T&J TjfTT " r i HW " j. W ' JJV W7 " 'W7 rr,n" Wf'tV'Jf npny prKyr -rl P7v f v v',vi OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY ? KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBUARY 6, 1918 TrtfWtnQm rr -r,T &WT "t Wr&TVW fji- fl .jk,- .dgglglggmUdk OFFXBAL NZWVIDfllP OF YLAMATH FALli I ' -MWMttl f Twelfth Year No. .! cretary Of War Is Under Examination IRE MEN MROAD IN FIRST EXPECTED keXltLTAUY DECLARES THAT AMKItM'AN HIIII WILL NOT UK DM'KNDKR l'PON ENTIRELY FOR THK THANHUHITATION OF TROOPS '""" .................................................. i. ...... ................. ................ nnr TrinanT.nnnAnnjiAruTnrinnnAn.mnjnjjvurmmianwwutJWjuiAJUUjj Candidate for U. 5. Senatqr BBSBBBBBBBBBnaw.?V S IMKKICAN SHIP LONMKH UNI'MI' ALLY LIMIT, OWINO TO NAVAI.j nWITKLTIO.N NEW I.KOIKLA. THIN RKNIHAULK TO AID THE fHKMDKNT WASHINGTON, I). C, Feb. 0. . !le cross culmination of Secretary iktr before tho senate military com Ittee wm begun hero today. Senator Week, Maachutt, ro-l ubllcan member of the commlttco,1 fta the cross-oinmlnatlon In con Mtlon with tho number n( troop ' blch are to be went abroad thU year. ker replied than on Jantiury Int. lore troop had been transported to taart, both of tho non-combatuM 4 tho flghtlng force, than liud a planned. Both Hiker and Week agrrvd that wobM bo Improper to disclose tho act number of men now In Franco. Baker declared that In hla forwor ItUftoat to the effect that a mlllllon WOO Id urobably tie Kent ahroail la year, he did not depend entirely American shipping In hla calculn- He tiald that American elilp- Hag losses by the enemy' Hiibma- Ma bad been exceedingly IIkIiI, duo i Ibe protection of the navy. A hitch dovoloiwd In tho nroropd. Ci it to whether It wiu proper to re Hiker testify In public. Baker uld that he waa uorhai) un- rtunate In making hla original talo Pent by giving hU general opinion mer than tho exact fuel and detnlla fPared by hla clerk. Ilo proposed Pt be get those, and bo eininlnod other time. How the army will get tho nece ry ship to tramport n million men "I be devoloped nt a ccrel session paorrow. Baker giive hla milnlnn that imw llllatlOll KOIllll lui .lnulvnl.1. In ' i President Rencral powora to trans-1 ' na to-ordlnnto function of tho1 ifloui departmont. I a iit'HTON Tln Intifl cntullilntn In the sotin torlal fluid to uiinouiiui lilniitolf Is 8. II. Iliiklou of Portland, who ht'i-kn the iiomlniillon In tlin irpulillrun prlmar leu nmt May. Mr. 1 1 union liu been ongnRed In tin- priii Hi o of law In Portland for tho piwt elnvon year, and ha a Reed reiord a u inonibi'r of the elate legislature from that cjty. l.a)liiR tho coat of tho war on the Interest beat nbln to pay, making provision for Ihn reconstruction perU od following the war, Idg develop inrnyi 'lir Aliieka, ioiupiilory olght hour day In mill, fnclorle and mlnea, iinhenuil nuffraRo and national prohibition nro ninnnR the pollcle which will lo ndvocated by Mr. Hun ton If elected. MrWAN T MEETING NK I ntOMIMAT MAN FltOM NOHTII Wll.l. UK IIKHK IN I.NTKHKHT OF UAH THHIFT HAVING NTAMI'M Word by wlro to tho nrToct thut I.. J. Hliiipkoii of North llviiil, OreRou, will be licro mi tho train thl ien liiK In tlio Intercut of tho Thrift Htamp ratiipiilKii, luix Juut been ro tohod by Ciiptnln J. W. Hlcmomi. Mr HliiiiKoii U widely known tin ono of llu miiKi cllUltuit live wlreH In the l Htutu of Uiokoii, and hi nppeuraniu luro In ImliHtf of IIiIh worthy cnune . KlU'h nuBurunci) that tho community will ln iiiiiMi'd to thu ncu'Hulty of ItH piitrlotlr duty nt till tlnie. A uintliiR will bo held follow lug tho nrrhnl of tho uteuliiR train at tlin Miimiitli Commercial Club room on Main, near KIrIiIIi, nt which tlmo It I lio c J thut thoMi who uro IntereHtcd In tlilH imivciinrnl will ha proncnt. I BOLSHEVIKI Ml OVERTHROWN IltHPATCil HKCKIVKU AT HKHI.IN IIRCiaiUMTIIAT I.PaDKIUi ANII HTAFK IIAVK HKKN AllllKHTKtl IN UKHTKHN Hl'HHIA RFMODFIuNG HENfiW COMPIFTED AMHTKIIUAM, Feb. 6. A wlrolcH dlipnlch from Klov to Ilorllu today ay thut tho I'oloa hao now occupied the HiiHlan heiidiiuarler ut Mohllov, and arretoil KiirIrii Krylouko, com mnndor In chief of tho bolHhcvlkl force and thn entire Mtnff. Tho llkriiulan nro reported to have aupprouod a bolshcvlkl uprlslni at Kiev. INTF.IIIOIt OF FIIIHT NATIIlNAIi HANK OHF.ATI.Y IMI'ltOVKIl IIV HFX'KNT rilAMJKH WOHK IH NOW I'INISHKU Tlu interior remodollna ha now been entirely lomplvted In the Flret Nntlomil bunk bulldiiiR, with the re Milt tlial tho Hputo Ik iikoiI to much Rreutor uduutiiRo than hcretufure. With tho biiBlurna booth tilncod In tho tenter or tho room Inateud of one bldo, tlo window h nro open to tho public. Tho miirhlo floor und lower wall llnUhliig wjth tho beautiful Kraluod pniiol of'tho woodwork and other up to date npolutment placo tho iippearanco of tho liutltutlon on par wHh the lurRo city bank. V IMIAT WAHFAHK FAII.VUK WAHIIINdTON. I. C Fob. 6. Becnitnry Daniel ald that the United Stat" and the allien wore winning tho fight agnlmt Oermany'e aubmarlnea. "Wo are having our up and dowtiH," ho declared, "hut the fight I being won." Russians Are Crossing To German Armies MITKRDAM. Vol, - t...wi CJ? Ciornln left Berlin lait n" r Breit-utovak to continue " negotiation, erlln rann. .... i.-. . .. Py corp. on tho Run-Rouma. rMront(havo twice tt.iptd to CTli ,. .0,l"'l '.fronttor, but El!.""" chmorita-auecooded i f"" thru, Three tbouianda Ruwlana and 200 horse have croaaod the line Into the central powora armle. i ' f hiT-T LONDON. Feb. 6 It la rOBgrttd hy a'eorrep6ad'Bt of, the.ExehmrTel- mnk Ann nan V that the flOtaWaTO. tlatlon at Bret-l.ltovk'mffwlit,en broken o. ' ' l WIRELESS F1ANTIS B Hi OHKUON HHKHIFF FINIMi l'lNT HIIIUKN AT HOMK OF KHl'KK AUhWT HKI.IKVIOD TO IIAVK "iNTKUKKHKU WITH MKSHAfJHN Heavy Loss Follows Collision In Finland LONDON, Feb. . A Rrcat num ber of men were killed and Injured In n coIHhIoii botwecn a train loaded with lied (luiird and one of govern mntit troops Mont to Inlorcept them nenr Kcinl, In northern Finland, ac cording to u CopenlinRen dispatch. Tho train aro reported to have met head on, going at full poed. BTOCKIIOI.M, Feb. 6. Oenoral Mannerhelm' force havo defeated the Red (Ifiarda and Ituealan at Ulo borg, and captured the city, which In tho chief military depot of northern Finland. The battle lotted two day. Several hundred noldlcra wore killed. I UHD UNDER WAY IIILLBBORO, Fob. 6. Sheriff Ap plegate ha soiled a wlreleta plant hidden at tho home of J. IS. Jacobaon, agent for the Southern Paclflo at Timber. uovornment raoio iauon'ana coaetwleo eteamer have been In trou be lately by interference which waa thought to havo com from New bnlem. Jaeobeoa hat not been treated aa yet. The government official have boon aiked (or Instruction, UO.VAN.A FIIIHT KtlHMH, IN TDK COU.NTV TO OIUa.MK ANII XM.I-:CT Al.l Dl'l-M MATKII. IAI. WANTKII FOR CI.OTHFH SEVENTEEN All tho city chool und high hcIiooI Inno now completed their organiza tion oh auxiliaries to the Junior Red Croa Society, according to Chairman C. It. How man of tho local commltteo. An organliatlon hn bImo bean ef fected nt Ilonaiiza, nnd thl Kchool ha tho illx'tlnctlan of being tho flnt Kchonl of the county to Ret In tho full Initiatory due. Uy tlila lime tho literature on or ganisation will bo In the hand of all tho Rchonl cento of tho county, urg ing all district to afflllnto Immedi ately. Parent nnd friend of tho Kchool children are naked to co-operate with them In lecurlng tho followlnR materials. 1 Clean now or old remnant of ull kind of good; 2 Clean now or old Bcrap of good all kind; 3 Clean old lltion all kind; 4 'cioan old bath or band tewel: r, clean old knitted undorweiir allk, wool or cotton. C 811k or cotton thread, any color, uny number. Thl material will bo made Into comfort pillow for tho hoipltat and refugee Rarment. principally thoio for wnmon and children. It ha been announced that nil matorlal aecured will bo'thoroly fumlRated before tho children handle them. Anyone wUhlng furthor Infoima- tlou concerning thU work will be able to secure name by applying to mem- bora of the committee conalatlng of 0. R. Bowman, Mia Kdna Well, George Hoyden, R. H. Dunbar, Mr. H. J. Lincoln and MI Mabel Meara. LANDHLIDK tt)VKH8 PACIFIC HIGHWAY ! PASS DRAFT TESTS TODAY FIVK lfT OF TWKNTY-TWO AUK Tl'HNKD DOWN UV K.XAMININQ PHYKICIAN IlKINO KXAMINKD UY ADVIHOItY HOARD Seventeen men out of twenty-two men examined thl morning by Dr. E, D. Johnson of the local exemption boord, auccesifully paased the elec tho draft toet. Tho case of the (ho who wero turned down were re ferred to tho medical advUory board lieic. Thoy are being considered thl uttcrnoon. The men aro now being tailed for appearance In larger number, In or der to gel tho work completed as soon n oi-lblo. REDTAPEAT CAM TO BE REM iiii.u lAiiHiuitKu nun ii KON'H APPROVAL FOR UKMOV IX(1 LIMITATIONS AND RKDIS. TUIIIL'TION OF AVTHOIUTV PORTLAND, Feb. 6. A big lldo caused by rain and anow In a canon nent St. Potora Dome on tho Colum bia highway, ha burled tho highway for a distance of fiOO fet, and also cov ered tho Union Pacific tracks. The point whoro tho slide occurred la about forty miles from Portland, WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. 0. Coincident with teps already taken by President Wilson and Secretary Baker to further reorganise tho war department In answor to demand for a munitions director, a bill has been drawn with the prosldont'a approval, Introduced today by Senator Overman, with tho objoct of removing the sta tutory limitation which now prevent co-ordination, providing for a redis tribution of powora In the government departments. IMPORTANT NOTICK SVPREMK COURT CLERK APPOINTED SALEM, Feb. 6 Arthur 8. Benson, who has bean deputy clerk 'of the eu. promo court here for sixteen years, baa been appointed clerk, succeeding the late Judfe Moorelarid. Benson ha reappointed Lee Morehouse dep uty elerk at Pendleton, r . , WHaMMMMMM Grandson 0 Confederate Leader With Uncle Sam lOrMBggT wTi JukaaaaaaaaaFVv- icBajaBBBBBBaa aS UCUX HCbT CLLlT Lieutenant Robert E. Lee, graodaon of the Confederate leader, la here hown In hi United States araal-l lurm. 111 is ibuoui tor me una when be will get Into the trenches In France. NEW BRICK BUSINESS BLOCK TO BE BUILT "--v - WORK mRn TOMOMsOW ow T vSS. OONTBACTS MAVUMUk i - -?r T.i T"Si" t3!!E. . AOakiatssaSMiau; fWW'stJ'rff WOn BlltMM mvm ijii; T v. aiBBjam Jtvsfj.ii i.. 1 . S. J HsTVaaMsHHI v MDCK mmwi THRKK FOIRTH8 OF TICKKT8 vi HAYK ALREADY BEEN SOL FOR "WAR URIDE8" SHOW THIS WEEK Somebody must nave been peeking thru the curtains at the rehearsals of the war brides-entertainment for the benefit of the Red Cross Friday night. tijM'Atia th a Antral nithltft ajuiaaa Ia! have an Inkilng of the stunts that are) going to be perpetrated. Thla la Indicated by tbe fact that the biggest portion of the tickets have already been sold, nnd it Is doubtful vhetber them will be n Yacnnt sent in the house on the night of the show. A great deal of time haa been apent on tbla entertainment by the young ladles, whose especial talents mm well recognised here. SPOKANE SCHOOL CHILDREN PROVE FINE GARDENERS SPOKANE. Wash., Feb. 6. School children of the city, during last sea son, produced 110,148 worth of veg etable In their school gardens, ac cording to the report of the agricul ture committee of the Chamber of !fC ITOrT--fTnaMN(CK Of MOO PltOQRHM Work Is expected io start tomor row morning on a new two-story Mek batidlag ra Mala street, between Sixth aa4 SnvMtk, em the grennd know aa jtam aawter nrsnsrty. y ', Tnm rsgfw(twsai rf nmi .ww. ksWed by B. B. arignvr t 1Mb esty.' ' 'w.,a-given-thOMesreU..er. av modern building twemtx-fes wide ia sixty feet deep. Tkfcr site) la rieog nUed as valnaala bwUe gftmmmw , mark'WsM.T'irtfaga-y . Tbe atone asi'insMiraeU tovw been lot to-Jack Klttvtt ' CMtraetp , art being ktaniM by Ue J; f . Wai 1 miina! X1 , sjVBalyWjisle This building, wttn the new Klasa th HttM Bajk atrawaaire. an wnteh work ha already cogjimbaeed. is the fourth brick basiaessKtailldlng to be erected her wtUln'tne laatfew months. In addition to Uo nomerans Improvements, agaaa) la other -Ings. " r rn..r whtasl kaa ik anbnnl awr dens In barge. The commltttee spent but 11.150 on the work, for mho visors' salaries. Incidental labor and supplies. Plana to enlarge taa work next season have been aaopteo. COVRT MEETING POSTPONED The regular session of tbe County Court, which was to have convened ulav waa nhlimd to be DOStDened owing to the Illness of Commissioners Burrell Short and Frank Mocornaci. Chances Are Good For Indian Appropriation i' All alien enemies, males over 14 years of age, within the service dis trict of the local postofflce are re quired to present themselves this week at tbe Klamath Falls postofflce and fill out the neceasary blanks. These blanka call for a full physical description, and each registrant must present four small photographs of himself, alio 3x8 Inches. "Ten days later the (registrant Is to present him self again to roeelve hla registration card. . v , More favorable action at Washing ton In getting the half million dollar appropriation for the Indians on the Klamath reservation la revealed la a message Just tecelved from Senator Charles'McNary, which la, as follews: ''Succeeded In getting tarn sonata Indian affaire committee the Increase of appropriation to I50ee0 far 'Aha Klamath Indians to encourage Indus. amJ -.4 wilAW JIbmIIami. .Aaall a U7, vra im mianwHi quantity of the timber to.-ret'mViraa tne government wunmave years.-' 'ThU-appropriation;-it tnally al lowed, will be used to purckaaa liaeli cattla far taa Indians, wIU nstalaat ' cask to keep them going until their ' ; first Increase Is randy to ha disposed of. Tka Indiana ara' naturally ! taka.en.nnltUWbMthwfU , thUtUrtthey wlUawt , , eam to get ea.Ueir HW. t An appraprtauaa m iaf,eoewf n. .. uAuianid. But U thla Wn'i -1' 'Xaa alt "to be riff. IJaOejiaat, 'im?'., ' jj noua amwta Mvaaami anaew wmmm.t'- '. uaatlal'aoareaa'here to hava.Hn IsvmrV-'P ii I