OFFICIAL NEWiPAPB OF KLAMATH COUNTY TMrinh Ymn No. . RUSSIA WILL DEMOBILIZE ARMIES president REPLIES TO VTATK OK WAR IIETWKKN HUH. MA AND CENTRAL POWKIIM RE- 'CLAIIKR AT KM), Al.THO FOR. MAL TREATY NOT NIUNED, AC. (Xltlli TO DIHPATCIIKM nuwiiiENT addhehnem imith GERMAY S DIPLOMATS HOtHKM IN JOINT 8KHHION TO.; by the blow, and the heartfelt llliv nt lltsm mmmnnllw la a.wlktifut DAY, REPLYING TO SPEECHES UK GERMAN LEADERS UiM. 1 MKNCED AT I ill SO AMSTERDAM, Feb. II1. Russia bat declared the stale of war to be at aa sad, aad has ordered the demobH Station of Ituaslan forces on all fronts, according to a llreat'Lltovsh dispatch dated Bunday. The dispatch says that the presl deal of the Russian delegation stated that while Russia was desisting from stfslng a formal treaty of peace, there would be no further fighting with AnitrU-llungary, Turkey, Bulgaria er rjermsny. WA8IIINOTON, D. C, Feb. 11. President Wilson, addressing con rest 6h short notice today, replied to the recant speeches ot the Herman thtartllor, von llertllng, and Austrian Foreign Minister Count Cieraln. The decision to make the speech followed oaftrencee with Colonel House, Tb, congressional leaders arranged for a Joint session. The president be Ma to talk at 13:30., CARD OK THANKH We wUh to eipress our apprecia tion for the many kindnesses done by high school and iwople of the Ighborhood during the loss of our btlovtd one. , 8. K. Adams and Family. , NOTICE- There will bo a meeting of the W. A. T. U. Tuesday afternoon at I; 30, the home of Mrs. K. J. Doyd In the inwnsend flats. At this meeting ar "'Kmanls will be completed for tha "Hlsrd Memorial service. Crushed Rock Road To That r . ... . . iki. wumy win go aaeaq "" year In ih. ....... .. . di.H ' "unoer company was In- commix " " 'wview wun a Was.. Men's Association. tbs.-!,rMt of ro' to , PiLy" ot w n back ,nd forth In tha wlat.r bllnI ' "tt( ? -- nsnKs dsoisrsd this morn H Sfrg tf ening Herald iii..w,w.Mlww.. TRAGEDY OP THK MDXM LATENT OUTRAGE IIHOt'UIIT (iXIHE TO HOME IN LOHHOK IIHOTHEH OK WELL KNOWN TEACHERS The nail news that Edward K. Par ker, brother of MIm Augusta Parker, principal of tha Central school of this rlly, MIm (lertrutle Pnrker, a teacher at Riverside, and Mm. E. 8. yeacb was among the victim of the Tusca nla, was received by phone from the family home at (Irani Pass this fore noon. i. Whether the new I finally authen tic could not bo determined by It. II. Dunbar, who received the messsge, aa the conversation was Indistinct. Mem. bera of the family here are prostrated thy of the community Is extended them In their sorrow. IS REQUESTED delegation waits on county court with list ok qukh. tionh today instead ok re. plying at once list ih tar. en under advisement Owing to a desire on tha part of a substantial number of cltltens to learn moro of tho plana of tba coun ty commissioners regarding tha com pletlon of the new court house, a com mittee headed by Attorney K. L. Kill, ott this morning appeared before the court with a list of questions to which replies wero desired. The court waa not prepared to give the Inforamtlon desired at the time, and the list of questions was received and held. It la probable that they will be answered at a later date. The court Intimated that much of the re quested Information waa available thru the proceedings published by the Herald, but there are also a number of questions which could not be an awered from this source. The ques tions will be published at an early date In the Herald. Pelican City lng that Instead of following the pres ent road to the mill the road will be started at a point further out, near tb Straw dairy, and beMnade over, much mora direct rout. It la believed that with the big tractor 'and other road machinery which will soon arrive-for use In building tb county roads, that work of thla kind will go ahead much more rapidly than formerly. County Raid lupanrlior J. 0. Clef. krg will start t work la ta Tory ar Mtur survarUf ut ta aew road. uotun nn mmm niN EtYCmZENS KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, ..'. mmm NOWNEARING MAM KAILS AI.MOMT REACH THOSH MID AT HIM CELEBRATION LAST SUMMER UlU GANG IH AT WORK A very short gap, lens thsn 100 feet, now lays between the end of the rail over which the train on the mu nicipal rslrosd Is hnultng dirt from the Pine drove district, seven miles east, and the point where the dedica tion exercises were held here on the third of July last. The fill over which the train Is now running Is not yet completed, and will not be for the nest two or three weeks, arrordlng to the Htrahorn en gineers, but work Is going ahead as fsst ss possible with a gang ef over thirty men, and the ding-dong ot the mp-inlne ha a pleasant sound to those I a. . axt. who made such a strenuous effort to get the road under way last year. The Sue weather this winter has enabled the workers to go ahead more rapidly than waa anticipated. m Ti DANl'K AT WHITK PKMCAN FOR IIKMKK OK KRKNCM CHII.DRKN I'llOMIHKH TO K AN KNJOYA- ILK AFFAIR There " going to be a big time tomorrow night at tho Whit Pel ican hotel. A number of prominent social workers of the city have ar ranged a patriotic dance, the pro ceeda of which are to go for the relief of the destitute French children. A large number of tlcketa have been sold, and from present Indications th hall will be well filled. It was declared today that guests would not wear costumes, aa an nounced last week. DRILL TRAM MKKT8 There will be a practice of the de gree team of Prosperity Rebekah Iodge thla evening. All ' member please be present. sw UNKXPICCTKD WKDDINO TODAY Tho wedding shortly after noon to. dsy of Miss Hortense Hogue, well known daughter ot Mr. and Mr. C. C. Hogue of thla'elty, to Anton Pollvka of the Malln district, came aa a great aurprlse to a host of friends. Hi wedding ceremony waa performed at the home of County Judge Marlon Hank, on Pine aad Eighth street. The happy couple were both mem bers of the Klamath County high school graduating class of laid, and a love atatr commencing la tb school daya has culminated in ta wedding today. Many friends her will wish them vary happiness la their married life. SOCIAL AT PINS GROVD social at tb Fin Orv ehol axt Saturday algkt, Fehruarr lets, (or ta ht er th T. M. C. A. w4 th FIm Orev aeaoot. All later li th district ax Invited to be on hand. mm inw EVENING Klamath Prepares To Entire City Responds to Call For Mats Meeting Saturday, Night. People Noy Understand Gravity of Situation and Will Get Be- hind Coming Campaign The first mating of the home array nesting of the Falls was a of Klamath Falls wss a spectacular success from the flrst strains of the ,. , j .. , ... Star Wangled Banner," and cheers of thajcrowd as the big flag was brought en the stage, until the words of the last speaker died away. Very few who assembled at the tre meadoua gatherings at Houston's op era house aad Temple theater Satur day evening had any Intimation of the gravity of the messsge they were to receive at tha hands of the govern ment's representatives, or that they themselves ware to be drafted Into the service of (the greatest nation In Its greatest crjaU, but while the seri ousness of the situation was received with aurprlse. It waa very evident that there wero few Indeed who would not be found ready for whatever might be asked of them. Chairman W. A. Deltcll, who Intro duced the principal speaker of the evening, declared Klamath Falls waa not dependent upon outside speaker,. to get a crowd together, that the gov. !!i.:rir? i's.'iri ton or at some other distant point, but that It was right hero, and that It was up to us to get together and look after our part or It. Charles J. Ferguson, who Is to have Lr,T.Kn.,rt.U.-Tr" '" f ' examining Hr. tb-J,vn".,Ke!P r,ned '? h,..p- lhylcln of the local exemption nlng remark, that It wa. found to'boj,rd A. m.Bber .' El . ?.T V iTE'l '" men" n-'M-T.J ,' . ,h' ,"eia.;".d lh' thc of great Interest to the audience from r,1 "J!?? ' ,"ra?nHU,1tB government, which were not for expenses by) volunUry crlptlonslpubca,,0B , to Liberty Loans, had proven aa big a failure In the first two campaigns In the United 8tates aa the voluntary en listment plan had In England. He pointed out a number ot the terrible situations that would obtain here In th event to subdue th Huns, and brought out forcibly th fact that England and Franc were ataggerlng with exhaustion, and hanging deeper. ately to their positions until such I time aa the soldiers of Uncle Sam could reach their aides. For this reason, he said, because It waa generally admitted that 1918 will be th deciding year of the war, our government will waate no more canvasa will be mad of th finances f ii.Ma ...j .h. of cltltens, and during the campaign each will be required to "come thru" with his expected quota. A corps of workers will go over the tax rolls and records during the com lng weeks, getting all data possible, from which a Jury of twelve local men will decide upon what each man should subscribe. Every man who subscribes the amonnt apportioned to him, will be put on th honor list In th blue column. Those who only tak 50 per cent of what they are) asked will be put la the red column. and those who do leas than this will b relegated to th yellow column. Satisfactory explanations from all the will be demaaded by tnr gov. ernment following the campaign. Bach city block will also be put In columns, It being the oplaloa of tho campaign leaden that those ma la each, section who ar loyal will make aa alert to keep up la ta staadlag ef taalr blocks. Durlag ta last cat. Kigali Klamath Couaty only of pan) la twenty-two usorl4 Mr Liberty bonds, but aew that th grar Ity of the situation has been made FEBRUARY 11', 1018 - "Go Over the Top" clear and the necessity of getting the ' or eight billion dollars raised lm- mediately la realised. It Is expected wai maoism county win go "over t0p in the coming Liberty lo.n. In the same way that she has done In tne Red Cross drives, the Y. M. C. A. dries, the War Camp Community funds, the number of volunteers sent to the front, and the many other de mands made upon the cltltens since the outbreak of the war. City School Superintendent R. H. Dunbar gave a concise explanation of the War Thrift Saving sumps, which ar available to those unable to buy liberty bonds. He explained that theso may be purchased for Z5 cents, and that the dimes and quartern saved In AklaM. mtnmtSmmmmm m. klw mlA tA a nkt.n tB6 w,r l( M oM erate In th move. Th schools here ar doing excellent work In this line, be aald, bavlag sold 1100 the past week, with th campaign hardly un der way. The quota for .Klamath f nnatw la eSlA AAA tt h mI.mI lu. twen now ' ', of P.llt.,n , w ai.m.n. h K..n - tami. ...,. which will be pushed vigorously and systematically over the county. Dr. E. D. Johnson next gave a very able and Interesting talk on "Good fTIHsHnhln " ,IHn InUrMlln. a. E. D. Hall concluded the speeches with an earnest talk on what Klam ath County could and would do. Al ways a pleasing speaker, Mr. Hall on this occasion left a profound Impres sion on his audience with his vivid word pictures V what would be our fate In case of failure, showed by local statistics that Klamath was In a position to do Its share, aad conclud ed the program with the Intention ; Arm in the audience to see thst Klam- kath went over the top, or know the reason why. A moat entertaining feature of the evening waa th Inspiring music ot the miAhaVattWI AnitinASIaMl A Uta 01 -. h. ..i..ju n.. . Oscar Brenneman, the splendid lift of .. .,,. h . .,,. ,,, , patriotic songs by a high school girls' chorus led by Prof, Marlon Taylor, and a fine solo, "When the Boys Come Home," by Miss Augusta Parker, ac companied by Mrs. E. 8. Veatch, WELCOME MESSAGE RECEIVED Mrs. A. J. Lyle of this city has re ceived newa to the effect that her brother, Freeman Chilton, who was on the Tuscanla, was among the list of survivors. NOTICE Th regular meeting of the Eastern Star will be held tomorrow night. Th chapter will b opened promptly at 7:80, and Initiation will be held. NOTICE The BoatoSe win b open tomor row xaoralag from a. m. to 10 a. m., J, O. Hamaker aad T. M. Maxwell mall by applying at the windows. v nnnr - inrinnnnnnnnnri - ...1 t MJI !-, -nii JLM iu New Minister From Roumania To America Dr. Constantln Angetesco, recently appointed Roumanian minister to the United States, has arrived In Wash ington to take up his duties. He proposes to make an effort to bring the United States and his own na tion Into closer relations, now that they are both In the war. AI'KLKOATK INTERMENT XVH TKRDAY . Tho Ksstorn Star Lodge conducted the last rites at the cemetery yester day for the late Bessie D. Applegate, who passed away last week In Pasa dena. The ceremony was simple but Im pressive, there being only relatives1 and Intimate friends present. The) pallbearers were all young men who! bad graduated from the Klamath County high school while Miss Apple- gate was a member of the faculty here. ALIEN RKflWTKVriON CONTINUED FOUR DAYS Tim registration of German aliens here will be continued up until Wed nesday evening, according to word re ceived by Postmaster W. A. Delsell, this morning. The extension Is made In the time limit, In order to allow many of the Western farmers to reg later who did not have suSclent no tic to reach the office. Ul'MNKHS MEN'S MONTHLY BANQUET TOMORROW NIGHT The regular monthly meeting and dinner of the Klamath Falls Business Men's Association will be held tomor row night at the Moose hall, com menclng'at 6:30. There are Ao be Important reports from committees, and it Is requested that all members be on hand. The meeting will be dls missed early In order that those who wish may attend the party at the White Pelican hotel. asaaV7' . . 'Vt9lfa0 asasar W H sUlwlSKBfc Bff'V 2bami4SBSBSBlBSBflBi mw1' 3 'SSBSSSSmsasr H 4atxY V aBmBBBsBwn gaaamSsaasBsBssPasssi HHR&yjsjl SBmVaTaVJ rVlSBBSBSBSBSBSBSBl sammsKgaaH $ 'awmmmmmmj BSSjHAv-r' -SBBH psBsannnnnnmM .gasBSBSBSBSBSSBSS uKmmmmam smmmmmmmmmj swtSBVBasasBswJalMaBBaBl VH COMS1AHT..1 NOCUCSlOi Klamath County Spud Growers to Organize Ths problem of marketing a huge! supply of potatoes now on hand In Klamath' County has become so seri ous that a meeting was held Saturday afternoon to discuss the maiter at the oasce of County Agricultural Agent H. R. Olslsyer. . It s declared thst there are between thirty and fifty, carloads of spuds bald by the local farmers, for which tar is no market, and aa organisation to he known as th Klamath County OFFICIAL NBWtPAPBK OF KLAMATH FALLS Mm Ctaet - nnrnmii - - - . - L - L. - . - .j - . - Lm - Lm - ijL - L - u - Lruu - uuuLiuui INDUSTRIAL SECTION IS VERY FAST MANYNEW ENTERPRISES KITH' ER' COMPLETED OR VJOHBJI WAY EWAUNA PLANT WELL I STARTED LUMBER FOR FLAX. INti MILL ON GROUND DISTRICT PRESENTS VERY MP FERENT APPEARANCE SINCE RIG FIRE OF LAST OCTOBER. NEW IRON WORKS UNDER OF KRATION SOON A walk down Sixth street thee days Is a mighty pleasing sight to on who enjoys watching th pragreo and development of th city, aad Is respectfully prescribed for a dose of the blues. It Is believed that Its ben efits will be greater and more lasting than any medicines advertised by Beacbam, Munyon or Lydla Plakhaa. The greatest transition imaginable has been effected since the devastat ing tire there last fall. Out or th chaos and debrla piled on th Ewauaa site haa risen th flrst floor aad par tial frame construction ot th new modern factory that Is soon to be a reality. Just below this polat, where the Savldge Brothers Umber plaat stood Idle for years, th Big Lake company Is humming along la aa at tempt to keep up with It order, la the distance may be seen tb flying sawdust of th new Chelsea Lumber and Box company, bordering th shore'of the lake. The One new fireproof war boas just completed by Martin Brothers will be a safeguard against future dis asters, and will stand beside th new flouring mill proposed by this Arm during the coming season. Th new Union Oil company's plant make a good appearance, with th neat ar rangement of buildings and tanks. A substantial addition la being mad to the farmers warehouse adjacent, aad the new Qulllltch warehouse lsvla plain evidence a short distance away. Across the street the lumbar ha now been hauled for tb aew GoeUer A (Continued on page O Potato Growers' Association will probably b formed to work out this and other problema that may arise la this Important Industry. It is not improbable that a man will be sent to Turns la th near fu ture, where tb msrket Is knows to b good, to look after disposing of the Klamath potatoes. A big steetlng.U to'b held toiigat at th Mt. Lakl church t tak matter further. Every one latereeted Is Invited to b present. i DEVELOPING Kl'