I s u ' v gUjg junwtg Herald ...ICIAL NEWawran OFFICIAL NIWIPv MSt ,j KLAMATH COUNTY f OF KLAMATH Hi- ,HnhVr.'. . KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1918 Price Five Genet ISER STARTS WAR ON BOLSHEVIKI rMWMMMMriWWWWMMWW MMWMMWWMWWMWMMMWWMWWWi MMMMMWMMMWWWWMMM ij0jsTiMsjsjVMMMMMsjSj USSIANHERO BIRDM AN FALLS TO HIS DEATH EACE IS OT 10 BE EACEFUL New Idaho Senator TABV OPERATIONS AGAINST IXORTHKKN Rl'HMIA AIIK HE. AT CONFERENCE OF lit. LEADERS KV'it PKOWrHALH TUHXKD IMWX AND ARMISTICE DK- I IrURKO ENDED DRIVE TO IlEi lUVK AGAINST PKTIUXUIAD samgeyTVAsw'&JavgH mY v.1VBn.teammmm1 HSaW jtMmi a"! ammK.K' aanalSsr)'' mmmm LARGE CALF IS DONATED FOR MM Jerusalem Taken By Old Fashioned Charge Rr Associated I'm llUTKMMH I'caro nn German ni baring been rufuiieil by the khnlkl government, Germany has ridd to again take tip arms against rtbera lluisla. iThlt roacluilon l reported to have niched In n conference at (hn kptrlal headquarters, at which Iho pptror, military ami political toad- i acre preient. lit U thought probable that Pelro- Ivlllbetheobjcttlvoof tlm mill- r operation. I brainy now tiuliU that Foreign ltr Leon Troliky'a plan of "No kr but no peace, adns tho arrals- It la understood that thn'ren- Ipowtrs mado pence with llkrulnu ofMt the diplomatic defeat at tho Mil of Trnttky, and It Im reported t Us Germans will support Uk- "Matt the bolshovlkl. Iduibn and French divisions aro to. havo mado auecosafiil Themis strong mllllnry action I the American front. 9CN JOMI. I4UOUNT. John F. Nugent hat jt been ap pointed t,' n I ted fltatea Senator from Idaho to till the vacnler eteed by tint ilon Hi of Senator llrady. He; la a democrat. SMLAGE CAMPffl TO BEGRIBIG PACKERS WPORTH TO IIH LICENSED IWASIIINOTON. I). C Feb. If.. MWt Wllwm bv a tiroelnmntlnn J plated all uxpnrtR to nil conn 1 under a llreimn liv iim imin "d, alter tomorrow, - - : '" ..) NAINK IIUIWX ! , TWENTY YEARS AGO 4 Twenty yearn nm iminu it... J"oa was quivering with tho MOtk OCCailotleil hv tlm tilitivlnv PofthabatlloHhlpMalnolntho -wroj Havana, which causod ' death nf i'.7 a i. i. "" "'"writMIl BUI- I.IIIKItTV THEATER TICKETS WILL HE HOLD IX KLAMATH KALI. dXIMMEXC'IXG NEXT WEEK LADIES TO WORK The campaign for the aalo of Lib erty theater llekota will begin In Klamath County the 18th. It la one more, opportunity for tho person who Htua at homo to tuke n part In tho war. Tho hooka to bo offered for aalo will contain coupons whlih will entitle, the holder to sent tlcketa at tho army camp theatora. The booka nro of two klnda, Iho drat coat ft; tho aecond in. Tho $1 book contuliiH twonty coiipoiiH or llcketa, and the $.r book contnlna 100 tlckotM. Theao will per mit our aoldlora to hco the bright, auuppy allows thoy wero uccuatomed to aoo at homo. Iluy n aiullago book; help cheer and make more tolerable tho Ufa of tho Moldlor, Captain J. W. Hlonicna la trenauror and C. F. Htono Ih ehalrmnn of tho local commlttoe on tills work. The uctiiiil hhIo of tho booka will bo car ried on by n numbor of young ladlen of Klamath Falls. lany Sheep Poisoned In San Francisco Pens -Fed- mlLMO, Feb. 15.. 1 WtlSII BhJ I . -- aiiiu nnnrn n i..iiu ... ri mi...,. .."'" " ! '-to :,".'n.vM.,,ni uMof!r,r..u,,n,,'n.0",cr- totkv.; eep anq umM vutonMi I I!?? hMd ot tock VM ,, Al iHlnttam. UMrtii. K,0loW that the animal, were killed by poison placed In the water ing troughs In the pena in wnicn no dead stock was found. United State Marshal Jamea B. Ilplohan reported tba natter by tt craph to Attorney OeneraJ Gregory at Waahlngton, Stoekyardl here were advlied to take praeautlons. Many of the yards wert adto. have eatab. Ilahed extra guards. (JUT IH MAIK ItV MtOMIXKXT HTOt'KMAX AXI HIH WIFE TO WOMAXH IIKUKKCOIU. WILL UK HArH.UI OFF. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Davla havo do nated a fine Inrgu rnlf on which 'two hundred tickets nro being Hold at twonty-flve ronta each, the money to bo given to the Woman's Itellef Corp to be HH'iii on the Klamath boys In the army. . After the tlckcia aro sold, the' calf will be on exhibition In the window of the I'ulace Market, whore the dsk'w. Ing for the winning ticket will take place. The iinme of tho perann hold ing thu lucky number will be gfib llrhed In tho impel. Tlcketeare now on aalo nt the Kmoke. ''Half of Iho tlcketa liae been xold already. LONDON, Jan. J5 (Correspondence af the Asaoclated Prefa) How BrIU lah Calvary charged and captured I Turklab batterlea and thus opened the way to Jerusalem) le told In a letter from a Drltlah officer. "It was the first tine the brigade had used tbelr awords," he says. "When 'Charge!' sounded I think every man went stark mad. Guns were belching tbelr ahella at us la one sheet of flame, and bulleta by thouaands swept peat, but sot oae man aeemed to get bit aa on we went, with drawn eworda -JUablng la the aun, In a lung straight Ilea, faoraea going like mad and -everyone about- ARE SEVERELY CRITICISED K! I.AHOH LKAIIKH WIHHKH THAT aiimoi'h'h UAi'oirrnu coui.u KXOW AlTlf.Ui fOXIHTIOXK THAT KXIhT IX HIH I'M XT CHICAGO, Feb. in. Clinrgea that men mid women ompl)ed by tho Cltl cago pnckerH are overworked, under paid, euraoil by foremen and driven like ciittlo to lucrcaso tho output of tho pliiutM have been mado by John Klkulskl, organlxer for the Amorlcan Fedornllon of Labor, In tertlfylng be. foro Federal Judge Buiuucl Alschulcr u tho atockynrda wngo arbitration. "Fifty per cent ot the stockyards workcrB do not live, thoy Juat exlat, and do not exist decently, in my opin ion." Hald tho wltneaa. At one point tho wltneaa suddenly stopped his nnrratlvo to remark with dramatic emphasis: "I only wish Mr. Armour' daugh ter could work In her father' plant for a whllo that alto might know tho way women employes are treated." KAIHKIt TO MAKti I'KAOK WITH HOUMAXIA AMSTERDAM, Feb. 15. Berlin newspapers Intimate that peace nego tiations with Roumanla are about to commence. o ROOSEVELT TO LEAVE HOSPITAL NEW. YORK. Feb. .16. Th.aodora Roosevelt has to fat recovered tkat.be w and go weeks. Ten' daya 'later' he" WIV Mart for bla homo at Oyster Bay.. loosaveii ua o is i.wmi ..- .Ill be abte, to'.eiYe'.iX.a?PtaJ hert ,nd gotoa"hotit WlOiIh We nW te Ing like fury. Now we could seo eorae of our pals falling, yet straight at the guns we charged. Aa we came up with the first line of protecting infantry the enemy put up their banda as they atood in the trenches, so we Jumped them and were charg ing at tbe second line when tho first line thought better of tbelr aurrend er and fired at ua from behind. Their artillery and machine guna kept fir Ing at ua up to the moment we reach. ed them with tbe aword. It aeema marvelous that any of ua eacaped alive, but though our ranks were thinned we took the positions, and all tbe guna aad ammunition." WilsoiT Is HarsHy Censured In Senate WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 15. i Ing politics Into tbe controversy over i!.i..i Mm ll'uln rAimhllnan tram ' efficiency. . , He4 vigorously criticised the war MasBachtiBotta, today charged Preel- department and other branches of the dent Wilson with deliberately Inject-1 administration. Cross Pig Proves Valuable A large number of ticket havo been sold on the lino young pig which wim rocently presented to the Red Cross by Harry Stilts, and which I to be raffled off In the near future by Inembera of this organisation to raise money to carry on the work. Tlcketa are being sold at 50 cent each. Tbe winner of the prise Is to be announced at the 8tar theater on March Id. Those at the bead of tbe movement declare that the outside districts are taking an active interest In tbe pur cbate of tho ticket. mm T LASH AMNTREA L MANY LITTLE CHILDREN ARE IIVKXED TO DEATH WHEN BIO NUNNERY IS DESTROYED BY FLAMES MONTREAL, Feb. 16. A terrible fire last night utterly destroyed the big Grey Nunnery bare, burning a large number of children to fleet. Bodies ot tbe victims are betas ree. cued today aa fast a possible; Ttftjft two are now known to have eeea lost. i. ... m SIGNIFICANT ORDERS RBCtVfD new .YORK. Feb. lS.Maiy ot tbe striking ship earpeitera at Metea Island plant have been notinea By ran vessels OLUDEM THE ATLANTIC VESSEL WHICH LEFT FOR CUBA YESTERDAY RETURN'S AFTER BEIXO RAMMED BY UNKNOWN SHIPDIG HOLE IN SIDE ATLANTIC PORT, Feb. 15. An American passenger ship wblcb left yesterday for Cuba returned today wltb a large hole above her starboard water line. She waa In a collision with anunknown veeeel. ' A fall waa received from another Xtlaitlo port today from a steamer Wktc reported that she had been in colllslen with aa vafnowa iblp.' . . Again Heads Republican Congres sional Committee V aammm'JsL rammmmmHaammm w raaBBBBBBBBBBBBBHmmw. fgttHEaR. BammBBBmmVmmmmmmm BBBBBBBBBBBBaKBBmlS !geammmmmm9H'JmvV4 ' lgaBBBBBBBBBHsVBM ' k'" ixfXfXfXfiamV 'mmWrVmT a aaKM' . - & WsaWtiH v' & - jpififmrJamm ' n -'-' vammmwnll rssFvlBBl t-gr " aai i 9HiHge&' v . 4-iaas j SBBBBBaBaBaaaaBSMaaawtess3SSi CELEBRATED AVIATOR IS KILLED AT ' i-1 MAN WHO HAD PERFORMS MY IUAD OF MEROIO FEATS OVHR GERMAN LIXHS M KllXa AT FORT WORTH THW MORXIMO LOSES CONTROL OF MACHINE IX ATTEMPT TO ESCAPE COLLI. HlOX WITH CADET CAME HERE IX OCTOBER CRNriJ.W0OD9j Frunk I' from Iowa, has been re-elected chair. FORT WORTH, Tex., Feb. 15. :VJZrSr!.CPt- Varnon Cat,, of the Ea.U.b man of the republican congressional' Ry "' Crp waa killed thh committee. Ills capacity, shown In 'morning while flying flfteenmlje . former campaigns, led members of west of this place. congress to the conclusion be would! caatle bad made over nil the place better than anyone else who could be found for It. THRIFTSTAMP CAMPAIGN NOW UNDERWAY '1!. 105 light over the German line, aad waa the hero of many exploit oa the Flaadera front during a period ot alne month. He came here In October with Lord Welsley. In trying to avoid collldiag wltb a cadet, Castle swerved, lost con trol ot hla machine, and fell to the ground. BUSINESS HOUSES OF CITY ARK COMMENCING TO PUT WAR SAVING STAMPS OX SALE, AND MANY AUK DISPOSED OF H. N. Moe, who has charge ot the commercial work of the War Savlnga Stamp campaign In Klamath County, ha received hla authority to dispose of the Thrift Stamps at hla place ot business, and haa already commenced to make sales. He reports that' large number of the patrons of tba store seem. pleased to make a purchase of tbe stamp with their change. As the acting leader In this depart ment, Mr. Moe recommends that all tbe merchants take step to secure the stamp for sale at aa early a date aa possible. The Idea auggeated by him In to keep before the customers' mind at all times that the itampa are on band, without wearying them la aa attempt to force a aale. Underwood'a Pharmacy was one of the first establishments to adopt this plan, and now baa tbe tamp ready for customers. Many Local Mechanics Will Be Shipbuilders lecel draft heard , to appear today tor physical examination. That twenty-eight men have enlist ed as skilled mechanics for shipbuild ing In the United States service in tbe past few days here, is reported by Joel T. Ward, who has charge, of the re cruiting In that line here, t Mr. Ward declare that nearly all the' men are skilled -In tome Un especially, do mealed la this work. ' Strenuous appeals are being mtde by the united statea shipping ooaro to get men at this Urn. U I pointed out that while tbe government hathe money necessary to buy at aMM; ture the auppllee for the Uad and allied troop la Fraaw,;ie JjajM will be of bo avail ualee,Tif)iefea. bo secured for traasforUtlea. wskh Is me biggest proWem;ttatfst . time. . The aeJbW.. over i.ooo aWI ' rear. eM ;; aa Immense amoaat ef skilled hfir for the'program. fc.t - n t :". - ' '' 4 V ' A :'f ,'.T