v, , . .- ''w'.' fl9Ksww' '4?'sr; "Inp 'i T H LppiciAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH wunu KihViiw.S...AJT ( GLlH? iuHthtQ Herald OFFICIAL OF KLAMATH FALLS KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1918 Mm Wlm Cente HNS FAIL IN ATTACK ON AMERICANS WASWMWMMMMWWWMWWWWWWM I MtKlbAN OUAPTAUini. J" ositions iSI 0 Mis A IT I r I I ,IM,,aT,OV OIHTHMT TO Hi: KM III UflltUL U TAItll,IKi which win. taki: Tit GAS British Transport Recently Sunk With 2,179 Americans Aboard KKft H.IM1 OVER TRENCHES STEPS TO PUMP WATI.lt LARUE ACREAGE The election (or tho permanent es. tabllahuicnt of Itm HhaMn View Irrlgn- tlon dUlrlct Ik being held todny nt llin HhaMa View mcIiuiiI houso nenr Mallti.l It lit believed Hint the rlocllon will' will, ITU TO UNITED KIOM-GKIlMAX AIRPLANES IIVEX OFF HRKKHOnHWITHUlTCAHi;.l-"X'.y'.:VxmJor I ,n,,,v, .itilliit STATES tftko steps tit Rut a largo ncro.mii around the AilaniH Point under water ,by pumping from tliu canal of tliu I' a i. it. H. project. i;uvcii tiKiiiNsiiiu acres nrc rorU'il lo bo embodied In ' tlin enterprise, m hlrli constitutes somni ' at. nut furl II.. Innilu nf If In nm I tl ' UCMIKItM BELIEVE MASS " """ """' -- - County. IOPCKXTHAL POWERS WILL Tlin present ilnn la to purchusn a LormmiT run armies tc I ": rl fo:lh" !""''; ',!, '.'r"?' IIIIll IIUII1 lllll KUU'I UMIVIII, nidi ii - TV,' A' , -y j: ."nairt', v. .i J &.- . .h . - c3fe A V J I 4-4 vr 1 fc VV'j. .Pfij't tftB&&,r -i Y' l !. C7 ...i , .-U,l.t?!C22 n -i-BHrtO .,(.' '"'H INK OFFENSIVE AGAINST tvr would bn ilellorril nt tint pump Inn plant by the government nt n fixed price perncro for n water rlitlit tin the twenty-) ear payment plan, with out Intereit.. Tho rout of the dlsirlbu tlon )teni, which commence nt tliu piunptiiK plnnt, yiunt bo bom by th illntrlct. To take euro of (IiIh vxpensn EMbWHH 'I lii) llrltUh lrniiHMirt T linen n In, Amcrleuu troops. Dmplto nil the of-i formur Cnnuril liner, iih Hiuik by u fortn or tha'CctinanH to pruM-nt tho Curmnn Miitim.irino on tlm north count InmJIiiK of American troops In France of Ireland whllo hIiu carrluil 2.179 'mid KiiKlanil, this U the llrnt trans-1 i:,. .(W port And ably men tbey have mcceeded lo tlnklng. the lo" on tbii veitel wu prob. fewer than one hundred army mid ivll nt pnr. APPEAL OF mm mm By AmotUImI bATEI.I-as The American ponl cut of Kt. Mllilel bnvo lieen itoM by (a. for two hour.. but,,,'1,,lU,r,ct '" T'My 'T? 1 .. which nnmt hour 0 ior runt Intercut Ham were unaiinenafiil In their' . . ., epU lo harm the American German airplanes nccompn- Its attack In grunt mimberH, but i trlrtn off by tho Mrdmeii of kklarn. ; b reported Hint rrm fume re- kJ orer tlio Amvrocun tronchea Itine houn without Injurlnn tho wra. Friday, which oa tho dny tho (!er- urerllied they would attack iBrllUhand French nrmtea, pnnned W the rtuiMan Central Kiecullve WlttH of Wnrkmen'M Holillem' till approved of tho action of tho repreientatltwii at ltre. kcjbertof tho commltteo unlit that H of Oermnnv ami Aimtrla '" not permit further offonnlvo Isit Rui.ls by their Kovornmcnta. " mrernr him nummnnod the of the rtermnn nnvv in IimiI. Irien for mtifA.j.n a. - vim,... i Tic rhanrnllnr I t. .nn.... 'OtOte llltinnirli.n ....II... ... 11.. . '" M,,,V (If U in mo near future " m '4tAaTnKNT ,v" IX WAHHIXflTON HTHIKK I.KAIIKIt Wll.l. NOT AT TKMIT T IXFI.UKXCi: .MKX Tt) HI-rri'IIX Tt WOltK UVLKhH XKW OFFKIIM Alii: MAUI! MUCH LOGGING BEING DONE Tl HfflY MM GfGM mm i.iti.MA i.rMin:it-o.Mi.svii:T8 im:.siin:.T of ouk:ox hk.vatk mr una: vantitv tF iah.s. a.m Axxouxt kd ca.mhiutk iiicijim: Si:iM:itl.TKMH:NT FOIt OOVCH.NOIt MAKINO JOINS MAIIIXKS I iiii:xih IX CITY LOCALCOUPLE WEMIfDiR E 1 MM EVE ATTI.E. Wn.li v.l. to . Wle carrvln .... ...... .i . brill. w i'i"i'iw iu u ll. ,na ,ro,n 8I. " It. .. Uch war Keni ' fatnl PIU. UM I'll. ..!.. .. k.hou.:zi "v"-00 r: eo n,omur" of th8 pty - " "Oipual, WA8IIIN0T0N, l. (!., Feb. lfi.-r Unlom Chairman llurloy bun a dell nlto propoiiltloii to present Immeill ntoly to tho MlrlkliiK Hhipnrd work era, i'llllum lluti'lieton, picHldent of tho llrotherhood, will niako no effort In liifluouco them to return to work, lie Informed Hurley, Iu respoiiBO to tho appeal of tho former. IK) IT NOW Order your War SuxinK Htum'pa ourly. They'll never bo ho cheap UKaln thin year as they are thU month. They coat H.l'i In February, nnd $4.H In March. A penny wucd la n penny earned. It'a tho llttlo thliiRM In llfo that count. Thnt'a thrift. Hurry Mcusner, loKKint; guporln t,tndont of tho AlKouin Lumber com pany, left thla moriiltiK for Portland, where ho will enlist In tliu marines. Mr. Messiiur hIuum that tho winter kensoii baa Iichmi very siiccessful on nc. count of tlio open winter. Tho Al- I .....1.... ....i.t....t !.. D.illnn Klllllil I.U1MIHT lllllll'llfl, Itiu I VHVl.lt May company nnd sovornl mallor uiuiPH Iiiimi buuu in operation all win ter KcttliiK out Iokh. Tho AlROtna l.unilier (ompnny now has about thrco uml a ijuurter million' feel of logs from their lesorvntlon tract. (treat preparations nro bolnc mado for a bus) mi muter, nnd :i meat ilonl of now maihlncry Is boliiB Instnlled. A now Mc.iMY.t lo.uler hus boon In Ktnlled at the AIkouiii camp. This comp.uiy expects to Imjld live or six miles of new rnllro.id this upriiiK. Tho Pelican liny, Lumber company will build about seentuou inllos of new Mllioad to tup their now trnet. II. (I. Wlrtr, formerly with tho Wucd Lumber ompnny, will tnko tho position of loKKinK superintendent now left wiinnt by Mr. Messner, who linn been with tho company for n number of years. m I.LIIAXOX WOMAN worms ohai'ffi:uh (ills C. Moner of Portland, presi dent of tho Oregon henato add candl. date for tho republican noblnntlon for Kovornor, Is In the cltylscusslnR tho political sltutniou with old friends mul making new pues, and making 'picparuHons for tho coming cam paign. - '- Ho believes that tho numbur of eight cnndldatea which were in the fluid for nomination nt the last elec tion, will be reduced to four or flvo this )ear. Theso will be tho present Incumbent, (loumor Withycombe, Secretary of Statu Den Olcott, Dr. An derson of Tho Diilles, hlmsolf and ier- ,hnp L. J. iilmpsnn of Coos County. Mr. Motor will leao tomoirow for Aahland. He expects to make a cam- ipnlcu of tho eutlro stato boforo the primaries in May, j m III Mi CKIIEMOXV U8KD IX IM PltKHHlVI MAIUUAQK AT HAP TIHT CHl'HCH COIPLK 1AIU IOKI V.NUKK "OLD CUIHY" A quiet wedding wu aolemnlied at the Dnntlit paraonage, SSS Tenth ' Mi cot, on Thursday night, February ' t Ith, when Miai Maude 8covtlle be- 'c.inio the bride of Arthur A. Lund. iThn couplo were united standing bo- Jticnlh"Oldaiory." I Tlio ceremony was performed by Hbv. W. H. Cox, the ring ceremony be ilng observed. The appointments of I the murrtage were simple but Imprest hU. 1 he bride Is a natlTe of Grand .Junction, Colo. She la a young lady I of lotcly personality and rare qual ities. Mr. Lund la a young man who la highly respocted by all who know him. Tho young couple bave a boat of friends, who wlah them a long life, crownod with every happiness that life can give. ig Fishway Over Copco Dam Planned ' Proroni. it., l " n.th7inT.!,n'nR.0,.!,eh- JU in,M u """ "l ,ne niBheJt KliB,k' r U;o Copco dm o "I with. k .,' em "mg in con- i at ;,'r,nnior Harvoy W. w tht United smtea Indian reclr.matlon service, has left for Port, lund, qccompanltd by hie family. He win tnnior, while away, with Lester M, Unit, itiperlntondont of Irrigation, and Vice President Rosborough of the California Oregon Power company. The Itshway contemplated will be 125 foet blgh, LKIIA.VON, Fob. 1C Hort IJIIyeu, a chnuffour, was shot In tho leg today by Mrs. Parr, the postmistress at Cmhtrco, been iifo 'sho objoctcd to his parking his machine In front of hor iomo. ' ALL! Ill) KOItCKH M.VKK 0A1XH. PER IS ATTACKED RVIJ-PJ14T I ll." UWU er after three or four minutes of shelling. Thirty rounds were Bred by the submarine, which did little material damage, but caused some casualties, including one child killed. One wo man nnd three children were wound ed, It la reported, According to lata advices, Franco , is to requisition her entire merchant marine March lotn. PARIft. Feb. 16. Tho French have penetrated tho Oerman lines to the northeast of Coursoy on the Alsnes Rlvor, and hine rejoined their forces with a number of prisoners. LONDON, Feb. 18. The British In Pallstlne have advanced two miles on a six mile front to the northeast of Joiusnlom. aill) IS MADE UXDER COVER OF DAIIKXK8S CHILD KILLED AND OTIIKIIH IXJl'llKD DIUV- KX OFF UV HHOnK BATTERIES hl'UMAMXEB SMASHED 4 TOMORROW EVENING i My Associates i-reaa DATELESS The German naval 'forces made another minor demon stration along tne isngiisn coast oy sending a submarine to bombard Do ver undor the cover of darkness. Shore batteries drove off' the invad- Sumbarlnes are to be smashed at mMtln or thai Enworth Leaaue at i . "... ... . t. .... tne Hetnoaisi cnurcn tomorrow man,, according to announcement made to- (day. It Is understood that a lot of high power ammunition has been se. cured, and that grant devastation will be wrought. Tha bombardment ts scheduled to conmncn nt :S0, All I are asked to coma arfd find n secure ' place behind the guns. " MEMORIAL wm mm Mr.MDKItH OK KLAMATH FALLS W. C. T. I'. PLAN.PItOfiltAM IN MKMfHtY OF FItAXCKS L. WIL I.AIID AT I1AITIST ( HlltCH The ladles of tho W. C. T. U as clsted by the pastors of the different churches of the city, will hold a Wit lard memorial service at the Baptist church tomorrow at 3 p. m., for Miss Frances E. Willard. An Inspiring program has been ar ranged fpr this occasion, consisting of addresses and special music. An offering will be taken during the aer- vir. which will go for Armenian re lief work. mm L CLUB TO BE Fl MM TIEUP OF EASTERN SHIPYARDS THREATENS NEW YOBK LEADERS CLAM SKY. EX THOUSAND MEN NOW STRIKING FOR HIGHER WAGRS. WILL APPEAL TO PRJMtMNT TO INTERVENE WAGE ADJUSTMENT BOARD AGREES ON INCREASE OP WAGES, SCALE OF WHICH IS LOWER THAN THAT OP. THE PACIFIC COAST MKX MKMIIKHH AND FRIKXIM OF THE PIIKKIIYTEIIIAN CHURCH DHCIDK TO GET TOGETHER IIEGULAIILY With tho idea of forming a literary social club, at which topics of nation, al or civic importance might be Infor mally discussed, about twenty men, members and friends of the First Presbyterian church assembled at an informal 'stag party last night at ttfe home of A. B. Epperson of the Frst State and Savings bank, on Pine and Cedar streets. The beneficial results of such an or ganisation were exploited by a num ber of thoso present, who had been Identified previously with clubs of this kind, and it was decided that this vns a propitious time to get such a move under way? 'A committee was appointed by Rev. E. P. Lawrence, who acted as cl)alrman, to lay out plans nnd report at a' meeting at the residence of C. C. Hogue In two weeks. Tho latter part of tho evonlug was tpent In singing old familiar songs. NEW YORK, Feb. !. It Is - . peeled that an appeal will be mad dl- ' rect to the president to Intervene la 'the shipyard workers' strike by tha United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners. The strike leaders claim that 7,000 or 8,000 men are now on a strike, which la threatening to tie up work along the whole Atlantic coast. WASHINGTON, D. C Feb. 16. Shipping board ofldals say that less than 1,000 men are now striking. It la declared that the wag adjustment board has agreed on an Increase of wages, with overtime pay (or tha Dal. aware shipyard workers. It Is said iv.A ift.1- ..a- ... Ik Maw VavIi lUAl llll IUHJ MIW I.W .w. 'strike. The new scale of wages la' lower than that on the Pacific coast. TUKCANIA LIST OP VICTIMS OVER Mv WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 1. Ten names appearing on the list of elgbty-ono Identified dead, announced last night, apparently bring the Tus- icania American soiuier victims uy w 1 1 74. The war denartment's reDort of the survivors Is still Incomplete. Over 200 men still remain unaccounted for. NAVAL BATTLE ItUMOHED LONDON, Feb. 1C Belief that a naval engagement has occurred arUos from tho dispatch from Gohenburg, saying that n large number of bodies of German sailors, who apparently be. longed to a warship, have been picked up on the Swedish const. GENERAL KALENDINE8 IS BELIEVED DEAD WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 16. The American consul at Tiflls has re. ported that General Kaledlnes, the Cossack leader In Ukraine, who resist. ed the bolshevlkl, has suddenly drop, ped from Bight, and is now believed to be dead. This report Is'unconflrmed. Riverside School Goes Over the Top Pupils at the Riverside school in this city are a mighty proud set of youngsters, as Ibis Institution is the first in the community to "go over the top" In raising Its tequlred amount for the Junior.Red Cross, according to City School Superintendent R. H. Dunbar. The Junior Red Cross differs from the other organisations, in that the memberships are taken by schook rather Iba Individual the quota be lng S5(cemts per need for each stu dent enrejHod. The quota tor the Riv. erside school wa 145 and tbe amount raised yesterday was $45.65. An teen as the required amount was, raised tai pupils were given Junior; Red crone buttons, 5 A k m --it: J r w? t . ri 4 4 i m " "M k '... i -1 VI , IA