RL 'tAMwt ' ' - -'" "---- . TOB OTNPfO HMKLD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SSW '"'-TiimBI ikilllMMB - ' - tstWaa Iflii&ONAL MENTON IKERS M . aRmvMaBpV ' UlTlt SIDKLMHTS 'oN LOCAL APM!ClNOa 1101 lTQ kuT mSttt liB , -mono tk raorLK or nos cmr and nctNiTY.I Mil II Uf fltf f gpjdBjV ; ooixoa ami coiUNog.or local rofcia .. . I IfULILUnilL life O. Klaaey of Olene ti In the cllyl J. P. MeAulllTe and'OTack Shaaahaa ALAIN rlf FN fVWw for few dart. are In the city for a tnort time rrom flijfllll L. flail IB FRIDAY, WWHttAHV,!!., ft. ,r . &.: "vt. : IK W-. "t y if i - BP- ft w m 8. B. Martin, who will remain In Mer rill a day or two. B. H. Hoffman of Portland li rests tared at the White Pelican hotel. W. H. Yerlan Is In town for a short time from Portland. R. M. Harding came In on last eve ning's train from San Francisco. J. P. McAutiffe and'Jack Shaaahaa are In the cltr tor a short time from Blr. D. D. I.lsker and D. W. Llskey are In Klamath Falls for a abort time oa business. Fred Sullaway of Slsson Is a recent arrival In Klamath Falls. A. Kallna, the enterprises chant at Malta, paid a visit to the county teat yesterday. J. N. Dranhall, mtntger of the Odessa Logging and Timber Company Is In the cltr on business. PALM T1GKHS WIN ODD CAMK IN OLOSR BOWLING MATCH LAST EVENING RESULT IX DOUItT UNTIL LAST BALL WAR ROLLKD D. F. Word hat been received here of the arrival Sunday of a daughter, Gtlta- Drlscoll of Dlr Is spending a.bcth Jane, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Williamson or 8atem. Mrs. William, son was formerly Mlaa Elsie Orem, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Orem of this cltr. Mr. Williamson 1 principal of the high school there. tfigi Scseol Ntte few days In Klamath Falls. O. H. VanMeter of Olenc Is In the city on business for a few days. Jot. E. Olson of Muskegon, Mich., It a Klamath Fatlt business visitor. Tom O'Connor of Portland Is a huslaeee visitor to Klamath Falls. Mrs. Erma Hosley haa gone to Mer rill to stay for several weeks. : M'rt. Wright C. Dunning, who hat' The east for tk tealor play will be bee vtsUlag Mrs. 8. E. Martin for hoeea thla week. The parts will be assigned aid etudy cemmeaead next tome time, returned to Merrill today, week. 8. wae accompanied by Mr. aadMra., sri Mw vvtM9 Mr. aad Mrs. A. M. Sayre of Dust.' 'V Joilor RetVfcreee. It la re mulr are recent arrivals In Klamath quested tbat any wtofcare taateriala. Falls, j reranante, old, or aew, will grre theta at once to aay klgk ackool etadeat, E. M. Harding of San Francisco ..4 not wmlt to v. ralsl as. N. Moose Wolvee Palm Tigers . . Won ,. 4 ,. 4 Lost Tie 4 1 4 1 Pet. .600 .500 waa among light. the train arrvale last Local Red Cross I - Attitritits 1 Work la progreetaaf e the Aaanal. A number or the ttadeata are aavtag their plcturea take thla week for the anaoal. '' Cecil aad Fraakl Adas are call ed out of 'school to MecDoel by the death ol their setter. A number of stadeats of the Mck I school are aavlag thrift atamaa. They Those In attendance at the Red can bo purchased, la Mr. Bowmaa'a Cros rooms yesterday were, loSee. mww roots, tfeeaamei k. n. Th9 tlgkt m eauaa s, TBMaer, . waiter, vaat. craniing. three weeka. A. B. Land. L. E. Sulllvaa, R. Alex-! aador. C, K. Brandeabarg, O. T. Me DasM, W. J. Nickolao. O. B. Daw-1 bag. 8. T. 8amaaera. Joha H. Hamil te. Mala Otterheta. Mary K. Ander aa. A.Baiater; . BoMiabar. W. D. Cofer. R. A. EmmUt. R, A. Aiford, H. F. Mardech, O. H. VaaJUper. Geo. Chattel. Sargleal departtaeat: Metdamaa C. C Low. R. A. Mitchell, A. B. Ks- K. A. Daabam. Q. W. Merrl f. T. Lot, H. M. Maaalag. A. J. Lyle, Faal Bogardaa. The Tlgera and Wolves are again tied In their bowling tournament by reason of the Ttgera winning the odd game la last alght'a match. The Tl gera won the first frame, the Wolves the second, each game being won by a good margin. The third game wat very close, and the result waa In doubt until the last ma had rolled. Thla game went to the Patmt by two plna. Patterson rolled a score of 307, the highest of the evening. He and Dob Dale tied with high average of 1 7. Owing to the absence or mem- bora or each team, Doa Dale waa al lowed to roll In Callen'a place and Art Leavltt rolled lor BUI Lee. The acoroa made by these man are to be coasted oa the scores or the men replaced. MOOSE WOLVE8 let Sad Ird Patterson ....1ST Loo 117 Markwardt ...1 Headrlekaon ..151 Boyd 1S5 The First Breath of Spring has been charmingly reflected in the New and Moderately Priced Silk Poplin Dresses Totala ....711 7S 784 151 PALM TIOER8 1st Ind Carter 137 Beck 144 146 Calm 154 177 Nemo 141 US Lorou 147 115 "BtKUktctM Ana Trap attfc. S-lt MODBStX SBJOK BTTOM Maveyoaa W-8. yoar kemeT .. DAXCE AT BUPMXGTOX Every Friday light, Matte by the Peartoa orckaatra. 7-lt 800 f Royal of BoWlf at ll-tf LBltLtVORE. forth 8. baby bond in, ma who earee. l-lt MODERN SHOE STORM BBwc!e!g nTTITTT T r 1 ff" Z- EVERY trip the pott man make Aw he delivers or coUocta aaaav Utters written on Eaton's Highland Loaur. Those who know and appreciate food paper use Eaton's Highland Linen because it k eaay to write on, attractive to the eye and each shape, abe and tint is in good taste. Any of the five envelope shapes may he hoi el our store. Natalie and Almonte shapes may be had in lints in addition to while. m -tajj, t. vAV. We wii Crtte at 7:30 slkvi Sriiy EfMg. FA 9tk, tt Id- Btsft the Piimtic Ketiff m .w. 'm&AWmmmmm A Partem -1 1 nfWFIIa kyMMWmTm w i uWSZi PL . t I '. .'aT ' ! & MtaK MS.' . ." i... V T Sh i , r l WtfsWY ' V o i 1 KLiVIATH fALLS OfEGOH tiVC BJIUV, TMKIfl OrmtSte." ta ' - Ml 107 130 140 13 157 17 181 145 110 180 Ar. 167 139 151 134 164.' 3rd 16 184 189 134 180 Av. 148 151 187 133 147 Totala 738 717 788 149 Rolled by Art Leavltt. - Rolled by Do Dale. St-tt Mi Baal Rabbera Rv.K.K. STORE. NeUee of Qrtaa Bale 4 tHaatiHisB la the Covaty Court or the Bute or Oregon, for CouBty or Lake. !' Matter ol the Eatate and aaardlaashlp or Hugh C. Aider aoa, Minor. Purtaaat to aa order, made by the Hoaorable County Judge or the Coun ty ot Lake, State or Oregon, dated the 4th day or February, 1918. notice la hereby glvea tbat the undersigned will sell, at private aale, tor cash, at Lakerlew, In the County of Lake and State of Oregon, on or after the 9th day or March, 1918, an undivided OM-rourtk Interest of aald minor In aid to th following described real property, tltuatbd In Klamath Coun ty, Oregoa, to-wlt: The 8Ett of the NEU or sectloa 8, T. 39 8.. R. 9 E. W. M., conUIn-' lag 40 acres. Begiantng at the 8W i eerier or the 8WK ortheNWK of; Section 3, Towaahlp 39 south, i Range 9 east, W. M and 'running these out along the half section i line 330 feet, running thence north parallel to the section line common to sections 3 and 3, In said Town ship and range, 880 feet, running thenc west parallel to the half sec tloa Una first above mentioned, 330 feet, and thence sooth, along the section line common to said sections 3 and 3, 880 feet, to the place of beginning, containing five acret, leaa the area occupied by the right or way or the government canal across said tracts. ' Block 1, S. 3, 4, 5, 8, 7. 8, 9, 10'. 11, II, 13, 14, 15 and 18, In the town or Merrill, 'being a portion of the NEU of the SE14 of Section 3, TowBthlp 41 south, Range 10 east, W. M., aeeordtng to a duly recorded plat oa record li tha county clerk's oslce at Klamath Fallt, Oregon. Lota 1, 3, 3, 4, 6, 8, 7 and 8. In block C, aad lota 7 and 8, block 13, of tke town ot Merrill, aa the tame appears on the duly recorded plat or the aald town bow on file In the ofilee of the county clerk or Klam ath County, Oregon. Block 49 In lot 3 In Section 11, Township 40 south, Range 10 east, W. M.. In aald town or Merrill, Oregon. Lot 5, black 41, Nichols Addition to the city er Klamath Fallt, Ore goa. The proposed sale will be subject to coanrstatlen by tke County Court of Lake Centr, Oregon. Dated st Lakevltw, Lake County, Oreaei, this 4th day or February, 1111. 0. ROM ANDERSON. Guardian. MMM-I Jtff MXSi sr LSI i IV? lil a J5S Like the first flowers in a spring garden, the lovely new frocks are beginning to blossom forth in the Garment Section. All with the touch of newness, daintiness and charm that characterize the new season. Large assortment Silk Poplin Dresses, that give every day service, in Spring's new leading colors. Very special prices, $8.75. mm , 138 Hunts One Day Sale Blouses, Crepe de Chine aq q- Very Special - - - ?."!) Snappy New Waists in Tucked and Pleatad Styles, with high Convertabl Collar. Many New Waists shown for th first time) tomorrow, making one of tha best High Grade Waist Sales offered this season. THIS SALE FOR SATURDAY ONLY Hosiery Notes Of Interest At our present price for good quality hosiery, we feel it our duty to advise you to make purchases at once even if you have a sufficient supply for present day needs. The cost of materials and labor are daily advancing and less production means higher prices. Here is Hosiery you can buy at prices which are far less than future wholesale cost will be. Buy now. Economy Hose for Children both fine and heavy ribbed, sixes 6 to 9 1-2. Black only ; five pairs for $1.00 ROUND TICKET STOCKINGS for Hoys and GirU. Black, Tan and White ; sizes 5 1-2 up to 10 1-2; c cry pair guaranteed ;3 pairs for $1.00 Infants' Economy hose black, white, tan; special pc pair r)C Ladies' Fine Hose Round Tjckct. Made from fine grade silk lisle; four thread beer and toe and double sole; also some in out size with ribbed top; all sizes ; 3 pairs for $1.00 Luxite Hose 60c Ladies' fine grade vegetable silk hose; guaran teed by the Holeproof Hosiery Co.; white and black; special price g Advance Showing of Smart Spring Dress Fabrics As an early showing to fascniate women who de sire the newest in nduanr. hK K.nl:r..i material ... -...., nn mnuuiui uiaii, are now making a most attractive showing here, where the newest of fashion is always found. Materials, colors and weaves are more charming wthan previous season and will attract unusual interest. 32-in. French Ginghams All new color combination and fancy broken plaids, with very latest spring shades spccail opening prices, per yard , .5c Loraine Foulards ls the season's very popular kimono and wrapper silk; they are 36 in. wi,c and fast wash colors; all new spring patterns ; per yard .85c 40-in. Crepe de Chine How witch longer we can continue to sell this Ingli grade silk at today's prices depends only on our present quantity. We have complete color line: spc-" cial at, per yard , .$1.50 Fast Color Japanese Crepe Our spring line consists of a large assortment of plain and fancy stripes; a good safe buy at ... . ;.3Tc rirrnnrrvvinnfVxnjiAAi riLTOMAIl PATTERNS TOR MARCH NOW IN HTOCK H.N.MOE WHKRB THE NEWEST OF FASHION IS ALWAYS FOUND . WRITE FOR FREE MONTHLY FASHION SHEET Trarelera aecMeat aad health sol. Idea art) standard. Wheat you par leaa yew feet lest. SeeCMIcot l Get a STANDARD tre lataraare policy from the Cblkote ageacy, 888 Main street. I A War SUrap kaiser away. a day keeps tha Sevesth Day Advestltt Chanel, lit N. Fifth street. Putor. E. B. !. pey. Sabbath tohool suptrlnttDdtnt, Mre. P. r. Scnanabel. Sabbath teheai io a. m, Saturday. -ttsaaWtta--5t-lataatt--P Unuiually lane looks of reM have beta noted la varloui pert tha elty. They are aa thick sf' faatoui blackbird, sad are true M blniera of iprlng. gsW '. sM f . i .&4.sf x- V A 't - f 4v ,