' . t rfWIT . damammmmT ,, rllgrajp1 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER , a tvOfflCIAL ,F KLAMATH COUNTY ;.v'"4wvtfstf ' finii vr so. .aa KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1918 PnM ?? 11U ?C 2 . IIJII' ir lllTITTIll TkTfWKT smmmmaaaJamav7 snmaW. nmmn. .smsa. sarnw -AanmmsBBnBmm tsmmm smmT. gssssl nssmw ammm BsssMt mmmT. ammm snmmT Aulr "ar f "aV "f' sw w n?' gf H AISER STRIKES U. S. A HEAVY BLOW . S. TROOP RANSPORT SUNK IN """ """ ? '""" - ' i ... Candidate For State Trimmer ".v..- -ra UNCLE SAM'S AR ZONE UXKH OOKN DOWN OFF TIIK XMHT OK IIIKLAND WITH IgAKLY a,'JOn TIIOOPM I.AHT kKTOHTM ISMCATK AM. HIT II AOCOU.NTKD FOR Fi i1-"; 'VSmfsmmmz?Bm$yK7 V ) smmmV a9'3KV 1 2 ' vtmmmmtlL;K3BmmmTWv-57 ' v' T mnmSBBMBR o mnmmj7"!i 4 jmmmmmmmmmm'mmmj ' i "lammmmmBnmmmmTCWr " ''nmmTCnmmKnVwyi 'LmmmmVLmmv 4 .jTassmmmmdsmmmmmaw SsmmT'JHmmmBmmmmmmmam WARBK nwm O. IV II O V V O. I. Hoff, who has announced I lilnimlf ai a rnndldnji for state treaa. urnr nn the republican ticket, de clurea that hi ilnllim an labor com inlMloner for fifteen year have car rli:il him Into ovcry nook ami corner LOUT APPARENTLY WERE of the atatc, ami have brought him I IhIh fnnlBl vlllm at If si. U,lii.i.l.l IRKRH OF (KW IIKMCVK .".. ,....,'!.. ."."".. ...?".," I hiiii ui.w.uups iiiiuitmis. iin uvuiiTra rORK or BRITISH FATHOM that the wide knowledge thus gained I mill rnchln him In arnrk M that MSIBLK FOR HAVING OF neMi of ,he - ,hfvKrloun 4XY UVEH loard of which ha would be a ni cer. Much handling r Jubllc..ani private fund, he asaerta. haa quali fied him to tahn care of tho financial idutlea la an able manner. YABIIINQTON, I). (!., Feb. 7. tint heavy dastardly blow at the 8tat hai. been atruck. The SSfamaae srd liner Tu;anla now Ilea at ths'10 I0, m,ni of wh,ch wero " i of , Nonhern Atlantic a. .' "" 5' 11T"!S!. ?T Mt of a Hun tornado Tiind' ... . I -The condition of aoino of the aur- Ill-fated bout enroled 2,179 of-, vlvom wn pltabln. Mirny had raal orihe 32nd Notional Guard dl-in,u"0 ,,,0lr llo,nl " "n awiu- from Wlnron.ln .nrf MIM.I. " ""u"1 '" ",u "",,,r ,ur wu Imtl vu lnffa.im ll.a IllVlllli UVItflfl Uf1ll oi me rnpiuin, mirHor and I tompanlcn U, K, nud F, r-nginccrH. Thcue companlea Iprlae the Cih llnttnllon of ih regiment, which In a fiircntry laent organlicd einoclallr for Ik la Kranre. Home men from the FwtK are believed aboard. Irlllih convoy ntld luilrol alilna Ibwolc reacuo work In landing the Fnora on Uirno Inland near tha i ut and at Ulam In Hrotland. f' Brlllsh nutliorltlcH ure doing r;wlng puiwlble to muko them kfortable. of tho tragedy wna received aon at 3 o'clock yesterday. oraing to tho llrltlih renorta i who were aaved wer 7 a nftir.r. WW men and HI of the crew. I total on board waa 1,397, BRRY, Ireland. Feb. 7 -The aub. reacui'd. The puravr and chief ateward were among tho crew caved. It la reported thnt thore waa Kite order iibonrd the boat after the acci dent, and that aeverul alck patlenta were aaved. There wero only two women on board the ahlp. They wenf down a rope In flno atylo, laughing, Threo men died of oxpomiro In one of tho boata. AX AM. WAII CANT OF WORMKH I.KAOI.VO CrXKIIItlTlKA TO AF I'KAIt IIKFOIIK lOTAIi I'VIIMU FOK IIKNKFIT OF ItKO VtWHH One of David llelaaco'a foileat pro- ductlona will put on (and off) at the HoiiNton.Cort theater, aomewhere on Main otreet, between the I'dllcan ho tel tind Link Itlver bridge. Kiiulalte acenlo offecta thruout tho entire performance, painted by llurrhton Flaberman of the Mllea Sign company, In a fit of despondency. CoM time from Motacbenbacher'a Second Hand Kmporlum. A Al Jolaon and Nora llayca In their latent aonga and dancea, sup ported by their Ituselan ballet, which Includes I'avlowa, Ruth St. Denis, Theda liar a and Mr. Vernon Caatle. O "Caught with the Ooode," Nat (loodwln and Maxlne Klllott. The most thrilling and gripping problem play ofjlie day. First appearance In America alnee their thirteen success ful weeks In Illy. C Trltlc Fogauia and Anna Held, "who Just can't make their eyea be- liavo." In something now and orig inal, (Juat out of the garbage can), wearing the renowned Upp (and down) Jowela, preaented by King Thaddoux at their Initial performance In Winter' (lurden on the Davcn- (Continued on page 4) Organized Campaign For Thrift Stamp Sales Here Huge Sum U Expected From Klamath County During Reniainder of This Year. 'Central Working Com mittee to Be Selected To- t day. Stamps Profi- -table Investment twwwwwwwwwwm Mattackutetts Patriot Dies Ready for War ith The aura of ti40,0 for the sate state. Klamath County Is rated of thrift stamps In Klamath County 1 11,000 inhabitant. during the nest eleve'a moatha I ex-1 Tha campaign will not be In the pectcd to be raised, according to J. r.' nature of a drive, but will be con- Simpson of North Bead, who gave talk on the subject at the Klamath Commercial Club last evening. Mr. Simpson has been getting the thrift stamp movement started over a large ( portion oi ine siaie, ana len ibis morning to fill other engage!. with- the Idea of returning here at a later date. It la not the dealrtj of the govern ment, Mr. Simpson datjared, to hava kt aaiac oa far Uasa thru the iaople 'withdraw thalr wivtaga the awtgfc, butt ui ackooU of from other sources and lavest them , the eoaaty, but when the campaign Is ducted thruout the entire year. A county chalraufn la to be select ed this afternoon by a group of busi ness men In the directors room of tha First National bank, and a central working committee of seven appoint ed to start the work In a systematic way In the city and county. Sub-corn-nttteea will be appointed for the country district. The sale have SAI.KM, Feb. 7 Kurt Wllhycombe. youngest aon of tho governor, waa a member of tho engineer, and It la feared ho waa nbonrd the torpedoed boat. Tho governor was not at hla office today, duo to hla tenso anxiety. M.WM IS AVAILABLE FROM 0. A. C. A very largo delegation of Klamath Fall boya nro Identified with the 20th KnclneerM battalion, and a larae US WMCh attacked Anil tnvnmAmtA MllmliAi. aiuk ti I rin .1 1. Ifnnwn In kniM Tuicanla waa attacked by a da-! crossed to France. So far as la " "ommiiatoiy. The American known at thia time, however, there la in thrift stamps, but rather to save the nickel and dimes heretofore eg pended on little unnecessary luxuries which will Inculcate habit of thrift and economy In .the American people, which have been utterly lacking la the year gone by, and are now vital- fairly launched It la expected that all the stores and many other places of business In the oonnty will have tbem on sale. It la pointed out that white the market price of Liberty bonds may vary from one day to another. the war aavlng certificates are alwaya worth their face value, and that if !geaViBiVgaiBgaiia9saaVgl geiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHflfiH JBT i aHgF'aggnAnW OTRFNIIMK mW . InanV V pr pr pT PT OPPOSITION TO WILSON'S SUGGESTION MAjod AfWHUmbtoai Formen Representative Augustus P. Gardner of Massachusetts, who was one of the very'ira't'adrocates of pre paredness by tho American . govern ment, and who wAe.tne Irst member of congress to back 'hie conviction by Joining the .army, 'died at Camp Wheeler, Mac, Oa.,, of pneumonia. He was so Mnioacteltoat getting Into the actusj igMKlkat he gave up his eelenersVommUajlen which he had firei. received, and became a .major, that he -mttat France. els In band. BILL WHICH WILMS TO WOULD Fl rARTMJOCTAL RJMMK2AXI1C MC -lA -V, lt. J&. l't litfiU FAaUTATE -vCAJemTW6 ' WAR, nHHIfO FOVflHT l' ... fVv.-vuttVVt, MKAKVRK, AR' 'tmaOOtikt ADMIT gJCALL OUXOB OT ITC ly necoaary to the winning of the. war. "We must commence to wear i left to maturity they will draw four our old clothes for a longer time," per cent Interest, compounded auar- .. f.l . A . A1 & . . K . nam, anu iearn to go wuoom , icny, wniie iney can oe reaeemea ai ho rome new hats. It will aoon be fash lonablo to be seen Inshabby attire." It Is expected, that there will be twenty dollars worth of stamps sold for every, person In the county ui any time with three "per cent Interest. The war savings certificate plan permits many to Invest their savings to help win the war who would not be nble to purchase Liberty bonds. f taVfl lnllmnlln. it... . .. i. ......hhhu,, umi uin iud. !" was destroyed. fcSHlNdTON, O.. reb. 7. TJ "Porta show that the number has been reduced from 168 no evidence that any local boys weroJ dents of the state this year I news on the TuKcnnlo. Doflnlte word has been received of the anfo arrival In France of Majors R. A, Johnson nnd (Continued on page 4) ig Reclamation Work Postponed During War IIV CO-OFKIIATIMI WITH COL. I.I-XJK, IIKXH WHICH WILL LAV 300 K(1H A YI-R MAV NOW UK HKCUItKD That a limited number of the fine chlckena from tho Oregon Agricul tural Collego at Corvallla will be die- posed of at. a reasonable price to real I t very mile heavy construction . which Immediate benefits will be de wai is work Irnm ..kill ii..'rlvil will nrohahlv Im Dlished a fast as possible ' The heavier work will be nost poned until the period following the! shall not be used or sold for mating when It I oeuevea laoor win oe worn from whth h. a will be several vu Hi.t.n !" undertaken. bv4h Unit J ! f(Clamtln . i.i ..w wrviee aunng the "I-the war, was dechj ad upon v t a confaranea'Af.irT. .- angr ami k..j .::.. tDenvar.- ""V -a.r. r.tillienlb. " Iff Ittlan ... 1l. u.T .rnsdwlthcr " tho g,Ur work fr0K war, much mora plentiful than t the pre nt time. Every effort will be made to In rreuke the crop production on the land row under water, declares ;Mr. linad. FUns for getting unsettled londa under-cultivation on many or tlie projocts were also discussed.' Just received by County Agent H. R. G laltiyer from James Dryden, poultry husbandman. ' A large number of Klamath County poultry raisers have made Inquiries of Mr. alalsyer as to whether any of tlioBo fowla could be secured, and he therefore took the matter up with colleae officials. Tho poultry at 4bla Institution haa been developed for years with' a view to egg. production and better meat qualities, a number of world record laying hen having been pro duced. It la believed that the'lntro- ductlon ob some of this stock here will materially Increase -the profits of the poultry Industry. In ordor to secure the stock, from the college, contracta mutt,, be signed which provide, among other things. that cockerels hatched from the egg Allies Plan Big Drive In Balkans with the pullets, that pullets shall not be crossed with tho males of other breeds, that a report be made to the poultry depsrtmeat'6! the lumber of chicks hatched and the number of pullets. and cockerel! raised from tba eggs, ana tnat wherever practicable,.! Continued on Page 4 Salonika within the next two months, t lie embassy declared. Athena cablegrams received here state that the mobilisation of eleven classes, ordered by Imperial edict. Is proceeding rapidly. Moro than 100,000 man will an awer the call, a reek military officials aaid. addlna- that 110.000 trained and the allies' plana thus far. will bo. equipped Greek troop, are now at nbje to muster 40,000 Ightlng men at the Saloalkl front. WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 7. More than 1.100,000 allied troops will be available by March Slst for the Impending drive to break' Oar many'a backbone In the Balkans, It has been learned officially. (I recce, the Incalculable factor la puis fl NHWFIUED WASHINGTON. D. O.. Feb. 7. There Is bitter oppeeltlati here to the bill givlsg the president, blaaket an- IOW tbarity to reorganise eJleawenttTe.de partaseau. Tne crftfeisne,,ae asaoav re'-ase'been very oateaoboa br'iJbe reMhtteeaaM seme ''deaseeeaas have ceciarea tnat enea a MMiirt could not be passed, and would profc ably not even be, favorably reported. MKRRILL COtl Wcf '& unwmuiu The marriaao. of Wilson PSrher law man l,;;:0Zz$ uiwu-a V"" vr ruaii , !.. .vanlne- tar Count Jada-a Umttam Hanks nt bis residence on "Sight and Pine. . i ISSMB Tom Magulre of this city, who loft. Th. mtoom ta mtAmaA;.. ...afcflB u t..,. Mw -"' "near Merrill, where the young oranle this morning Is believed to be the lst'HDM,,B , ,mm FOR TRAIXIXO CAMP TODAY U.S. Business ot Last An Interesting comparison of trade figures of II If and 1919 Is shown In the "Collins Forecast" Just received by the First Mate and 8av inga bank. These figures, which have been carefully compiled, shew that the Imports of tha United States oaf. Ing November 1st, leU, were If, 7ae.5ge.4Sg, and the exports IMSI. 7M.ITI. while during the meed lag year the Imports wero fMtf.fl01.14T and the export $4.5f.f0f.Sll. : Circulation of money ra'tkal Ualtad Btates during th year eduui-Deeem her 31. 1017. waa ?8JI0,4I4,I9IJ the and during the preceding year f 4, 440.OSI.ft4. an lacrosse of $679, 411.174. ' Export of coal and coke during the last year amouated to tllt,l96, 115, an increase of 114,144,011. , Resource of aatloaal banks on November 10, 1117, were $11,568,- 00.000. . This Is an Increase of ft,ots;ooo. 000 over the Braeodlnc twelve matins. Untiled orders of the United States eerporatlen'.were ll.l47.tlf (eaa at the close of llf, and only man necessary to All the first draft quota for Klamath County. Two, men were needed to complete the entire quota of 'forty, and Me Quire, with Ernest Bennett and Jess Hunsaker, who left a few days ago, make three men who have been aent. It Is believed that at least two out of the three will pass the tests there saP Isfactorlly. voxpecta to reside. 0,181,718 tons at the close of last year. Commercial failures In the United States which In 1910 totaled 10.991, were reduced to 13,855 In 1917. The world'a wheat aupply decreas ed 44,871 bushels during last year, the figure for January 1, 1918, being 171,008,000 bushels. L1UHARY CLVkY aflxsTS TOMORROW The regular ssoathly meatier of the Library Club will be held Friday afternoon at t: 80 In the club rooms. Beside the regular business, Mis Rachel Applegate will have a paper on 'The Motion Picture." CARD PARTY AND DANCE AT MOOSK HALL TONIGHT From present indication the eard party and dnnce tofce given this even ing at tho Moose hall will be oaa of the most enjoyed of tho present Lent socials. A feature ot tho evealag'a nrosram will he the exhibition ef tha latest dances by Miss Nells Mullen. TwoYwfsCoinpared I""Pc nciping uuue odiu Warm words of praise are given the teachers of the grade schools and high school of this city by oflclals of the local exemption board .for the re sponse given this week In tho carding of the questionnaires. -.- Tnls'tremendous Job which devolv ed suddenly on the local bosTd, wes science rooms of the central school and at the sharifs office. The accuracy and celerity with which ho work la tlag. turned ,af la eemmented' on otvfeverebtr'b 'aril George Humphrey,- who , ap pears delighted over the. rseuMs se for... v"iy ? As the present' supply ot sards baa -.a. -..-. m -' e-fi il". --:, j accepts most caeerraiiy ey iae loyai, now aeon euRwwsa..is wu so aweoe. corps 'ot-teachers, at' tha request o'inV4USSSm'W' t the-board members, and the wearla!fe.w days, nata, the aapod itlant being done evening In the domestlej now on the road reaches the i i .fi LI "vsi ?