Jkiaiiath county I ffetflh Vwi-N'0' . AISER HINTS WCIPLESTi IID DOWN AS witnesses BY WILSON ENDORSED IfJAXCKUOH VON HMITMNU AVI PEACE CAN UK DISCUSS-on Wllltam Jcnnlng llryn,, will be aubpooned to testify for the do l OX FOUR PRINCIPLES OUT- fenso or'lhlrty-ono persons chanted UXKD BY PRESIDENT iU.CE-LOIUUI.NE HKM TO AVE NO INTERNATIONAL AH. NUT-JAPAN PREPARING TO Emm HIIIKIHA HUN RAIDER flAMH PORT by A oriatl Free Oeraaay, thru her chancellor, hat detlarei that general peace can be I on a baala of the four prln- laid down recently by Presl- feet Wilton, attho It la necessary that III Kate) and peoplea recognise these rleclple, which condition baa not lit beta reached, according to the wersetntsllres of the central power. A proper court of arbitration la dtklBg, and the tribunal of the world ati keen prejudiced agalnat Oermany. Unjt. The chancellor Inalated that! tat sstratc alma were allll Imperial bOt'' til1 llertllng exploited the abject Mmttt ot Ruwla, pleading for lam on to eaitern front, and hinted wjprtinm to enter oparate nego- iVpi problem of Alsace-Lorraine la aa having no International Attho Ruula li ready to conclude Hate, the Teuton conqueet will go on Mil Reval and Pakor are occupied, MMruag to the chancellor. It wai """M that the province! of Cour bad and l.lthunla will be given aelf. ntranent. The central powera do Intend to eatabllah themselves In bthoDla or Mvonla. Japan I, reported to be preparing oter Siberia aoon. Another Merman raider, the Wolf, as returnod to port a ft of destroying "ls In tho Atlantic, Pacllc and 'MUa oceana. She allpped Into an AHtrlan port with 400 prleonera. Shooting Scrape Mtthow Cook, colored porter at U White Pullran k,.l ...!. l..t life here late yesterday; In an al wettlon at the Denver rooming r dlni which he waa ahot at JJ ' n Hays, a colored man wko wen rooming In the houae. The ahot fired by Haya narrowly 4a-7r Cook' 00 tl" aultea JT former with an eaoratoua.44 aHT' Th yMlm " " t0 loor fro ujr,ljMk of the ear, H Wad badly. AlieAU wu eelleTWl "JwiH Uter pred W te be eerl- aa, . , T Denver rooming house at tta'e (Ehp iujtthtn TnTrnr t i i i r-TT-mr !em ggSfen. OWWXMWWOMWWWWWMMWIWXWWWWMOWWWIIWWDIOIWWwi laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajaaaaaaa CABINET OFFICERS AND KX-MEC. IIHTAItV OP STATE WILL UK NUBPOKNED Tt APPEAIt AT MAN FRANCISCO HAN PKANCIHCO, Feb. 20. Ham Chandra, the principal llltulu ilo- fendaut In the litjc conspiracy cnno here, has announced that Hucrutury allll0I Fonniaslor Uoncrsl llurlo- with conspiring lo foment a rovolu tlou In India. There la a question a to whether cabinet officer ran be gubpoencd. todkeof local spuds COUNTY TOTATO GROWERS AHHO. CIATION WILL HKXO MAN TO CALIFORNIA OR TEXAS TO SELL SURPLUS "MUllPHYM" At the meeting or the Kliiniulh County I'olnto (IrowcrH Association at the Mt. I.okl church last night, W. C. Townaend of thin city wiik selected to reprojont tho association In lln'o Inc of the Lurplua product of spuds now on liiimt by ctirTcrcnt members. A considerable rum wag advanced fur expenses In c.btalnlng n marki'l by the growers, and after going over tho local altiinllnn carefully, Mr. Townrond will W:n for California poind. If unsuircH.ful there, he will go on to Tola, whero there In known lo be a good demand for thla product. It I reported Hint beforo leaving, however, he will Investigate the order lust received from tho government for 600 tqna of Oregon dehydrated po- taloea. i o KRYLEXKO'M SUCCESSOR NAMED LONDON, Feb. 26. (Jencral Oru Jevltch hna been appointed successor m Knalcn Krylcnko, aud hum. been declared dlrtator, according to a Uer- lln dUiwtch. Ilrujovltlch ban order ed the Russian troops to fight to tho Inst. Ilo war formerly Rryienaos chief ol staff. mwm Here Yesterday (weat end of Main atroet, In operated by Mre. Cook, who ib now m -land undar a federal Indictment for aelllng liquor without a license. Dun lag her abaence the placo la managed by .her huaband, who, It In reported, had denied Haya further joomlng privileges on account of misconduct. :. I-- ki. UHnn came UD naya, ioiiowib 'town, took on noma liquid courage, land thea, returnod to aettle the mat- ter. Following the airray no t ,up Mala Itreet,, where he woi taken Into cmtody y tne omcer. ! Kan lae' been barber hop por . -"".: -. li. ...i.i mm Port- tar ere ewce i r.t... .. land before Cbrlitniai. 1 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, INMN HERE FOR ma lli:.N AIIIIKSTKD FOR FORGING HMAI.M'IIKCK, YOUNG MAN DK. CI.AUKK IIK MAH OIVKN AU. THOIIITY lO DO MO IIY FRIKND Churned ltli Zoiflng a check for u Miiiili amoui't with the name of C. V Wulker, Jim King, a young man wlin recently mine here from Weed, waa niToutod ttcrdey by repreaen latlvc-t of the ilicriff'g office. It Ih reported that King paaaed tliu i hock at the (lun Store operated by llainny Chamber. On being ar retted, he asserted that be bad been kIumi authority by Walker to obtain the money In thla way. Walker ap peared at the aherllt'a office thla imirnlng and denied the atory, declar ing that ho knew the defendant, hav lint come here with him from Weed, ho I nd permitted him no aucb prlvll i'Kch. The hearing la aet for thla af ternoon beforo Justice E. W. Qowen SCHOOLFAIR NEW OFFICERS NHAKTA VIKW TKACUKIl 18 HK. I.KCTKI TO HKAD KLAMATH TKACHKRK' FAIR AHNOCf ATION FOII COMING YKAR II. F. Alexander of the Bhaata View tchool wna selected at a meeting of the Klamath County School Fair At boclatlon to head the organlaatlon for tho coming year. Ilo aucceeda C, D. Cborpcnlng, who left bla poalnton v, Ith the Klamath County acboola re cently to become Identified wltk the Flrat National bank. Frank Stewart of the Spring Lake district la vice prealdeat. County School Superintendent Edna Welle la aeerctary; Hang Nylander of Mt. Lakl la assistant secretary; Mario Dolan of Spring Itko la treaaurer; Mr. O. M. Hill or Falrvlew la aaalatant treaaur ed. Other membera of tke executive committee will be appointed by tke president. To thla efficient organlaatloa, com posed of teachera In tke rural acboola of the county, goes the credit for the Hplendld Industrial falra that keve beon ataged here last year and tke year previous. Surprising exhibits have been made, and thru It, the pu pils have beon spurred on to make an extra effort In their work. This Idea originated here, and haabeen so auc cesarul that It la not Improbable that It will be taken up In other localities ere long. NUW MAIL ROUTE BIDS ARE WANTBal It Is announced today by Feet piaster 'W., A Delisll that bide for the Lekevl'sw.mall route, tkejker;lll, Swa.i-'aiid Odieir routes'' UffeHd uiiMturacWry.-aad tiit lWd,wll be reeelyed.; Tkese;mu arpNfaak. ington oy aicn xein. MIMES AT Heating Curtailed In Klamath Falls According to an order received from the state fuel administrator by several of tke owners of business blocks In Klamath Falls, there Is to be no beat In oHcej buildings here be- fore the hour of 17 In tke morning Diplomats May Have Now Lett Petrograd WASHINOTON, D. C, Feb. 6. . . American Minister Morris at Stock- holm has forwarded advices from the APPREHENDED LOCAL OFFICIALS lUT IN 1IUHY TIME CORRALLING MEN WITH LIQUID AMMUNITION THREE riKAD GUILTY. A number of arrests were msde yesterdsy by the local offlcera of per sons baring liquor In tbelr poseaesloo cr disposing of It to others. James Madlll was taken Into custody by cer Hilton, charged with disposing of liquor He plead not guilty, and will lie given a hearing this afternoon be fore Justice E. W. Oowen. Ollbert Wicks, II. Mene, .Frank Ward end Ed Kerens were taken by Chief of Police Hank Wilson and later plead guilty to having liquor la their poesessloni Their sentence baa not been pronounced. WOMEN MAY BECOME SMALL ARM INSPECTORS WASHINOTON, D. C. Feb. 36. The war department now permits wo men to qualify aa laspectora of small arms, according to announcement made by the United States civil serv ice commission. The examination for whlcb the commission Is receiving ap- pllcatloaa to secure persona equipped to serve aa Inspectora and assistant laspectora of small arms. In the plants' tiling eoatracta for tke army, la the first of Its kind opened to women, it la atated. OSTEOPATH RETURNS Dr. Fred Ooddard, wko kas been spending tbe winter In tke Rogue .1W -..- .- ...v- 1.1- . .41.. .-J.1 " W IHl, BOOTLEGGERS YESMY ....... that ha will ha ham !!" .vir-, - -...v nni. .- ... -.w , continually. WA OARDEN WORK STARTED ' exexeaasanamaamt Tkdh war arm rat a rtimtmilf Af KWMtk County.-of -wte County ; lMAaMU.lt la.il If - Alafabari !. Maa;)k4iasJa.meetjag Mia 'jrftemoea at Mr. aiatsyara' Mee In; tle-Leemis nuwaiag. Herald FEBRUARY 26, 1918 GENERAL PEACE and after 6:30 at night. This order la made, Irrespective of tho kind of fuel used. The Instructions come as a sur- prise to local landlords, who wero not contemplating aucb a move here. .allied diplomats at Petrograd to the tttet that all embaasles had arranged t0 eaye there reuruary 23d, If It was found necessary. OFFICF.RM OF KLAMATH IRON AN STEEL WORKS ELECTED. ' SITE PURCHASED AND UUILD- . INC TO START With II. D. Mortenson president, M. L. Poland vice prealdent, D. M. Hail genoral manager, and J. F. Fltx jatrlrk secretary treasurer, elected at a directors' meeting yesterday after- NEWCHY MM mm 00-jnoou, the site of three lots on-Elm and Spring streets purchased and con tracts for Immediate construction of fouudry and machine abopa let, the new Klamath Iron and Steel Works become a certainty. Mwrs. Hall and Fitspatrlck, for merly proprietors of the Orauts Pass Iron and Steel Works, left this morn- Ing for that point, where the machin ery used there boa been loaded on cars, to ace about getting it started for Klamath Falls. The new enterprise has been Incor- Derated at tlO.000. the stock of which haa nearly all been paid iu. The In'duatry haa been greatly needed hero, especially by the big mill men, who have had no way of getting their heavy repair work done. a AMERICANS KILLED RY MEXICAN UAND1TS WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 25 one American was killed and two wounded in an attack by Mexican bandlta on an oil boat at Tamplco Baturday Unofficial advices declare that the bandits got $30,000 from the Amer ican paymaater, and that the Amer icana defended themselves vigorously, wounding Are of the Mexicans. It Is said that tke affair may result In the .,Sd"ml ofthi Americans. Ed- U ..,,. , Vlllatil VOTERS URGED TO REGISTER All persons who have not register ed under tke permanent registration i .mihn hava nnvut alnea the last election are urged "to register before APrll- ITtQi as- oooas are vna auui, vmIi hv thaia' who are not Vagtetersd'te. accompanied by much In convenience. . New Dutch Minuter V BSssan a Wv. flsaHMrS' ' Cili f WfKf'' "-' WmjU aaBaiL4&V' gggggf fX ggggggggggggg4,V M j, saaHHLIiflaHHHaHB Auowaj " tiiktR5. August Philips, newly appointed minister from Holland to the United States, haa taken up his work In Washington. I.Ike the ministers ot nil northern neutral nations, he .will be very busy trying to convince the administration that his country should be permitted to have all the American food and raw material Its people desire. HMD EIGHTEEN BRANCHES ARE NOW ESTABLISHED PUPILS IN THE DIFFERENT 8CHOOI.H WILL SOON BE AT WORK AIDING SOLDIERS Eighteen auxiliaries to the Junior Red Cross have thus far been organ ised In the schools of Klamath Coun ty, (icordlng to an announcement made esterday, and preparations to get the work of this branch of the service under way are being complet ed as fast as possible. The patterns for tho work requested have already been completed aud sent out. MANUFACTURERS INDICTED WASHINOTON. D. C. Feb. 26. The federal trade commission bus Is sued complaints charging unfair trade practices against thjrty-elgbt manufacturing firms. Field Labor Beets Owing to inability to secure help of foreign labor to take care of the Meld work In the beet fields, the Utah Idaho Beet Sugar company, under whose supervision a substantial crop of beets was raised in Klamath coun ty last year, and which bad already made plans for a much larger acreage this year, has been obliged to aban don the work here for. the coming season, according to Jees'Jarvls. who hiT been employed ke.re.-by tke com yany to promote thin work., ' t ' The eomoany aim Plans io coose ib be.re wltk a factory, declares Mr., Jif. vis, but under present conditions la CROSS SPREADS OVER COUNTRY OFFICIAL NKWSPAFSX OF KLAMATH' FAI4J Price Fir Cad RAILROAD BUILDING NOW VERY DIFFICULT HOIIUtT E. ATR I HORN TELLS OF Dlt'KICULTIFX NOW IN WAY OF tONNTHt'CTION STEEL AND OTHER MATERIAL IMPOSSIBLE TO riKCUHK HOPES TO GET A GOOD START WITH GRADING AND TIES TO SPRAGUE RIVER THIS YEAR. BONANZA LINK THOUGHT POS- S1ULE NOW That It seems to be a growing con viction among prominent bnslnese men, that If every American would do his or her part whole-heartedly and without stint for the' balance of ,tbls year, we would see an end bt the world struggle In 1919, was the state ment made by Robert E. Strahorn yesterday, when asked- about the ab sorbing subjects of war and the rail roads. "But," he continued, "thla means that every effort and every -sacrllce and all tho punch we have, must be put Into It." .' "The country la a long way from being Into it to thla extent as yet. We arc so far from the' front, so alow to wrath and ao over confident of Uncle Spm's ability to put things over with a big margin to spare, that we are Hill serenely content with Imprison ment for spies, firebugs and dyna- I miters, who are out with the most fulliigeruus lurm ui iocni t us rigni nere uutuo. "Aa for our railroad project, hav ing been awaylbout two montba and very busy, I wouldn't wonder it yon good Klamath frlenda knew more about the present condition than I do. I tto know, however, that we have been much delayed, and our outlay vnstly Increased by the Impossibility of securing certain material and labor due to war conditions, to lack of cer tain equipment and failure to prompt- (Continued on page 4) For Unobtainable I bard tb say when this move will be made. It la reported that some of the officials were In favor or moving me Grants Pass factory here, but the pol icy waa overruled, and It waa taken to Washington, Mr. Jarvla atatea that a large num ber of the farmera were anxious to plant beets this year at tho prieea nVerati h the company, but only on condition that the forekja) labor ;HW bt famished for te neia nana wrm and if thla toVtJ&SMZ would wtlciiaWa?tl!4!rK?W crop. The oaiM;ratoif: la made tattlf totW. W?w luconveuteaeed.-"' , 1..' i r- Jll Z'i ywi ...i.t..-'l "l-i1