.hoW"' ". ' ,.n","a '? .TT urn ut , uiiiiuuai dbu 01 iiio uniiea States December 31, 1917, as com pared with December 27, 1916, was $2,178,843,000. XOT1CK Several of the articles for which tickets were sold by tho Ladle of the Maccabees Lodge have not yet been called for. They are In the window ot Virgil ft Son's furniture store, and may be had upon presen tation of the duplicate number. The numbers which were drawn last Sat urday night and placed upon each of these articles are as follews: Rug, No. 964; quilt, No. 133, and a rug. No. 199. FORT KLAMATH RANCH SOLD L. W. Copelnnd of Fort Klamath has recently sold his ranch In tho Wood River Valley to W. E. Nichol son. The farming Implements were also Included In the deal. $4,000,000,m The map shows what Is carved from Russia by the bolshevlkl deal with aermany. ia fact, tbe damans will lot territory richer than Prussia and almost as populous, territory larger than any single Oerman state. Top-notch Hi auld Seel llMbher and Pact, at Jl-tt K. K. K. STORK. Now U the time to buy n home In the Klamath Ilaala. Ak t'hllwtt' for prirea on house, lt, business lnu ertjr, farms and ranches. 1 Gee, that's some suit Whore did '.You get It? Oh, down b) tho post- I office, at 230 Main. It's Knhii undo 1 Be the Royal Tailor spring line of Huttings at Jl-tt K. K. K. STORK. Tmtelrra artldrnt nml lionllli 'l- Iclen are standard. When oii Mtjr j will n t rost tints Ii nt the drug store. less jruu get lnK. Sec t'lilhotc 1 ' hut Is sitftU Imil to di-iiioiistmlo to any m lone Us Ii ntisltiK, swcolntitiiR nml This Is the last of February: il.en'fn-slieiiliig fffwl upon the )teiu.-Ad comes March, and thon April showers Why not havo us mnku your Itnlnco it to your measure. It costs no more At 230 Main. It'a Knlin made. It When Sister's Birthday Comes... She knows the value of Jewelry In enhancing her natural charms, or adding to the at tractltenos nf n prett) cos tume. The birthday gift of n hnr pin, brooch, lavalllere or ring from Upp's will bring her happiness tho whole car thru, lfpp Jowelry Is the iinllty that Is complimentary to glc, nt the price one has In mind for a birthday present. Bloodstones, the March birth stone, In solid gold rings, $1.50 to $15.00 Frank M. Upp JEWELER 511 Main Street OaVUI H. P. Watch lnrtti- Jump from Bed in Morning and Drink Hot Water Tails why svsryons should sjrtnk kat watsr aaeh morning kafara braakfatt, Why Is man and woman, halt the time, feeling nervous, despondent, worried; some days headachy, dull and unstrung; some days really Inca pacitated by illness. It wo would all practice Inside-bath-Ing, what a gratifying change would take place. Instead of thousands of half-sick, anaamlc-looking souls with pasty, muddy complexion's we should see crowds of happy, healthy, rosy cheeked people everywhere. Tho roa son Is that the human system docs not rid Itself eaeh day of nil tho wasto which It accumulates under our pros. ent mode of living. For evory ounce or food and drink taken Into the sys tem nearly an ounco of waste material must be carried out, else It torments and forms ptomalne-tlko poisons which are absorbed Into the blcod. Just as nocessary as It Is to clean the ashes from the furnace each day before the fire will burn bright and hot, so we must each morning clear BUC KHECHT ARMY Made on the famous M union last speci fied by U. S. Army. A practical, svtryds shoe for men in all walks of life, fiusintss men. farmers, iporti- awn. outdoor worktrs all have lakan in lha Buckhscbt Army Shoe. Rssultr Foot troublts are no longer known to thsm. Into the Buckhscht Army hos sre put ths finnt materials and workmanship possibl. It's tho you can dspsnd on for eass snd comfort and strvlce. $6.50 to $7.50 bJisn T Calf m Blk CvaMslal Mae BUCKINGHAM & i .1 ........ tbolntldoorgniiiai ui..-.i.--- inccumuiniiuii nmiii . nml boil) l"in M nJ women, n lather sttk or will, nt ndvlsod to drlti). eidi morning heforu breakfast, n glnM of I nil hut water with n ten siioonfiil of llmi'stniiu phosphate In It, ns n lurmlesi mentis of washing out of the sluiuiiili, liver, kldiiie nml liewels tho Indigestible iiuiterlnl, wnsto sutir Idle nml leilim: thus tletiilng. HMf-toiilitit ntul purlf)lng tho entire iillineiitnry eaniil boforo puttiiiK ") (c,ui -n' "'" "toiunchi MIIIIoiih of people who hud their turn nl (oiiMlputlou, bllloiH nttnrkM, nclil itoin u Ii, iuruus dii)s iliul sleep, less nlglilH luiw lieroino real crnnkH about III" tucrtilliK Inside biilli. A oiinlter pound of llmrsionu phosphrtto ' 1 A. I I HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR A COLD;; 1 Says Cream Applied In Nostrils ! upens Air raasagea tugai up. ftfTTTTVTTf TTTTTTTrTTTfTf W Instant rciii-r -no wnltliif Viur ctuKtMd nostrils open right up; tho air lurv.iKis of )our head clear mid you ran brc.ilho freely. No morn hawk ing, siiuiTlliiK, blowing, headache, dry ness. No struggling fnr breath at night; )our sold or catarrh disap pears. I (let a small bottlo of Ely's Cream I'ltlm fiom jour druggist now. Apply a little of this fragiunt antiseptic, I healing cream In )our nostrils. It penetrate through every air pasiago i,)t the head, soothes tho Inllaminnd or ! swollen mucous membrane and rellof comes liiMnntly It's Jut line Imn't stay stuffed 1 up wild .1 mid or nastr latarrb. Ad WHY? Stove PoUsh YOU Should TTS dlfforent from s otnersbecnu&oinotuca Is taken In the mud And the materials used are higher grade. Black Silk Stove Polish a brin-int, silky pclUh that doss E?.!."1., " orou og.aaJllMsliliMlaiti lour lllne Ion nnlla.rw .,.. polish. UmU on nmnplt dnvfs and ioJd bjrlirdwninlBrocrrvdUra. y hsrdwni (ivl ffrocrrv drilari AllMHtbilnll, UMltcanurruiS r.a I lllul II 11 twrvtawi ..n. i . your iteAicr "".ft-. I"UI M, lllwfc KJk KM. Ivjuk lllwfc SJk Hni I'uikk, " taK In U4UU w PMI Ml ouilll j7 "!.' Black Silk Stove Polish Works ainasf, ituaoM v mttu aiiii u,.b, Kralr., ri ulalrr. .tnvi Vtm SlMk SUh Ml I awwi ii n I Ims no ju PAT OfF. SHOE Ask for the Buck hecht Army Shoo by name look for our reglitcred trade mk stamped on svsry iair. It la mors than a mere trad mark. It Ii a guarantee, a nrolLciInn. m .UMU1 of Mrrlcc. ' '"w Back of It standi mors thsn a half century of hontit shoe maniiiauurliig. Xj'ms." "V ,he Auckhht Army blioe In your town. If wX txtr not w" HECHT a.ir..u.- I g8IJmgaj m Goes Further gw ga I Delicious Flavor 1 ' VacuumPacied I juaranteedf - J Tliii u tbcHg?)5 I Stove PofchfSaWH UieV iXI SgSJtJ intfgaai - CGKs Klamath Lodge No. 137, Loop f msats Friday night, , 'u ? N. 0 Nate Ottarbeln, aocrsUrT Kwauna Kncampinent No. 41 ' ft O. F., moets TuuiUay tslKlit. W '?' Maston, C. P., Nate Otterhel,, sjA A iiuiuiar comimiiiicatio,. Klamstli Lodge Nu 77 . , & A. M second MuiuU.'.I eaeh month, i.onvltl, W. M. By order of , . ' . . LET MK MAKK VOUlt sKXr SUIT PERFECT FIT Highest tlrasle nf Wuikiusnthls GUARANTEED Spring Wntiletu on IMsplsy. Yowr Inspection Invited. Chas, J. Cizek Successor to Leewo llros. MEKCHANT TAIMlll fll Main m. THE Mkwaf storafe rates will he chared by the Kiaiath Fab Garages, fofinning ta March 1, 1918. PKH DAY $0.M PKK WKKK W.M TWO WKKKH UM ON K MONTH $.l.M IlKAD HTOHAHK, (INK MONTH KM t'HK OF WAHH HACK. . .0.5 Klamath Garage Men's Associatioi Potatoes Good White Potato $1.15 pr hundred. B. P. LEWIS Sixth St Phone 35S Jm0WWI0W00W10W00l0WMI00A New Gty Laundry We OuarantM Our Work, hlrta and Cellars Laundirsi Wo also vath silk, wool, and st ored geda vary carefully. Try as ones ens) be convinced. Our prks are right. PHsmm 1M. 127 Fourth Street aek at Flrtt National Sank Asa)sisasstsS4saMaaiaissknk Passengers and Baggage aiywkre is Ik Oly (hsckSerrkr RetMssUe Rates PHONE 187 WetltfB Tnuftr CsMsfalllf aaaammammggMglgMBBBBJgBBBBBBBEii",- lv-W .- "fyPWW P," Tft. . . . jJtT ' X ! M ? 4 . ,