JJ gTl?g Euamfng Herald I OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OP KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NIWIPAFBI OF KLAMATH FALL twlftli Vei .!. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1918 Pile Mr Ohm D. S. BOYS RAID GERMAN TRENCHES BOLSHEVIK DECIDE TO ACCEPT THE AMKK'AN SOLDIERS Willi FKKMII TKOOI'H MAKE HOIITIK U1U THE ENEMY'S t'AMP AM) RETURN SAFELY WITH JIA.NY lillHONEHS I I BOMIIKYIKI AGAIN REt'lRKH TO AlVKIT PEACE .TERMS OK UKKMANY, WHOSE REMANDS HAVE IIEEN INCREASED HI' It IXO DELAY Mmmmmt I')' Aanrtalctl Vmm Count win Herding wilt address lit relenting today on the siibjoct of forlD affairs, and It It probalile that U will dlictus thu Russian iilluutlon If4 the recent tpcech made by l.to)d' Ctorit of Knglsud. j At a rciult of the Indecisive nlti-j Uw of the bulehvvlkl regarding the, petco offcm, (Icrtnany Iium now In mued her demand in Iho Icmn. The HumIiuh hatu agreed to accept te tfrnii offered by Germany for the mcodiI tlmo within a week. Tlio teuton to tight toward Iho close of Ut week, followed by a call to iinnM, 414 not apparently huvo any effect on Mltlai the Herman Invasion", o It uiciId derided to accept the lornu UM down by the enemy. WITH TIIK AMKIIICAN AltMY IN HUNCH, Fob. 2T,, An American Wtrol In Iho Chcmln I)e Hume dl--Mtl m.do a raid yesterday In con-' Iwctlon with H French patrol, nml wended In penetrating for moral hundred yard Into tlio Gorman Hiioh. The tlitoiiiniH party returned with two Ucrinuii unicorn, twenty-ouo mon Ddonenmchliii. khu. i The raid wax miido imdor command M Freurh olllior, und tuinio Mhurp lirttlni occurred In which 11 number we enemy weio killed und wound There t.rv American cuhuuI m rtporivd. W'-vh I'imkt:i:i iiumi'f.hi:i Ily AKMM'latwl VrmM Kifept for slight realstunco In hi U and Ksthonla, tho Clormuna are "wing unlmmpornd along tho trellii . .1 ,0 Ukraine. UN TERMS Urge Timber Sales On Reservation Authorized ertH.IW,T0.N' D- 0-. 'en. 86. I payment!, which uveroge over 100 wmoner Ct6 Sella hat notified ' 000 yearly for fifteen yeare. Tw Chtmbn that tmW. Th, Met ,r, to be largely from Th. i! Mn nrlied on behaif tribal ter, and the balance from ' Klamath ludlaua, calling for I tlie lauds of Individual Indiana. ' L E IIKPAItTMK.NT Of LAHOIt IIOI'Mi TO ENROLL tt,HKI,HM HOYS UN. DF.lt DRAFT agi: I OH rnoi I'HODrtTION 'HUM YEAR A tmtlott wldu niovo In enroll t ho boys of llit' nnlluii hIio lire 1G )fam old mill miller tho ilriift ngc jih a working n-semi In hicrrnso the food iiiiliuiliiii, lll lie conducted ilurliiK lliii Honk commencing March IStli. Thin week In lo liu known us Nallonul Kitiollmeiil Week. Thin iikivu Iiiih bleu undertaken under llio auspices if ilm department of labor, with thu endorsement of President WIImiii, Heenty-tlvo inllllnn htidicM of wheat over nml iibovo what we havo exported up to January Int. In addi tion to tlio total exportable, surplus fiom Canada. Ik declared necessary by tlio European authorities, If wo liopo to win thu war. Two million luiya nru believed mailable between thu aKi'ii nliovo mentioned, If thuy run do enrolled. HOIIi:itT K, STIIAIIOItN AMI WIFK MAKK IIIIIKI-' KTAY OX WAY FROM NIMIKAXF. TO SAN I ItAX t.lSCO TO HKTIHX I.ATFIt Mr. mid Mrs. Hubert H. Htruhorn icturiieil from their Kpokiinu homo Hnturdiiy night, und nru making Klamutli County a very brief visit ou their way to t'ullfcrnlu. Their return to Ktumnlh County Iiuh been very coiiHldorahly delayed by much IIIiiosh In Iho Htruhorn fain. Ily, followed biu automobile, acci dent, which noverely Injured Mrn. Sliulioiii. Tho elTeMs of thin, how. over, him now iilmobt dlnapiieareii. Mr. und Mm. Htruhoru leuvo uguln tomorrow for Iho Hotitli, und estl inato that It will bo nboiit u month before thoy ret urn to Klamutlh 1'I.KAHANT imhtv wwxkhiay Mrs. Clayton Wheeler wuh hoHtesa tit u number of Indies ut her homo Wednoxdny iifternoou. HofreshmontR wero nerved nml tho afternoon spout iileiiHiintlv. Tho guista wero Mrs. John Mm tin, Mrs. Ilorbcrt McCarthy, Mrs. ICurl Whlllock, Mrn. hip vun Hlpor, Mis. 11, N. Moo, Mrs. A, K. Whltmun and Mis. h. J. Vun llolleu. NAM NKOLLMNT WEEKSOON no BUILDER MS ... MARAUDERS H10 E MERCHANDISE VALUED AT FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS TAKEN IIY THIEVES, WHO (JAIN ACCESS Tlllti; HEAR WINDOW A kooiI duo l now bolloed to luno been dlKCovered lo thu thief who In the weo houm of tho liloriilux Bjiturday effected an entrance thru u i ear window of the J. K. MaKiiiro couipuny and r.ot away with about $ lOU worth of mcrchnndleo of viirlom kinds. Kurn, iiiurkhiiwH, loKgara' shlrtM, work Klovnit, bIiwii, acarfplmi, ladles' ronlH, Iioko and micks were among thu IIiIiikh taken by tho inaraudcm. Thu mutter was not given publicity before by reiucst of tho officers. I L hum of TWiiXTV vi:kks wii.i. hi: txi.Mi'Mm:!! tiuhnday. LAST T(-:X WHI.KS ilVKX IIY HKgtlHT t)l-- hTlliKXTS Tho lcnly Hecks term of ulght school at the Klamath County high M'bool under tho direction of J. U. Koch of tho commercial department wilt come lo a cloto next Thursday night. This has been by far tho most succehsful term of night school ever held ut Klamath County high school. It wits at tlrst Intended to have only a ten weeks course, but a potltlon for mi additional ton weeks, signed by tho students or tho night school, wuh indented to tho county board, and It w.ih decided Hint as there wore funds lu Iho troasury to meet thU oxtra ex pernio, tho term would bo extended to twenty wookn. Several subjects have been taught, among them being shorthand, pen nimishlp, typewriting and bookkeep ing The class In shorthand iu al niobt with tho day school clone, and soveral members or the night school hnvo decided to go on with tho sub Jed In the day school class, which moots at tl:tS. Aftor the regular session Thursday ulght tho pupils will have a party In tho large room on tho third floor, which Is used as a cafeteria. All of tho pupils who wero enrolled boforo tlio last thrco wroks of tho term aro Invited to uttond. A musical program will bo glvon, aftor which games will bo played, followed by refreshments. CAMiKI) HOUTII IIY IMiNKMB OF XfKCK fluy Merrill was called to Oakland yesterday by tho Illness of his little niece, Martha M. Merrill. The child's father, Hey Merrill, la now In Nova da, a long dlitanco from a nottofflce. lie will also be sent for If the little girl dooa not Improve. GKTS SENTENCE TODAY Press Arnold of this city, who plead guilty Friday evening before Juatlee EX W, Oowen to a .charge of having liquor In bit noaieulon la to he ten teuced this atteruouu. MSI SUCCESSFU NKHTSCHOO wmw ...................... -. Legislation For More Prospects That the Irrigation of Western Arid Lands Will Receive Favorable Action By Congress at Early Date. McNary Active in the Matter WAHIIINOTON. U. C, Feb. 2C A bill calculated to Increase tho pro ductive agricultural area of tho West Is now on Its way to mi early coimld crntlon by tho congress or tho United Slates. In April, 1917, u measure providing for tho leclnmntlon of arid nnd swamp lands wuh Introduced In the sonate, and after the reconvention; of congress In December Jnst, Senator Charles U. McNary of Oregon asked for a hearing of this bill by the cn ate committee on Irrigation and rec lamation of arid lands, of which ho Is a member. On February Hth the. senate committee, after a thoro con-l sldrrntlon of tho substance of the measure, Instructed the chairman to report tlio bill favorably to tho senato where, Senator McNary said, It would In tils opinion receive prompt and fa oniblc consideration. This legislation In brief provides that when the district shall have vot Airships May Soon Fly Over to France i NEW YOllK, Fob. 25. -Tho United States cau begin flying bomb pianos across tho Atlantic oceun in July, provided the government authorities net fHst enough, uccording to llonry A. Wise Wood of tho board of gov ernors of tho Aero Club or Amorica. Mr. Wood inudo this statement af ter the executive commltteo or the club hud telegraphed to Washington, requesting a stutemeut regarding the alrcruft production of the Uulted States now, when inonsiiges from Eu rope toll of many German uirpluiics flying over the American sector. Mr. CAPE RACE t CAPTAIN MAKEH MIBCALCl'LA TION IN TltYINO TO rfoVXD CAPE IN IHO STORM DEATH LIST NOW REACHES IM. ST. JOHNS, Newfoundland, Feb. 35. -Forty-four have bees reported saved to far from the wrecked liner FlotUel at Broadcov nar Cap Race, The big liner,, "tick is re puted to have cost 11,000,000 dpi lacs, went ashore in a storm, when MER WRECKEDAT Started Reclamation Measure For More ed and Issued bonds bearing Interest at a rute to be fixed by the secretary of tho Interior, not to exceed 4 per centu per annum, to cover the cost 'of construction and the legally and validity of such bond lue shall have been confirmed by the courts, the sec retary of Interior It authorised, pro vided he determines that the project i practicable and advisable, to enter Into a contract with the district for he conttructloB of the necessary orks, etc. The secretary la then .em powered to accept the district bonds and deposit the same with tbe secre tary of the treoaary, who shall Issue certificates of UdebtedBeee of tbe United Statea In an amount equal to the value of tbe district bonds, and bearing Interest at tbe tame rate. The secretary of the Interior Is dl lected to dispose of tbe certificates of Indebtedness from time to time at tbe funds may be required for construc tion purposes. Wood also said that a trans-ocean trip had been made possible by tbe In vention of a "mechanical navigator," this device permitting an aviator eas ily to map out a course across the ocean. ' "Tho crossing." said Mr. Wood, "could be made In S3 hours, the dis tance to Ireland being about 1,900 miles. Tho crew of each bombing plane would consist of two pilots, two engineers and oue navigator. "We need on additional billion dot lars for airplane construction," he de clared. the captain miscalculated In trying to round the cape. The coatt tteuraer Protpero stood by and rescued the survivors In small bouts. Many bodlea were washed ashore, and tbe death list is now giv en as -OS. Captain Martin, Chief Officer James the marconl operator, two teamen and John Klelley, a passenger, are among those saved. Seventy-seven itattengera were on board. The crew numbered sixty-nine. ENHIUN KltYLKNKO WOUNDED LONDON, Feb. 85. Ensign Kry lenko waa sbot and slightly wounded Saturday by a socialist in Petrograd The bullet struck him la the neck. His assailant has been srretted, PLOT TO KILL PROMINENT CHINAMAN ! DISCOVERED PEKINK. Feb. 15. A conspiracy to assassinate) General Tuan Chi Jul, former oramler and now war commit. siener. has bee discovered. A u bar of arrests have been made, In cluding three Japanese, vyi - r - rr - - - rri - - ., ii-nnnnnriarLruuuuuuuuuiVtnAaiinAruuuuwnnnftnAAJLVLArULruinAru The New National Republican Chairman Will H. Hayt of Indltna la the youngeat man to be chosen chairman of the Republican National Commit tee. He is about 38 years of age. In Indiana, where the best politicians are produced, he la considered a gent us at the game. He will have much to do with determining the policy of the party for the next two years. DOZEN COYOTK8 AND OTHER PELTS PRESENTED THIS MORN. 1NO BRING HUGE BOUNTY-CAN BE SOLD FOR GOOD SUM Tbe bides of twelve coyotes, one coon, two skunks and one bob cat were presented for bounty here this morning at the county clerk's office by W. V. Fraln. He was given a warrant for $3 for the animals, and will probably be able to dispose of the furt for an amount fully as Isrge. Mr. Fraln's postoffice address is Ueswlck, Calif., but be resides In Oregon, whore the creatures were killed. He reports that there are no signs of rabid animals in that district. HUNS ARRIVING FROM EAST WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. 23. The Italian avlatora report a contin ued arrival of fresh troops of the en emy to the Itallau front from tbe Ru8so-Roumanlan tront. sSssVVfffV''sSsSsSVrl Ky W V V''' ,-f' itStSKj vi'yjK.tBJB w 'jtBBBBBBBBBB Ats2 l ., HstMHsi H ' rh J-AsBmsB :r t3i IVfcASsBBjJj3 BsSsrAelsSwrijB I sHsRlJcaBMHsE?'3&? BjmVBmBBbBBW.mI injyjlBJBJPWMW" COUfflYMAN MM MANY HIDES Red Cross Activities In Mills Addition The Mills Addition auxiliary to the. Red Cross, under the supervision or Mrs. Mel Miller, meets every Wednts. day afternoon at tbe Mills Addition ball. The attendance increased from six to eleven this week, and It Is bop. ed by the leaders to Interest others In the work. Since organising, this branch bas turned out about aeventy-nve suits of pajamas, and 'nightingales, a dosen I OF TRENCHES IS HERE SOON MAN WHO HAS LOST ARM AND LUNG' IN CONFLICT WILL BRING MESSAGE TO PEOPLE OF KLAMATH WITHIN A FEW DAYS liOCAL PEOPLE WILL GET FIRST HAND INFORMATION OF WAR ZONE CONDITIONS FROM ONE WHO HAS SEEN MUCH OF THE STRIFE Tbe chance to bear a truly great speech on tbe great world war now raging In Europe by one of tbe vet erans of the trenches, who has given nearly everything but his enthusiasm for the conquering of the Hun, is to be afforded residents of Klamath Falls on March 2d and 3d. ' It Is unquestionably a fact that while Klamath County has done Its full share in anawerlng nearly all the war calls made so far, In a patriotic manner, the real situation has aot been grasped, nor the enthusiasm routed here at it hat in many sec tions, because of lack of contact with those who could give first band In formation of life at tbaront. Reading the presg dispatches, Rear ing what some one has heard so and so say, teeing soldiers In the moving pictures, will all go a certain distance In stimulating the public, but when a real live man who bas lost an arm, had one of bis lungs ruined with gas, and shows other evidences of activity, stands up before an audience and tells Jutt bow thlngt are really car ried on, It is bound to reach tbe heart atrings of any man or woman who baa a heart at all. Realising what such an event would mean to this community, a number of prominent business men have been making an effort to get a speaker of this kind for some time, and have been able to secure dates from Sergeant Fred "Doc" Welts, who hat been creating such a sensation lu the cities of the United States dur ing the past few months. Word has just been received from H. D. Mor tenson at 8an Francisco that Sergeant (Continued on page 4) sweaters and half a doxen pairs of 'I socks and wristlets. Members have set a mark to double this output in tho near future. A cordial invitation ta extended to all In that district to coma and par ticipate in tbtt work. Those present last week were Meidsmes M. Miller. VETERAN COMING P. Miller, C. Thorns. C, Setter. F, ssA casual, r. nowara, , ,. Owens. R.A)exander, J. Joseaasd K. Bell t 4; ..- v't, ,J "' .1 ' v . -: