&i w f lf lEuimmn Iterald 1 " " " mi ii sssamsn SfcwTMTrnw iMW trTAL NEW8PAPM OFFICIAL NIWIPv W - ....M OF KLAMATH F MATH COUu "ff'WpifK' i year ' naaB KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1918 Prkw Mm Cm N DRIVE IN WEST IS NOW EXPECTED jyiniyii"yYjyv"j""jyirvy -" mi a i fflMIRPATM $10 BE RNED ON E ALLIES RALLY AT MILLFRHAJ I INCREASED POWERS mm RIG TIME AND PINK PROGRAM, SCHEDULED FOR SATURDAY MOHT ELOQUENT TO BE MADR ADDRESS PROVISIONS IN ADMINISTRATION BILL GIVING PRESIDENT MORB POWER IS ATTACKED FIERCE. LY IIY SKNATOR ITsMU'HT OF EXPECTED OF- KXWVK TO UK LAUNCHED UK. EX ARKAH AND HT. QUEN. k-XKW FEATURES TO UK rira tunr rksi'me operations I HUMAN' FRONT, CROSSING W MVKR SOUTH OF RIGA. I Att I'KKIANIANS AGAINST k'lKI A big patriotic rally It now being arranged by the people of the Millar Hill dlalrlct, to ba given at the achool ! houae there on Saturday night, Feb 'ruary Sid. I The value of patriotic etlaulatlon In aucb times aa theae la readied by the residents of thla aectlon, and a great deal of effort la being made by thoae planning tho affair to niako It a aucreaa In every way. n addition to the varied program In the early part of the eveulng, there will be a atlrrlng addreaa delivered by an eloquent irraker. It la hoped that many from Klamath Falla and suroundlag dU trlfU will And It posalble to,bo prae eui on una occasion. t lllTllH IIKADQUAUTKtlB, Feb. -Tit great Herman offenalve, kk Ht beta advertlied ao eaten tr. H sow to be eipected at any at It It believed that the main I will be made agalnat the Brit- Wtwttfl Arret and St. Quentln. rttUcki are to be made further u t au been learned from Oerman n and thru other aourcea that Ink, tad a new myiterloua gaa bu been recently dlacovered le play aa Important part Id the tstUek. By Associated Free ATELrgfl Germany haa now re. i leuucic tbe bolabevlkl on the fttot. and the latter muat ' tee Im greatest teat. landing forces have row I the Drlna and are advancing swird from Kovel Volkynla to aid aird pressed Ukrainians protect 1 food euppllee. The food situation wt irtater Russia la aald to ba lag desperate. It la a matter of Ktsre at this tlm what nnitnal. te bolihavlkl can muster to Mt tea Situation TW artillery and aircraft are now "' OB Ui WMtarn bni.1 Ml.. are reported Injured by isv if WOK ATTEMPTED H SEATTLE t'ANDIDATK FOR MAYOR IN KLEC TION TODAY SHOT IN I1RKAHT HY UNKNOWN PARTY PBCU. MAR CIRCUMSTANCES SUR ROUND SHOOTING SOUTH IIY UKATH OP MOTHER J Henry 8. Parrlth left for Has MUKD M UllBlf l ... liL. . .., IU UUua laB inner. r mother, lira. J. A. Walker, "-4at.be.. o. O. F. home at SEATTLE, Feb. It. Ralph Horr, candidate for mayor In loday'a elec tion, waa ahot last night by an un known assailant. The bullet however, entered the musclee of the left breast, and the wound waa not of a serlons nature. He.la declared out of danger today. Chief of Police) Warren aald the ahootlag of Horr waa a vary .peculiar affair. "We and," be eald, "no mark on ,l.. laiil al tha hllllat waa flat. .UW WWW. .. - - -.-- - laaed and polished. It waa dropped I. . . . ......... ImuImm into a giaaa or water wiimui !-.. any bloodstala." The oflcora are unable to And any one who beard the report. a . (1.111 .!.. n IMtl Tha Interment will be at Irvlagton, whet Mre. Walker had realded for more than fifty yoara. man Peace Now Forced On Russia haXDON, Feb. iBAn ...... wwament la now forced to sign upon the conditions Im- i tUda i .,.'. --"."""" "- Tpi.i. """" M , "toky, and a nrota. . MhQftrman resumptlda.'g.ltha C " to U the naaratl.... reply Immediately to the Oerman peace negotiation. vivmui vh ia.Ttaa Oerman army n'aa now occupied the Uneaten towg of Uurat without gay agating. WUK Fab. !., TB ?y aare ssw.siw" WVT " T T aer ae buhm" m--.-.- ly ')iiow up tae wmj WASHINGTON. I). C, Feb. 19. Senator Walden In supporting tho aenate draft of the administration railroad bill, denounced the provision In tho bill giving tho president wide powers to reorganise the war branch ee aa "unconstitutional and auto, cratlc." He declared that such a provision confers unhrard of power, and pro vides that thla uiitucrntlc owcr ahall continue for u year after the war. Ho wanted to know what the necessity was for such legislation. Lake County Potash May Soon Be Exported BAI.UM, Feb. 18. Homer McCoy, a Chicago capitalist," haa asked the) atate land board for 'a leaae On .Sum mer and Abert lake la Laka Covaty, for the purpose of eitraftiaa the potash. T'C The board haa decided Usaerva a tity day notice pa 'Haa.' Moore, who now bolda a leaae oaiheae tracte, bat who la declared not to have com ailed with the terms of the lease. i The potash deposit In the above aeetleae of Lake County are declared to ha aaermous, and the Usk of get tlag the Chemical to market will be oae of auga proportions. Ita aiport, when atarted, will bo a aabatantlat Industry for the county. Bohheviki Premier Reported Overthrown mm WAGES ra BERMSED KXKCUTIVKH APPKAR I1KFOKK WAUK CXIMMISHION TO Kl'RN'. IHII INFORMATION AND IlKt OM. MKND INCRKASK WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 10 Railroad executives who appeared be fore tho railroad commission here aald they were not present to oppose the wage demanda of tho employee, but to glvti Information to the com mission, and that they would make recommendations for wago Increaet HMTOT m B m MOM SKNATOR JOHNSON OP CAUFOR. NIA WANTS PKRMANKNT OWN. KRSHIP OP RAILROADS, NOT TKMPORARY CONTROL WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 19. Senator Jobnaon of California In a apeech opposing the aenate draft ad ministration bill, advanced the per. mauent government ownership of rail road, rather than government control for the period of the war. Ha aald tha. the atep waa Inevitable, and he protested agalnat the proposed rate of comDeaaatlon for railroads. President Wilson waa warmly prais ed for his recent stand against aecrej diplomacy. m DKND MAKBS SPECIAL LEVY a-BSSSSHaaBMtma ' Tha city of Bend at a epeclsrelee- itoB. held February 15th. raised tho ant of l7,ti0,brthiatlon to take Lr WtstaAdlBAWrtra.tr and for aiVB m ""-'T- -.-r . faaea,lg'r'Ma,la.(ke;ty. t Te leeuan earriea.ey-.aB orerwaeissieB 'miwin" 1 HONORS FOR, : LOCALBOfS ANNOUNCED EMPLOYEES .N I K O MaO.N j N C SALAHES ""MflGPACKEIl" KMMATH HIGH SCHOOL LAM WIN HKCOttNITION IKCOMPfXTI TIVK KXAMS FOR VAVAIi ACAD. F.MV APPOINTMKNTS WASHINGTON, fa. Oif Feb. 19. Congressman' N. J. Slnnott haa an nounced his appointments to the Wast Point military academy, and; aha An- napotla naval academy aa tha result of dUtrK't'erlde'competltlveaaaalnatlon, held for htaT by the civil service com- mission. The appolntmeata follew: To Annapolis Principal, Howard !:. Orem. Klamath Falla, flrat appoint ment, Wlllla H. flartlett, Klamath Falls, extra appointment. First alter. nate. John L. Henderson. Bend, trst apKlntment; Eugene Fulton, Bend, nxtra. anuolntment. Second alternate. Thomaa E. Lampkln, Ontario, flrat ap pointment; Edmund B. Fraser, on tarln. extra antiolntment.' Third ai ternalc. Elmoro'lllll. The Dalles, flrat appointment; Bernard Radar, Ontario extra anuolntment. To West Point W. Ray Marshall, Ontario,, principal; John Oavln Jr.. The Dalles, flrat alternate. Howard "Tebe" Orem, thoflrst man on thla list, haa Juat completed his high school course here, and haa bean prominent In school activities during his attendance. Willies Bartlstt la now In bla Junior year at tha high school. He came here n few ntontha ago from Chlco, and le highly spoken of by his Instructors. DIG SUM FOR RKD CROSS The accounts of the War Brides vaudeville are In, and reports are aa follews: Total receipts, 1369. Expensea Costumes, 119.10; rent, Its; printing, 16; miscellaneous, 117.30. Total, $67.40. This leavee n tout of ISOl.fo to be turned over to the Red Cross. Special thanks are declared dua to Mrs. Lawrence Mebaffey, Mrs. Luke Walker, Mrs. Rose Boule-Bratton and Mrs. Bason for their able aaalstanoa and bard work. It was thru their ef forts wa were able to succeed, and tha public Is heartily thanked for IU sup port. an ALBANY WOMAN IS FBARFULLT aUJUNK? ALBANY. Fab. 19. Jdra. C. If Young,, wire, p tie aptlK,mjBji here, was probably fataltr, horned. lay, wha..,ar,JeioOgiJtMrtt J from a alerted Her IS-TeeoMldtti r m -.. I t. . 1 T .il i ' "w" terextlnguUhed tha blase by wrei pma ner in " as CaTV BADS RAISE WAGES OF TWO MJDC ON PAY ROLL PERMITS FOR XBW RANK, BUNOALOW AMB OTBXR CONSTRUCTION Tha regular meeting af the city council waa held at the city ball last nlcht. Permits were Issued to the follewing: Klamath SUM bank, two story modern brick building, corner of Sixth and Mala. American hotel, permit to bang algn aeroaa sidewalk. Firm of Kewbanks & Marchand, a permit to construct a five-room bun galow on lot B, block 69. Nlshols Ad dition. Ewanua Box company, permit to construct a large sawdust burner. Tha salary of O. B. Dews, street worker, was raised from 175 to $85 nar month, and C. L. Cornlsb. city hall Janitor and truck drlvtr waa raiSM to giou per monin ana rem oi Ilvlne Quarters In the city ball. A detention of residents of Mills Addition appeared la behalf of certain desired etreet Improvements. They era Intormtd that it would flrat be neceeaary for them to get up a petl Hon uronerlr sinned. Tha purchase of a grader ana alien- r for use on the city etreets waa brought up and discussed at some lenalb. and the subject was finally left la tbe bands of a committee to- Investigate and report. It waa decided to hold a meeting of tho council on Thursday, tbe list, to determine the boundaries of the district which would be assessed In the Improvement of Conger avenue. Th now plumbing ordinance which nrovldea for a certain regulation of tha elty'a plumbing was discussed and waa referred to a committee of Lee and ftruble to Investigate and report In two weeks. Tho committee appointed previous ly to Investigate tbe sewerage condi tions In Falrvaw Addition made a re port, but the matter was continued without action. e OBBGON SENATOR ) -.' GOES UNDER KNIFE le WASHINGTON. D. C. Feo. e l Physicians suddenly de- elded to oaerate on Senator Geo. Chamberlain, who baa been un- 4 largalnff treatment tor aa ai- w .ttln a eHeree;t6 have been Luniiil S tka natlant is. as Setofai Krtl sully. lt.4 draa hamed un to thOlut moment ' V'toaraMMmaMrntlon. '", '.' 4 ' ' I sssissammmmmmmmmmmsmmmmmmm',all.haflK:KH I Wfmf Ti:l i'aassBsi'rS' M t SBmmmmmT' hmra rlm KKaB ' i. .. tt'al aBBBSSSSSSSSW4JlvA ' M VSSSSSSSSSSSSSSW3.: tSBai ifaBssssssssssPBJhlHtV' asssssm BBBBBBBBBBfeBBBBc SBBBBBBI '"ssssssssstssi bbsH i fM5sssssssssssT-ssssi ' tS ;Assssssssssssf'3 i'F aOmmV libmVsssssssssssssssslt afJflmV SBBkbW BBBBBBBBBBBBBSnS laaBwgBwgs amaH aaaTems" ' affJaaBmBi! BamBsssssH : T asssssssssssssssssssK BhsAfiBH bbbbbB JnsV JsnaaBmamBssssssssI aafBgf SBBBBBr aaMgrnBBBBBBBBBBBBl nssiamamW .ammmmmmmfl sBmBmnaSBSssammsssBVssssBS STAIE TO AID ROAD WORK N WOULD PAY woken wa L KLAMATH SUM OF $16,000 AVAILABLE MAY m !A UK SPENTrWITHvfS,ee OF THE . COUNTY FUNDS IN MACADAMIZ. ING PORTIONS OF ROAB TOViU FORT KLAMATH . "VV CHANGE 18 PROPOSED BY WHICH ROAD WILL GO BY PKUOA DAY MUX, GIVING MORB 'BK'-ij RECT ROUTE AND GIVING attUr& MEN GOOD ROAD SAYS HE K.WOIW.KOl . r . FOR WOMEN DOf WORK AK MEN;-. IWtKOUAL That 116,000 le available to Klam ath County this year from tha state, r ' J. CHiDKN ARMOUR ON STAND road funds, and that this amount, to- .... .....' gether with 11.000 of tha conaty i.tii I'iti i ...... money may oe usea ror me improve SAME meDt or tbe highway between Klanv nth and Fort Klamath dVthe Klam ath Falls-Dallsa highway, Is Bewa Just received here. Ooernor James Wlthycombe haa Interested himself In this matter, aad 'has promised to give It bla support . hafnra tha atala hlahafav tCt of equal pay for women who t,M un.,ritoC4,tho?lanto Ing the samo work as men.1 . ,K. ,.... -. -ML-e UltilinfajT viiiiunvi se www b)iwib CUICAOO, Feb. IU. J. Ogden Ar mour took the witness titnnd In tho packing house investigation yester day afternoon. He declared himself In favor wero doing and said that tho packing house em- (be jmD .... fc. ... .al AHiaii nail laftlI The rood between Klamath Falla ployes should get extra pny for holi- av-m uem. Bnd Fort Klamath Is tho one noexpresaea nimseii as w.iiine ., ,,,,, ... tou,i.f. mIu thru consider the adoption of an eight-hour day. EIGHTH GRANDCHILD - ARRIVES FOR "TEDDY' NEW YOR.K, Feb. 19. A son has been bornto Mrs. Archie Roosevelt. On hearing the uewn, Colonel Hooic velt declared be wag heartily delight, ed with tho udteut of his eighth grandchild. Archie Roosevelt is now a captnin with the forces of Ceneral Pcrsblug In France. FINE PROGRAM AT WILLARD MEMORIAL by Crater Lake either to' Medford or Nor. thcrn points, and la used by nearly all the travel going north and south thru the county. Tbe grade has la many places been built up In flna shape, but lack of aurtanlatvnllowa It to become almost impaasstate at sev eral points before tha temrlst season has advanced far each yasjr; It Is now the proposed Intention te mansdamlia these points first and camplate the rest as tbe funds become available. One of these places Is a short distance from Klamath Falla, where tha soft soil In winter makee travel impoaal ble. Another is along the grade be tweeu tbe Algoma Lumber company (Continued on page 4) The Wlllard Mcmoilol services, I CARTRIDGE EXPLODES, which weie held by the W. C. T. U. at the Baptist church on Sunday af ternoon were well attended, and the program gteatly enjoyed by the audi ence. A largo onerwR was received, which will be sent for the relief of tho Armenians. EIGHT ARK INJURED WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. 19. Eight men were Injured by tbe ex plosion of a cartridge here today. Bolshevik. Ousted By Social Revolutionists LONDON, Feb. 19. Rumors are now current In Vasa to tha effect that the bolabevlkl government at Petro grad has been overthrown by tbe so cial revolutionists Under the leader, ship of M. Tefiernoff. Premier LeBlne and Foreign Minister Trotsky are' de. clsred by sn Exchange telegraph dm- ' I nateh hmVda aMtinatl1 tn HUJBjgVr. ..i- vr? " ' TH'' . . . . . -' PBTROORAD. Fab. Qarai, . fcw Kaladtnee, tha jaatter WJIWMgWBl- . i'ft forte whofousnt.BJUam bbji.. . . ,r;,i. Lvi.. - la '-- -'-...- -, ".'U Tln iwtwyvm yr tt;,. i'.L.VTT1 ' C1 "Is suieid.;Dy sW!pssm i yjli2ii H Tcherksk::; a; TTfwaR , ' X4 ""WwUedlo give a detailed uvia Hirer, e Wis i If r 1 ,. "in -' " Kf V .ti . .. m t X "