OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY Twelfth Year No. il,lillN AMERICANS SPOIL ATTACK OF I s. BOY FRONT LINE (1KKMAX PREPARATION!! FOR A RAID YESTERDAY MOHXIXU AIIK IHHtUVEHER, AMI HEAVY FIIIK IM DIRECTED AT Till RE.MIEVOl'M tvhkms mixihtkhh ok i'kx. thai poweiim iieturx from rreht i.itovmk, indicating that separate peace xego. tiatioxm are off lly Associated ITtwa DATKI.K88 The American troopi re now holding sector of the wot. ro front (o the norlhwctt of Toul, and early Monday morning lh artil lery with barrage chocked the (lor man plana to raid thu American trenches. It wai leurned that Iho enemy In tended maklnK n raid Jiut flftron mln ales before tha attack waa coin- tncad. Tha American artillery flro aa centered on the apot whero the Otrnana had fathered preparatory to the charge, and It la believed the on- tay suffered heavy casualties from Its Betti, The length of the American ecctnr ad the number of men In the front Has tranches are not Permitted to bo disclosed. To the northwest of Toul the battle line runa almost due eaat Md wett from St. Michel toward Iho German border. The meager Information received concerning tho Gurman strike slum lion has failed to state whothor the workmen havo returned to tholr places or not. German ilrclc, believe that the re. turn to llerlln of von Kiivhlmann and Csernln forecasts the breaking off of notations at Brest-Lltovak. The KuMlnii and Roumanlana are ow reported to be fighting In Uess srabla. Teuton airmen havo bombed Von- lea I'adua, Trevlato and Mestro, The ItnllaiiH have done conaldorable damage bombing the rear lines of tho nemy. return fiiom motor trip Dr. atyl Mrs. Clayton K. Wheeler ve returned from nn extended mo wr trip over Houthern California. Huns Hope to ranwii POSITIONS By Big Blow In West t AMSTERDAM, Feb. 6. aerman I. ''' Predict that the next six jwotbl will be the deciding parted of An." M tn eU powera ire to f!H. f dMM,, W en tha western 'font before the American military u. S. DAILY WAR EXPENSES $24,000,000 Bohhevik Ambassador Ex-Ofhcio in England ixira nxyiyorx Maalra Litvlnoff haa aot been offi. dally accepted as ambassador from Russia to (Ireat llrltaln. Hut be haa been accepted as an ei-offlclo repre sentative of his government. There l no hint If this will lead to cloaer rotations between the Hrltlsh govehn mant and the bolshevik), now la con trol In Russia REPUBLICAN MKMIIKH OF Ml 14 TAHV COMMITTER ROUNDLY SCORER ALLEGED INKFPICIEN. OY PLEADS FOR CABINET WAHIIINOTON, D. C. Feb. 5. American war making machinery waa pictured as a "conglomeration of era bltlon and scattered agencies," and tho men behind tha manufacture ln capable of team work, by Senator Wadsworth, republican member of tho military committee. He argued strongly for a war cabi net and tho munitions director bills. They covered over 3,000 miles, going across tho Mexican border. Dr. Wheeler reports that the weath. or conditions there were Ideal for tourists, but that the dry weather la proving dlsuatrous to farmers and stockmon, and that cattle In aome dli trlctfl are dying by thousands. Win War can reach franca In a substantial They declare that tha Osmaa roar V Stww bov ww - ww -- -- .- can Ml wherever Oaaaral Hladenberg im maw rpai Hun ! kb MrfsKik vtww wlahM. gaWsnnmmMaB7 IBBVPsrBBSSSSSSuSn BrnWaJSTr 'JggssssK: sammmmmmmmW Tsnsrmmmn BammmmmmmmmBBwlT Baggl ktBjBMH mrew MM nEPARTMENT KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, Mill 10 BE WILL IIK INSTALLED NOON ON IIKVAXT MOUNTAIN WHERE LARGE TIUCTH OK TIM1IKR HAVE REEN SECURED A saw mill of 60,000 foot capacity has recently been purchased by Clark llamaker at Grants Pass, and will be moved In the near future to tha tim ber tracts recently secured on the north side of Bryant mountain, ac cording to J. O. llamaker, who la la the city for a abort time from Bo- nama. Mark llamaker will be iden tilled wltb bis father In tho new en- terprlse. The new mill will be greatly ap preciated by l.angell Valley residents, who have hitherto been obliged to go a long distance over dangerous roads to the nearest mill. fl E WOMAN'S RELIEF CORIW PLANS TO MAKK PRACTICAL PRES. KNTS TO ALL KMMATH BOYS WHO HAVK CROSSED OCEAN Members of the Woman'a Relief Corps of thla city are now laying plans to send a gift box to every aot- dler now In France wbo left from Klamath County. To thla end It la desired that the names and addreasea of all the men there be sent to Mrs. C. K. Brandenbiyg, wbo to chairman of thla committee, aa soon aa possible It haa not yet been decided what the gift boxea will contain, hut the practical thlnga needed In dally life which are not furnlahed In the regu lar equipment are to be Included. m MT. LAKI BXTKRTAIXMKXT PROVK8 BIO 8UCCK88 The entertainment at the school house Friday evening proved an nil around suceeee, and added 151 to the school fund for' Red Cross work. The recitations by the children were timely and well rendered, and their alnglng showed excellent train in alven by their teacher. Mrs. Han son. Mr. drlule gave roualng Red Croaa talk. The auctioning of a large cake brought much merriment ana money, it is declared that the teacher. Mrs R. K; Haaaoa, and the puplU of tha chool deaerve great credit for the way In which the entertainment waa conuuciee. MOVED FROM GfiANTSPASS on BOXES w NFRANC Pershing Criticises WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 6. Insistent recommendations that gen eral officers, colonels and other line officers of high rank be held directly responsible for the training of officers under them are contained In extract of reports from General Pershing published hare. There Is unflinching crltlctam of the lack of military knowledge) en aeveral vital points displayed by auch officers, presumably of the regular array, on their arrival In France. Ueneral 1'ershtng notes an "almost American Officers On Daredevil Stunt WITH THIS AMERICAN ARMIES IN FRANCE, Feb. 5. How three young American officers recently strodo up to the boche trenches In daytime and dared the whole Oerman army to come out and fight, has Just coroo to light. That the movement of the Ameri cans waa partially shrouded by a fog falls to detract from the dare-devel-try of the act. The three officer a Dallas, Texas, captain; a Murlln, Texas, lieutenant, and a Lincoln, Maine, second lieuten ant with a little squad of enlisted men, were patrolling No Man'a Land H6 MEETING MINI8TKIIIAL AMHOCIATION PLANH FAIIKWKLL 8KRUCK8 AT OPERA HOV8K FOR RETIR. IXO PRK8IDKNT At the meeting of the Ministerial Association, held at the home of Rev. a. O. Oliver Monday afternoon, Rev. W. H. Cos was chosen to act aa pres ident In the place of Rev. W. E.' Rambo. Mr. Ramho tendered hla res tgnatlon In vlow of the fact of hla hav ing resigned hla work here end plana to leave the last ot February. Tbe association agreed to hold a union farewell aervlce In honor of-Mr. Ram bo, aa n manifestation of hla work In our city, The union aervlce will ho held In the opera houae on Sunday evening, February nth, nt which Mr. Rambo wIJ preach .the sermon. A Joint aarvlce of the four churches represented In the awoelatloa will alio ha hold on March Hat, Boater Sunday, In tha lateretU of tha antl tatoon drive In tho itaio. Wo fre ie navo iae prmieam oi me roooac, that day of one of Amertea'a greai preacher, Rev. Louie Albert Banki nuieu anagum uuiwr MFD By winm FEBUARY 5, 1918 Inefficient Officers total failure to give Instructions In principles of minor tactics and their practicable application to war condi tions. Officers from colonels down and Including some general officers are fennd Ignorant of the handling of unlta In open warfare. Including prln dates of reconnaissance, outposts, ad vance guard, solution of practical problema and formation of attack. No training whatever has been given In musketry efficiency aa distinguished from Individual target practice on the range." under cover of n mist. They waited for three hours under the enemy'a barbed wire entangle ments, waiting for a boche to ahow his head. There was no sign from the enemy. Finally they rose from their cramped positions, stiff with tha cold, and picked 'up their machine gun. Then, atandlng but a few yards from the Oerman trenches, they burled the American dell at the Oer man armlea In general: "Come out, you blanked square- heada, and fight." They picked their way back to the American trenches unmolested. -u. . York City, author and writer, who haa been secured by the anti-saloon league workers to tour thla state aa well as other Weatern states. We are asking him to give us an Easter mes. sage in the morning, at which time the Joint choirs will furnish special Easter music, and In the evening bring his measage on tbe national pro. blbltlon movement. We are looking forward to n great day, and bope to aee n packed bouae to hear theae up lifting measagea from a strong man, who haa been eo wisely used of God In this land. v The ministers have also arranged a surprise for the churches on next Sun- day evening, February 10th, at tbe four churches. Baptist, Methodist, Christian and Presbyterian. E. P. Lawrence, Secretary. DIRTY WORK CHARGED AOAIXHT RAILWAY HEADS wwwwwmw WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 8. W. O. Lee, head of tbe railway train men, charted that the railway man- ngementa were attempting to discredit tho government operation of rail roads. He ealdi "I can prove that experienced railroad men are not per. mttted to operate aa their training dictates." MONDAY CLOSING TO BE CONTINUED WASHINGTON, D. C. Fab. . Vary dlacouraglag reports on tbe movement of freight due to extreme M now, tnreatan to qeieai io recent u awauon mvhb7 vivam MMAMMMMMWAMMIMMMMMMMMi New Austrian Commander BsnBsnnWu'' 'gam "wmmmmmmw? eOsmml 'BmVsmflBsl - 'Wkm snm vw Isnmml Ammm-gai ' ' '" ' 1 T. smmmwt I! tmmmmmmmr!.' Tasmml k Bsmr1"T fcilL Zr wH i wBananjMevflgF cvBh w WsnmmmmmmmavWr,vvv mgg ' wmmmmmEwj. V. al HlmmmmV NKnmmnsmaw wJwmmmfwMF.V. , ? 'wmmoF'VwKwrlflftpV AttFmVwHL vv jt'OalgismnT (.l.MtHAU aZCTOZAH UCROCVIC General Bxetosar Boroovlc haa been named to succeed Archduke Eugene In command .of nil the Austrian arm lee pitted against the Italians. Tho failure of the Austrlana to follow up their advantage after the debacle of October S3 Is believed to be the cause for the change. LARGE NUMBER OF COYOTE i HIDES ARK DROUGHT FOR BOUNTY TO COUNTY CLERKS OFFICE A total ot $270 waa paid for boun ties for predatory animals during tbe month of January, according to a re port made today at the county clerk's office. Wltb the exception of about $10, paid for bob acts, tbe entire, amount was paid for coyote bounties,! which would mean between elgtby and ninety animals, the present boun ty being $3. It Is reported that the largest por tion of the animals were brought In from Bly and Iangell Valley. Fewer reports of rabid coyotes In the coun try districts are being reported this winter than for some time past. MM PELTS BRIGHT IN LASTMONTH Stockmen at Bly Having The' greatest winter In tbe memory of tbe pioneers Is reported In the Bly district by J. A. Parker, a prominent rancher of that section, who la hero for a ahort time attending to business matters. Tho grass on the range U so good that sheep pay no attention to hay fed them, a condition unprecedented In that section at this aeaioa. Mr. Parker deciarea that the crop vtalds of many firman in that die- Uriel hava hmma eat down durtajr r- OFFICIAL NlWtFAFEt OF KLAMATH FALLS Price Fire Can HUNS ! ,i.lJi OVER SEVEN BILLIONS SPENT IN TRKMKXDOUB FIOVIUw ARK mix BEliOW MADB BURLY IX WA FROM V. ft, EXCI MPKOTATIOXS , . PffcNS ARK NOW IWOXiiwTKD FOR TAKING AMERICAN HOUHKRH INTO FLANDERS TRBNCHM TO UK TRAINED BV aWlwftM ARMY KXPERTS WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 5 Tbe first tea months of the war have coat the United States about f T.100,. 000,000, or nearly 114,000,000 per day, according to figures nude public here thla morning. The war toll l said to bo Increasing over $100,000, 000 monthly. These flgurea, however, are below tbe official eatlmatea made early In the wnr. The chairman of tbe foreign at aire committee told tbe house of repreoen tatlvea today that the United States v.111 furnish more men nnd money for tbe war In "far shorter time than had been the fondest hope ot tho Euro pean allies. Americas troops may soon nppear In the British treachea In Flanders, according to n plan auggeatod by the English thru General Pershing. Ac cording to tho new suggestion the troops would be put thra tho British training system, thus hastening the expansion of tbe American nrmy In France. THIRTEEN MEN PASSED Thirteen men out of the twenty two who were examined by the local exemption board for tbe aelectlve draft aervlce yesterday at tho city hall, successfully passed the testa. Fine Winter eant years ta a considerable extent by tho numerous squirrels, which havo Increased with great rapiauy. Worklna in cooperation with tho county agricultural agent, an aston ishing number ot these pesta were poisoned last year; so many, In taet, that they were hauled ot la hack loads. Parker hopes two year ;ee se cure tho co-operation of fmtsw number ot hla neighbors, and biMfoi that with concentrated alert the Ma. trlct can be rid ot these aalmahv IFN MONTHS