nWW rpir" .9y . - S ., , -, ? ' afFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH cuunn 5Elg laigttfttg Brralft OPFICIAL NEWIPAPMt OP KLAMATH FAJLXtV IfUiVwr-N"."."10 - k KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1918 Price rtrt OmM RUSS INVASION BY GERMANS CONTINUES IDST OFEarly Court I L I I I II 111 k W IIWWWWWIIIIIHII mwWWWWMWMWM WWMIMOtiii AIRPLANES FDRDRAFT USOONBE lESTROYED mm . House Construction Probable WWMMNWIIMMNIMMMMIMMWMMMMMW MMMWMMMMMW OWWMMMIOOOmWMWWWMMMMWWMMWWWWMXMMMMXXWWMWWWWWWWWWWW MMKWKD GKHMAN OKKKXHIVK IX fUHHIA IH HKPOHTKD IIV I1IR I'llKKH AM UNPOPULAR nm TIIK MAHHEH OK THK CKSTH..I. POWKHA llUTHtH IHiMIII.VG AIRDKOMKH AX0 DOCKS OK THK ENEMY IN RLQIl'N 157 GKHMAN AIR. MAXES AUK UHOUGHT DOWN IXnKKKDAYH By Associated rnM DATELK88 Germany has not yet n;lM to the peace offer made by lit bolsbcvlkl, and la continuing the' Uruloa on Ibo Kuialan front, along tttrttch or over 400 miles. It now mu uncertain whether the bolshe ttU till back down or attempt to Hop ibt German). Tho power of the toUriBooi tbo people of lluiala do pads now upon the making of peace tub the enemy. According to the German and Aue. Was seipapera the renewed war ltb Russia u vory unpopular with ft atopic. Tstr It marked aerial activity Hoaf.lbe wcitnrn front, tho entente Jibe- baring brought down a total of llftr-amn alrplanra In tho laat three Tbt Urltltli aru busy bomblnc (ha tlrdromes and docka In Ilolglum. ktry effort I being made by the Auatrtan authority to convince their Hople that peace mnde with Ukraine sot only one of greateat material MuUc to tho control power, but Jtat any Injustice done to Foland by ""I way tho provlnco of Cholra M living it to Ukraine will be roui KLAMATH MAN APPREHENDED IN ItlltTUXK, WHO HAH HE LIKVKD TO BK DODGING THK DRAFT TO UK BROUGHT RACK The arreat of 8ldney I., ftoalea In Portland aa an alleged deaerter yes terday morning la reported by repre arntatlvee of the local exemption board here today, llealee, who waa reglatered here, and had apent much.ac bfejlme here during the past few aeatbje, waa wanted by the local board to 111 out tho laat of the first Couafy, quota for American Lake. He waa notified to appear, and members of the board aa. aert that they have good reason to be llrvn he received the summons and neglected to report. It la believed by them that he haa been dodging around for some time In an attempt to evade tho call. ' Sheriff Humphrey waa notified Im mediately upon the new. of bis ap prehension at Portland, and left on the train this morning to bring him back. MEN OK TIIK ENGINEERS HAT' TALION AHK KAHT ADOPTING FRENCH (THTOMH INTKHKHT. ING LKTTKH KUOM IXH-'AL LAD BOTH m mmm "WHTIIKIKIN J GERMANY COMING LONhDM LV.I. an - . T mn "xJei'ondont soclnlltts are 'rantti -n- ,.i . ... atrlku iii n, . ..- ... I "rlM eommonclng on the let of EL?., "crorlln Berlin In- formation. FORSTRUGGLE WASHINGTON, D. ft, Feb. 10. Secretary Uakor In hla weekly review declares that both Qermany and the entente allien are ready for a big of fenslve on the west front. MAIUIIAUK UCKNMK ISSUED A marriage license waa lasued yea terday to Horace Mitchell Sullivan of Weed and Miss Llllle Maude Phllllpa of Merrill. IN) IT NOW Order your War Savings atampa early. They'll never be ao cheap again this year aa they are thla month. They coat f 4.13 In February, and 14.14 Id March. A penny saved la a penny earned. It'a the little things In life that count. That'a thrift. Bolsheviki Complying With German's Terms ftTROriAln .t .. . Ij.- -"..-, -eo. iq. aeneral o, the German military rapre. .t Brest utovskp..ea eon- ---. uss wegrsphed to the bol "nil authn.iti.. ... inlfctl " w a written ' ' bb, wnicu waa tent to Berlin yesterday by the latter. The message saya that the authen tication must be lent to the dermaa coaamandar at Dvlaak. The Rueslag 6t1e,UI atateeti U the effect thata, nuvtmr - 'fu teat tevDYlMk today with-the eeaee mesaage. . ' ' The bora of the Twentieth Kniln- eera In France are learning to waab their clothe In true French stylo by dlnnlne them In lane alone basins. and then rubbing them of flat atonea, according to a letter Just received from Wilbur Telford by hla mother, Mra. II. K. Telford. A nart of the letter, which la un usually Interesting with descriptions or tusioma ana communis. . given. "The weather here la, quite wafm: Yesterday and the day beforo It "waa clear and aa warm as(a clear day In' Mar at home. Today It was cloudy and cooler, but still not cold. The country around here Is low add roll Ing, and everything Is green.. The laud la all divided up Into little pfata of an acre or two by fences wnicn aeem to be made mostly of dirt. Thoy may have been Meno once, but are now entirety covered with sod, and havo bruan arowliiK ulong the top and they use the brush on top for wood. I had heard that they farmed all the fence. corners, but did not sup pose It would be possible to farm the aldea and tops of the fence", but they do It here. "The oeonle live In villages every few miles, and go out to work tbolr farms. Their wngonn are neurly all two-wheel carta, and when they drlvo two or threo horses they string them out one In front of the other,. Instead of aloe by aide. . Nearly all the people except the men In uniform wear wood en aboea. You don't see a man or mil Itary age who Is not In' some kind of government service. -The majority of the people aeem to be very poor, and almost everyono la dressed In block. Whenever we march ulong the road or thru the streeta of the towns the little French klda run alongside of us and beg for pennlea or tobacco. They must learn to smoke about tho same time (bey learn to walk. When, we are on paved atreeta a bunch. of them with their wooden ahoea make aa much nolae aa a bunch of horaea. A wooden building aeema td be almost an unknown quantity In theee parta. In fact, wood of any kind la mighty acarce; guess It la a good thing the weather la warm. "The army Y. M. C. A. moved In here yesterday, ao we got to buy some chocolate and candy today.; I have bougtit more candy alnce I Joined the army than In all the, rest of my life. A fellow aeema to crave aweet stuff. Most stuff here seems to be about the same price aa at home. Such atuff aa butter, egga, etc., la much higher, and aaeaMa dear out of sight." . e .. ' . . KLAMATH FA1X8 WOMAN CONVICTED IN PORTLAND ' .'' ,. Mra. Cecil Cook, who' operated tke fjanver house In thla 'city, "and who waa arretted by the federal au thorities aoae time ago, charted with booMeia ng. waa found guilty when trM I Portland.. and glve.,lne,ot 1140 with thirty 47:n;aMU we liai'CWl Jtll.'.By rderl .-Judge vane. Mea4ar morning.-.. arae Wrn;wU:.aeiug liquor aao,ut a government license. .. Few German Prisoners Worked In England LONDON, Feb. 10. Only one In every twenty of the able-bodied Oar man prisoners In thla country, have been utilised for'work on farms, ac cording to the AffrlcAltural Oasette. Tho Journal saya there mutt be well over 100,000 able-bodied prisoners In the kingdom, and aucb a number could do wondera In the way of food production, If organised. Within the laat two or three weeka the number actually working on the farma waa lata than 5,000, the paper aaaerta. German Airplanes Are Stored Under Ground .a ClBMBBaaBSJBBja-B-ajBI AMSTERDAM, Feb. lr-(Cfra- simndence of the iVssoclated Pre) The German army la now eoaetructlag anderground hangars for Its alrplaa as a protection against Englleb boat rag raids, says the Echo Beige. At eae ofahe principal Oelglaa aerodrome hangnra of this typ capable of ao). lag twelVe macblnea, have already beea -oiaiBliUI by. taa mm of war-Fuee-eer eaewi. The baagar an of great depth, and art protected overhead by a thick roof of ooserct and earth. The machines an aadargronad, and mrg by a loat runway la tall light. In return- tag they alight on the Inclined plane, down which the machine run easily to their eaelter. MACCABEES KM JDtTO WOMRN MAKK ARTICLE) FROM ' HUMPS LEFT IN WORK ROOMS. -.WILL RAFFLE THKSB TaUM WEEKMANY T1CKKTH HOLD An unuaual method of aiding the Red Cros work baa beea adopted by the Ladle of the Maccabee of thla city. The membera of thla body se cured the scraps made at the Red Cross work rooma In the Orpheus building, and made thee up lato qullta and ruga. The article hava now beea completed, and will be en exhibition In Virgil' furniture atora, where the ticket will b on sal for the remainder of the week, comnaeac- Ing tomorrow. Raffle ticket on them are being sold at 10 cent each, and the drawing la to ba held on Satur day night at the Orpbeua theater. ' The ladle have told between 500 and 400 ticket thus far, and eipeet to dispose of aeveral hundred more before the drawing takes place. n INTEhlNS DOUBTFO OKRMAN FOREIGN MINISTER IN ADDRESS TO REICHSTAG. DK CLARES THAT DOUBT EXISTS REGARDING RVSS DESIRES ' AMSTERDAM. Feb. JO. German Foreign Minister von Kuhlemann told the releasing today that the central power could no longer believe In the pacMc Intentlona of Ruaala, and that atop would have to be taken to aee that peat and order prevailed. He aald ha hoped that Germany's new war with Russia would atrength en Petrograd'a Inclination for peace. e LEAVES TO BEttMOG :. REDOtOSSNlJRSK e MlaaGladya W. Steele, who e haa beea aupertntandeat of the Klamath hospital her tor sev e oral months, haa resigned her opaltlon to become Idttle4 with' the Red cross, sua left on e the tratn thla moralag.Vnd-wIll e trltlt wth. her pareU in' Car k fen; Ore., bfore leavlac for ts)4 front. mwm w E NIIFIED mmm WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 10. Seventy-four American soldiers on board the Tuscan. atlll remain un identified or unaccounted for,' Thla laclade thirty-three who were un identified and forty-one who are re ported misting, KXAMATM COVFLE TO WED Fleyd Hard and Miss Eva Ruhume .4k.a.XBMU Falla war glvn:'a mar Si ' rtsia Ueeaae sotly attar May IfTnWaty Clerk C. R THUiA the , fre,4. is a wooaama. ahd, 'la wiappieyw at maauia rail, .a cou. fU eanect to be' married today To Lead German Drive on the Wettern Front yr-JTS :' Til W&n&Txmnwmvr. r:Wm)-''rwmKmmi faMri'H p' ,,t '-aanmrnaji WL' "' S !e' naal eanfel, l I 1. 1' . .f fm mflnnC' ' ' Jr M ' ' anULi -onLnnnV ' annnnnnnBMsaBnnnnnrnnVe rannV''4jBnnneBnnnnnnnnnannnl sananv 'sannnnnnnnBAnnnnal BBBnaer.4 eaaBBBBBBBBBK'isaannnne nananabnannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnBl ESTIMATES. ON ANEW STRUCTURE tmrnmrnkammmiuximt, ria.DjiHK.ttJx.voN wciixkju It has been reported on what la be llnvcd to be good authority that Field Marshal von Werysch will lead the expected German drive on the western front. The allies have long been mak Irs; ready for aucb action, and they expect It ,so soon aa the weather breaks. General Werysch led the Ger. men Invasion of Poland three yesra ago. wmm muis IN SEATTLE t MAYOR GILL IS Ol'T OK THK HACK KOIt I.KELKCT10N KOlt MAYOR. HANSON WILL HUN AGAINST HHADKOHD IN FINALS COUNTY COURT WOULD LEARN THE COST OF NEW WCBMKQ OK SAME EQUIPMENT AS THE ONE IN THK HOT SPRINGS . ADDITION- DELEGATION OF CITIZENS DRV CUHS MATTER WITH OOMM3S. ClONERS AT MEETING TODAY. MUCH INTEREST IS SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC SEATTLE, Feb. 20. Ole Hanson led the primary mayoralty election here yesterday with n total of 22,000 votes. Bradford was second, with, 11,. 000, and will competo with Hanson In the mayoralty election finals. The complete returns are now In. Mayor GUI received only 7,900, and with Horr, who received 3,700, Is out of the race. The latter was shot the night before last by an unknown assailant, but was not seriously In jured. The much discussed question of the new county court houae of Klamath County waa brought up for;a,MvlV discussion at a meeting of the Ceipnty Court here thla morning, at which the archltecta'E. E. McCiarea nd Hough lallng . Dugan of Portland wore nuthorlted to receive bid for tha completion of the building In Hot Spring Addition, with certain modi ficatlona of the original estimate, which were thought to be toansce. sarlly expensive. Tbey wervalso Instructed to re celve estimate on the cost ot an en tirely new buHdlag, such as that of Josephine County. This move wss taken, according to Commissioner Frank J. McCornack, In order to as certain whether or not the county vould lose money by the completion ot the structure partially finished." The court room waa crowded full ot Interested cltliens, who were anx ious to learn any action that might be tnken by the court regarding the mat- , ter. B. 8. Grlgsby had a brief discussion with the court regarding the adviaa Mllty of abandoning the heavy taveat raent of county funda already made for a new building. Chae. W. fiber teln and Dick Vnndegeer of the Hol land House also participated In the discussion. , Another meeting la being held thla afternoon regarding the matter. Mills Addition School Proves Patriotic The Mill Addition school la, tha etoad In Klamath Falls iogo oyer the ter: to"; raiting lt.',uota,.for the dUBior-nan cress- weawarsnips in tatf.orgaatiatlori are taken by school rawer tnaa individuals, ana eaen school haa a quota consisting ot twen- tr-flve cent for each scholar.,; t'.Tka Mills Addition seaoorwHa sixty pu pils, bad a qupta ot 115, aa4M si-, ready ratted l.l. It la believed that tb.yMU Veto eJr. y.K ' The Rlvfcl4e seaeel waatae, trst to rntte tta quota, ' , -.'! ''. 1 K 4' H; i,r''M ;? i&fty.. Ie ' V