OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY i i &he Cuming Twelfth Year No. 8, Herald OFFICIAL NEWIPAPE OF KLAMATH FALL! KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY. 22, 1918 ' .1 PrlM Mvo Conta RUSSIA ROUSED TO COMBAT INVADERS BOlSHEVIKiU . WILL AGAIN OPPOSE THE HUN FORCES MMTLAMATION SIGNED IIV PRE kBKR CALLS ALL HUKHIAXM TO BKFKXHK OF COUNTRY EN B MY FAST REACHING HKAJtT OF COUNTRY MANY PRISONERS AND GUNS TAKEN HV INVADERS AUK. IRIAN SOCIALISTS WOULD MOVE Km PEACE ON TERMS OFFERED UV WILSON . S. HEADS EXPECT NO HELP FROM RUSS """"""""""-"ringru-tnruT UTMANS FIGHTING THE DRAFT LAW ary by Aasorlatetl I'm Tie bolihevlkl ba again changed IU lattice, and hat ordered Ibat op pNHloa be given the German army wiUh U now creeping eastward lolo tte heart of (he great Ruaalan era- aire. All Russian bave been summoned ta la detente of their country In a rocUauulon signed by Premlor Uilne and Ensign Krylcnko. Petro. OTd U declared to ba to a atate of BAND WHO REFUSED TO REGIS TEB AND TIIHIUTK.M:I LIFE OF RESERVATION, AltK IXJR. HALED IIV FT. DOUGLAS TROOP MOLD HILL. Utah, Feb. 22. Hoi dlera from Port DoiiiIuh yvNtcrday aurrounded a band of IndlanH In the (loehute reeervatlon and arretted xov. on of the ring leaden In an uprising against tba army draft. The men, had rrfuied to register, and had threatened tbe iiafety of In dian Agent Frank' Two of the rlnK lenders escaped to the mountains'. " RAIHNHR NHDLANDSOtD YESTEROAV 'fV" Mates )mU Vltt nm DEATH AT FORMER RESIDENT RETURNS FIIOM CANADA AND BUYS IMU' GATED TIIACT SOUTO OF KLAM- ATI! PALLS Thru a eale completed yesterday, K, 0, Araraves, formerly a Klaautte Falls resident, who baa raceatty re turned after a two years residence In Cm.nda, becomes tba owaer of a forty one truct of land previously bald by John 1). Morgan, situated a mil and u hiilf this side of Mldlaad. The properly Is all under Irrtga lion, it nd Is wall equipped, wltb hooeo, biilldlnR and fences. It la probable that Mr. Argravea will lease bia m prnpertr for the cealaaryacr; Tkb sale was made thru the R. m. Smith limlty company. HOSPITAL TODAY viiaUie Hermans advance on land tMBsman navy Is aiding tbetr tMvaamta by Investing Rnval, tho 'ml base off tbe coast of Finland. ve warships arc aald to be I for that point now. It la be- that the Russian navv will ably offer little resistance. It U Btetely dlaoraanlaed. ThaOfrmsns hava bbw tabaa BOOn Msoaers and 1,100 guna nt Minsk! ad Rovmo. II la reported that Foreign Mln- Ur Trotsky will realga bla oee, aa east the deciding vote In (avor of waptlog the (lerman peace. Tha tltUn confirmation nf.tha naa a.' Waace by the bolshevlkl haa reach, the (lerman Hoes now. 14",ww'n ,h" d""Bn of tb Aus- 12?.,oc,,,,,u ,n' " lovernment JWwte wltb the United States for We on the basla of President Wll " BHsage, the emperor baa. ri'"1 to dismiss parliament un 7 " aoclallsU give n to the Mast majority. The eoclalleta are 'WO'tsd to have become Incensed, M to bave called mass meeting. .J' bo,,hBIM Proclamation da WH th,t a"any Is advancing Into snaMnK ELDERLY WOMAN PASSES AFTKII LINGERING ILLNESS CAt'SKII IIV CANCER FUNERAL SUN. DAY AT WIIITLOCK CHAPEL Mrs. Nettle Goddard of thin city Tanned away at tho Klamiith hospital today, following a llngorlug lllnoas caused by cancer. 8ho was C2 yenni of age, and had rcaldcd at 1034 Watt atreet. Mrs. (loddard had born at tho hospital for the past five weeks. Hho Is survived by five children, Mrs. Yf C. Ilamber, Mrs. Will Krott. Mrs. J. L. Love, and Valentine and Fay (lod dard. The funeral will bo held at the Whlttock chapol Sunday aftornoon at 11:80. Rer. W. B. Huiiibo will conduct the set vices. CANDY K fm0ttti 0IA0tl00000AA0A A00WAA0Wm0WIA0A0WWWWwwwW U. S. Airships Now Enroute to France D. C. Feb. WAlHINaTCsH. Tba Irtt AaMriof n built battle nUnaa arc tow an rents to Franca, nearly five moatba .aaaad of tba original acnadttl. , la maMnctkla anaouacement Sec reUry Baker aald tba 4ret aklpmaat, altbo la Itaalf neiarga, "aaarks tba tl. there must ba two replacement planes on tba ground, and one training plane for ivory pilot wbo eventually reaches the front, wltb a spare engine for each plana. After reviewing the many obsta clea tbat bad to be overcome In get ting tbe aircraft production program under way, Mr. Baker aald the great 4MWMMAWMNMMMWMMWWAAMWWWW HIGH PLOTS ARE AMERICANS laal overcoming of away dlsscultlee'l'robleai now remaining is to secure met la balldlaB ap this new and In tricate laduetrf." "Tboea platen," aald Mr. Baker, "are equipped-1 wka. tba Brat liberty motora freni naaaWaa production. One of tbem li a raeant teat anrpaaaed all tba thousands pf skilled mechanics, angina men, motor repair men, wood and metal workers, etc., needed to keep the planae In perfect condition and without whlcb tba machines turn ad out soon would be useless and the records for aMed and climbing for' "vera helpless. planes of tart type. Sagtaa roduc- "At boat." aald tba secretary, "the dm. wklchllaama a aaeatk in. U'llfa If ! la hut two aonnlha and now on a aaiglty baaia, and Ua peak'ua angina mast bo overhauled after f pradnetMait.vlU b reachad In ajaarenty-lve hours, while a pilot on a w KitM. iaiir ium inni niuiur.Diui muowaa io leave iae Banian in type lanetaaj adaaa iaalamanfs4aierfect condition la aa helpless as aeroets- aava- maa u wise ta coacen-ja bird with a broken wiag. t trala on tha hla-h-nowered aaaiaa In- "Now tbat American battle Diane eteatf 'of tbe eight cylinder." are goiac overaaaa, a great lacrease OptlaHatle aa tbeea sUtemeaU aa-i In tha volunteering of skilled mechsn. pear, tba secretary aald they should) Ice U hath oaaantUl and eipected." LEAVE FOR mmM WO.MAN'N KELIKF OORPH HKNDB MANY IIOXRH OK 8WEKTH TO LOCAL BOYH WHO MAeJ CKOe KU TO FHAMTI-; Russia to restoro the monarchy and prlrllegea of the land owner and cap italists. It calls on the people to re sist rr.d defend the republic "to tho death." Instructions have boon Riven to prevent valuable property from (ail ing Into tbe hands of tho enemy. Box Plant Frame Is Now Going Up lb. . ! trUM" ,B raeworbr of sblaf wT'ory building on Sixth i7tthSlf00Pta2rroB,li' ttiwi.. h.t r, 'roetad tba Sft T bt completed. w"4lon of the big sawdust bJrner;' wblob will ba erected. , it la expected that, tha plant will be In shape to start operations early )u April, altbo ofuclala declare, that It will require six or eight mbnthsto finish iha bulldlnfls planned, build the spur traek and make tba other Im provements scheduled. Sixteen boxes of candy hava boon vent to the Klamath County boya now In France by tha Womao'a Relief Corps, according to Mrs. C. X. Bran donburg, who is at tho bead of tbla movement. It la requested that all imiucH and addreaaea of hoy haown to bo In France, wbo are not listed below, be-sont to Mrs. Brandeaburg. Tho following hava been reauaa licrod thus far: ' Lawrence Wllsey, Donald . War don, lkuls Wampler, Jaa Pataraoa, ilornre E. Qeti, O. D. Mathawa, Ar thur lioleo, Qodfroy Rambo, Waltar llalley, John Ubrln, T. H. DaUp, Frank H. Vocbataar, Oeorge Voehat- xer, I'aul Povlcb, Emit lambntm, Chas. y.umbrum. K M. Ramsby at Roaeburg and Ar. lie Worrel in tbe south warn aleo ro iiicmbcred. not ba exaggerated, and should ho considered In tho light of these facts. That after Urea years of warfare tha total number of planes able to take tba-air at any on, time on altbar During tba past months Mr. Baker aald a responsive channel of com munication with tbe allies baa been opened, the latest types of foreign machines have been adapted to Amer- alda of tho waetara front haa not boon i lean manufacture, the Industry In mora than l,5. ',- ' creased -at least twenty-fold, tho . Tbat rorty-eU moa are required, on. training plane problem solved, and tha ground for ovary plana In tha air, tba production of battle planes be making e total, of 1 1 S.806 men needed .gun. for tha preeeat maximum of I.5Q0 planae. American battle planea were not due la Prance under the original That for ovary plane la .tho air! schedule until July. Big Irrigation Project Under Way at Medtord AUEM. Feb. Il:. Plana for .or-' Beaver Creak In what la known as the Ktnlaation of tho Medford Irrigation dUtrlct, goat Modtord, havo bean aus. mtttod to tb atato oaglnaor for ap paroval. Tha propooad district cov- era 11,000 acree, which It la Intended to Irrigate by atorlng tha waters of I I I 14 i tl uncovered r u u n u in - I Igt 1 1: aTsll' aTBra m Nhxm h YOFK. .Ill llf II LU IN I I 8CHKMK TO BEAT VNCLK HAM I'XKAKTHED IN XKW WOHT UIO. HANUFACTL'nERM AND OTHEKtt INDICTED NEW YORK, Feb. M Eight cloth. Ing merchants, two employes and one clerk In tbe quartermasters depart ment of the army bave been Indicted by tbe federal grand Jury here In con. nection with a gigantic fraud to cheat the government in Its purchase of army uniform cloth. It IsalUied thai' $7,000,000 worth of cloth and supptltia have been stolen and that tbe plot is nation wlda In extent. Investigation In other cities l very probable. TRENCHES BOYS OF V. 8. A. DISCOVERED IN FAMOl'S SECTORS IN CHKMIN DRSDAMEH DISTRICT WHEN PATROL FIGHT OCCURS AND HONORS ARE WON BOUND OVER FORSELUNG YOUNG .AMERICAN, POUNCES ON GERMAN HID IN SHELL HOLE AND URINGH HIM IN PRISONER. DOYS ARE,, UNDER INSTRUC TION OF VETERAN NHANSNOZE WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 31. The American general staff Is con vlnced tbat Ruasla Is no longer a military factor to be considered. Large captures of tbe military atoroa by tbe Germane are declared unlm- IIRAUKMAN ON CHILOQUIN TRAIN portant to tho Italian or western IK GIVEN HEARING, CHARGED CronU' " tne " and r,e c,n useful only wmie tne ammunition WITH DISPOSING OF WHISKEY TO KLAMATH INDIANS Charged ltli distributing liquor to Indiann, i:, L. Paddock was yester day giveu a hearing before United 8tntc Commissioner Bert C. Thomas, and biiiticlent evidence found to bind him over to the action of tbe federal grand jury. Beaver Creek reaevolr. The estimated cost of tbe project is approximately 11,700,000, or about $74 an aero. Directors of the district are Leonard Carpenter, E. O. Cole man and W. A. Folger. captured with them lasts., It la believed tbat tho German drive In tbe east win meet more resistance- as It proceeds. WITH THEjAMERlCAN ARMY IN FRANCE, Feb? JI it became knows today for the Irst time tbat Ameri cans were occupying a part of tho sec tor In the Chemln Desdamea district, It Uetcloped during tbe hearing when the troops, which, are under In- DENTIST LEAVES FOR SERVICB IN NAVY Dr. J. II. Carter of tbla city, who unlisted Home time ago In tho Untied States navy, and whose oammlsaton aa a dental surgeon haa beoa' received, will leave tomorrow morning In an swer to a summons by tba, depart ment for Bremerton. Ho axpacta to ho atatloaad at that point for some time. HIG TIME TOMORROW XKJBJT The people of Klamath rlk ad other rommunltlea .aoarby are ear. dially invltjia toad tfa Mtrjotla rally, a tne NUiar 1114 tomorrow night.''" Aa . - m - . ' . ' gran nas.ovna an colon, and tadao.vlo assured of a Una time. Flfmj.xevjua.-w aeatrfcdare W0RK1D MON mm moriuKToM or mtw iron and STliKL WOKS AJUMVK FROM ORANTN PAanV-W1U TUOI.V mrunixo iMiciTdHAniLY Pass Iron and Steel works for removal to Klamath Falls. They were making arrangements thi morulLg preparatory to starting the foundation on the new site near the Southern Pacific freigbtdepot. Work Is to be pushed on this plant as rapidly aa conditions will permit, and It Is expected tbat tbe machinery will arrive before the building la ready" to iustall It. IldPORTANT MEETING AT MT. LAKI SOON V I .. rrjtWJ,$lr?.nWtti Iraa aal 'Uisfed.for tha paat fa aks"ii V. . J ..' J l.i .- 'a.m- .I.l. .. . .t .. picxiag iae aacainary 01 iae urania law manor oe present at ine raevima. An important meeting la being ar ranged by tha Klamath Valley Potato Growers Association at the Mt. Lakl church on Monday evening. Tha matter of aandlag a represen- ftativa south In an effort to dlspouo pirottably.oftka large amount of po tatoea'aow on hand by the local fkrm: pWrXttl.ko tahaa uprand It la daalrad that air those who are" Interested In V tlutt I'uudotk, wbo Is a brakeman 011 the train between Chlloquln and this cKy, hod furnished two young Indian whiskey In a car near tbe Southern I'aclrlc station, where they bad caroused and played cards all night. NEW UOY ARRIVES A son was born at 11:30 last night structlon of a veteran Frenchman, Killed one German and captured an other In a patrol fight. One Amer ican waa slightly wounded. The details of the patrol tight ara unavailable at tbla time, but It la known tbat tbe prisoner waa captured by a young American from New Eng land, who dropped Into a shell hole on ,to; of a German who waa hiding to Mr. and Mrs. R, C. Groesbeck, who there and brought him in. reide at the corner of Nluth and,! When the Americans, entered the High streets. Dr. E. D. Johnson was sector, the French general, who was In attendance. Both mother and son a hero of the battle of the Marne, uro reported doing nicely. IkUsod the American flag. Expense of Improving Conger Ave. Portioned , That the property owners on, tha lower aide of Congar avenue ara to pay 60 per rent of thocoit of Improv Ing the rtieei and those. 6s tho Upper aide atf per e'eat,, wai' ,dec(dd 'at ' apodal mealing of tha, city council last night, This was deemed by all to be the fairest dlvliioa of.ha coat lu'view of tbe unusuartopofraphleal conditions. ''W k Retolutlops will bepublished to this effect, and la Oaaano ebjeoUona are aiad.Hha a'rraagehtiWtf Mr ItMM dlata'lmprnvement.'wlll grd ahead rap idly. " , ' 1 ysM itrvt Ml n i. 'M ' . 1 1 , -1 fyV