'- j I MuML NEWiPAFW OFFICIAL ' NIWfrAPlH OF KLAMATH FALL! JJ KLAMATH COUNTY h ;iV V C , m)Mi Yew S0- ' KLAMATH FALLS, ORECOW fEDNE5DAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1918 Price Fire Cento j M H USSIA BEING GR BY OPPRESSOR .Vtj.rJ Ai J I aafmV " ' ' -' m'm. w ' JM- & ,j. ,tj,.ri ami -i , L ''aK- emV'Wnam BBBHBBmw. .W''.W,M 'bTbbV M Wf.U atY 'aafaV ' " I y !i lull i;mJP.A Wdmaaa'o'r r I ACTSWJ IVE LIE V SPEECH IF LEADER " .-. .J -ii-nrir.il. VMMWMMM wiunuo WED I OF ENEMY PRESS THRU BJJtMSG COUNTRY, OUXCKUXIIt AT HONK GROUP OP KLAMATH'S BEST SINGERS ORGANIZED TO All) IX TMK COMING THIRD LIBERTY LOAN CAMPAIGN To promote the work of tho Third Liberty Loaa campaign, which will mob b launched In Klamath County, Urge chorus composed of sorao of WHII K ci(y' 1m"1 olncore Is being organ I lied sod 'frequent practice will bo WC held, comniancluc tonlaht. Tim first WAR GARDEN WAKNTO BE STARTED COUNTY ORGANIZATION OUT AND RIGOROUS WORK PLANNED FOR GETTING GIIOl'NU IN CULTIVATION UW POLICY MJOMMHO.V I AXD WOMEN NOW BUILDING TbHCIKS ABOUND PKTRO-! eVKaCS ARE REFUSED NOT ONK OFinaeetlag for the organisation wee hold Monday night lu tho domestic science building of the Central school. AugutU Parker haa been aelected a leader and chairman of the chorun. Tbe aieeUBg tonight will bo hold lu Ibe Central achool assembly room. CaUB-BOLHIIEVIKI OFFERS Members of the chorus are: Misses Gertrade Parker, Vera Houston, Ma ble Mean, Joale Low, Clara Calklna, Leara Hammer. MoevameaL. Heck ley, Malt Smith, A. J. Voye, II. 41. Mellaxthy: Meaers. K..D. Johnson, K. Caaaeeller vow HertUag aWn. Heary; Arthur Luad. II. It. Glala- Oerauay'e Inteetleaa la the Ver, Lawrence Mehaffey. II. A. 8ta- we aot thoae of aggreealoB or "" "" aon. ,lo- w"on. "- I lou b. layiur, w. u. oiuuii, ,, i. Mtaorillte have declined to slough. Geo. A. Haydon. W. V. Fos aa armistice la view of tbe bel- ter, IS. M. Cblleote. Rev. K. I'. I.aw- offer to accept peace. The reace, C, A. Cleveland, I'uul Selg- tea troop continue tbelr oaward M CDM w- eTlem- ,M IB Russia, whll. th. hu. IIMeeiB iiouaion u ,.inii. re bending every effort to pre- itartvolutlon and aave Patramd. It b) aow reported that the OarmaB . woo occupied Pakor yeeterday fMw reached Luga. Midway be-' en thoi and Petrograd. Much IgbtlDK In Pikov miiIium IHe werkmtn and troope are belag M frwa Pelrotrad aad M e m MuKmadvance of the eaeay. VeKfcBd women are bulldlae and dofeaalve BoeltleBa ntroirad. k v ' It ail been decided that tbe bol- nil fovtrnment win rir " jlftheGer BffAM AND KTtK'KMAN "" a provwoaai MMH 1MHY MANKUED OF PAIHLKV HHOT YKHTKRDAY AFTKRNOON WAM MKMIIWt OF LOCAL LODGK OF KLKM Imviag IBMDt Will be tarmmA ! K.I....I. Hh artlllerv aetlna u i i. aloog the wettera front. "ltU XOMINATH TOMORROW NKiHT t- . . Meager new of tho death by ehoot TOBorrow ulght will be tbe latliBKo( B. o. Lama, a nruiulnant buai -wwr me nomlnatloa of eSeera n9M mKn BBd atock roan of tho Pale- 0 1 an.. M ? K,,, lMis Ui1 ' ! Icy dUlrlct, haa beou recolved by ", "d ""tire new mc of oRt. wlro here. Tr the cu.ulng year will bei No deUlla of the affulr nro avail Pk... . . " on M,rc 7th Uble eicept that be wa. ..hot and died ' III tO It, Mill Um.m .I.L. ' -. . IN mki "" man at j; jo yeitemay. Mr. iJiinm uB u wil entertainment ea election ' m,ber of tbe Klamath Falla Udgo It may aitbi .. '."'..'"T- rBr'" euAi 7ki .7 ' r ,M B, '" of Kike. L(r,-" naay evening. the official villi r h i official vltlt of tbe Dlatrlct "jwv arand Bxalted Ruler will be here that the governor will not re on election night, and If ao, lal-1 appoint Highway ComroUeloner Ad "" "' b held at that time, ami again when hla terra explrea on March lit. Tho fued between Adam and CoraralMloner Henaon of Port land la one of the n-ationi for the governor'a itaud. No applicant huvo been Mentioned thu far, ""EMBKHKOB HIUHWAV COMMIBHION l. Feb. 17,-u la uadentood fuel Administration Blamed For Shortage Moke Klamath County nelf up- portlng with war gardena tala year," U tho Nlogan which wilt be followed In n vlgoroii campaign to get every available Inch of ground Into produc lion of Home sort of foodftuff; aad al tho It I lorno time before the pleat ing Reason will actually .coBBwaee,. a campaign will at once be Inaugurated to gut the neceMlty of tble werkffmj ly Imprcined on the mlad of taa pee pie. Following the vlalt lat week ef 8tat leader of Agrlcoltural AffeaU Paul V. Maria, a central ooaaatttee comtHxed of II. R. Glalayer, Gears T. llaldwln, Edna Weill, C. R. Raw mun, It. II. Uunbar, Will Maaoa, Ma Momycr and Fred Fleet have hew working out county orffMhwtlee) plan vuggeated by Mr. Mara. Plana have been laid lor a earvey or lou ta the town of the eeaaty, calling In the older achool children If nrcemary to aid In the work. A reg ular ranvaia will then be aude to ae euro the use of the lou aad arraage. nient made for getting theea uader cultivation. A peclal committee will be named to give lntructlona to nil who oro not uied to tbla work, and iwmonal aid given lu manage ment. The rural dUtrlct will be ap proach thru County School Superin tendent Kdna Weill, and thru taa community committee by County Agent II. It. Glaliyer. It la also believed that tbe move ment will bo stimulated by publicity of varlou kind. The following town, committee have been named: Merrill, Fred Pet- ;enion, K. M. uuuo, w. v. uuaainai Ilonauta, J. L. Clayton. J. O. Ham- aker and Mr. Dr. Johnson; Klamath Fall, R. II. Dunbar, H. R. Glaliyer, Carlyle Yaden and W. II. Maaon. It I Indicated that garden truck will not be shipped Into Klamath Fulls, as It bos been prevlouely, aad that It will be up to the people to lulse what they need for their owa use and more, If possible. This move Is not confined to Klam nth County, or to Oregon, but I be ing urged upon the people all over the Nation most strongly by the lead ers of the government, who reallaa how very atrlngent tbe food aaatlea fj becoming. -' a MRRRILL RKL1KF OORPi BCBV Mr. Ramaby, president of taa Wo man's Relief Corp of Klamath Falw, and Mr. Kd Martin wore vUltori ef the Merrill Corp Saturday. Fred L. Pope baa glvea a BbeUaad pony to the Womaa'a Relief Corpe, which will be disposed of at a raffia at an early date. The following have made iweatert for tbe Red Croia under the lupervl. lon of the Merrill Cerp: Mn. Hobbi, Mn. Myen, Mn. .Flaley I, Mrs. Hoskln. Mn. Hill, Mn. Merrltt. Mn. Purdy, Mn. Ratllff. Mra. Irewa, Mn. Llula Offield 8. Two pair, of lock have been knitted by Mn. Pur. dy and three pair by, Mn. Merrltt. m ' ... WAUIW RXAMJNATIOK James King, the young maa arreet AaaaaaaaJa........ ............ .. 1 in-nin.i-j-Lm.aT.iamuirmJUirLnj MUiK(lTMl . -i' ku -", . v., warn., it.-w aT.. V VlteAurl itoU tbe waUh bad T-'ioeommittae that Ue retaealV "extrleate Itself from It lelf-ere- !....l.. ArftW lm aJmlnlitratlOB. 41WIW " " . --- issued a recent tuei oraer illy of tbe coal akoruie) lay ated dilemma." ttl-fi 1 v , J ' ; til lu I citing Out ,000 Rifles Daily mmm WA8HINOTON, Di C. Feb. 17, atleractf ry atatppiag of the army la aaw aanirad, acretaVe( War Baker haa aflctelly aaaeaicid. Rita and -eart ridge productloalc ,(Ur in-yeara of war, reached a Dtaam Cwaraateelaa aleatr ef libttaff aaaterlaia 'for the Amer icas army, la 9nu0. aHace April tk thli country bu taraed out 7Mrl8e. For the weekaadlas Feawait, it.ait ride waa the daily MtpatVtwIth 71,11 for the week. Tide we : four times aa maar la one week t Oreat Brltaia turned.out lu ten month of war, tho etcretery aald. Abo; 'at tbe end of ten months of war, tbe United State ha produced twice a maay rifle a Oreat Britain Production baa.been hampered, the aeeretary eald, by the difficulty of pro evrlag (! and ikllled labor. Tbe rife being made are a combination ef the Enfield and Springfield. Some 1400,000,000 baa been spent to pro duce, these result. . , The production of cartridges dur lag January was, say the aeeretary, 7.100,000 a day. E EXTENDED M AFUELFTH RED CltOftH HOCIKTV EVERY. WHERE IS URGING MOLDIERH TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OK OF PER BEFORE TIME LIMIT EX PIREM Captives In Jerusalem Treated Wuh Cmirty it - LONDON, Feb: I J7. Contrasted iiaeald pursue bis lawful business wHh UM Geraaaa praelamaUoa threat- wHbeat fear of laterrapUoa. Furth- puaUbmeat ipoa the womea'er mere,. aiaoe-your city la regarded oleaUMrea at Bltalirtt.taMf failed to work. Ia the flelde for !- teea boun every day, uader German domination, .the order Issued by tbe rabrta .eftjhe -croat religions of mankind, and lu soil has beaacoaaecrated'by tho prayers and pUgrlmaaee of tho devout for many British commander to the people of j centuries, .therefore be It known that Information has been received by member of the Red Cross Society to tbe effect that the applications lot soldiers war risk Insurance have been extended to April 12th, mid the mem ber of this orgsnltatlon lire doing everything possible to get as many of the boy a possible to take advantage of this opportunity. Relatives are urged by the Re'd Cros members to bombard their sol dier relatives with requesU that they Insure. The campaign conducted by the Red Cross everywhere has had won derful success. But 20 per cent of men wero Insured when the Red Jerusalem after the capture of that dty, ahowa the different maaaer In which the entente aad the central power wage war. The British order read: 'It la my deaire that every Tenon every .sacred building, monument, holy, spot, shrine, pious bequest, or customary place of prayer, will be maintained' and protected, according to tho existing customs and beliefs of those whose faith they are sacred." ne CAMPAIGN PHATHNS UNDERWAY KLAMATH COUNTY FIRBT IN BTATR TO GET WORK -v FOR ' THIRD LIBERTY -LOAN START laDOORPS OF WORKKRS NOW BUBY J. Have 100 people at work. Allotment made to every' property owner In County. Will Insist on subscriptions for bond according to amounts of allotments.' See my letter 25th, re garding house questionnaire and wire number, required. Newspaper men hero, fay tbey are tired of looking at the yellow thumb tacks on big map here, aad I have told them Klamath County would be first In the blue. It'a ujto you people. You've got a good start, and I want to see you finish tight, Am sending letter from Benton County, disclosing you will get keen competition. Big conference at Abanyvand McMlnnville last week. All .countjea announced determina tion to bo lint out of the yellow. No tify ti of any slackers In Liberty Loan cud .we will do the rest." Cross got to work by letter, telegraph a Whle-Kow l.OOe.QQO mea.are. : AN FflA-MUgfO. Fth 27 imurcu ami uu,uuu uninsured t. from 20 per icent the percentage mark has leaped to f7 per rent. The United States government I now xcndlng 200 men to every can tonment ii nd France to urge the ne cessity of war Insurance. HOARDERS or AN CAUGHT IN CALIFORNIA MAXV INDICTMRNTH EXPECTED SOON SHIPYARD GUARD IN NEW JERSEY PREVENTS THE WRECKING OF PLANT BY PROMPT ACTION : i ENTENTE FORCES LOSE FIFTEEN AIRPLANES TUESDAY, ACCORD-, ING TO BERLIN TREMENDOUS DAMAGE DONE BY HAIDER "WOLF" BIG CATTL E That Klamath County waa the ffnt la taa itato to be orgaaUed aad vet Uader way la Ita praparatloaa for the comlBff Third Liberty Lota campaign waa la effect the aaswer teat .the tate maaager by Cenaty Chairman Cbarlea J. Fergusoa la aaawer to a letter aaktag what waa beiardoae la tbla eeetioa. A eerpe of workera have beea at work for aome time at asocial quar tan la tba Looml bulldlaguadir the draettoa of Mr. Fergana, tabulating tbe fUaaclal conditio of reetdenteln all eectloB of the county, ai'faraa they are able from tho figurea and recorde available. The entire county baa beea goae over la preeiacti.-and. CaalrauB Fergusoa reporta that aev; aa Btaalaeta have now beea oomalit ed. Wbea thli work la completed a rommttteeof twelve clttoeaa will. pan aa eetlaute aa what eachoae ihowld- 4o Igth aiatter of purehMlag beadi. Taa letter reeeived by Mr. Fergaaen feltewi:. - - "Wbafa dolag la KUauth CouatyT If U0 work la aot perfenaed wa bald yati taipaMlbie. jaet reeelvadrUO Li Ml MAN GETS rtM HOT GO TOSACRAiNTO CHOICE BEEF CATTLE BOUGHT LAST FALL FROM KLAMATH RANCH, SOUTH YESTERDAY roundup onboarders efvgraln ead flour In California has boen..opmplet- : ed by the state food administration. Substantial evidence has been secured against about twenty-five dealers", and " Immediate prosecutions are-esp'ectisd. ' NEWBUKU, S. J., Feb. 27; An at- t -tempt -to blow up the mnchlnery la- tbe shipyard plant hero wag frustrat- ed only after a guard bad picked up a bomb and. hurled It out of danger. It exploded doing some damage. .. , " BERLIN, Feb. 27. The Germans brought down fifteen of the entente, airplane and three captive balloon Tuesday. Tho raider Wolf destroyed at least v thirty-five vessels during Its recent ' voyage thru .the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceaus, according to an official , announcement, Some wero loaded with English troops. . ' SHIPPED SHIP SUNKTTESTERDAY - ' M. T. Howard shipped nine car loads of choice beef cattle to the Swansou company of Sacramento yes terday. These cuttle were purchased from tho Brook vale stock farm, own ed by Louls'Gerber, last October, and have been kept since that time for the company by Fred 8tukel. The cattle j were shipped from Midland. EASTERN HOSPITAL 1 .ONDON, Feb. ,; The Brit'-. Uh , hospital shlpvjttho, Qlenart e Castle, was minlT yesterday In thu British Channet.xThere were no patients nboard. Some of the survivors have been landed by mi American torpedo boat. Eight boats are reported to be still ufloat. WELL KNOWN VETERAN OF MO DOC WAR GETS RECOGNITION ' OF NIB SERVICES FROM GOV ' BRNMBNT Captain O.' C. Applegate of thli city Ii to be' granted a pension by tbe United States, government In recogni tion of his efficient iirvicee at the time of the Modoc war, according to word' received from Washington, D. C. The pension will amount to 1 30 per month's, and Is to commence with March of thli year. Representative Hawley aad other Influential person ageaat.Weihlngton have been Instru mental ln getting tbe matter thru. .Ca'ptaln. App'egate. whose promt ed here yeeterday charted wiw .fart ing a check and paaelat it t taa fiaa 8tore. waived exemlaatleer lata yee terday afternoon beton Jeetke) af taa Peace I. W. 0oweb.aa4.will; bib hadad ewar'M the actio of Iaaffraa4 jury. Re will ba"heldberaiatieeeaTeittvaota aad tbar Indlin wan ucn aetiOB.' '' '--i v " r a eeaia"y mim, vs ewimiiisee.f iiace -issu are euaiuie io peunuim feUowlig wlrd fim leraaH Pflr flf aeaee ,- t be -Indian war U well Lain Eeaaty: 'All .aaasalHtaat -aV Rfnr. wa iutrumental Jn lecurbg dtat44.aat work.folleat.sflltae pamfa ot the act of March 4, geeeae jif. ,yaur oaittaC'JhttrwMc wbkk the veteran ol tbe T.VT NAMED AS MEDIATOR ew , BRITISH FREIGHTER e IS SUNK BY HUNS e) NEW YORK, Feb. 27. The British freighter Philadelphia WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 27. Former President Taft has been se lected by tho representative of the capital to appear for them In Joint ,e a cargo headed for. British conference between the employers ports. No details are available and employes, to establish n basis of e of tho catastrophe a vessel of fi.000 tons, has been sunk by submarines. She had lelutlons during tho war. Von Hertling's Speech Not Taken Seriously' PARIS, feb. 27. The press gen erally considers Count von Hertling's' speech to the relchitag a simply .a continuation of Germany's efforts to create differences between the alllV; It has been iterated-a a'peech of thy pocrlcy. , "J LONDON, Febr 27,. Special dis patch! from Russia say the 'soldiers have nfused to light, saying: "Let the German take u." The work; maa are -willing to. flghU but are trained: . , , it ' , it !blieved ttaat the Oarvaai will take Petr'ogrnd wltfiouf trouble A big K. lVl.J ,, Hil (Jt. ..vH,- .