;r ' f rr$?'yi$-' - vJ$'3jg? 'V Me s ssl c$lt iEmmmn Herald AFFICIAL NEWSPAPER V OFFICIAL mWtFAFilt OF KLAMATH COUNTY OF KLAMATH FiiMM t Twelfth Yr !. nm WING N WESTERN BATTLE UNE JJAMKNT, DM'LAIIKM THAT KTrUtitJI.K Ml'HT GO ON UNTIL HOXOIIAIII.K I'Ml'K CAN HE DX'L.IIIKI AlKTKIANH PAIL IN ATTEMPT TO TAKE POMTIONH ON KOKTHMIN ITALIAN KltONT. WKATIIKIt tXINDITIONH NOW improving lljf AxMirUtrtl Pre DATKI.KS8 Tim tinnoiimempiit ,f Amrlc'. mrxii lo vmunclato the orU from ilia threat of attempte! suiter o( 'tin M-tnnh group of u.ito- mile ruler by President Wilt, it romci almu.t at tlio lamo tlrno that tit lcr, eiultlng over the collujuo of opposition on the eastern front, ile (Urat: "I'earc will come, but victory of Uermsn nrnm must first bo rccog. llStd." There are alRnn of nrowInK alert Ma on the western front, whore tier Mi? baa been massing forces. Th tsathsr Is now Improving. The raids ire lorreaslng, and the artillery ore violent along the Importunt sstton. On the Italian, front the Austrian Me tailed In attempts against pool teas writ of the Ilrenta, recently cap. tired by the Italians. LONDON, Fob. II. King tlcorgo, mid that l!io struggle hal now reachoj. United BUtea Marshall, are named as Iks critical iiuko which demanded Implicated In a plot lo equip an Illegal ore thsu ccr the full use of tho!tospedltlon Into Mexico with govern eoaotry s cniirclcs und resource, and tnout arms. kit the ur must bo prosecuted until recognition f nfured 0f (no only riclplns upon Mch au honorn'ilo Kco can be declared. LlMHKItMAN RETURNS President II. ). Mortenson of the rillcan Hay Lumber company came from Ban Francisco laat evening to ttsDd lo mattora of business for two r three days. He roports that Mrs. Morten-on has been sick for some J wo with a severo attack of tonsl '"l. but that there Is now hope that IH soon bo up and around again. Baker Says Tragedy Will Unite Country WASHINGTON, D. 'c, Feb. 1. Nerotary Baker hs. issued the fol ,0tng statement: j. "Jb Unking of the Tuscanta brings ,7 " t0 ' with the losses of war aest rslaotioM farm.' It It a b??-ett."lenu t0 th . world n adversary who has reined,' but ISER SAYS ,WWWWWWW'WWWWWWWW l' CTI V I T I E S county w.s.s. wmmniuu NOW SELECTED CJIIOVI OK SEVEN APPOINTED TO HMIt CAMPAIGN TO AMMNT GOVERNMENT IN DISPOSING OK THIIIKT STAMPS In order to prosecute a vigorous, y.temntlc campaign for the sale ot the War Tlirirt Saving SUBpt In IkI.MI tit'OUUt', AliDHKMMING PAR. 'Klamath County, during the remain der of I VII, the regular eiecutlve committee as designated by the gov. eiument has been selected to head the work In this section. Chairman J. W. Hlemens was "drafted" Into this service at a asset lug of business men at the First Na tional bank last Saturday. The following were named aa a TilKt"l(,'t'nK yesterday: No. 3, "Ktecutlve," to bom promo. lion section of commlttoo work. Prod B. fleet. No. 1, County school superintend ent to head up educational aectloB ot committee work, Miss K4m Wells, No. 4, Business msn toTMad'oem imrclsl settloa of commlttoo work. II N. Mot. No. n, Industrial man to head In- liiKtrlal section of commlttoo work, II, l, Mortenson. No. 6, Executive for general section I of committee work, R. II. Dunbar. No. 7. Postmaster to head up post. offices and mall carriers section of cnmmltteo work, W. A. Deliell. Committees for the towns outsldo Ktumath Kails have not boon nsmed, but will bn selected at an early data. It Is declared that Klamath County has a huge task ahead to secure the UiiotH named, IJto.OOO, and In order to make a good local showing, soma strenuous work will have to bo done' drrlng tbe nest eleven montbo. SERIOUS CHARGE MAOR AGAINST FEDERAL OFFICERS I JOB ANGELES. Feb. IS. United States District Attorney J. R. O'Con. ontnhif iiBriismnni imr. tn.inv i nor and William Cavanaugh, deputy PARKER HAKK IN HALIFAX Word Is just received by long distance phone from Oronts I'sss that Kdward P. Parker, who waa reported loot on the Tusranla yesterday, waa left 111 at Halifax with twenty-one oth ers. This will reduce the total casualties previously reported substantially. made more deadly, tbe itetttb of tbe savage In warfare. "We muit win tbla war, and we will win this w,ar. lyoesee like taJe.,ul(o the" couaiiTf jln eifJipatbr -wltb -m tmlltej et'lthoMi who aavo sutofod, loHi tker eieo uttu.ui to make wbrf determined our purpose to proas on. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, Man Whose Birthday Nation Celebrates "With malice toward none; with charity foi all; with nrmnesa In the right; let us strive on to flalsb tbe work we are In; to bind up the na tlon'a wounds; to care for blm who shall have borne the battle, and for bis widow, and bis orphan to do all which may achieve and cherish a Just and lasting peace among ourselves, and with all nations." Lincoln's sec ond Inaugural. i THOMK IN OFFICtillH TRAINING CAMPH ARK TOT THRU VIGOR OUH WORK, ACCORDING TO LOCAL MAN Two Interesting letters have been received by J. Frank Adame from bio boys, Will and Bob, who are new In tbe service of tbe nation. Will, who la In the onlcers training ramp aV Leon Springs. Ban Antonio, Texas, writes to the effect that while the boys are worked to the limit In their training of various kinds, they are well cared for, have plenty of good food, and are growing "bard as nails." Every man m required to shave and shine his shoes every day, Tbe Western boys show up strong, be says. They have the pep and glagor, and can rally be picked out In the crowd. Adams says that Texas, what be has seen of It, looks much like the Oregon desert. They bare bad lot of cold weather this winter, severe enough at times to freoie the water Plpoo Robert, who crossed to Frae on the same boat wltb Ralph Hun ot this city, writes to tbe effect that be Is "right side up wltb care," or will be Just as soon as he recovers from an attack of tbe mumps. What he wants, he says, Is choco lates and cigarettes, and if both cm. not be sent, he prefers tbe chocolates. FIIKNCH RRMKF DANCE TONIGHT Tbe ladles who are preparing for the big dsnee tonight at the White felkan hotel, announce that aa tbe Lenten season begins at II o'clock to night, tbe dancing, which begin t I o'clock, will step promptly tt that hour. From tbe present Indications there will be a big turnout by the local publlo tonight, . PrsctieaUy all the moves so tr-undertaJM to rslsof funds, for tbe relief of die thtrepeai War snswmrsibAvs metHrith wMntlftl- lof'siiMesi bee. o tJM Mr .'l-k' ''..ktAk . ?mt.Z.2LitA.Lmt- !' 'whIAh la '-life h iMl uU Preach ehlMrsawtll W nret- !.. ; i..j cv j I up a iv mm ruivs - '"" '" IN OVEN mm wm PEACE i President Favors Auslrias Attitude A marked profsrogoi was eipresood fc tbe eteejd tokomW'mbt Csemln of Austria It. hbt gfoeeh on peace terms reeeatlr. to bfat of von Hort- llng, by PitssleenfitWllsosi In his tjpsvsn vviviv WW ommwasBisFswmi gvwexttsesmr of congress yseterway. He sold von Heetliag's stotimot.t was Tory ragse IH ooafaslng, and leads to praotically aw oonclusle. oJso that It was Tory deforest from der nln'j, which hsd a friendly tone. The president reiterated thst tbe United Utatto bad no desire to Inter fere with European affairs, and "would disdain to take ad"tago of any loternatlouol wsoiness or dis order, or to Impose, Hs own will on cinors." Count CternlB Moms to see s fun dsmontsl clement of peace with clear eyes, sad does not' seek to obscure them," declared the prwldest. MAN WHO DROVK 8TAGK BE TWEKNTMrS CITY AND AHH LAND TWENTY YEARS AGO, IB CALLED TO REST SUNDAY John C. Yadeo, a well known reel dent of Klamath Falls, where he has resided for tbe lost twenty years. passed to rest bore Sunday afternoon ai;e, ioiiowibst as menaea iiiavm, at the M ot 7 years. Mr. Yadon waa a pioneer stage driv.. i s I or, usj orovs ue suge mwm -... ntk milt sad Ashland when he trot catso to uw cwvBirr. mmw He to survived by hie wife and tbolfco mltMrmd h ,-tio wk. following children: John O. Tadon, 1 B. V. Yadon and Mrs. W..U. Fostsr .....I. .1. . m w.j. .nr.i " " :.?""V" """! iwso.-issHwwiusinTf.siin, leol this &whIm I ........ . isi (waeraa set i new bwtw . eeva announcod, but will probably be held tomorrow afternoon. LENT BEGINS TOMORROW Tomorrow, Ash Wednesday morn. Ing. the sessions ot Lent will be eol emnly opened In the Catholic church at I 'deck. It Is eallod Ash Wed nesday because the ashes of the bnra ed palms are placed .en the foreheads of each as a remembrance ot death, and the forty days following Ash Wednesday are set aside aa a time of special preparation for the future life. It Is Imposed on Catholics to ab stain from all meat on Wednesdays, Fridays and some Saturdays of Lent, and to attend church services when ever possible. Tomorrow morning, ashes will be blessed and distributed at I o'clock, and again at the 7:10 services. Tbe following regulation will hold good uaUl Boater. 1:06 a. m. Dally mass. 7: SO p. m. Wednesdays, sermon and beaedletlos. 7: to p. m. Fridays, Ways of tbe Cress. 7:10 p. m. Sunday, semen add beaedtcUen. NOTKfS YhevWsmen ot WeedWt will mast i Thtmdoy afteriet;Mt sto bOJM. t Mr.;.'ttMils mWitottzMi Wsblua':strfo.'' wlUbe . tn taMtor Mr the Red Cress. ' ' 1 tT". r.tBti FEBRUARY ,,12, IMS AFIER VICTORY VMWWWMWWWWMMWi - It Is believed that Ciernln would go much further If It were not for tbe embarrassment of tbe Austrian alli ances with and dependency on Ger many. Wilson said the teat aa to whether It was possible for the bellig erents to go on comparing views wss stasis, and that the following prln clplee must be applied:' First, each part ot the nasi settlement must be based on essential Justice to bring permanent peace; second, tbe peoples and provinces are not to be bartered axowad like chattels to establish the balance of power; third, territorial settlement must be for the benefit of the peeple concerned, and not merely for the sake of adjustment. Rival claims and well detned national aspir ations must be accorded satisfaction. These principles have boon accepted, be said, by every one except the mill tary autocrats of Germany. DErBDANTtS mm wH7 fiEWED ORIGINAL CHARGE AGAINST LO CAL MAN INDICTED FOR STATU TORY OFFENSE IS DROPPED AND SECOND ONE MADE The ease against Jess Swlnnoy, scheduled for. continuance yesterday la tbe circuit court ot Judge D. V, Kuykendall, waa dismissed on mo ol lh- BraMeilUlf, ....... . .w. ...v , msw . wss-s -fnvsBvw wmi os !' to lfc .... .. hl. case begun a short tints ago. The eomntalslntf wltmsas. Bertha Owens. bUiibiI ob th. BtA-d tram kar orlrin.i j;t to th. .-,,-,. ..wi-- u itB. -7 " - " possible to proceed on the indictment. Following his release yesterdsy, I Bwlnasy wss again arrested on a iCbarge ot adultery, preferred by A. v. owena, lataor or tna gin. MEN YET UNACCOUNTED . FOR NOW NUMBERS BBS WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. II. Tn following men from Oregon who wr tB Tuscanln have been locat The names removed from the list of unaccounted for since yesterday are Lester L. Smith, Gallco; Walter T. Larson, Warrsn; Holllo M. Hasel ton, Coburg; Quo Johnson, Reedsport. The list ot those not yet reported si survivors Is now It5. This number, however. Is expected to be reduced soon. PROPERTY SOLD YESTERDAY The six-room bouse and lot at III East street, owned by M. J, McDon ougb, woe purchased yesterday by H. J, Winters, thru the sgsacy ot R. B. Smith. Mr. MeDonougb and family will continue to lira aa tbe property for the present. The consideration of the deal was not made public. s RUSSIA'S WITHDRAWAL .. OPTIMALLY CONFIRMED h LONBOH. Feb. ll.vCoaArmatloa eSt ts.0cmaji. rlilert'ihat jknasia has withdrawn from ue war id contained I In an wOelol sUtement received here. MS SPEECHtS B CONQRENSMEN DECLARE THAT J POLICIES OUTLINED WILL BRING THE NATION NEARER PEACE WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 12. Approval of tbe president's message delivered to congress yesterdsy was expressed by Senator Reed, who thought it was a shrewd move on the part of tbe president to dissolve Aus tria and Qormeny, Senator Johnson of California said he was delighted wltb most of tbe speech and Ito modifications of some statements In the president's wsr alms In his address of February Ith. He said: "I am euro the message ex presses more clearly America's thoughts and brings us nesrer peace." FMIM PROMOTION MAN WHO WAS CONNECTED WITH FIRST STATE AND HAYINGS IMNK IS HERE MADE STATE DANK SUPERINTENDENT SALEM. Fab. It Will H. Bennett. cssbler ot the Cltltena National bank of Portland, has boon appointed state bank superintendent by the state banking board. The governor and State Treasurer Kay voted for Ben nett nnd Secretary Olcott voted for Charles Btowart. Mr. Bennett Is well known In Klam ath Falls, where be spent several years ss vice president of the First State and Savings bank. Many friends here will rejoice In his promotion. ARRIVES FOR EXTENDED VISIT Mrs. Burr Westbork of Corpus Cbrlstl, Texas, has arrived for an ex tended visit with Mr. and Mm. Rollo C. aroesbock or this city. Mrs. West brook Is a sister of Mrs. aroesbock. Her husband la In the cattle business st Corpus Chrlstl, and sfter making a trip thru the Klamath Basin here, she declares the outlook In the.stock buslnesa Is much more promising than In Texas st this time. Relief Corps mm az iwras'- Presents to Soldiers Tha members of ths Woman's Ro ller corps -pent yesterdsy afternoon packing boxes of homo-made candles, which they sent to the Klamath boya in Frsnoe. G. Brandenburg, chair man of. tha committee In ehsrgw. has asked that tha aildrassss of shy other of p.e.KIat,ey tid.! Fr$oe basest In at aa'co'.so thstoxes mir ba sent to them. The osasios all saa'ds by the members of the Bo WWWMMWWWWMMMMMWWWMMMWWMMWWMWWWMWW AIRPLANE REGULAR SERVICE BIG EASTERN CfTUM fo BK STARTED TRW BOMH4Mk X' .. PARTMBXT CALLS FOR shsW jOff MACBQNBS LEADERS OP WILL BBGIX FERBNCBS TOMORROW POUCT CONTINUHB TO WASHINGTON, O C, Feb. tl Estsblishmsnt ef a regular atrsteae service between Washington sad Phil adelphia and New York daring IIm coming summer season Is bow plan ned hero. The postoHcs deportment has al ready called for bids for Ive air ma chines for this work. ' Tbs president will begin a series of conference tomorrow with leaders, both republican and. crats on sll phases of ths'war.1 tion. This Is tbs Brst time that j or both parties have been token Into the wsr councils, sad It Is Indicated that this policy will now be oentlnnad tbruout tbs wsr. It Is expected that an attempt will Brat be made to reach a compromise on tbe bills for wsr control. THREE MEX LEAVE AS VOtATNTsmmel Three men rsRjstered on the select, ive draft list tnflKlamntt County left this morning as volunteers In the spruce production division of tbs United States service. Tbe men are Howard Kaufman, Herbert P. Mat lock and.D. J. Snudden. They will report at tbe Vancouver barracks. BERLIN CLAIMS GAIN IN ITALY BERLIN, Feb. II. After a day of lively artillery Ore on the Sette Com muni plateau on the Italian front, tbe Austrlans have attacked on the' south of Basso Rosso, clearing tbs support Ing positions of ths enemy, and cap turing nearly 180 prisoners. ' Sends lief Corps. Following U a list 1 tha boys to whom boxes were sent yea terdsy: J. Howard Boggs. Vaa(AJJss Car alsh. Fred B. Dunbar,' BerttaOer. rett, E. w. Gowe Jr., LMltoa-; land. Ralph Huri. OMa U'mm, Bay ward MsCellHmwprJMIji fi MywwfPwly'"rr ::'rr.T Weeks. ' ' MAIL ROM MED BY UNCI! SAM BtrTWIHEN BOTH PAsitlM mm "mm 1 K ; J n M -i 4 .! J' ri' I A i si .o. 'lM t&m ". w r,xr.wm A sB IV Wi Mft tjl