' Yt OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY U Stoe iutetthtn OFFICIAL NIWlPAm OF KLAMATHnOtS Telf Vi I ! itt,w KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1918 .. Prleorrfe ANY 0REG0N1ANS ABOARD TUSCANIA DILLO AM BODIES OFftE OLDIERS FASHED ON HE SHORE I.MMllKIl OK CAHItALTIKK IH LIT- TMC CHANGED FROM VENTER- DAY'N REPORT LIST OK MKN OX IM.HI 4MIKN DOWN WITH THK HHIP NAMES OK MIH8ING CANNOT IIK determined UNTIL LINT OK K'RVIVORS CAN IIK CABLED TO WAHHINGTON FROM ENG LISH PORTS WWWIWWMWWWIWWIWI WiWWIWWWWlWWWWWWWWMW MWMMMMWMWWWWMWW MMMWMWMWWWMWMMMt XWWWMWOmWM nra mm STEAMER MEN TO IIK REGISTERED AH KANT AN TIIKV REACH IIIIAKT AGE. SKILLED EXPERTS IX AM I.I.N KM LIABLE KOII NKRVICK WA8HIN(!TON. I). C, Feb. 8. Ifsry little change Iim been madn In i hut rcKirlH of yesterday concern- US to Tuncsnla catastrophe. Ad vices to the War Department account- Hni (or nil but 113 of tho American otdlers nboanl remain unchanged. Cable report from Ireland today r that forty. four uoille of Amer icas soldiers, Imltori-d buyotul recog- tlllon, bVo boon washed unlioro lif ts miles from thu idnco where the hip w toriodocd. Their Idontlllratlon tugs bora no fesacsor numberN. Tlio oftlrlnU point- I out the fact that tho soldiers bad tot yet been unsigned to duflnlto Will. Th War Department advice now how that the number missing U 203, nlch 113 uro American troop, it i believed thnt It will tuko aome time determine Juki who are missing. WABIIINC1TON. I). C. Kab. 8. 'he MMiiRor lint of the Tuiranla In. pded many Orcgonlan, Including "Mlm Hendricks of Klumath Palla m Edwurd K. I'arkcr of (Irani WASHINGTON, I). C Keb. 8. Tim senate military rommlttee haa re ported favorably on a bill to register twin who roach 21 yearn of age, and to bat qiintaii on tho number of men In clan one. Tho proponal to eiempt men now lUted a fait aa they reach the age of 31 I not Included. Another hill affcctlnK tho draft would authorlie the president In any emergency to call Into Immediate aer lro thu akllled eiperl In Industry or agriculture regardless of classification residence or quota. WTO SERVICES AT PINK GROVE, SUNDAY AJfffKftXOOX Reverend (1. O. Oliver of the Meth odist church or thl city will preach at tho I'lne drove school houte at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon. ROOSEVELT'S CONDITIO REPORTED FAVORABLE NKW YORK, Keb. 8. Roosevelt's condition today I unchanged, which (ln regarded favorably by hi physl-clan. TO NOUTHEKX CAMKOItMA J. J. Htelger left today for lo An geloa, where h will Join hi family. Mr. Htelger returned (hi week from a business trip to tho Middle Woit. MEETING TOMORROW IRIRII PORT. Poll, a a. it., n.t pf Amerlran aboard the TiiMcanla pa loit when the veMel went down t HI be ImpnvHlble to'narorlaln tho p"" or those lout until tha name P the survivors can be cabled to the p 'wo Btatct. The Kalth Circle of l.oyal Women will hold their meeting at the homo of Mr. Ilrattanl, 728 Oak nvenun, Ruturdny, February, at 2:30 p. m. TAX MKNH FILER KLAMATH IIOV 8AFK IN FRANCE A cablegram haa hnn rtnivA iv Ink Pat Parkin- or thl. i .n i... Mud, Mating that ho h. arrived iy in Franco. Tax lien have beon Alcd la the office of Circuit Court Clerk George Chaitaln against K. T. Price, W. M. Iluckwalter and Mary K. Hunt by J. W. McCoy, thru hi attorney, II. C. flioebeck. AL'KANIA OK TIIK CUNAHD LINK, ROUND KOII U. H. WITH SMALl MIAD OK FREIGHT, VICTIM OK V BOAT WILL IIKACII FORT NKW YORK, Keb. 8. Tho Cunar der Auranla hai been torpndnod whllo bound for tho United Bute with a mnll cargo of American freight. Hhe U badly damaged, but I now believed being towed to port by war vcaacl. Thu Auranla wa a 13,000 ton boat. mm Hi mm CITY OKKICKItN PLAN TO UIHPONK OK IIKAVY HTOCK OK WKT (MNIIIH OHTAIXKI IN HECKXT lUllt AT I'KLICAN CITY What Ik believed to be tho largeit amount of liquor over destroyed at ono time In thl icctlon of the stale, will bo dumped Into the ower here today, when 200 quart of whUkoy and five largo barrel of wine takon at a recent raid on the homo of A. Carnlnl, In Pel Iran Cltyj a suburb of Klamath Kail, will bo dUpoaed or. Tho raid was made a short time be fore ChrlMtma, and the good secured have been stored In the city hall. A leak In ono of tho wlno barrels haa been allowing tho wine to escape, giv ing the city hall much the samo scent u a saloon, nnd aa there Is no need of holding It further, It will bo disposed of. Knough will bo retained by tho offi cials to be used a evidence when the rase Is brought to trial. Mrs. car nlnl was taken Into custody following tho raid, but hor husband Is still at large. Big U.S. Cut-Up Plant Running At Seattle " "iJL I B E R T Y vru in Guropti VANCOUVKK. Wash., Feb. 8 Tho great "cut-up" plant of the United Btatcs government built here to man ufacture airplane stock, within tha military reservation, baa been put In oporutlon. Colons) Dice V. Dlsque of tho Hlgnal Corps officiated at tba flat raising yesterday afternoon, and mora than MOO soldiers at the barracka wore present at tha ceremonies. Tho main building of the plant la 318x100 feet, and la located within 1,000 feet of the main line or the S. I', ft 8. railway. Tho plant Is elec trically operated, and tho first appro priation for Its construction called for $200,000. Tho factory Is designed to ra-monufscturc clear cant sup piled by the mills, thus relieving tho mills or minute Inspection and other Inconveniences. The plant will cut the cants Into rough sites required for airplane construction only, and will not attempt any finishing process. The cut-up plant will operate on a 24-hour basis, and will run a crew or 600 men. It Is expected to handle at least 300,000 root or stock dally, and thla figure probably will be greatly In creased. An order for 1,200,000 reel of con struction material was placed Decern ber 8th with the Columbia River, Portland and Willamette Valley mills, Investigators Secure Packers Private Papers CHICAGO. Feb: 8. Armed with a searehSaarraiit.-aMipetaVCcanl Fran cis J. Ileney of the federal trade com mission seised the Swift A Co. flies In the office of Attorney Henry Veeder here. Over the protests of Veeder and other attorneys of packer, Ileney and sides, assisted by deputies or tho dis trict attorney, obtained evidence In the commission's packing Investiga tion, which Veeder had fought to prevent. . Tfc 4ramatrtMvei: by Federal Judge Uandla, charged that the Ar mour, Swift, Cudahy and Wilson packing companies had combined on moat bids for tha American military forces. Thla and allegations of false entries la their books, as well aa Hie gal combinations to control supplies of flsb, vegetables, fruits, eggs, butter and oleomargarine were called "felo nies" In the warrant. IIKI) CROHN IIKXKKIT TONIGHT Tonight Is tho night or tho big ahow by the Klamath Falls War Hi Ides at Houston's opera house, for the benefit of the Red Cross. People who have not yet secured their tickets are advised to be on hand early, aa thero Is every Indication of a packed house. Uiers Relatives Here Very Anxious Tott Ed F. Parker. hrntl.r ui kuuta and MIsm nnnr..H. p.w.. Mrs. B. 8. Veach of thla city, waa ", "a Tuteanla Is the Arm bo " of his relativ. h. t&XSlAPW D .?!? ?" H. was'. M la fhn,,r"?JfD! h" --vii.-iio as Doing on "board tho vessel, and notified his family that ho would tall about tho time tb Tub cant laft. Or eat anxiety will bo felt regarding bla safety until definite news of tho casualties are announced. William B. Spencer,' son of Eugene Spencer of Spencer Station, la also be lieved to bava been on board tho U6 asarfaad ehlo. Freeman Chilton; A brother of Mrs. A, J. Lyle, Is ballaved to have been abonrd also. ITtlCTIOX (1KOW8 HKTWKKX AtHTOIAXH AND GKRMANB OKNKVA, Feb. 8. The hostility between German and Austro-Hungar-Ian soldiers on the eastern front has spread to the Italian front, according to Information from Milan. Austrian prisoners have told their Italian captors that German offlcors encourage their men to scoff at tho Austrlans, and to taunt them with the assertion that they could do noth Ing against the Italians until they got German aid. So far, however, there has been no nowa of armed clashes, such aa oc curred on the eastorn front. UKIIMAX ADVANCKM DKCTAIIKD IX8INCKHK NKW YORK, Feb. 8. Lord North- cllffe la unshaken In his belief that Qerraan peace feelers are part or aa Insidious propaganda to hamper tha war activities or the allies, and he places no credence In the reports now emanating from the kaiser's realm. "It la most obvious," he cabled In a message, "that the simplest way to delay American war preparations Is for the Germans to suggest that peace la Imminent, and that preparations are therefore unnecessary. "We went thru this phase or Ger man propaganda two years or more ago, and pay no attention to It now." GOOD SHOWING MAUH IN TK8T8 YK8TERDAY Nine men out of the ten who were examined by Dr. E. I). Johnson of the local exemption board for the selec- ! tlvo draft yesterday successfully pass ed tho tests. Over forty men were called for ex amination today, and It Is expected that an unusually large number will bo examined. i FINLAND GOVKRNMKXT KORCKB ARK DKKKATKD INTKIIMKXT HKRK SUNDAY Public funeral services were con ducted last Sunday for the late Resale R. Applegate at Pasadena, and the re mains are expected to roach Klamath Falls tomorrow night. They will be Interred In the local cemetery Sunday afternoon, carrlagea leaving the Whit- lock chapel at 11 o'clock. Only rela tlvea and very Intimate frlenda are In vited to the brier rites at tho'cem etery, LONDON, Feb. 8. A Petrograd dispatch saya that the Finnish Red Guard have surrounded the Tammer- fors. and defeated General Manner- helm, the commander or the govern ment forces of Finland, who ore now retreating toward the Golf or Bothnia after heavy lighting. HOUND OVER FOR DOOTLKGaiNG STATE STERILIZATION LAW TO HE TKBTKD i SALEM, Feb. 8. Attorney General Brown haa beon advised that Herbert Merltbew, alias Curtis, a convict In the atato penitentiary, haa appealed from tba decision of tbo state board of ougenlcs which ordered an oper ation performed on blm. Merltaaw Is serving time from Marlon County, and bad a previous prison record..-The caaa probably will bring to a teat tba constitutionality of tho sterilisation law passed by tho last legislature. MKKTING POSTPONED Tho mooting of the board of direct ora of the Mills Addition Improve ment Club, which waa tq meetftontght at the office of R. K. Smith Realty Co., haa beon postponed for one week, to meet at tho hour of I o'clock, at tha aame location. Freda Bryant, See'y, SWAN LAKH CLAW CONTESTED The government la today contest ing tho homestead claim of Daa Lis key, thru Its representative, John J. Brosnan, before.- V. 8. Commissioner Bart C. Thomas, In tba Lbomts build ing. ,Mr. Llskey Is belag defended by Attorney Wilson 8. Wiley. A total of sixteen witnesses .hare boaa sum moned on both sides of tho case, Corliss Krelgh of Krelgh station,' near the Klamath-Lake County line, waa apprehended last night whllo dis poning of whiskey to an Indian here, and waa given a hearing at 10 o'clock before United States Commissioner Bert C, Thomas. He waa bound over to the action or the federal grand Jury and placed under bonds or 1500. LEAVES FOR SAN FRANCISCO Charles Riley left on the noon train today ror Ban Francisco, where he ex. pacts to remain for the noxt month., AUSTRIAN CABINET 4 RESIGNS OFFICE 4 e AMSTERDAM. Feb. 8. Dr, von Seydler, tha. Austrian pro- mler, baa tendered tho resigns- tloa of tba entire cabinet to Em- f tiror Charlea, according to a dispatch from Vienna. 0 t44444444444)4444)4 nAj jAnus n ktfttuiia- Major James H. Perkins, vice pres ident or the National City bank In New York Cty, pernapa the strongest bank n Jbfworld, has been selected to succeed O ray son Murphy In charge of the Red Cross In Europe. Mr. Per kins had 'been a banker In Albany, and some time ago be attracted the attention of Frank A. Vanderllp, pres ident of the big bank, who Is alwaya hunting for new talent. Major Per kins, It Is understod, waa picked out for the place by Henry P. Davidson, who Is In general command of (ha Red Cross here. MEETING TOMORROW EVENING CITY ROtTBEH BY MEWS OT TUB CAXIA DISASTER, WILL CLOSE ALL PLACaS OF BUsaWHBB A WD GATHBM AT OMnRTaMMI IK MASS MJCKTIN G ADDRESSES MADE BY. KENT CITBBINl BRTY LOAN C OTHER PATRIOTIC laHAtCTetTB WILL BB aVMCVaHSSJ The biggest, moat Importaat meet ing over bold la Klamath Couaty la , scheduled for tomorrow night at ! Houston's opera keuaoi AM the More, ii SMH"jXB FILM SHOWS TOMHW MOVIE THEATERS WILL ALL GIVK SPECIAL PERFORMANCES EARLY IN THK DAY', OWING TO MAHM MEETING AT NIGHT In view of the big Liberty mass meeting tomorrow night, all the pic ture theater managers have evidenced their willingness to sacrifice the even ing's performances for the patriotic cause. Inasmuch as they have al ready engaged their Alms for this date, howover, they will put on special performances before the hours ot the meeting. A special tnatlneo ror Mury Pick- ford In "The Little Princess," will be given tomorrow afternoon at the Star, and shows from 6 o'clock to 7:30 to morrow evenings at the Temple and Star theaters. The Orpheus will show Frances Nelson In "The Revolt," at a matlneo commencing at 2:30 and run.- nlng until a late hour In the afternoon. pool noma and evea'tka asovtaeTBtc turoa bowa will bo eloeoel attar 7:88 In tba evening. Not a conscientious objector was discovered' amoag tho business mea when tbo request waa made that everybody eleaenjia afcap and go to tha.osora homo .to soar tbo governments message to tha people of Klamath County. The news tasteowig that aa American transport 'hasT boon torpe doed aroused the people ot Klamath Falls to the realisation that wo are face to face with tho biggest problem that has ever confronted the nation. Several Klamath Palla and Klamath County boys believed' to have bora oa ithe transport have been reported safe, but othara have not been hoard from, and there la a possibility that already the Hs has taken toll from our very midst-, If the opera bouse prove too small to bold all the people, the surplus will be taken care of In tbo moving picture houses, and the speakers will go di rectly from the opera house to tho theaters, for it is desired that every cltlsen or tho county boar' tho mes sage. Thero Is work ahead ror overy one. and private enterprise must now be made a second consideration for the duration of the war. This will be tho first meeting for the Third Liberty Loan. Some vital facta regarding tbo com ing campaign will be presented for the first time, aa well aa matters con cerning the War Thrift Saving Stamps and other patriotic calls. Tho moot ing will be called to order at 8 o'clock aharp. The complete list or speakers for the occasion haa not been definitely arranged, but' will be announced thru the Herald tomorrow. The list will comprise mea wbo are tho beads of the Important committees Stringent Measures , Proposed In Senate 1 . i, . l. . ..W 'h;nA1 r thawaaaaj i r wf. .p-r t; ,"-w T. WASHINGTON, D. C, Fab. S.ily. faiV dayiNand'.tOaWtANall Senatora hare today urged drastic ao-lagroad that If tha war HoH try tion to cope with tne rood shortage. I person win oa arariea ror iaa wvra Senator Smoot, Utah, urged a month-1 best suited to blm. . 'V I