ivrgSfc rf. v." I.'' '- , - &' jf 13' F- ,i' MM TWO THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON wed.nehimy, kkiiiuahv . ,. TheErening Herald W. O. SMITH, Editor Paestsniag Comiw af faMa, at US fftarta street r lABBtttL iiii iMm I . -j a,, KEXO KEYNOTE at the Oregeswfer three ay satis te any - KEXO KEYNOTE - la the Catted luiMi JIM WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY XT, 19IR XOTICK TO SUBSCRIBERS Carrier boys will call on til sub scribers In the city who bar not paid their subscriptions In adrance, on the first Saturday of each month to col lect. Subscriber are klndlj- request ad to arrange to have the money ready (or the boys when tbey call, aa each carrier has from 100 to ISO peo ple to call upon. It will be necessary to discontinue all subscriptions not paid for by the lGth of the month, unless special ar rangements are made at this offloe. Prompt payments of subscriptions will be of great assistance to the car rler boys, as all are attending school during the week. EVENING HERALD. BtnlftOaufciArrs. The Keno people held a bis cele bration here on Washington's birth dsy at Padgett's hall, which was high ly dccorat?dTln honor of the occasion. About sixty persons were In attend ance and a fine program was given by the school children. Following the progtam a collection was taken for the benefit of the sol dier boys from Keno, which amount ed to 120.45. Tickets were also sold i for the dance, bringing the total up to I53.S0. A committee composed of 1). K. Kerns, B. V. McCormlck and Mrs. Tom Grubb was appointed to for ward the amount to the boys In the way of presents after deducting Inci dental expenses. The audience was served with a fine free lunch at midnight, composed of sandwiches cake and hot coffee. The dance continued until an early hour. The music was furnished by lecal talent. Mr. Eland, teacher of the high school here, has been drafted, and notified that he wilt be called about the 11th of March. He expects to cater the ordnance department. When he leaves the high school will close. unless the school board decides to se cure a new teacher to finish the term. HELP WANTED Children's Year to Start April 6th Campaign For -Saving 100,000 Lives of Babies Will Commence With First Anniversary of U. S. Entrance Into the World War. States Assigned Quotas I UATT1XO m llOOYKH I Tho the grape fi ult's sou o' four utut the coffee's .soil o' fiat. 1'UIW! KUIWI ; ini'TOinii,uii ! . fllr drnivi, llinti. uiimn When the'sugar bowl Is empty. W Is Klree,( 'ttf.u puil loom. 1 tort o" sweet lit tlt.it. All kinds wanted by the old reliable fur denlvi, ClinH. Donnrt, 638 Slain m-w-s'sw WANTED A cook at the Klamath Agency. For particulars call or address R. Baird, Klamath Agency. 2T-2t WANTED Position as cook in camp or ranch for crew of men. Address tit Wall st. 2-3t WANTED Teamsters and laborers for work on the Pacific highway; also two flunkeys. Apply Warren Con struction Co., Oakland, Ore., J. W. Sweeney, superintendent. 2S-12t FOR RENT "TOR RENT Storage room, conven Int location; terms reasonable. Aeely J. B.. Herald offlce. 1S-U FOR SALE 0k NMMMMMMt FOR SALE Cheap, 12-hhp. steam engine, lC-bhp steam boiler, com plete and in first class order. II. F. Parker, box S21. Phone S2X. 2C-3t FOR SALE Reo chassis, cheap for cash; good running order; An for "bug" or truck. Call 1015 Main St.. opposite burner Iilg Basin Lumber Co., Sundays or evenings. Phone SV. 272f FOR SALE Oood paying hotel; will take farm or land aa part payment. Address II. Hebman, Klamath Fall. 19-llt WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. 27. 000 Hi cry state In tho Union has Save a little, skimp u little, so tho lads across the kca Won't be cheated ever morning out of sugar for their tea. You can learn to love the flapjack tho the rup can Is dr, You ran-lire without molasses lit the lloslons. If you try. We must discipline our sweet-teeth, for we'll never lick the Hun , While the nesting's on the doughnut J i and the IcIugV on the nun. i I .Tho the broid gro gray and grayer. waste no time In nln regret; , Dajs nrt meatless vheatle't. sweet- lesi. but they're not quit eat-1 less yet. If the flour fades In winter a the llowern fade In tirlng, Hear In mind tho glow of glory tlint, v, the Johnn) cake can bring. ( And tho rjo that's In the totllo. tho It cheers the red-need oaf. fti'vlem tli1 tit mill lie'iltli pol ( li i". me ilniitliitil. WlM'ii )iiii Hiy Ir-. )im KH le. Set t'lllltlMO I PUT CREAM IN Nnee AND stop catahhh V,)U rt'l' '" ' lew inoBHi. Your cold lu head or mturrli wjfT !gtiin Your clogged tioatllts wllt L - I vwls Union SiiIIh nt .: i -1 r K. k. k. htdiii:. W.u.l Sl.ltt, tlmt me made of m.miI in ri'"u nlr I"""K-h of vllr lit.dr 31 tf . li. K. K. KltiHE. l'K'"r ,,M; " "'' '"'"til" fro.1,, l i in nil iiiiiiiu.au si (it is ii i in. ... - i i"-- - , iiawkts jiiiufflliiK, inuuius dl(lmrgM or i him! no Hf riiutflldit ..b i . .(.Mi ' UU T...I .....a ........ II v.. ,... u.UKRini J (III at il vlnnll tmllln i.r Pit,'. i. "' i I - ' vivnm Bilk Apply Ultlo of tl,lrt fr.iKr.miML ' ' " n,,,u. lit h . tiattinlritn lirriiitfli ... . . rli I llf fl.ll llltrlll MlkJstl I S . ".! I , ... ( r'iii nil I liastl is " swollen, liitlniiietl luiirniiH !nenbn? U NOTIUK The lle.'iuty 1'nrloto hae moved to North Kit th street. 20-21 Vt ii TtMMHIl lire lniirniicr p.lli) fioin the t'l.lliote ngeiiry, IliM'nnil relief c-iiiiicn tiislatitly. M.iln (lt'l. I At the Theaters WWWWMWMMMWV IWWWWWWWWW "The Divorce Game" Is the title of one of the most fascinating offerings ever screened, and with charming Alice Brady In the stellar role thl splendid new World Picture will he the attracton on Wednesday at the Orpheus. It Is a comedy of manners, of wit and outh and love. It Is thor- oly pleasing and delightfully enter taining from start to finish. Not a Ingle dragging moment mars the swift procession of events to the log ical and amusing climax. Not a single false note Jars the delightful key In which "The Divorce Game" Is played. Alice Brady U simply splendid In this attraction. See It. DO IT NOW Order your War Savings stamps early. They'll never be so cheap again this year as they are this month. They cost 14.13 In February, and 14.14 In March. A penny saved Is a penny earned. It's the little things In life that count. That's thrift. children under IS ngnlnu any 1 ntftimtlt 1,1 mil rnrAmin.,1. nt -1 1 1 . UVVll ""' . .. o,iv h"u US Ul v.i.lltl - . assigned a definite quota of lives to'"0- Th' " Stale. I. ejected I. mighty Mght more, wiioiotnmo . , . , . .. . .. ' to profit by the experiences of other when It leaened In tho lo.if.l "- " V.U..U.C... ., .....,. n.unlllN . ,., .., i,ri.(l.carn to limit the hot lilscuit. our which will he inaugurated by tho Bllrc of mantalng thlld labor re children's bureau of tho department Ktrktlons und school standards Is he of labor on April 6th, the flrst nnul- Ing recognlted as neer before. ersary of America's entry Jntn the' Assignment of dellnlto quotas to great war. ach state cniplmslzetl the bureau'iijTho the slavey looi her gr.ny ... rn...-, , 'iv. Vll, MV ivmi a vv,- UimuuilVUIvUl .lllli UJlll VUIIIIUU O.IJT 000 of the annual total of 300.000 must bear Its full share of rcsponsl- preventable deaths of children under blllty In making tho campaign n sue- S jcar, the children's bureau with cess. the assistance of the 5,000 local com-' "In the last nnahsls, eery com mittees of tho woman's committee of rminlty must have Its own habiei Iff they ate to be saved at ail," Mlm Julia Luthrop, chief of the bureau,! sold today. "Somo of the states pos- Nor to nny wild heroliM need the pop. Blbly have been set a very high mark' iilme resort, In tin campaign, but that was un- Even If tl.ev'ro bhoit of shortening avoidable with the data at hand. The and the shoitcnke isn't slmrl the council of national defense, will carry the campaign Into every com munity to urge conservation of life here as n. patriotic duty, in view of the unavoidable wastage of men abroad Incident to war. A national great project don't get by While tho dumpling's in tl e pudding and the crust U on the pie. and the sou of Hutu hli ham Feed 'em up on fntleiH foodstuffs, like tho ojstor nitil the clam. Tho the farm Iminl's strong for sail sng when beside hU pinto he Mukx, I It's up to 3 "il tn tench him not to iiiIm tho ml'xluK links. 7 IL' "NJ! Klmniitli Lodge No. 1.17, I. O. O, F., iieets Piiiliiy night. II. F. Ktell, 1 N. (1., Niitn Otturheln, Kecictary. I lvriuiun Knc.iin'iiniuiit No. tC, I, O, O P., meeti Tiiidiiy nkht. W. A I M.isteii. 0. P., Nntn Ottcrbeln Scribe. 11 In IllSt Ulllll vlnrv n. II ... ' v"l Bat. tnrrh Hiiffercr nreils. )unt miffed up and mlicrnMi'.A4t R Itegiil.ir rninmunlc & A. M., second Moml onch month. I.envllt, W. M. Ily communications A F. lay of order of A. R. weighing and measuring test will be appointments were mnde on tho basis And we hec vou to H'.nern''cr. its von undertaken first as a isort of "stock of population, rather than on tho In taking" to nffujd a ba3ls for com- fant mortality rate, because statistics pilling results at the end of the car. for tho latter.nrc not sufilclcntly com. Saving of Infant lives will bo only plete. Thun, Hittes with low death one part of tho bureau's extonntvo rates will huvo a proportionately program during tho year. Plans are greater task than states where Infant being mnde also to protect 30,000,- deaths are inoro Humerus. buckle on ottr bibs. That the fat that's In the pastry will not pad n goldler'n ribs. - .Ill I HIM J Mon' tg'IO SA6E TEA KEEPS . YUiJi. KAfR DARK LET MK MAKE YOI'II M:xr SUIT rKUFM.T FIT Illgtirat flra.Ie of WorktiisasMs OUAHANTEl:!) Hpring Woolens on llsnht, YiHir lnMrtion Invited, ' Chas. J. Cizek Hiirrnwor to Ixm-wc Una. MEHC'IIANT TAIl.tllt Mis Main HI. I. Terrible Plague Spreads Over Xhina Money to loan on city and country property. See Chllcote. 1 FOR SALE Seed wheat at $3.15 par IOOob Clyde Bradley ranch, near Bark place. W. T. Johnson. -llt LOST AND FOUND WSMMMMMUMMMMMWWM LOST Two yearlings, one roan steer and one black heifer, branded 19 oa Kit rib, split In each ear. John W. Taylor, Merrill, Ore. 36-lt Dr. F. R. Goddnrd has returned and will resume practice In the I. O. O. F. building February 27. 2C-2t Briber Suitcase, Trunk anil Bags, 31-tf K. K. K. STORE. FOUND A pair of gold cuff buttons; owner can bar same by proving property and paying for this ad. Heary (Jerber, 26-St MISCELLANEOUS FOR TRADE Centrally located city lota for modern five or sis room house; will pay balance In cash; state location and price. Address A49, Herald. - 27-3t AUTO TO TRADE on city property. Phone 359. 2-6t FOR BXCHANfJE SO acraa Irrigated land, for residence In Klamath FalU. A. A. Mebtffey, 411 Mala at. lavtt TO EXCHANGE 160 acres this aide of Olene for city property, J. T. WARD 41 CO., IBMataStrart HOUSTON'O Mstropeliun Amtftamenti jj ' HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE DARK ORPHEUS THEATER STAR THEATER Palliu, Pictures) Present (teorge Beban la "A ROADSIDE IMPItEHAItIO" A serio-comic drama In S parts. Also Bra anil Polly Moraa In "llOPIXO HER ROMEO" Full of fun and thrills I.ue F. Vernon, who "Plays the Pir. turea" at the piano. DOSTON, Feb. 27 The pneumonic plague has broken out In Shanghai provluco of China, and 1'inn assumed such propoitlons that nil of North Chliiii li F.erlously tlireatentd. Ad vices to this effect liavo been received by the American hoard of commis sioners from member of its stuff in North China. golla five yearn ago, and carried off 30,000 or 40,000 people before It was checked. "It seems to havo started lu .Mon golia this car, and has been devas tating the part of Sunsl province ii'irtli of tho great wall, and now has biokun thru. Tlieie ure (Ivo passei thru the wall. If all but otm were (closed to travel and that ono carefully Mm XnfQ'ir Mrs. Cus Giifniii, cl Evcrton, Alo., writes: "I suffered lor tlirc: yenrs with various female troubles. My life wes n iniscry. I was not cb!c to do anything . . . bcir Inc down pifui In my . , . wc-1: anJ nerv ous. Ur. reeont- nenUcd Cardul la nic." Ca HTuh The reports of tho mloslonarle ex- guarded with a medical station, with, press the fear that wub felt lit thin proper Inspection and quarantine, the country when tho uppenrancc of this problem of keeping tho plaguo out of mo3t deadly pestilence was first re- Shanghai and tho rest of China might ported in dispatches to tho Associated bo solved. .Such prccentltlve meas I'ress In December. Unchecked In urej we.ro urged, but thoro Is as yet .-orui mum, u wouiu prove in tno no guaranteo that such protective opinion or tho board moro devastat- J measures will ho employed." ng than fitmlne, flood und war com blncd. Today's mall advices fiom missionary centers had been a'walted anxiously. A statement Issued by tho board says; "Tho pneumonic plague Ib particu larly virulent. Practically no ono who become u vlttlm to It recovers. It Is tho same dlser.so that ravaged Mon- Top-notch and Gold Seal Rubbers ami Pace, nt 31-tf K.K.K. STORE. Now In tlie.tlme to buy a home la Hie Klamath llnsln. Ask Chllcote for price on houses, lots, business -property, farms and ranches. 1 TAKE r The Woman's Tonic "When I wis on l!:c sixth bottle", she contin ues, "1 began teelniL' like a new woman . . . i am nov a well woman.. . I know my cure H per manent for It has been three years rlncc I took Cardui." ThoiiKnds of women, nov sirens and heallhy, who once ful lered from women's ail- ments, give Card-u-i tha credit for their good health. Try it, fcr your troubles. Will MINI D WnUSl'l.riM'UTO iii:i(;s n.M'u its m:.UTn-Ti i.tviin:.T0.vri: i (Iray hnlr. however handsome, de-i roles nOvani Ing age. We all know tho. (.ilvuitinges of a )oulhful niipearnnra.' Vour hnlr Is )ottr elinrm. It makes or ii'itrs the face. When It fades, lurni ri 3 and looks stieaked. Just a fow iiiiui.i(iuii oi .iuKu ira anu nuipuur cnhaitccj Us nppenntneo a hundred fold. Don't stay piny! Look young! ( Either prparii the reclpo nt homo or I get f nun any drug store a tit-cent hot. I tie of "Wyelh's Sngo and Sulphur' Compound'.' which Is merely tho old , time rvclpo Improved by the addition of other Ingrtdliittt. ThousamU of . folks ie;onitncnd this rumly-to-.iMt proiurutlou, because It darkens l" hnlr lii'.inllfiilly, bcildei no ono rn,n I'Oiillily tell, us It darkens so natur ally and evenly. You moUten a sponge or soft brush with II, drawing I Hill tliiough tho hnlr, Inking nnu mntill strntiil nt a time. Ily morning 1 the gray hair disappears; after uu-' 1 other nppllratlon or two, lis natural ! color Is reitored and It becomes thick,! gliiny and ItiHtroiiH. and 'vou nimenrl W , jeirs mi tiger, R I Wjoth's Hugo and Sulphur ( 2 pound Is n delightful (ollet rctu THE folrtwing slenfe rates will be cfaarfd by (he Klamath Fall Garages, beginning n March 1, 1918. PER II. V PER WEEK , two weekm , one month iie.wi storage, one month iseofwAniiiuck.. .M.M Klamath Garage Men's Associate J BRITISH TOMMIES FIRMLY HOLD THE LINE IN FLANDFKS AND WARM THEIR HANDS WITH GEILMAN LIQ FIRh Orpheus Theater Presents Alice Draily In "THE NVORCK OAMR" A Naw World Picture The most enjoyable offering lm a4aakU. It aclatllt and sparkles. M la wRty aad clever. It la unusual s fgslnnBsfnvr fstsW I lssssWnnsssssssssssFr ' TEMPLE THEATER Temple Thetiter Presents THK HOl'HK OF A THOt'HA.VD CANIH.KH" Picturlxed In & Intonso rods. From Meredith Nlcholsou's populur novol. IIEARHT PATilE MOWS latest War PJituiix, t'urreiit Events ADMISSION TEN CENTS MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURES TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS - aterrai, uragra ih1rt SSBBBBBBBBBBBBgSBBBBBBB&SsflLT WsS 'BBBBVSBS'sSBBBBBBSBBBgSBBLlakj 1 ' ' igwlfci. BHRwSSjgaic- -s75h4 gssssssssssW bssf s- V H PSVgggfggggggfsHBS?'V " S4r&ti" s y """ - f' Jsl' V " A ... ' ,...'' as J ' "f aSgSSP f' 1! -I. GK&Sffft&W sKsiisssf Fssf,ailBssagsr,jr l fTsTSsif'nV f Yi JjgjT.KSjgflgaiEsSMBSStTgSSSsfsSSsE'jg ssBBBBBinr iW Ml Snnn9 BsgfnigsgsyQgsfvEisSBgst4 ggggSgggLQBgfV!B Bj Sfi isT VsbbV gssaH sBBfgsBsgSTnagH3Kasg2BBpBBBBpBSan ' SSSTBBBSSSSI SjSBBJISBSgflgaigSSSBSSSgSnivrBSJSBSJ f vff.JH "Tf y17i"v tSSSSSBSSSJ $M p Com-' re'iuislfe.. It Is not Intended for tho cure mltl-i cation or prevention of disease. Adv, -sSssffljJiBBsssBsV fijip-Li' Msi MMZ t - V-V V II UKITCUMPS OF LEAC'' When you wnko up with barlincho nr nl.nL.n,i i,. -v rnf iwoortor and dull misery In tho kidney region I Union during tho night. you havo' Kltlicr consult a good, rollabwr1' Hleliin at onco or get from your V-' muelHt about four ounces of J Halts; tako a tnbloapoonrul InaflM Com powM.fmtT.' 4tftf"rrft 9mnt mcti0H .'i genet ally inenna that I been eatini! iim mn.i. ....... i - vin, siiys it won Known uuthoiity. Mont forms uile acid, which overwork tho kid- riUYH 111 tl.Olr Cffoit tO filter It frnn. tlio blood, und they hocomo sort of pa i ni) zed and loggy. Whon your kid iich got shiKBlsh and clog you must ""uv" ""'". "no you rollovo yoir .iii romoving nil tho body's urln. iu wnsto, olso y,m have backache, sick hoadncl.o, dizzy Bpoi; your stomneh nours, toiiBito g coated, and whon tho weather Is had yon have rheumatic twinges. The urine U cloudy, full of hodlment, channels of ten get sore, water scalds and you of water before breakfast for a days nnd your kidneys will thM f flno. This famous salts Is md ! tho acid of grapes nnd lemon J pnltlltlnnfl w.l,u llikltt inil hSS BSS "red for goneraton to clea Btlmulato sluggish kidneys, sls nnutrnllxn inMih th nrlnfl SO B longer Irritates, thus ending blsl j wcaknoss, Jml Onlla la a Ufa nll tlT rSfll1 meat enters. U Ineipsnslvs, oijljj 1 lujuro, and makes a delightful etr 1 vescent llthla-waUr drink. M .