l?g Eiumtnn Herald iciAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NIWIPAFH OF KLAMATH FALLS KLAMATH COUNTY .ivl , ytsr Xo. 8.31" KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1918 ". Price Fife OmM IMS WILL PUSH TO BALTIC PROVINCES MMWMMAMMMAAAMMAWWMWWVWWWWWl IERILLA, TGHTING DOPTED BY IUSSIANS Panj MMWMMMMMW MMWWWWWWWWMMWWMWWWMW PIT IS UNEARTHEn UFEWU) PROVES VERY FOUR MEN AT AMKIIHAX LAKE ARE HELD FOIl PI.AXXIXU TO MURDER THEIR OIKKKItH WHEN IX RATTLE WITH HUNK 1XH WILL NUT DIHCU8M Full THE PRESENT i I RVHWAXS C"OXFKIlt:XfK OX WITH ROUMANIA AT IRWT KAHM IX WEST DIN- RV AMERICANS CAH-i CAUIKS AXXOUXCED MANY IX AlltMKX BROUGHT I RV IIHITIHH by AworUtnl Pi ssgotlatlons with the Rut- 1 till ot be rmumed Immediate- rlktOtrmanii. II li believed that 1 warfare will probably be In. I by the boUhevlkl to Impede 1 ssraaee of the Pruaalan force r present offsnalve. lAeftfUa and Ukraine troops are ' Mtrtsd approaching Kiev. riia Secretary von Kuehlmann to lluchnreit to dlacuaa Urmi with the Houmanlan 7. and It li therefore probable llkaatcotlatloni with the bolshe- I ofj kavs to be postponed, ac- I to an announcement made In CAMP LEWIS, Feb. 23. Four vol dlera are hold hero awaiting a prcsl dentlnl warrant. They uro charged wltli plotting to shoot their offlcorH when they got lulo art Ion, mid deliver all American)! In their organisation to the German. Tliclr uamen are with hold for tho present. INTERESTING FINE PROGRAM YESTERDAY AT MRHOOL LARGE CiU)VII PRESENT AT LIT EI1AHV A.M MUSICAL PRO GRAM IN HONOR OF timiWK WASHINGTON Minister Trtosky la de le have left Petrograd for i.sesk an early conference IBstbhdb there. nAlelihevlkl realatance now t depends on whether or not accept readily the caplt-! er the government. It la r entrant that the Germans will) Ua MMntlaH !.. Aft.. -.....' - l'"ll IUIU inO DBIIIC wore answering the Rus- rj ' regular army and navy wv, me uoiaiievikl are plac filth In the lied duarda and authods of warfare. The are advanrlnv in daiarh. titan .... I"" work la the only action vb me weitern front. Rome raldi Imvo been dlaperaed by a 0re. A tmnpli tnntttm l.jkll tires Amariinn.. ...j ...... etkar. umt JJk airmen have brought down wad (lermanu i- h. i... .1. Pn , " NUIV McGOVERX DKAI New york"kTo, - . IOVm 11 'wiry i' ilJki'.i formor world's feather- I '"Pioii, la dead. A large audlcnco nttonded the ex cellent program .given yesterday af ternoon at the Klamath County High School, In honor of the birthday of George Washington. Several num bera were ghen by the clause In pub lic apeaklng and mimic. Thin hi the flrat time that tho public speaking claaa haa taken a part In n program thla year, and the numbera presented by Ha puplla nhow that they have been atudylng hnrd und are doing fine work. Thin la alao tho Drat llmo that dramatlca liavo been atudlod ut the achool, aa thla department Ima heretofore boon duvotcd to oratory nnd debate. Tho public apeaklng department U under thu direction of Mm. Carrier. The mualcal department, which In un der tho direction of Prof. Marlon 8. Taylor, alao proaonted aoverul an parlor numbera. - aw SPANISH SHIP MUIIIED MADRID, Feb. 33. Thee) Spanish steamer Marcaaplo haa been aunk by a aubmnrlno en route to Now York with u cargo e) of cork. Tho crow was picked up by tho ateumer Claudlo Lo- pea, which tho aubmnrlno alao halted, but allowed finally to proceed. etrograd Diplomats Contemplate Departure HINOTON. t n m.iw k. ' .. .v. 1- ,. M th mmmm ,..-.r,vr:' ?" ,"r-i ?" " ,no u",m""' ":r: ::j.".t ! "Twet w.ty, jae miiaa receiveo t ai...7 ' "1 ieeuoi of ' aeciarea nat me oovi Tii-.--tMkW0 ,?urp8 a-rMM tett plaaalDfto dafand the city If It be. X with the bolahevlklioV- cokW aecaaaary to do ao. IHHTtlltlCAIi ri,ACKH IN KXOLAND VINITKI) IIV MK1AI. MAN, MHO TKI.I.H OP I'LKAHAXT UKATH Hit AXI MMI TIIKATMKXT The pleaaant aide of a aoldlor'a life In Kngland la deacrlbcd by Ralph Hum of thla city In a letter Juat re ceived by hla mother, Mra. Jennie Hum. Ralph Indicate that he la go ing to do a lot of talking on hla re turn, but Judging from the latereat that la now ahown In the dotage of the boya acroaa the water, he will Imvo plenty of llatonera. Eitracta of hla letter are given below. "It'a lota or fun being here. Eng land la Juat like you tee It In the booka. The queer character are typical, and the funny houaee are a Hcrcam. They are all little two-ttory bulldlnga and the atreeta are narrow nnd winding. We went thru Ramaey Abbey while In Ramaey. It la a won derfully old church, built In me year 907 on tin. Normandy atvle. In one place the walla were daoHhed dar ing a fight In which Oliver Cromwell had a part. Alao, In one room, wee a place where Kmperor WllhelB had written hla name when he vlalted the ptaco In 1007. The building la ell atone, and had a high tower with a narrow, winding atalrway to the top of It. Wo nil went up to the top. Then a mlnlatcr gave a long talk about tho building to ua. "It la Juat like aprlng, and la dandy for walking. Ivy covered tree line tho roadalde, nnd everything la green. Tho weather here la wonderful, nice balmy daya, with clear, cold algata. It la only foggy once In a while, and then Juat In the morning. "We kco many Kngllah aoldlera who nre homo on furlough, and they tell ua that they are very hopeful that the war will end aoon. They think that our aoldlera are marveloua looking men, and they aure do .look good la 1 ninnarlnoii to the Kngllah aoldlera. The Knalfah neonle aeeai real glad to uro im, but. they are ao funny. The. KuglUh money la a puttie to ua. Per hopa U we weren't all broke we would cot familiar with It aooner. I gueae wo will got paid for the Drat tine alnro October aome tlmo next week.. "Kvcrythlng In the way of clothing la cheap over here, but eata of all kluda are etpenalve, and chocolate of nny kind la practically out of the queatlon. The other night we found a place where we could buy hot apple imi im we nlanned a feed. We bought aome hot chocolate and cake nnd a half a pie each, and you aaouia have aeen ua tear Into It. Thing two that are not often found. "I aure am going to have a grand line of BtuhT to talk wnen I get back. (Continued on page 4) IIVtiHIAXft RKHOLVK TO" IIATTLH TO DEATH l'P.rnnniiAD. Feb. 13. "If .the (Jormana ref uae peace to the Ruaalana the at niggle to death or victory la in evitable," according to an omclal Htntemont by the boUhevlkl. m fOl'NTIIY I FACIM A BIG FOOD BHOKTAUM W 1 WASHINGTON, D.C., Fe7 a. 0 Th moat critical food 'horUge-'lathitleiorT'Pf e Un ttd State- row-eoafrbata ta' Oregon Timber Goes East For Shipbuilding BKATTLB, Feb. it. J. II. Bloedel. chairman of the ajoreraaent Rr pro duction campalga la the Nortbweat, ha announced that X0 care of ship timber for coaitntetleta oa the Atlaa- tic aide will be rolling eaat from Ore gon and Waablngton by Sunday night, February lath, and the timber will go la aolld train. Sblpmenta to the Eaat, Mr. Bloedel aald, will be contln ued with Increated capacity. Automobile Corps Is Authorized In Oregon general'a dapartment haa granted au thority for aa orgaaitad automobile corpe for thla tate. It I believed tht will be the only oae of IU klad la oxlatence. Ooveraor Withyebmbe haa approved the eeheme and the corn will be paraded In Portland. April SO. before a high omclal of the federal government, according to present plans. To belong to the corpa, an automo bile owner baa but to offer hla car and hla service when required for the conveying of troops rapidly to any point dealred by the military au thorities. Acting Adjutant deneral Joha M. Williams declares the organ isation would be of great value to thla late from a strategic standpoint. There will he 1,715 oncer and men aad 416 vehicles la the corps. Oregon Children Sell Many Thrift Stamps BALEM, Feb. 13. J. A. Churchill. state superintendent of public Instruc tion, baa announced the name of tho second list of 10 school children la Oregon who have qualified for the Junior Rainbow regiment by each oiling 460 worth of thrift stamps. Tho regiment la to he composed of the first 1.000 puplla la tho state who qualify aad each will be awarded aa "achievement pin" aa hw qualification la reported by county school superln Undent. Among the names oa tho list Just aaaouaced are: Delhert Powell, Klamath Fall; Westermaa WhllHck, Adrian Lofisnd. Harebell HaMltoa., Medford; Marlon Norton. Jean Point er, Velda Rcbraeder, Coqullle; Dor othy Rllby, Margaret Boyd, Enter prise; Francis Oreullcb, Waldo Byers, Muriel Hampton, Fred Rohrman, La Verne Plereon, Loren O'Oara, 8lgel Partlett. Martha Hogue, Karltoa Durkhelmer. Richard Sumus, Edna Murphy, Buford Bybee, Adelbert Park, Irene Rwaasoa, James Rice, Wlaalfred FlUpatrlck, Richard Rice, Pendleton; CllVord Rherrlll, Albert Rherrlll, Herlln Hastings, Roseburg; Harold Johnston, Marian I Ounn, Helen E. Ounn. Olen Looney. Miles Peter. Kenneth Beach, Cbarlee Coo- pey, Raymond Coopey. Orlando Rmlth, Corvallls. WELL KNOWN BOY DOB IN AJURONA Word baa been received here of land who was at first listed among tho lost victims of the Tuscania. la a letter to bla mother at Granta Paae Parker elates that he was quar- ..... --. -w.- ""r"'- w!'antlned at Hamas witn a aumoer 01 the death of Oliver Retb Peaay at for tne . out tntt ne Phoealx. Arlt.. followlag a llagerlag WM Mt MM9i wltB th6 Baltd)r. Illaew with tuberculosis. jTb- eUer B tnrM wttki en Penny, who was only tl years of u age, waa well kaowa la Klamath Falls, where he had resided alace 1911. being employed by the govern tnent, the Central garage aad the Link River Electrical company. A breakdowa la health made It neces sary .for blm to go south early la Do camber. Hla character la given high praise by hla former employers here. BKALES TO BE BENT TO CANTONMENT CAMP Sheriff George Humphrey returned t nlh hnm Pnriland. whnrn ha He leaves a father, mother aad two had been on official Dullness. He re brothers here to moura his loss. ,g tnat tne cate of Sidney L. Beales, who waa apprehended there this week on a charge of evading the draft law. will be taken up by the eovernment officiate today, and that It la probable that the young man will be seat to American Lake. 4 s.lern'ierVfl. taw,eiitiT. ' SPUD OROWRRR VHOBO TO ATTBND MJRSTING It s eipected tbst a large aamber of growers will attend the meeting of the Klamath County Potato Growers' Aasoclatloa bloaday algbt attbe Mt. ikl church, whan the taeatlea of ttaniag a man to eouthera markete to dUpoee,of the surplus stock at pota- u m' ki h will la takes aa I , 0J . 1 u. , ., UJDiVWUKVEDVOnWiM ' . LMa&&mtam .. Im J- .-XI .aVai.A- kgaVaaL.laaatlAaa Ut'STTUMlERMAN OABFE8T OVER PLOI8B1 MANIFESTO vsikrnnv wh. S.'rii nuhllca tie by a Vienna omclal news agency fiUa.poltsR mftajfesto. reteetlng up rfrrasaivhts given great ofsase, McoVdUg-to a Surleh coireeaoadoBt. i M i. vailnr at.Vlaaaa aa' been asked to demand an expls- London Merchant Got $17,000,000 For the War 4arf ' ' 'msBBmsl mf-.l 'iL?T"i.2JaaBBBBaT W4 & " v ?BsaBaal aaai"'?I'X.igesaaal Tt'wB'BBBaBaBaBas v HkaaBaBasmmsBaaaBaBV j&JSyli "K 3iwBsV a A naBaaWmmsBaTA laa 'TajBrv? o ammaavi mnW ' - ''aBBBBBSI Vmsaama TSt mmsmsw mmsaamnT rasBaaamV naBaBaBawmBBaaaBT r.onur.N f,tjmor Gordon Selfrldge, tho London mer chant who began his career In the United States, aald on hla arrival hero that hit great atore had aotd more that t'l 7,000,000 of war bonda for tn Brltlah government. MILtEtniLl HMD RESIDENT OF KL.iLTH IIASIN Ilt'YB IRRIGATED FARM .NEAR TINGLKY IUNCH UEL1EVES IN COCNTY'M Ft'Tl'RE Otto Anderson of Midland haa Juat purcbaaed from E. M. Chllcote a 40 acre tract of Irrigated land on the weat aide of Miller Hill, and adjoining the Wm. Tlngley ranch on the north Half of this tract Is In alfalfa, and It Is declared one of the best Irri gated piece In that section. Mr. Anderson has been for a num ber of years a resident of the Klam atb Basin, aad has harvested a num ber of cropa here. He la a firm be liever In Klamath County. PERSHING REPORTS SMALL CASUALTIES WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 13. General Pershing has reported one American severely wounded and two slightly wounded In action on Febru ary 19tb. It Is alao reported that Lawrence E. Witherepoon of Port land, formerly an employe of the Spo kane, Portland ft Seattle railroad, baa died from pneumonia. CAMPAIGN FOR WAR GARDENS PLANNED STATE LEADER OF AGRICVLTUK. AL AGENTS IS HERE TO LAUNCH MOVEMENT IX KLAM ATM COUNTY MEETING HELD TODAY CAMPAIGN FOR GETTING IN EV ERY INCH OK AVAILABLE GROUND TO SOME NEEDED PRODUCT WILL BE PROSECUT. ED VIGOROUSLY A vigorous campaign for Increased gardening over Oregon is to be made this year, according to State Leader of County Agricultural Agents Paul V. Marls, who came In laat night from Douglas County to get the move- ment under wsy with County Agent H. R. Gtalayer and the county food conservation organisation. A very substantial Increased acre age wss devoted to gardening and ag riculture last year thru this kind of activity, but it proved to be a bad year In many parts of the state, so that the results were not aa satisfac tory aa waa expected. Condlttona this year are much more favorable than laat, at the present time, and the leaders believe that by starting eary a tremendous area can be devoted to gardening that would otherwise remain uncultivated. The active campaign will be pushed thru Western and Southern Oregon from March 4th to 33d, and a sys tematic plsn of procedure Is now be ing arranged for Klamath County. Mr. Marls declares that tho winter in Oregon baa been unusually good. In Umatilla county, where 1 per cent of the wheat grown In the United States Is produced, the farmers have only lost ten daya from work in tho fields, and all the ground haa been put In flrat class condition for a bum per crop. The desire of the govern ment that each county In' the United Rtates have an agricultural agent I rapidly being compiled with in Ore gon, where all but a very few coun ties have been put on this work. Strahorn Railroad Reaches Klamath Ave. The Klamath Falls Municipal rait road haa now reached Klamath ave nue, the present terminus here, and train toads of dirt for the grade are daily hauled to the spot where dedi cation exercises were held In the big celebration on the 3d of July, In the few months since that date the mad aad grade has ba built thru a mile of low swamp aadTtbru the farmtag'ssctloa to a point -teva! .M.-T .... ik. lec mans! m imv-av. Ill J IV W 11 V ff , t RJW part of the grade complete & DaUjr, la spite bt the war 'condlUef si Khtsa have made It difficult to secure labor and material. The steel Is now In the yards for Isylng the track to Dairy, twenty miles east, and the Ilea, which have been reaching here more slowly, are, now on hand to get to Olene, ten miles east, according to Chief En gineer .N. H, Rogue, who Is la charge of operations for Robert EStrsktra. Miv Boius estimates" thai taVrtHie , may ba, completed,: under faveraWe ooRdtiiOBi. to Olsne, some jffeeyta Abrll. Jhs'psjriianeBefseelWoyer''-.-thV-.KtP" tracks'ttere ha's'nov beta lustalled. ' . ' hi rii . J -m- xt fc"wfc KI -J" 17 .: u:,'3"