,f" 3 cli?g fcutming Herald OFFICIAL NEWIPAPER OFFICIAL NBWIPAPn OF KLAMATH FALLS OF KLAMATH county Twelfth Year No. 8,iT '..W KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1918 Price FIto Ceato '1 &A GERMAN ADVANCE HALTED IN RUSSIA -...--- .r ,-,, '--irinnnjyArLnnnnjTjLn IMMDMMWWMIVWMWAI MMMMMMMMMWMMMMMWWMM)WMWWWWWWIWW I iERICANSE" AREAGAIN SUBJECTED TO GASES PHOtiHE OK TEUTONS IN lll'HM TKItltlTOItY MEETS MOKE OP. POSITION LITTLE HEADWAY I MADE SINCE MONDAY BRITISH SHIPPING LOSSES IX. (RKAHKII LAST WEEK HVK AMERICANS KILLED AMI SIXTY POISONED IIV GAS OP HUM The advance of the Hun force Into Kuala U now meeting with more re. Itlance, and the enemy has appar eally been able to make little head wsy toward I'ctrograd from Pskov. A Pctrograd correspondent of the Exchsnge Telegraph saya he baa re-l liable Information that the Herman bate been ordered to bait their ad nnee. j The American lector of the trenche la France waa again aubjectrd to n' gu attack by the enemy on Wcdncs-i day. but little effect, waa felt by the Americans. Five death were caused In Ti'eiday'a attack, and Uty men war poisoned, altho moat of them ot rlouly. flaarntatn atlai aanaa . at II I etaaiinriaart H i hiu imihhvm wear ivpii . vary active over tho American front. British shipping losses ahowed an1 Increase for the laat week. NEW HOME COMPLKTP.li Mr.' and Mr. M. 8. Weat are roov lag Into their new home at Third and Oram, which ha Juat been complet ed. The building la a six room bun galow, constructed along the moat modern line. During It construe tlon the West have realded on Cres cent avenue. lll'HINKHH IIMICK MTAIITKD Tho brick I being hauled today for (he business building on Main' 'treet between Sixth and Bevcnth itrei-ta, which In being put up by II. urigsby. if weather conditions penult, the construction will now go forward lapldly, HKfltOimiTAN CHANtira HANDH The MetropollUn hotel at 1118 ln btreet, which haa operated for veral )cars by II. J. Winters, has bwn leatrd by Mr, c. I. Rlckard, ho asfuinen charge tomorrow. Mr. and Mr. Wlntera have moved ' their now home on Tenth atreet,1 "r High, which was purchased re pens, tomntocB, string ucans unu si 'ntly from C. L. Kelsey. num that they have on hand. U. S. Soldier Caught Asleep On Sentry Duty BJBeBee-BmBBf"SeBBmBBB' WABmtfQTON, D.fC. Peb. 2. tantence tt death. btt Porshlng ha r AmerletB.teldlarg whft were refetrad the cases to the war ieP; -at asitap while dolafrteatry duty. 1 tbt first linn tW.I... ... .! m 1 tl)t first lino trenches were given I uuiionnHui IKHD STEAMSHIP OPPICKItM TAKEN INTO t.TNTODY FOR CARRYING SUPPLIES TO ENEMIES IN LOW. EH CALIFORNIA lljr AH'lalfl I'lt-KK PACIFIC POUT, latlr8. Clmrg. cil with inking supplies In (lortniitiM In I.ovit California mill ntlcmptluK to obHiutt the H-lccllvo draft, llio mas. ter, tli Iff engineer timl iurer of llio ntn.iiiirliln,Cmitrnllii nru hold ut Knn Pedro Cull. Tim men were arroiitcd folio-wing ii'i Inu-alUiMlrp of a pro German lot. II F NEGRO WHO ASSAULTED FKI. LOW AT DEXVKH ROOMING HOUSE MONDAY WAIVES EX AMI NATION IIKPOItE JUSTICE Herman llnyi', llio colored man who aliot at Miithow Cuok .Monday after noon at tho Denver roomlnK Ikmihc on Main ctreet, ami later felled mm to the floor with the butt of the weapon, w:,a tukon before Jiwtlco E. W. (low en yeaterday nftirnoirn, where hu waived examination and waa bound over to the action or tho grand Juhy. He will bo held In the county Jail pending uch action. CALIFORNIA AVENUE RESIDENCE .PURCHASED Mrs. Olenn Johnson U In the city from Southern California. complctlnR the details of the sale of tho Johnson home on California nvonuc, which line boon purchased by J. V. Morgan. The consideration of the deul has not been made public. Negotiations woro mndu thru the Kliimntli Title com pany. cANNKI) STUFF HKHKUVKD FOH IIOYH AT TIIK FHONT LONDON, Feb. 28. fanners have been advised by the food adminis tration to hold for war purponos until further Instructions, nil tanned corn, msnt for review, altho he has full authority to carry out the souteuce BOUND OVER AGTONO M)V REALFACTS mm 10 BE 10 HKItO OF VPKE8 DOES NOT TELL OF HIS OWN ACHIEVEMENTS, HIT BRINGS PICTURES OP TIIK.Vt'HES CLOSE HOME TO HKAIIKHM 1 litre U a man coming to Klamath Kollx who linn icone thru the bell nfi tliv war, Mho hn contributed to the Ik-II ii( the war, who haa escaped from the hell of the war, and came buck, iiIiiiik duo arm, to tell of It. Hll "trie U Sergeant Fred Weill, know iih ' Dor' , and he will talk at the Ho'iHtnn i.pcra house Saturday and Sunday. In Canada "Doc" Well I iell known. Taloa of hla heroUm l.nvn been aelaed by the newspaper mid piiMlkbed from coaat to coast. lint It la not of hla personal achieve nioiitR Hint Sergeant Wella will talk. Ilu Ih tint on a mission of aelf ap pluuro. He Is telling the United Statee tlio itml fnctH about the war, pictur ing it no araiihlcally that every man und woman who heara will be able to picture hla or her aon surrounded by tle war; to visualise war: to know tin detail of-warfare. Well talk about tho Yprea In turiiiH of tho comradoa he knew. He pIcturcH men, men Juat before a churge, during a charge, In death, and il:idlng to be killed. He will not tell, ujiIohh drawn on, the story of how, In the attack on tho Yprea salient of hv mill's, ho volunteered to cross a rond considered Impassible, to take commmid of n detachment that had Imoii left without mi offlcor; of bow he did f'roKs the road, losing all but .ii.iii.an nf ih'.i nrtv-vevcn bravo men who followed him. and bow he loat his arm for hla act. AREA TO BE B Allt MACHINKS TAKEN FROM KXKMY HHOW STANDARD OK 4X.HTItVCnOX MUCH LOWKR THAN OUItS 8PRUCK AND LIN. KX IiACKINO WASinNQTON", D. C, Feb. H. Immediate Btep to reduce the num ber of collisions by student aviators by enlarging the training ereaa are about to be taken by the war depart ment according to announcement made here today. The captured German airplanes which have been brought to the Unit ed Htates reveal the fact that the Ger mans are using material very lm rrinr to American standard. They are apparently very ahort of spruce and linen. RRTURN PROM MOTOR TRIP Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Satterlee arrlv ed last night, following a two oatoa motor tour of California, They left Tunnarvllt drOVA dOWB tBO COtlt route and returned oy 'Uie' lataad, .,... vtn(t Vationali'Park' aad other' pftWte' ot Intereat wefe.vlalted en route,1 and a iae outlag ( r ported. ilUNING NLAR6ED mm SO0KSARE WW ME LOCAL DmVAKTMEXT STORE HKAIMVAftTKRH WHKRK those willing hay assist jn soumkrs'Jkntertainmext The Golden Itule store baa been made headquarters for the aale of Smlleage Books. The .attraction listed to bo shown by the Military En. tertalamrat Service are of the highest and beat type. The greatest aucceeaea In Broadway shows, vaudeville bills, lecture, etcj will be Included In the program, which the purchase of these Bmlleege Doeks buy for our soldier. There are alee many professional act or In the regiment, so that many amateur programs will be ataged. Each national army cantonment haa it permanent Liberty theater, eating 3,000, and each national guard camp ha two Chautauqua tenia seating 1,800. It la now up to the public to provide the entertain ment which fannot be supplied by the goverameatvnicn sureaay is ms ed to the fullest attest. These Smlleage Books come In two alses, $1 and $5. The 11 book con talna twenty tickets, each good for one performance In a Liberty Theater, and the $5 book contains 100 ticket Klamath Fall has been allotted 400 books to dispose of, eighteen of Which have already been sold. Each one of us can give up a few picture how, and each family can buy at least oue book In such a splendid cause. NEW- P1HM BUYS MILL AND STARTS IMMEDIATE OPERA TIONS FORMER OWNER IN SAME BUSINESS IN CALIFORNIA The sawmill previously owned by J. P. Jerome In the Swan Lake district has been purchased by the Arm of rwiArmand It Westfleld. thru the Unnev of the Klamath Title company. The new owners are now operating th mill. Mr. Jerome ta now engaged In the lumber business at Susanvllle. Calif. m KLAMATH MAN TO GET COMMISSION 'Word baa been received from waahinaton. D. C. that Clifford Tay in miIi ii waa for aoaae time idontllad with the office force of the Pelican Bay Lumber company here, hai re ceived high praise for his service with th. ansineers battalion, and baa been recommended for a commission as lieutenant. a s RETURNS FROM NEW YORK Miss Gertrude Eckman At the Qr inMt UUHaarv combaav of thla city, h.. .i'nmaJ Maa.a twa aaomthal-vlllt toVeVYerg: where he has beea at. I -'. :.. .a'...'.uW.t curiae pta wj-. millinery, SAW Mill IN SWAN DtSTHGT KESHAN)!) FORME TRACT SOLO YESTERDAY MAN SECURES ADDITION TIIACT TO PROPERTY BOUGHT LAST WKKK NEAR MIDLAND EX PECTS TO LKAHK THIS YEAIt E. C. Argrave today completed a purchase by which he becomes the owner of forty acres of land adjoin ing the tract which he purchased last week, giving him an eighty acre ranch a mile and a half this side of Midland. The land was purchased thru the agency of the Smith Keatty company. The consideration was not made pub lic. Mr. Argravea, who recently re turned from Canada, exnectH to lease his new property this year. PASTOR AND WIFE LEAYE KLAM ATM FALLS AFTER RESIDENCE OP YEAR AND HALF NEW FIELD AT BAKER Rev. W. E. Itambo of the First Cnrlstlon church, left today with Mrs. Rambo for Red Bluff, Calif., where they will visit for a few days before proceeding to Mr. Rambo'a uew Held, Baker, Oregon. Rev. Rambo has bad charge of the Christian church here for the past eighteen months, and has built up the church membership to a aubstantlal extent during his pastorate. He leaves a large number of friends who wish him every succesa in his new Held. Mrs. Rambo waa also a prominent figure- In the social and religious life of the community dur ing her residence here. e ALIEN ENEMIES ARE OUSTED FROM ARMY CAMP LEWIS, Peb. 28. Sixteen American born aotdlers out of a total ot over 100 have been discharged from here as enemy aliens, and have been recommended for internment as dangeroua aliens. an TAKES CHARGE OP BUSINESS IN DORMS' Clarence Motschenbacber, who has been employed for some time past at the Klamath Superior laundry here. left today for Dorrls, where he win take charge ot the Butte Valley res taurant there. NEW DAUGHTER ARRIVES A 10H-pound daughter arrived on February S5th at the home of Mr, and Mr. 3, 3. Furber. Sotb mother aad daughter are reported doing nice ly. Dr. R. R. Hamilton was In at- tendance. KIN MINISTER goes my MINI E SKXATOll FltOM MAKHACHUHKTTH HOUNDLY HCOIIKH METHODS OF PIIICK FIXINU AND THE Fl'KL ADMINIMTHATION WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 28. Eruutor .Lodge yesterday declared that the government price fixing was a failure as a method of profiteering. Ho nlno denounced the fuel admlnls tir.tlon as an "unnecessary agency composed largely of amateurs." THRIFT STAMP ALL Ht'HOOLK OF COUNTY, EX- CF.PT THOSE OP KLAMATH FAM-H WILL COMPETE FOR PRIZES IN CONTEST STARTED MY SUPERINTENDENT A Thrift Stump contest for the schools of Klamath County hijs been arranged by County School Superin tendent Edua Wells, In which all schools except those ot District No. 1 (Klamath Falls) are to be entered. Tho contest Is to bo lu three divi sions, which will Include all the twelve grades. Careful records are to bo kept by the teachers and re ports turned in each month. Esti mates are to be made on a percentage basis, so that each school will have an equal chunce for the prizes which are to be announced'later. . LEADING UANKEIl GIVES ADVICE "Saving and thrift must be increas Ingly decognlied as the fundamen tal buhls for winning a long war," says Frank A. Vanderllp, distinguish. ed banker and chalrmun of the na tional war suvings committee. "With out laving there can be no Invest ment. Without the elimination ot waste we shall not be able to give our men at the frout the support they need, From now on, month In and month out, our motto should be 'serv. Uo thru thrift.' " TWO GOOD GENERALS General Pershing will do his part In whining the war for the United States and the allies. General Thrift cau do the rest. METHODSAR BED KSTNOW ON N SCHOOLS Young Airmen Suiter Fatal Mishap Yesterday LAKE CHARLfc&.-La.. Feb. 28. Lieutenant William MaOIU'of Jersey City was .fatally Injured and Lieuten ant Telland Coleman of the Marine NORTHWEST GOVIM'NT CAMPS RUN EIGHT HOURS OPKItATOHS DECIDE VOLUNTAR ILY TO'IIUN THEIR PLANTS AC CORDING TO DF.HIRE8 OP OFFI CIALS OR LKT GOVERNMENT RUN THEM. J ALL DAY CONFERENCE HELD YKSTKUDAV - DECISION OOV KltH ALL NORTHWEST CAMPS AND LUMUKR MILLS COLONEL DIHgUE ASSUMES CONTROL POHTLAND, Feb. 28. Colonel Dlsque Ii.ti announced that the basic eight lour day will commence on March 1st for all the Northwest camp und lumber mills. This waa decided voluntarily by the operator, and not Oniar.ded by the government. . When DUque returned from Wash ington yesterday he did not know that this action would be taken. Following an all-day conference, the operators decided In favor of the action, and offered to let the govern ment operate the mills, or to operate them lu any manner desired. Dlsque suld it may not be necessary for the government to take over the actual management of the spruce aad fir Industries. He haa aaaumed con trot, however. SHOE MERCHANT TAKES ,r- A SPECIAL COURSE Wm, Houston; manager ot the shoe department of tie K. K..K. Store, ban Just returned fcm. an-extended trip to San Francisco and Southern Cali fornia. While away Mr. Houston took a xpeclat course on fitting Dr. Scoll's arch supports, In, the treatment ot foot trouble, and bought a special machine for shaping these arch sup ports, and a full line of all foot ap pliances. U. S. BOYS ARK KILLED BY GAS e) By Associated Press DATELESS Three American soldiers were killed and nine seriously gassed In a gas attack by the Germans yesterday. The names of tho victims have not been reported yet. Corns slightly hurt wfcea their alrf;' plane fell.tweVAM of 110 feet &W yesieraay. " wwnm " v the accident. - v. , , 4 V. i M r t, 1 ! vS!t?Y$gj& o ".