P c "".J"! . H?'& ! ' '? IA . w ;N i K- & 0 v 2.W fftln :v PAGE two The Evening Herald W. O. SMITH, Editor dally wtt Sunday ty Herald Publishing Company of Falls, at 111 Fourth street atered at the aostoMca at KUmtk rails. Oregon, for trensatfasloa throga Ifca aalk as aseoad elm attar. uhecrtaUoa terms tf wllrtur address la taa Called States t Oaeyoar OmmobU THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 1018 Berald'sCbssifiedAdTS. FOR RENT FOR RENT Storage room, conven ient location; termt reasonable. Apply J. B., Herald office. 1 5-tI LOST AND FOUND FOUND at the postofflee, brown fur( muff. 13-3t FOR SALE FOR SALE Team or )oung. well broken work horses, weight over 3,000 pounds, mare and (elding. J. O. Swan, Merrill. lS-St FOR SALE Rhode Island Red roos ters; Oet them now for hatching season. Call J95J. 13-St FOR SALE Seed wheat at $3.23 per 100, oa Clyde Bradley ranch, near Barks place. W.T.Johnson. 6-12t MISCELLANEOUS MMMMMMWWMW FOR 8ALE New 6 room bouse, mod era and on paved street. Price 1?,400, termt. J. T. WARD A (JO, MM ORPHEUS THEATER Wednesday and Thursday, Febtvary 1 aad 14 "HELL MORGAN" GIRL" The sort sensational photoplay ever howa oa the American screen, pre seating DotoOiy Phillips Supported by Lon Cbaney and a clever company of Bluebird artists. A gripping story of tbe San Fran cisco earthquake. Prices for this "Special," 10 aad 30 coats Masfc hy Mi. Fltxpatrick aad Harry Morel. Klamath Lodge No. 137, 1. 0. 0. F meets Friday night. H. F. Esell, N. O., Nat Otterbein, Secretary. Ewauaa Encampment No. 40, 1. O, O. F., meets Tuesday night. W. A, C. P., Nata Otterbein Scribe, New Cardinals' Manager Has Successful Career JACKiHCNDJRlCtta, Jack Hendrlrks, new manager of the St. Louis Cardinals In tbe Na tional League, will cut an Important Igure 1q bit league baseball tbe com ing season If be lives up to bis past. Manager for twelve seasons of minor league clubs, be has yet failed to fin ish la the second division. Beyond that, he has won four pennants for lata a maaafed. dW BsflaBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmiLsWiBBmmmmmmmmH HbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbCT? bbBbbbbbbbbbI HsbsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssKw OVbbsssssI Lbs1bbssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss& ft bssssssssV HsmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWasWS igLLLPfB 3Mtl mmf n&$fosm HBLLLLLLLLLLLK,'BLHLfB VuwMSm JtgggggSBBBBBBkMBV''. M BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbT ,$&" bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIbbbIIsbI IEbbbbbbbbbBt! IbBBwVbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBvISbV IISassssssssKQl Wkm4Skkmmkm kh '&9SZh BsssssH Wkmmmkmm aBBBBBBBBBm V. SBBB ' V JeBBBBflTf BBBBBBBBBBBB?JSBBBB ''BBBBBBBBsl Klanaft (hS? News - - -- FAIRYIEW FINDINGS Mr. Kcam 1ms been in the city for the lit fen days sorting his potatoes 0. A. Hill and family tailed with Warren Patterson Sundny. Miss Viola Che.Mie (pent Sunday with her parents. County Agent II. R. Olalsycr spent Monday night at the home of Mr. Ream. I.. D. Dan son made a trip to Mer rill Monday. Wllma llurk Klamath Falls. spent Monday in A number of farmers here are tak ing net he interest in the Potato Growers Association, which was or ganized Monday night. L. A. West and II. J. Lester hae returned from Portland, where they disposed of a carload of cattle. Mrs. June Dow stayed with Mrs. Lester during the abence of Mr. Lester. Mr. and Mrs. John Koonti spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Phillips. Despite the stormy weather, a num ber of Falrvlew representatives at tended the Spring Lake box social ou Tuesday ctenlng. The public Is urged to attend the shadow social to be given at the Fair- view school house Friday evening, February 13th. Refreshments will consist of oyster soup and crackers. One half of the proceeds are to be donated to tbe Red Cross. -- MILLER HILL COMMENT - -O- -444 Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sutton spent Sat urday afternoon In the city. E. A. Schulemlre transacted busi ness at tbe county seat Saturday. Ernest and Howard Loper were In Klamath Falls Monday. Stewart Briggs spent part or the day at Klamath Falls on business Tuesday. , Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wynant, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Depuy and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wright and Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sexton attended the dance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Newnham at Henley Saturday evening. The Miller Hill Industrial Club Is preparing a patriotic program to be given at the school bouse soon. Tbe date of the affair and tbe program will be deary for publication In a few days. Several volumes of interesting books purchased by tbe Industrial Club hne been added to the school library. Lawrence Hanson and James Mor ris visited at the home or Mr. and Mia. Frank Sexton Sunday afternoon. Investigate the new low cost life, accident and health policies of the Traveler, aad you'll waat to alga oa the dotted line. He Chllcote. 1 HOUSTON'C Metropoltun AnwaemeMs J HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE DARK STAR THEATER Star Theater Presents Roy Stewart la t "ONE HIIOT ROSS" A thrilling Western drama In 6 parts Also a Laughable Trlaagle Coated TEMPLE THEATER Temple Theater Presents Little Mary McAlister la "PANTS" A beautiful 5-part photoplay, re plete with highly humorous situa tions and tensely dramatic climaxes. HEARST PATHK NEWS t Latest War Pictures, Current Events ADMISSION TEN CINTt MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURES TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS MerrO, Oregea The First War Insurance Policy Signed By McAdoo TsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB VI -t " 3GJ& JbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBbI ' .IgHafsBBfl'f LbBbW $1BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbH1 BSSSSSSSSdKFBSSSB - BBSSSSSSSSI 1 U iMW tBBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSVBBBWBB SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVSBBBBBBBBBBbTsI BbV iEXi't , fli mumsm MyH 1i0gflJHI 1 bWViIbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB $ i 0t stBBBBBBBBBPSaLLLiBWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB M ftfBksaJlflBHI 1', AbbbbbbbbbbbbbbSTSbbbbbbbbbbbbbSbKI Ife &JbbbbbbbbbbH kwaAv SPbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBH MlVaWmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS BBBbTT. V"BBBBBBBbV V1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbP 1 bBHKBmBBBBB.V VBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbS IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVSra0BBBBBBmBBB SMaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTiitJaigBBBBB ILlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBtlfJeiBaLlWMaBBaBaBW MwaltHBsmiSH IPVIZgHflBkBialSHKBkBBBBBBBBBBB! mSmmmSmmmmtuj ' '' MTyaairMMajBMaMBWMrTaBT' The first war Insurance policy signed by Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo was handed by him to Questions Asked of County Commissioners The following is a copy of the In terrogatories submitted by the tax payers' committee to the County Court of Klamath County at its ses sion on Monday morning, February 11, 1918, at which aeaalon. wera pres ent Judge Marloa Haaks aad Com missioner Frank H. McCoraack; Com missioner Burrell Short being absent on account of sickness. Tbe County Court made no answer to said questions, bat a copy thereof was personally left with each Judge Hanks and Frank H. McCoraack, and subsequent thereto a copy of said In terrogatories waa mailed to Mr. Shert: To Marlon Hanks, County Judge; Frank H. McCoraack, Burrell Short, County Commissioners for Klamath County, Oregen: Gentlemen At a meeting of rep resentative citizens and tax payers of Klamath Falls, there was an execu tive committee appointed to ascertain ithe sentiment of the different locali ties of tho county, and to obtain an expression from them concerning the contract entered Into by and between ourselves and certain architects for the erection of a court house in Klam ath Falls, and after due consideration and a meeting of said executive com mittee, a sub committee waa appoint ed to ascertain from you certain, In formation, and said committee here with submit a list of questions talked oor and discussed at aald meeting, with the request that you, and each of you, answer said Iriterrogatores an-) submit same to this committee. J How much money has Klamath County now actually Invested In what Is termed the new court house, par tially completed, In Hot Springs Ad dition site? 2 What amount of money or war rants has atbe present County Court paid ,on the new court house, since the taking of office of tbo present comty Judge? : What amount has been levied by tbe present County Court since tbe taking of office of the present county Judge. In the court house fund? 4- -How much money Is there at nreicnt In the county ereasury In the court bouse fund? Joffre's Hooverism Not PARIS, Jan. 38. (Correspondence of the Associated Press) Marshal JoSre's letter to the secretary of the French Academy officially announc ing his candidacy to the teat of the late Jules Claretle has caused much favorable comment here, but the Im pression appears to hava gone abroad that the victor of tbe Maria will Join THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH .man M. J. Krumm, tho first man to I bo Insured bv Uncle Sam. The third . ,. tha Dhoto u the private see- Yoe-lretary to Mr. McAdoo. 5 ucw much, money has been lev led and how much collected on the court house fund In the last two years? We wish to submit the folowlng In terrogatories for and on account of tho fact that It has been quite gen erally circulated thruout the county by rumors and otherwise that the present uncompleted court house building In Hot Springs Addition Is unsafe and not In condition to be completed. Will you, therefore, kind ly answor the following Jlnterroa- torlea? 1 Have you mad or caused to be made any examination of the present Incomplete court house building as to Its fitness for completion or Its soundness as a building? 3 If so, will you kindly give the names and address of the parties and tbe dates upon which said examina tion was made? 3 Have said parties made written report to tbe County Court as to the condition of the said building, nnd If so, Is said report now a matter of rec ord of Klamath County so that same may be examined by this committee? 4 If said reports have been made but not filed, and thereby become public records, will you kindly refer said reports to this committee for ex amination? C Have you received estimates and proposals tor the completion of said structure? If so, will you kindly submit said bide to tbe examlnaton of this committee? 6 If said bids contain plans and specifications for the completion of this uncompleted structure, will you kindly submit said plans and specifi cations to this committee? There seems to be some controver sy over the Interpretation and mean ing of a certain contract entered Into by and between yourselves and cer tain architects on tbe 35th of Janu ary, 1918, relative to the erection and completion of a court house In Klam- atb Falls, Oregon, and we respectful- ly request your answers to the fol- lowing Interrogateries: 1 Is there any understanding or agreement, either orally or In writ- Ing, between tbe County Court and said architects, or between you as In- Restricted to Food tbe Forty Immortals oa his military, and not his literary, record, Tbe letter Is brlof. It reads: "Mr. Secretary I have tbo honor to Inform you that I am a candidate to tbe French Academy to the seat of Mr. Jules ClareUe. "Please do aeoept, Mr, Secretary, the expression of my distinguished sentlmeaU.-JOFFRS)." FALLS, OREGON dlMdusls. or suy of you as Individ uals, and said architects relative to plans nnd specifications, and the price of completing said court house? 2 Have the plans and specifica tion?, and the location of said court house building been agreed upon by the County Court or nny of tho mem bers thereof? S Is there any agreement or un demanding between tho parties to said contract, entered Into by and bet wren the County Court nnd said architects, that said contract rclitea to the finishing of tho present I ar thlly constructed court house? 4 U the plans and sperinratlons referred to and contemplated In said, contract or January IS, 1918, has breii submitted and adopted by tho. County Court, or any members theie or will ou submit said plans nnd spwlt.cntlon to this committee for examination? I C Will ou please state what your Pievnt attitude la townrd tho com pletion of the present Incomplete,' court house building in Hot Springs Addition? Is it your Intention to com plete this structure? If not, will you pleaso state definitely why you do not favor the completion of this struc ture? The aboo and foregoing Is submit ted after careful consideration and discussion of the problems therein mentioned, and upon unanimous tote ' of the executive committee appointed, j and as representative cllltens and tax. payers of the County of Klamath, we roipccuuiiy requeei jou as memoers or the County Court to kindly answer the above and foregoing. RespoctMlly submitted, E. L. ELLIATT, Chairman, W. T. LEE, Secretary. Committee M. p. Evans, n. A. Emmltt. J. W. Siemens, Charles Wood Eberleln. MEAT INJURIOUS ' TO THE KIDNEYS TAKI A TAILISFOONFUL OF ALTS IF SACK HURTS OR LADDIR TROUILIS Wo are a nation of meat eaters aad our blood Is filled with urlo acid, says a well known authority, who waraa as to be constantly oa guard agalast kid ney trouble. The kidneys do their utmost to free tbe blood of this Irritating acid, but become weak from the overwork; they j got flngghih; tbe ellmlnatlve tissues ciog ana inus ine waste u retained la the blood to poison the entire system. Ilka lumps of lead, and you have sting ing pains In the back or the urine la cloudy, full of sediment, or the bladder Is Irritable, obliging you to seek relief during tbe night; when yon have se vere headaches, nervous and dlny spells, sleeplessness, acid stomach or rheumatism In bad weather, get from your pharmacist about four ouncee French Dirigible Watches tor Submarine Over Merchant Ship Just Sunk By U-Boat IBHbBbbbbBSI IHHPHBiHiil itMpwl ml BSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmKyWfVSW.M (Z$ I lmBMwmmM0wMm lmmmm0MMmSm mWwMMMmkmWsm .w,''t,.'v2f..'i !!" ':"". . m mmwiiMHH, B vrvuen. dirigible called to toe rescue, hovers overhead, hoping to get a glimpse of the u boat aad drop a bomb oa her. I of Jad Salts; take a tabtespoonfui la a glass of water before breakfast each morning and In a few days your kid ..i. witi act nne. This famous salts la made from the acid of grapes and" lemon Juice, combined with iiinia, ana has been used for generations to flush When our kidneys ncho nnd feel and stimulate clogged kidneys, to nou trallto tho acids In urine so It Is no loniwr a source of Irritation, thus end ing urinary and bladder disorders. Jad Salts Is lnexpcnle nnd cannot Injure; makes a dollghtful effervescent llthla water drink, and nobody can make a mistake by taklnit a llttlo oc caslonal'v to keep the kldnoys clean and active. Adv. RUB YOUR BACK! STOP LUMBAGO DON'T DRIU KIDNKYM! HUH THE PAIN ItUlllT OUT WITH OLD "ST. JACOtlH LINIMENT" Hack hurt ou? Can't straighten up without feeling sudden pains, ul.nr,, ndin II 11. 1 IwlllKeS? NOW llStOll! Thal.g ,umbnI0 .clallca. or maybe m a ,, B1j you. cl blet401j ruof 10 roomont you rub your back wh i0Othlllt( ,.netratlng "HtJaeoba nlnenU.. Nothng else takes out soreness, lameness and stiffness so quickly. You simply rub It on and out comes tho pain. It Is perfectly harm, less and doesn't burn or discolor the akin. Limber up! Don't suffer! (let n small trial bottle from any drug store, and after using It Just once, you'll forget that you over had back ache, lumbago or sciatica, bernuse your back will neter hurt or causo any mora misery. It never disap points and has been recommended for 80 years. Stop drugging kidneys! They don't cause backache, because they have no nerves, thercforo can not cause pain. Adv. $1.00 WILL UE OIVEN to each of several schoolboys who will deliver copies of the Curtis publica tions to customers. Only school boys clean, gentlemanly and ambitions need apply. Tbe 81.00 Is In addition to liberal cash profits and many other advantages. Apply to Lloyd aad Ken. neth Ttioawa, Uox I II I, Klamath Fall, Oregon. 31-14-38 FOR SALE One team or logging horses, weight 3,000 pounds; G and 9 years old. Price 3G0. Several good farm horses, ranging from 1,100 to 1,300 pounds. I'rlcod from 140 to 1100, A few cheap alt-purpose horses. Prlco from 10 to $30. Will sell on part cash; balance, terms to suit, or wilt use other collateral as security. KSKEI.SO.V8 FURNITURE 8TORE 11414 "i"1 hm"" '" i a. i' in. omcers or in him .,. - the depth of' the water, and Into submarines cornea near aaa aurfse. it will .ot ha diacnH Zt l"? " w eees MWI THI'IIHU.W, Kllllltl AI1V ii .. ' m AA.I f ivioiner s Birthday ll'llllllll) Ullt! HIIOIIIl tonm.u.l II III . """til 1 .,, (Ill elll!HMlli Uf L..I mill Iiiiiiiii- .til..... .. "I -" uinn Jt w 01 ll. Mother does so nuuli for of us, shares so inuili n(,u e',u become an uttumtd u giving her tliliin all ,,( Ul " IM'IIVHl ,111111 onu nni'ii mini gum ), hi let's iiiiiku her lilriluliiy )teJ n puruly pursouiil ihiu-bo. iiiiiik iur nor own timi Jewelry In iiIkimi nil tlilnim,! Individual nnd pumninl tn, en i, jiiuiiiur iniinieii n lung (ll nRit that Upp's Ih tli.i tu-t plarl hi mi)' juwiury. You will llnd appropriate oru, tiients horu, and hIi,. v,x llttlo more pleased wib sei-s our Imprint on the fen eomniniiig inn girt. Frank M. Uppl jE.we.LbK 511 Main Street Official 8. V, Wahh Intper ImIs Union Halts at 31-tf K. K. K.NT0M.1 Money to loaaon rlty and etaJ iroierty. Her Clillrulr. l I LET ME MAKE YOUR XKXt SUIT PERFECT FIT Highest tirade of WorkiusssUil OUAHANTKKD Spring Woolens on INiaky. Your Inspection Invited. Chas. J. Cizefc Huxe oi to Loewe Bras. MERCHANT TAILOR nt Mala Ht. on 100-lb Hour Sacks Commence. Feb. 15th to Fek 231 80c a Doz. HIRVI Baking Co DR. WONG WlNIi CHINESE 1IKIII1 DOCK t'UllKH ALL CUIIAIILE DIBn Heib Medicine Cures stomscb "J Liver Troublo. Herb Iiiuilr Tui-Aa Heart. Wl and Tumor Trouble. I ALSO CURB Cancers, Dlpbt! Rupture, Catarrh, ScrofuloMH lema, Erysipelas, Lung lob tlAn irku... fljmaiiMnltfllli 1 Polannlnv nhoiimntlslU. P1! sis, and all otbar curable i II ! .r ..... .- hV S I with ma regarding your UJ I have cured many casta tbotH"! be hopeless, and which wtn" up by other doctors. CONSULTATION F Special Salq ith. t m .d