n. f Hx.r j .,rHi'i' l jU STlyg Jatgnhtg Herald UiciAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NntWIPAKt OF KLAMATH FALL! OFKLAMAT" Wu.. i-Nu.,W KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1918 MIL Prieeflve uns Are Suspicious Of Russian Peace IMENTSBig Deficiency ADorooriation Has Been Reported Kl I I 'I I I L jXAnAfuvunjyianru-irinnnnnrj-JL---juL-j-----r.- uxl-jl-j----.- - '.-.-. vjlgrj .r n 1 " ------ ' m n v i u n i . ii iuitu nnu uruintm i c, inn. UNWMU urn inn nr ur I NATIONAL NESS OMIKK for AH.MY DEMO. MJZATIOX IM IIAHACTKHI7- BB AH "HII.IM HJISKUVKII." IONK CLAIM ORDER COUNTER. MAXDKD IN' THREE HOURS MftPATCHKH OK. ANY KIND KRAL DAYSMANY KILLED IN B PROMOTED IN THE NAVY AI-HO THERE AUK MOHK DAN OKItOVH THINGS THAN BOMBS IN NEW YORK CITY NAVAL TRAINING IH OK TMK BEST Follow Ins period of training in the government service, In which a consldnrable amount of Una wee pent at the Columbia University la InOM PKTrUKJKAD FttB BKV.jNoW Vork City. Olenn Garrett, eon of I Mr. and Mra. J. II. Oarrott, who ! now In the navy, haa Juet wired ble MOTS THERE, ACCOItlllNa TO;fMner lhat ho hae been made a petty LOT REPORTS By Aawriated Frraa DATELESS Uneaslneee of the officer, and will be la charge of the engine room on the boat oa which ha alia. Daring hie period of lastruc tloa ha haa been under aapervleloa of a eon of Tbomaa A. Hdleoa for a BUG HERE SOON VALUABLE MAIN STREET COIL NEK TO UK IMPROVER WITH MODKItN THHKK HTOKY BUMI. NE8H IIMK.K, HAYS REPORT iilluitlun In Herman-Austrian) time, and aome of the heat meehaB circle it Indicated In the leal experts In the country. prfM. There nppeara to bo. lie and hU companlone la going to put unrrrtattiiy concerning tho ni.il 'rom the unlvorslty were charged tin attltudo of Trotiky nnd the itlkl government, Oil Mwiiicr ti that the an- uttntnt that the lliimilan army I beta drmoblllicd was a "ahnm aimer." Airman Icadere have a conference a to tho bent m of procedure. It hi been reported that military iIIom might be reeumed. but i Berlin and Vienna appear very si over the probable fate of 1 tnouiands of Auitro-flcrman era In Ruula. drain papen nay the circulation I III order for demobilisation waa I within three hour after It waa lout. Tiere have been no dispatcher of W tort from I'otroarad ilnra lait irir, when ISO were killed In !. fit kuthori . in koc.i a iliarp lookout for bomba that Bight be thrown from wlndowa of the build Inge, but Glenn wrote that the boy found the New York glrla ao attract ive to look at that they forgot all about any danger from bombe. DM DIE AREWEMD COUNTY JUDGE HANKB t'NITKH YOUNG ' COUPLE FHOM DAIRY AT HOTEL HALL YESTERDAY. WILL RESIDE NEAR DAIRY Martin Herman Btoeechler and MUa Oral Ethel Alrad of the Dairy Tat (tomans ore anxlduouilr build. I H defense and bringing fresh te the western front. They r reported In now have 3,340,000 ' wween tho North Sea and the I i border, by tho-Assoclsted Press pendent. Tki toanaio sunk ui v h' section wero married at the Hotel "tarlne Is declared to t thrnJHall here yeeterday by County Judge 1 M treat a that hunt hv tho Marlon Hanks u . 1 . m M The groom la a aon oi aire, ueorge lllobn of thla city, and tha brlda la a daughter of W. Aired, a wall known realdebt. It Is reported that tha cou ple will reside In the Dairy district. Hie. Bute, ,nd Kngland. W MC1AI. AT PINE GROVE SATURDAY NIGHT vtnrone u invito .. i.. .. tllatDi " ru Vpc?d ot h,fh w,n " iho1 fMw - A. and for school equipment. I bovea. Two qullta, towels, pillow tops and other ertlclea will ha for alo. are requested to bring Shipbuilders Strike at Baltimore AWlMORB, reb. 14.-Qov.ra. MU..ZT,n.f b" rtouily U ,:jl V.IM ltrlk "0 ear. t.uV. .ni J0nere. The eoasnanv aive declamit k. j. v lMI le by the strik en, and . ra at a low to kow what tha difficulty U. Tha atrlkera refused to dlicusa tha tltuatlon.Jkit' dUmlawd tha aubjeet with thaTawarlti '"Thay kw all about It la Washington." That a three-story brick building Is soon to he erected In Klamath Falls oa the corner of Eighth and Main strerta, where the Klamath livery sta ble now stands, la Indicated by an article appearing In Tuesday' Ore goalan. It baa been rumored that D. O. Williams waa seriously considering tha erection of a building on his prop. erty here, but no deflnte statement haa been saada by him heretofore. Tha structure aa outlined will be. a moat valuable addition to the appear- aaca of Mala street. The article le quotea ib pan: "FDlger Johnson, architect In the Oregon building, la preparing plana and specification for a three-story store and office building at Klamath Palls for I). C. Williams of that city. The building will be of brick, with terracotta trimmings, end will cost In the neighborhood of $100,000. The ground floor will be given over to stores, which will have fronta of plate glass set In metal, and the upper floora to offices." SPHNGLAKE MEADE Airplane Stock Can Be Furnished Uncle Sam I'OHTLAND, Feb. 14. Tha first definite statement that airplane stock sufflclout to meet the requlraaseata of this country and Ita allies will be supplied, without the vestige of a doubt, was given by Colonel Brlca B. Dlsque of tha United States Blgoal Corps, at the ceremonies marking tha opening of the new cut-up plant at Vancouver, Wash. The product situ atlon now Is fully la hand, according to Colonel Dlsque, and enough spruce for airplane use la In eight to pro. vide every foot necessary to asaka America and her allien supreme la tha air. When he waa tent to Portlaad to take charge of the production of spruce for airplane, Colonel Dlsque announced It would be aecaaaai rameat 1(V 000 feet every month. This amount, It la believed, will be reached very eborfly. The production In January, tha poorest month of tha year, la said to have exceeded Jnat of December by about 35 percent. Obstacles which seemed Insurmountable, have been overcome. - "We are now assured of a supply sufficient to keep ahead of our re quirements," said Colonel Dlsque. "It I now past tha experimental stage, and tha large Increase In production haa shown beyond question that It Is tha only way to supplement the nor mal laduatry'a output. Thla doe not meaa that wa do not want every foot that tha ordlaary operator can pro- duoa aad all the mlUa can cut All thay ca hrlag la wa want, wa have ry to coatracta for It, aad wa will continue Additional Month For Income Tax Reports I have been notified by the Treae uary Department at Waahlngton, D. C, that' tho time for filing the U17 Income tax returns, Including Indi viduals and corporations, haa been ex tended to April 1, ISIS, thus giving an additional month to that provided by tha war tax act of October 3, 1917. As soon aa the blanks are received each corporation will be notified. I should greatly appreciate the early filing of returns, la order that the work of thla oBce may not be unduly congested. Very respectfully Mil ton A. Miller, Collector. pctc uinu I'ltOMINKNT DOCTOR -KKCKIVE8 HANK OF CAPTAIN IN MKDICAL SECTION OF ARMY RH SEEN MICH PREVIOUS SERVICE mm row MM USING GAS BY HANGED A commission as captain in the offi cers reserve corps of the United States army, thla .morning reached Dr. Rlden Roy Hamilton otjtbla city, having been oi the way from Waah lngton alnce January 19th. The commission is gtvgp for Ore years. Dr. Hamilton baa seen previous ser vice In the Spanish war, and waa aergeant major "of the 39th Infantry la the Philippine war. It la believed bla prevloua military record I respon sible to some extent for the high rank tendered him at this time. Dr. Hamilton haa built up a very extensive practice here during the several years of his residence. Many frlenda who regret his departure will rejoice In the honor tendered him by the government. THE ENEMY BIGGEST DEFICIENCY AFFKOMU. ATIOX IN HISTORY OF CON. GRE8H IB REPORTED TO THE HOUSE PERSHING WANTS A SHELL PLANT "BLISTER" GAB USED BY mTKfl CAUSE SHUT IN U. 8. PRKFAR. ATIONS FOR GAS WARFARE. GENERAL CROWDER ASKS FOR DIG BUM SHIPYARD WEDDEDHER E WELL KNOWN YOUNG PEOPLE UNITED DY PASTOR OF METH. ODI8T CHURCH WILL MAKE HOME NEAR MIDLAND The marriage of Walter Kemp and Mlsa Stella Hooper, two well knowu young people of the Spring Lake dis trict, waa solemnised on Tuesday af ternoon, at the home of Mr. and Mra. E. K. Dunham of thla city, by Rer. O. O. Oliver of the Methodist church. Mrs. Dunham and a brother ot tho bride were the only witnesses of the ceremony. Tha young couple will reside In the Spring Lake district, where the groom haa a ranch. They have a wide cir cle of friend, who will wish them every happiness. ARRIVES IN FRANCE County Clerk O. R. DoLap and family are greatly relieved today, owing to receipt of a cable meaaaga from Lieutenant T. H. DeLap to the affect, that ha haa arrived .safely In France. Lieutenant DeLap waa known to have sailed about .tha time tha Tus- canla crossed, aad bit relative and friend here were greatly concerned for fear ha plght have haw aae of the passengers. CONTROVERSY MUM OURHOUK CITIZENB COMMITTEE , WHICH SUBMITTED QUESTIONS TO THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AL. LEGE D1SCOURTEOUSNK8S That the cltliens committee which appeared before the County Court In executive session last Monday, aaklng Information with regarda to plana for the construction of the new County Court house was not accorded the courtesy and co-operation by County Judge Marlon Hank which cltlaaaa and tax payers have a right to expect from a public oflclal, la reported by B. L. Elliott, cbalrmaa of tha earn mlttee. An alleged lack of directness la a recant contract algned by member ot tha County Court with Portland arch itects, which authorised tha lattar to accept bids for the completloa ot a naw court house caused a aumber to doubt the Intention of tha tremt court to go ahead with' the hulMlag iB'the Hot Springs Addltiaa, la which a great amount of county tuada aav bean expended. A meatlas waa there- fore called recently. sixty were preseat, and an executive commltrte named to go before tha commissioners to ascertain the plans. E. L. Elliott and W. T. Lee were named as chairman and secretary of this committee, which In Its complet ed form contained the following mem ber. E. L. Elliott, W. T. Lee, Chns. W. Eberleln, R. E. Smith, Percy Evans, O. G. Eskelson of Klamath Falls, Ed Bloomlngcamp of Bly, D. 8. Grlgsby of Olene, John Hagelsteln of Algoma, Eugene Hammond of Merrill, Will Tlngtey of Midland, Chas.- Mack of Pine Grove, Francis J. Dovne of Bo nania, Dan Ryan ot Fort Klamath, A. Kallna of Malln, T. N. Case ot Mt. Lakl, W. M. Cheyne of Spring Lake, J. W. Siemens and R. A. Emmltt. Aa many of those outside were not able to be present, a delegation of Ave represented It before the court. Member of this delegation declare that the county Judge assumed that the plans of the court were none of their affair. Commissioner Burrell Short was not present at this meeting, owing to Illness. The committee reports that It was not permitted to read a list of ques tions arranged to the court, but that a copy wa loft with each of the com- mlsloners. When Interviewed this morning re gardlng tha matter, Judge Hanks made no statement for publication, but Indicated ha would make a state. meat at aa early data. ROOSEVELT IMPROVING MNWIS WED WILSON ORDERS INVESTIGATION OF CONTRACTS, WH.ICH HAVE MUCH GRAFT WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 14. A billion dollars urgency deacleacy appropriation, the largest ot ita kiad in the history of congress, ha boon reported to the house today, provid ing for immediate national needs. The committee has published tes timony aad Information oa which tha npproprlatlona are based. Oenersl Pershing haa cabled from France strongly urging that a Blast be Installed there, which will enable him to handle case tor Ightiag ordinance department wlH complete orajsalsatlea to a shells. The send a able the expeditionary force to meet BEEN DECLARED TO INDICATE ;" shift in the gaa warfare necessitated by the Germans adoption ot the "mustard" or "blister" gas. which has changed the whole gaa warfare program. The allies must keep abreast ot tho times, It Is declared. Administrators Hoover and Oar field are now agreed that tha food WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 14. The president has directed Attorney General Gregory to Investigate the Hog Island Shipyard contracts, which have been adversely criticised before the senate commerce committee, to determine If there had been any criminal mlsues of the government funds. and fuel administration should be separated as to appropriations. Provost General Crowder haa asked for $10,000,000 additional for draft registration selection. Langell Valley Farmers Are After Irrigation NSW YORK. Ttt 14. Theodora Roooavalt la now reported to be rapid ly reeoverlag from tha at acta ot his at wklth about .recent operations here. A meeting was, called for last night by the farmers of the Upper' Langell Valley country at the Lorella school house, o consider plans for the Irri gation of lands In that district from tha waters of Clear Lake, but was postponed on account of tho bad storm until tha middle of next week. Project Manager J, B. Bend of the prepared to be present at tha meet ing when he learned of Its postpone ment. Many ot tha farmers of that dis trict are most anxious to sat their lands under Irritation as early aa pa. slble, and the naw terms raeeatlr made by the government eff tha Clear Lake are, ao reaaoaaaM that H Is believed they wiu aa saaaa.(ia- United State reclamation project bad vantage of la the near future, M a ,J 'T4- V4 i 4lj f 48 MM