'.. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY t STl?g lEugmng Iterate -i-L OFFICIAL NlW,As' I OF KLAMATH FALLS twelfth Yenr No. "i" KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY, 9, 1918 PrlMltraOMMa SEPARATE PEACE REPORTED SIGNED " ......................... -1-ir.ni-innn.n.n.n.n.arLn -.ruTjmn.ru IroRTM OK YKHTKItDAY GIVING IllAMKItlt'AN HOI.IIIKIIN MMT, I.NCRKAHKD TO 117 TOTAL OK LIKE HAM UKKD UK- LHTKD TO IM mum run USCANIAEEiS ICTIM S EPORTED OTAL 156 mwm MAAWAMWWWMWMV I RESERVATION III PORTLAND MAN IM AWARDED CONTRACT KOH lll'MINKSM IIMMrK ON' (XtltNK.lt OK HIXTII AM) MAIN HTHKKTM FACTION OK Hl'HHIA IIK URKD TO HAVE MOMPLKTKD Ua: AKRANGEMKNTM WITH tm HUNM HOT DIMPUTK IN MGHKKH WITH HOLMHKVIK1 lOPKNIIAtlKN, Fob. 9. A semi LrUI llerllu telegram announce psacc agreement h been I by tb central power and tho ftrlalan rada. My AsaorUleil lrrM IATELK8H tlermany'a reported with the Ukrainians may be Im. it or other lio. a future event EBloa. bolibevlkl hotly dispute Ilia ol of the Ukrainian over the train land of the Ukrainian re lic, aad both claim military atte st Ukrainians uro supposed to I ebUlned a aectlon ot Ituaalan i as an Inducement to makn There U llttlo ncllvlty report g ike righting front. ABHINOTON. II. C Feb. 9. rant hope that additional aur. will be round, tho latent com- lODSlhoW that 147 Atnrlrn .ol. tve Ion their live on tho la. Brltlih admiralty give tho to 'Nre or K.O. or which IB wero Mar and member or the crow. t 1,700 American ara nnw . to a concentration ramp In North- rtiana. After n nerlnil nf rnt tbey hiii K 0 (0 ,hcr origi,,,,! Waltlon. A llllllilreil Amarlraim ton taken to tho hospital. . -. AN HMI'UHH CXKANKD OUT NTH TIIK AMI'llw-ivt iuuu .... E " ivunnnmi m CB, Feb. 9. The American ur. ba succeeded In cleaning out nr or tho sniper, who have causing great annoyanro to ths In tho trenches. The contract for tho construction of the new Klamath Htato bank, on the corner or Sixth and Main, was let yrMerday thru Architect lloughtal Ing IMigan to Treurhrll A I'arcellu or Portland, mill It I expected that work will be coniiiirmed at a very early dale. Tliu cost will bo In the neighborhood or I IT., 000. The old frame building I now be ing removed by tho owner, (leorge McDonald. The erection or n modorn brick atructure to thl mitral corner will be a valuable addition to the appear, anro of Main street. HIE CAM Ns W1L I GO NORTH mm TKN CAHLOADM OK KINK HKKK XNMIGNKD TO TACOMA PACK KHH HEADY KOK MIADING KAMTEHN KI.AMATH HTOCK Juatlco E. W. (lowau, who ha Juat returned fnm accompanying n ehlp ment of beet cattle north, ha pur chased fifteen morn carload from Slla Obcnrhaln and J. II. Mitchell hero. He haa been unable to secure car for the entire lot, but expects to leave with about ten car load for Tacoma on Monday. " The cattle, which are aald to be In unuHually fine ahape, will go to tho Caratlnea Tacking company. Many of them were obtained from the Illoom Ingcamp ranch near Illy, and the (Iroh ranch eat or Ungell Valley. Many animal In tho lot are aald to wolgh over 1,500 pound. ACTION KOH RECOVERY OK HOIIHK IM FILED An action for tho recovery of a horio alleged to belong to the plain tiff, valued nt 1125, which I now In poKolin or the dofondant, haa been filed In tho office or tho circuit court dork by Henry Stiles agalnit Homer Robert. Tho plaintiff la rep rejontcd by Attorney W. M. Duncan. Wreak of Rabid Coyotes In County kiili.. . . . turt..!. Lc,,0"8a "y county Ag- av- . - "- m several BJP ,n tbt countv In .. ... KLS Thjr ,r pwif lv.Lm ? M,r,h on ' Indian 'lion. Jim D.-i.i... 1 ,..;. wy or toai at- j ., - ,ia aiao r. 'mn m 8v,r Uk,g , . Mr. tllalsyer and the, cattlemen liava nnllarf in thn BOVernmant for huntera to ba tent here at onea to !. .... .ki. n. Th a?lletad coyote mn to be moat prevalent at Klamath Marn, and It la declared tbey ibbuld be hunted and killed at once." Mr. OlWy' low eo-!'' lB,wlth the Indian lervlce, aad it la hoped. .that aa V;ildemln way ba checked. WW KK.HT1I.K IAHM ON MOIMIO POINT, INDKH HtltK.'ATIO.V, ('IIAN(H-M HANDS IM I't'lUIIANKD ItV I'ltOMINKNT INDIAN Jonoph Hull llllH JllMt pIlri'llllMod MO acre of In ml on thn Modoc Point flat, from Kdxoii WiiIhoii of tin- l.ukuvlew Abktrurt mid Tltlw company, The land adjoin that already owned by Mr. Hall, and I under the Moilou Point Ir. rigatlon project. The tract nleo adjoin thn fnrm owned by II. Oreui, which nnruKed 70 biiihcU of iiatH per acre InM ea on, Mr, WiiImmi wiih a former Hiipor Intondent of thn Klnniatli rrttcrvatlon. The deal wu inuilo thru tho uRvncy of Kdmund M. Chllcotc. AMERICANS ARE TAKEN PRISONERS HAID MADK ON MKtTOII IN Milt ItAINK AND H. M. HOI.DIKItS AUK MADK tWPTIVKS HPAMHII MTKAMKII TOIII'KIMIKD lly Ammm-ImIiI I'rrtw DATKLKK8 Tho ticrtnnn have again raided thu Ainerlrnu linn' In lorrnlno and taken American prlHon era. Till flxi'H dellnllnly for thn llrM time the locatnn or the Hector held by the II. 8. tronpM. Tho RpunlHh ulcainor HubintUIn bound for Now York, Iiiih been sunk by (lerman HiilmiiirliioH. Thn crow Ih reported aaved. WITH TIIK AMKKICAN AHMY IN PHANCK, Keb. 9. The (lerman are now iihIiik dogii In tho front IIiiph to warn off patrol. Dog "lUtonera" uro declared to have already spoiled ono daring American raid. All member of the bund returned safely, howover. llKltl.lN, Feb. 9. -Somo American prUonor havo been rnpturod north, of Xlvray, ten mile eaat of Bt. Mlacta, according to nn offlclul statement. IiOCAIt DOYH DKCIiAHKD HAKK Word Ims been received that Jn. T. Moaa and Hurry Kellor, member ot the 20th Kuglnenra, local boy, who wero aboard tho Tuscunlu, woro safely landed with tho aurvlvora. Mosm woh a well known logger here, having been employed In the Puckott camp. He la reportod to havo come from Indiana. Keller enlisted In tho forestry reg Iment at Portland, COMMIHNIONKIt HHORT HBPORTKD IMPIIOVINO County Commissioner Burrol Short, who haa been threatened with an at tack of pneumonia during tho last few daya, la reported to be much bet ter today, REGISTRATION EXTENDED WASHINGTON, D. 0 Feb. . The attorney general -haa announced g four-day extension for he reglitra lion of alien anevlea.- It waa learned that any Weatern farmer could not feglate'r In 'time.- Men With First Papers May Get Citizenship WAHHINOTON, Pali. 9 Koiiucr mibJoriH of the knlsor ho havo taknn out their flnit naturalization iMpcr beforo thn United HtatcH durlared war run liccoinn cltlienx In tho iikuuI n'miiiur by an utnniidtncnt which hit I'usocd the huiiHo. Thn law now do tile nllcn nnmnleM thn prlvllcRo of lieiomliig rlllinilH, even thn they did liuiko ilcclarallon of llileiillmi of be. tniiiii'K cltUeii before the war a dntl.irud. Hid piuvlnlons of tho espionage uet lire extended to Inrludo women In a lull Introduced In the houso by Iteprctcnlntlva Webb at the request of tho department of justice. Allen enemy women can bo In terned by thu president, the bill .ro-Miles. Entente Missions Are Med From Russia STOCKHOLM. Krb. 9. According. are now on their ay to the Swedish to an unconfirmed duipatch, tho bol- border. United 8tatee Ambassador shvvlkl Kovernment lias expelled from I Francis Ii.ih not been heard from alnce lluxula till the cntentemlsslons, which Kobruary Sd. No Special Meeting of Reichstag Now AMSTKItDAM, IVb. 9. Tlu pied-icontuucd In spcclul session, accorj Ident of tlin rclchatig ha rrfuu'd to lug to tho Ilerlln Tageblatt. Tho comply with the demand of tho no- other parties, ho announced, has op cluINt party that tliu rclrliBtaR lie used the demand. WAR BRIDES VAUEIEIE SBOI1 Hl'HTON'M OPKHA IIOt'MK PAt'KKD AND MANY Tt'HNKD KHOM TIIK IKMHiM AT HKD CltOKM IIKNKKIT (JIVKN LAST MtillT mm t AT HENLEY LASH Klamath Falls will have to build u larger opeiu lioiiao Immediately, that I If tho "War llrldes" here aro roIiik to put on anything more for the en tertainment or tho public. Till fact bncamo evident last night, when the solo or ticket had to bo discontinued on acount or tho crowd at Houston' opera house, and many turned away from the show. Those who worn present, which constituted a very substantial portion of tho town population, declare that a treat of no ordinary character wu provided by tho talented youug ladles, whoso" vaudeville stunts of various kind kept tho house In an uproar for most of tho evening. Tho entire performance was ho good that It would bo difficult to Hay what features worn best and lack ot space prevents giving the program In full. The.'procoed of the entertain inont, which will approximate $400, arc to be turned for Red Cross relief work. I.IYK WIKKM OP NKlUHItOIUNa COMMUNITY UKT DIG IlKHULTS KHOM KNTKKTAIXMKNT GOOD DtXKUATlOX KHOM HKHK A total of 1281.95 waa taken In at tho entertainment given last night at I Henley for tho benefit of the lied Cross and to raise money for the hlgb 'school equipment. A large number went from Klam ath Falls, and It I reported that near, ly every one In that aectlon of the country was present. A number of pillow tops were auc tioned off at lingo sums, and u silk quilt, which wa made by the ladle of that community was raffled, IMskot lunches prepared by tho ladles proved to bo of great value, Judging front the amounts they brought when auctioned by Clyde (irllhith. A flno program wan given and the Klamath Fall delegation, which returned In the wee ama' houra this morning, declarea it waa royally entertained. STORE ROOM REMODELED). An alteration Is being made In tho Point h atreet front of ;toe WJthrow block by Cofer Brothers. The room formerly used by I. P. TaBor la being entirely remodeled and the 'front re- braced. HKATLE8M MONDAYS HTOPPED IN SOUTH WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. 9. Heatless Mondaya-are to be abandon ed thruout the atatea aouth of Vir ginia from now on. The fuel admin istration hopes, with warmer weather, that the (raffle ordera may be related everywhere after next Monday. Million Donated to Bolsheviki from V, 5. Millionaire CITIZENS Bi PREPARING H MONSTROUS GATHERING LLaaaaaaalaBaaaaafl ' TalralralralralralralL'iralra KYKRYOXK WHO CAM WaUaV i William B. Thompson, millionaire copper man, who baa extensive Inter ests In the West, haa contributed Ilr 000.000 to hjssBevlkl la Russia for the agreed ef their doctrines thru (crmany and Austria. Mr. Thomp son wa in Russia several months last year In contrwtrra1th Red Cross mAillerifc4i .! AnatBBA sVa BmjS1 ait BaMta tunlty to see this new political power at first hand. He formed these con clusions different from those general-j ly neia in toe unitea states, ana aince hi return he has defended the pres ent government of Rusala. WHO CAM wiix bk vovm at rm.wm LIRKRTY MERTIN VaW. THING IXeW IX TOWN WM&lV ciamro ,.k ;.' gsenBeB M ' t-rtr. l S fink urn or Ammmmm'im 1 . if' ' V VAROOi WAR TOriCS BT 1 INKNT MEN, tnCAMNO RNT QOVBBNMBKT PRIMES TO BE MADB MANY I. W. W. AIWEO IN SACRAMENTO K1KTY-FIYK INDL'MTRIAt WORK ERM CHilRGKD DY FEDERAL AUTHOR1TIKM WITH ATTEMPT. ING TO HINDER WAR SACRAMENTO, Feb. 9 An indict ment hus been returned by the United States grand jury, charging fifty-five persona with conspiring with William D. Haywood, secretary of the I. W. W., and others, with attomptlng to hinder the execution Uxws In the war with Germany. Forty-alx of these men are now held In custody and the others are la 8an Francisco and vicinity. TEDDY IH nKTTKR NEW YORK, Feb. 9. Theodore Roosevelt's condition today la declar ed "somewhat Improved." Never before la the aletery e Klamath Falls has there heea aa emergency deemed aatteteat k? the business ases to stay all haalaeea ac tivities oa the Bueleet alcht Vaa week aad asembletefethar at a auaa meeUaf. A year isgv aiy weald bare Uughed at the Idea, aad yet that time has coxse. aad Ita aeceeelty was not even questioned by the aart. ous thinking ssea who are? jg'W ' put .aside .their pecmesial kMaejsW.ie nlght and get together fea'tbi ese ' clave to diKuss the proMeas aow confronting the aatloa. The tear Into' the teak of Uncle Bam given by the jackaacreea Ue aea thru the alnklng of Use Tueeaala haa done more, perhaps, thaa aay other one thing to Jerk taa people of thla dlatrlct Into a clear view of wkat la 'before the coaairy, and while per haps the altuatlear.kaa beea slower la dawning on this issfuaunlty because It has beea less aafjatid by the war meaaurea, the loeeMar the "Stars aad Stripes" Is believed to ba as warm here ae anywhere, aad Its loyalty will be demonstrated at the meeting to night. Postmaster W. A. Delsell la to act as chairman or the meetlag, which will be called ae I o'clock at tho Houston opera house. Manager Charles J. Fergusoa of the Third Liberty Loan for Klaauttb County will make the first address oa "The Present Situation and tho Lib erty Loan." J. W. Siemens, chairman ot tho War Savings and Thrift Stasapa cam paign for Klamath County, and City School Superintendent R. H. Dunbar (Continued oa page 4) Dance For French Children Next Week On next Tuesday evening, February 13th, a patriotic dancing party will be given at the White Pelican hotel. Tho dance will bo absolutely Informal, and all who care to dress la costume are aiked to do so. The1 proceeds from thy dance will go to ih'e'"aij'of tho French' children. The tickets win be II. wnlch price Includes'1 dne gen tleman and ladles, and will be oa sale at the door. Tho' committee la charge ef'tte party la composed of Hies )sa4e Baldwin' gad Meedamee W, V; Jfimr, ' O..B. Coaad. f. Bs Marti. .;&&; lor aad B. B. Halt. TW'tekwWg ' bel LVavitt aid Pearl Leavltt. ' y I 'vM1