vrfflHfBFKW""" ' 0 rAL NEW8PAPKR OFFICIAL N1WIPAM 3F KLAMATH cuunn UF UAHA1H 7eaU,i." 'if -"'( if!1 No. 8.R41 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1918 ?- HNS CONTINUE OCCUPATION OF RUSSIA USTRIANS ILL NOT 10 IN NEW FFENSIVE Mm WILL CONTINUE TO AD. ! IX Rl'KHIA UNTIL COPY riT1UlKMKK KKACIIKM THK MRY Al'TnOHITIRB NOW riroiK MARK A BRILLIANT IX LORRAINK DISTRICT, n nanv prisoner CAM CVEC& RAID BY ISsMMAStt IfeBaary by Associated Press i Otraau will probably continue 1 situcs la Russia until an au- .tksua copy of the message of tser has bMn received. ThU la i the way to the military head lDrl.ii, Irrwlir tor Seydler has declared Autrla-llungary will not aid iy Is a renewed war on Russia. iTWrrtnch, In a well directed of. .wtreeded In getting thru the Ha of German trenchfa on tmi I. th. Lorraine district.! .Maraed with over 400 can leriamers. In, Aaerlrana have checked an- Jwain raid, but the German NT ! reported to be In control teavator the American aector. lUXOOff, rb. II. The Germane fnn occupied Dvlnsk, are now ad- neg toward Molt. ISO mllea to enthweit of Petroarad. Ther nUaoeaptured llapial, In Eetbo- are puthlng toward Mohllev. IttTOMRAD, Feb. 11. Tha Oar- lire bow moving toward Vltebek, "mb and Raval. Carman Me raided Reclitaa. droo. Way bomb, and killing aeveral "WILVB. PROM SOUTH I M; AchuS ha. returned from I aVrr' "h,r '" hM lect- 'INVlBlnl Mini. . . a..jJ """inory goooa ror "!, of which aba la th. w, , Ranch Changed Hands Here Yesterday JJJ -Lie dea'i of eoVaJderable kn th. ER.n ""!'- "wauRU Rlvar. .. t.i. t.. imZZ rocntly from Foren k Sul I..,.. .' . . . .' Btaet ' 0f b,,h T W. of "MM . ?" ",0 ot'atb wmpl.t, equipment of) net -qaarirLn m r m n r - - - - TUWMM i,..w..,,l..,......W...ilp Ifa Deaf BrilisA Ambassador and the New Ambamdor KIAOIMO M Cltll,NIIM dW MCC. A month after Sir Cecil A. Spring lllco waa ' relieved of till place aa llrltlih nmbansador to the United Stales ho died In Ottawn, where he had gono on n vltlt. While he waa on hU donthbed the new ambaaaador, d'" "'' ,'nlh" ""!!!? In the United State. He negotiated the nrit large loan to the alllee. He la, perhaps, the moat prominent Jew In British polltlee. HRBT DIOORRK FOR TOMORROW NIGHT Klamath Lodge No. 137, 1. O. O. F., will bave work In the Degree of friendship tomorrow nlgbt. All mem ber, who have the Intereit of tha lodge at heart are requested to turn out, a other Important butlneaa will piobably coma before the lodge. MARIUKD TUESDAY NIGHT -Horace Mitchell Sullivan of Weed and Mlis Llllle Maude Pbllllpa of the Merrill district were married Tues day evening at the Metbodlat parson age bere by the Rev. 0. O. Oliver. The newly married couple will go to Weed to reside, where the groom la employed In the lumbar business. farm Implements. Messrs. Root and Zimmerman cam In to look tha country ovar aeveral weeka ago, and were no Imprsesed rWrWH''-!! gm T"dimmmmk nnBmmmvBmms'ILmmV fgBRRBrTT-PggggRr AVVS $ wHpr TMf.V ''tf . , .v.1" nm UrVf '?': Ci. .-tLm KaC'i .-efc'WV.OimWme amemmr mmmVFVO' A .fSsammm RVKtR'Cafln RRRffij jERRCm .i Suerm BmrXPJBPv ' ' fvaWK ''i&fe' ... ?fclnW7 I PlfWvfRWV' RfRVaa&JI mmmmBmm ifjjK xfnsask glRRRRRRR RRRRRW. PimmmmWHHe? rrKLV9 LOUD with the opportunities and winter ellmate of Klamath that they decided to become permanent residents. They have taken Immediate poaaeaaw of. Th dul waa t'u the madlv medium ef.theKlam. txebang. Tba eenalderatloa waa made public. i I R. R. MOVE SENATOR UNDERWOOD DR. CLARES FINANCIAL CONDITION OK RAILROADS MADR NECKS. SARY BEING TAKKN OVER WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. II. Senator Underwood yesterday told tha aenate that tba flnanelal altuatton and not tha war naada or tba freight congeatlon waa tba real cauaa for tha government taking ora( tba rallroada. "Bacauao of tha war and tba Boat lag of bond laauaa by tba govern maat." ba aald. "tba rallroada eould not have renewed their maturing eb llgatloaa." PLANS TO GIVE WILSON MORE a POWER IN DEPARTMENT MAN. AGKMENT ARE BELIEVED SET. TLKD SATISFACTORILY WASHINGTON, D. C, Fab. 11. Prealdant Wilson aad tha leaders of both parties In the aenate have virtu. ally reached an Informal agreement for prompt actios ob legislation, glv. Ing tba president freedom la eo-ordl natlng and reorganising tba depart eata for war. An aateadmeat practically crewa by the praaldeat aad Introduced by Senator Overman will probably coi mand tba support of both aldea. RKUDENTS OF CITY INVITBD AS GUESTS TO LITERARY AND MU SICAL PROGRAM AT HIGH SCHOOL TOMORROW P. M. A real literary and musical treat will be offered to th general public here tomorrow afternoon at. th Klamath County high school. 1 Tba nubile speaking aad mvalaal departments under the leadership of Mrs. oeioue varner ana rroi, nkwi Taylor are planning tha entertaia- maat, which will coaalat of a IRU play, musical numnera aaa caora by the high aohool aad soma of the outside towa taleat The excelleac of th other Btr talameat glvea title winter at thrhlgh school ta a wr laaieaiiea oi.waai may be expeetea tomorrow. Thar wiu ba aja cbana'of ailC. Kriptlep, fuU.tW r'ealdeat 6f taafauy aad aurreupdlit dietrwt r eerejaliy tavltew to appear u UatM UUhe program NEW IB THR1NN LEAOERSAGREE NIMH REORGANIZATION PUBLIC TO GETTREAT TOMORROW ....llftaMaMMWJWWaWMMW, Enlarged Appropriation Now Appears Probable WASHINGTON, D.C., Feb. 11 Tba senate committee en India af faire In leporilng tbe ladlaa appro brlailon bill lacreaaed the allowance for the purcbaae of livestock, etc., for the Klamath Iadlaa from $100,000 to 50U,000; th puryos of tbe ap proprlatloa botag temaka these In dlans aalf-mipaerUif. 'The aeaate added a elate which re?ulra h paymaat wltbl period of Sva years. Pan-Germans Longed For Outbreak of War HAOUH, Netherlaads. Feb. 11. Pu-aeraaaa who "M what they could to auM the wr)lMVlUble" are deaeuaced by th fTukfurter Set. tuns, aad are warned that their hour of reckoning la coming, la aa article published la that aewajaaper. Tbear ttel le a reply to a.crrtlrtam hy tbe paa-Germaa writer, Harr Klgeabrodt, who accused the newspaper of enter talBlng an aatl-mllltarlst aairlt. Re- tortlag to th critic, the Fraakfurter Celtuag asked "what ha happened la this war?" aad aaswered the quee tloa by aaylag: "Tbe army which enlisted at tbe beginning of tbe war has failed by a long way la numbers. Masses of men bate had to be added to It, and trained within a time far shorter than that which even we contemplated. The conception that England de- aired to eeek a declsloa hy arms la ' aay elrcuawtaacee waa th haala of tbe paa-Germaa policy. They cber-, Wants Authority ot Commission Protected Feb. 11. la a letter to Ualted State. Senator McNary, at Waahlagtoa. Fred O. Rachtel ot th Oregoa public eervice commission ba. urged that tbe eenator use hi. Influ ence aad effort to amend legislation peadlag la congreaa ao hat the au thority of elate publlo aerVlee com miaaioaa may h perfKted. Power of atat commleslons to regulate ear vie la aay way, regulate traHc aad exarctee many other fuaetloaa oa ia- U. S. Needs Tons PORTLAND. Fab. 11. A telegram received her from William Black maa, director ef labor for th Ualted States emergency Seat corporation), atat that "Thia war caa a woa tbru the eeaetruetloa thia year hy, the Ualted StaUtiaad har aule f MOO. 006 teaa of alaataf.'t; 'Thia aaeeaat, SOfflWW-. hfaya,vwiil a,"' evareom ta a maraOMawmiry to ear, for ft traaapertatiM at l.lOMt Amriaa IreoH aad tapplw everaeaa. This money, If finally vote! by con grew, will be used for the purchase of stock rattle for the Indians, It being the Idea to furnish each Indlnn who baa uoa lock ten head as a r.tarter, and enough cash for keeping them for a limited period. Senator Cbaa. L. McNary and Con gressman N. J. Slnnott wero largely Instrumental In getting tbe proposed appropriation Increased. (abed tbe Idea of the Imminence of tbla world because they longed for It. In tbe flrst number of the Pan-German News, at that Urn the chief or gan of pan-Germans, there words were written, 'the hour w have long ed for baa at last struck; the holy war.' '"I la ImpeesaMe to say that the war waa desired abroad, but It Is not dIHcult to see what oae la straining every nerve to bring about. Anybody who did not' go about with his eye shut knew that Germany, except for a amall group, did not wish for war, hut what that amall group, Just these pan-Germans, could contribute toward making It inevitable, that they did. "If we along with others have re proach to make to ourselves, It Is that we did not more carefully watch the doings of such people. They were talkera whom one thought a nuisance. but did not take aa seriously as the damage which they subsequently did prove that one ought to bave done." teratate railroad. I. end.ng.red by th proposed legialatlon, Bucbtel holds. Th letter remind. Senator McNary that tha Oregoa public service com mission baa been mainly Instrumental In virtually eliminating car shortage In tbla state.' Tbe activity of the com mission la eadeavoring to bave export freight unloaded at Portland and As toria, Instead'of all being bandied at Puget Sound porta aad Baa Francisco, also waa mentioned by Buchtel. Million ot Shipping Copies of tbe telegram have been Mat to tbe governor, of varlou. states aad to the mayor, of principal cities la tbe bop that they will lend tbelr oStelal Influence to Impressing upon the general public tbe Importance of prosecuting th national shipbuilding program to the greatest estent. " "Partial relief, hut la a military aaaa only, m being obtained thru the IlkalHaa). lamili'ini ranifar of aajpa.to army u from, the leu (Continued on page I) New Candidate For Governor The latest entry In the list of re publican candidates for Oovernor of Oregon Is L. J. Simpson of North Rend, who announces his candidacy today. A personal campaign will be made by Mr. Simpson, In which he will en der.vor to cover a large portion of the state. If elected he aflrms that be will enter tbe ofllce without any obll gatlon or4 pledge beyond that glvea me people aa-a'w.naie. A universal eight hour day for all classes of labor except agriculture, the comprehensive--censtructioa- of main trunk highways, tbe establish ment of an adequate system of mil itary highways, nation-wide prohibi tion and equal suffrage are among the policies advocated by thia Candi da te. Mr. Simpson Is declared largely re sponsible 'for tbe building of tbe city of North Bend, now a progressive city on the coast, and served ns it. mayor for twelve consecutive year.. HI. home, Shoreacre., 1. one of the .bow place, of Oregon. Mr. Simpson visited Klamath Fall. ery recently In the Interest of the War Thrift Saving Stamps movement, In which he Is one of the state leaders. SIAMESE FLAG CHANGED BANGKOK, Slam. Feb. 11. Tbe national flag wblch used to be a rep resentation ot the famoua white ele phant on a scarlet ground, baa been replaced by a tricolor, composed of red and white stripes at each end, with a central blue stripe double the width of the others. The official an nouncement of tbe change sets forth that It has been made aa a symbol of the advance In clvllUatlon made by 81am on tbe occasion of her ranging borself on the side ot tbe allies, whose Rags qUo display three color. m POSTOFF1CE TO DE CLONED TOMORROW In observance of Washington', birthday, the Klamath Fall. postoSc will be closed for tbe greater part of the day tomorrow. Tbe stamp win dow, general delivery window and carriers' window will be open from 8 to 10 in the morning. The money or der window will be closed all day. Bunamv wB ryf l rsmmmml I U SmPKF w H VWrOi 1 V VemmmmV IH LXSixipssty. New Sawmill For A new aawmlll for the' Dairy dis trict, twenty mile, east of, fear, 'la to be In operation at very Vriy 'date. by. the Arm, o P.aydar. A Vl.,, who are now ualoadlng tha machinery here. Thl. had previously been loi RAILROAD WILL LOSE LANDS IN THIS STATE BIG TIMBERED TRACT IN WEST. t RRN FART OF STATE ORDERED SOLD BT SECRETARY LANB HBCAUSJD TERMS OF GRANT WERE NOT KEPT WREN TIMBER fS CUT LAJTM WILL BE OPENED TO V r- bTEAB BY WERE TO HAVE SETTLERS SOU TO - WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 11 Seventy million 'feet of timber held hy tbe Oregoa and California Railway company laMVeotera Oregoa, have bevB ordered 'old" by Secretory Laaa today, because or the failure .the company to carry out the term of the grant. The laada were granted to the rail, road to aid in Its construction oa th condition that they be sold tejtho set tlers In tracta of 160 acre at 11.6 per acre. After the timber baa been cut, th landa will be disposed ot hy th gov- ernment under the homestead aaa mineral land laws. F. W. Ritchie waa eelected last nlgbt aa president ot the Klamath Barbara' Association at the annual meeting held at Swanaea'a shop, be tween Sixth and. Seventh. H. A. Tblede waa elected vice presi dent of tbe organisation, Jesse Tyrrell secretary and Jamea Swaaten treas urer. It Is planned by tbe association to' get out la a body a little later la the year and visit tbe .mailer town, in the county, and Induce the barbwra there to become member. LOCAL BARBERS ewer LASreVENING Eastern Klamath cated aaar Dorrls. Tae'mlil will, he UitalUd to the east otjMrmH aav. eral miles ow-ta loaaaaa'. . ?t - . TawFWtoi gae:ctoi,ami mace outUagaAa-iateet AWv The' mill baa a eeaKy f ebsadthtag over 10,000 feet par day. & , . M3 s n h - ia 1 M i- ,fl lxi "i -Of fit .. P-- n r. rt 4 1 Y. J a a f 4 v, -A A ... '.. ' tamiMMd