xrmqr OFFICIAL NEVViPATO OF kLAMATH COUNT twelfth vip x. - PPRESSED GERMANS STILL VIOLENT nniAl IQTSPAWMAY uimmi.iv. mm gggmV BM mf-aae. I A I tAUtK in EICHSTAG RRESTED I OX HTHKKTM WHKHK WAR IXDlHTItlKH AUK LOCATED. OLUIKKM AIIK MOIIBKD AND OmCKItM OK THIS l-OLICK AIIK ATTACKED IN AM OTHKR CITIKH AIIK NOW UNDER MARTIAL liAW. YEAR HUllMAHINK WARFARE MM PROVED THK FAILURE OK T1AT POLICY AM8TERUAM, Feb. I. There la very Indliatlmi that the Internal con. Iltloo of (lermany la allll In a ttute ' uphtrl. Berlin newpapera alata that Wll- elm Dltlraan, a aoclallat member of k relchitas, waa arrcatcd when ha lleeapted to addnM a crowd in a' iburb of the city. It la reported that btre li a national demonatratlon be' organlfcd In Germany aa a pro' t aiilnit Dlttman'a arreat. Hugo! a aoclalUt deputy, haa ap to tho chancellor to obtain ' Mttaaa'a rclcnuc. Chancellor von If declared that he waa now pitta to do thli. aa Ilerlln waa entire. r la the handa of the military authoN Berlin offlclal reporta apeak of and Inalgnlflrant ciceaaea. pork ta tald to have been reaumod In wrgandDanilg. LONDON, Feb. I. Sevan Berlin irtorltt have been olaead under trtlal law, and the atrikera ordered i rttume work by Monday morning M punlihed according to military cipilne, There waa aarloua rioting oraday l spandau, where the lm orunt war Induatrlea are located, It "ported. Roldlera on the etreet Itft atUrkod by moba. Ona police. w waa dragged from hli horae and tn merely. lit Auuirtalail "- - ATKLK88-Bever meaaurea of vrtttion are belnar taken bv the K"a government agalnat the atrlk- omen's Relief Corps- Will Honor Lincoln On Monriav aft.p... .i i. ... . - vium my in loftu- Sr Mtln tha W ..- .- rt ii hold special exercises In honor of Poll-. I Aoranam. Lincoln. '"-" quotation from a leach of ii Ur .. ur"ni wncom wnien is Ima: w M,w ?"" I hpp.MI t0 you t',a ta ---. . onaq mat.witn youue . hut itv '.... A. .c. . tew ihan .vC'Si .'-"'' T "T w' of the country be preserved 7 ' i mmmmmmw -e..mmm ' ' ... ..... J. .... , ; .ii! v -?waBBr was . "sss-'.w'aBBr jassr -nwavswaBB - ' saw ,bbbc. j- . -." . . aaj r - r , - "TSWJ ami I BBS B '' mmmSr ' LaB I ammWammmw mmmrmmmv I.M ammm .ammmma mamVmmm. amammi -immmmmr vammmmrmammmLammmmmF wmmmTmammmvJ MVBHHBfvM& hh BBVeVammmV H t wmmsrmmmmu.. 1FVI. IK; fLL. irrliKill' w KLMWl M Ottr , . -wHs' Tw' r "'W;pw,RTW','ir'fj . . owngBr " ' - w' fj '. '' ' V ' ' TflSJiM-BiMfffnMBII llllll II Mill Mill II I I 1 1 II MMII 'im Sill' llflllTI I'll onniinrnnrT I H 1 1 I fl 111 I 1 1 I l' NATION IH DEPENDENT ON UNIT KD KTATKM FOR FOOD HUP PLIEH UNCLE KAN WILL NOT XR'NTKN A NCK I NTKHPEIIA NCK WAHIIINUTON, D. C, Feb.'lJ The Interference of Spain with the shipment of supplies scrota her fron tier to the American army aad the allies may meet with twlft retalia tion. ' Tim United HtalM la particularly concerned because of the larga ordtra placed by General Pershing. Since Hpaln relic itreatly on the United Htatea for food,, tola government can force tha lifting of any embargo which Upatn placet. Receiving two calla from larger flelda,' Rev. W. K. Rambo, paator of the rirat Chrlatlan church of thla city, ho tendered hla resignation to the local church, which waa recom mended for acceptance by the church board, with a vote of thanka to tho paator for tho work done here. The matter la to be acted upon to morrow at a called meeting, follow ing the regular morning aervlcea. Rev. Harabo'a resignation la to take effect at the close of February. era. Berlin la now entirely In the handa of the military authorities. News of a number of freah dlaordera are coming from the Berlin district today. Aftur one year of ruthless subma rining, Sir Krlc (leddes, first lord of the British Admiralty, say a: "The aubmarlne la held." Dutch newapa pera at the same time disclose the fact that the Merman leaders expect ed the submarines would bring Eng land to her knees In sli months and end the war. Little weight waa at tached to the opinion that unlimited submarining would bring the United States Into the Sght. The sinking of shipping has now dropped below tha level maintained before tha ruthless destruction be came effective. till the last generation?'' ,-t Following Is the program for tho afternoen: , , , .1 Invocation First verse.of "Amoflc" "Abraham Llnooln" Mrs. 0. W. Eberleln gotoMrs. Turner t "OU Abe, tho War BagU" Mra. Roy ) UmM Loyalty If tW Today;;i Vstch' ef'tkaOrgaalutleaeftha osIob;, ,..w .a ,1 i . , .. Bsntdletlon-r-Last varit of'Amerlea" HER ACTION mm , -tSBBBfer- ". TttlEUVE i mtaVma.9"- am itvBksi ai'-i.9.vr 'iiai KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, H r .. DELAYB OIIMIOVH KX.UOVKHNOK MAKES MOMK STARTLING MTATKMKXTH IIRMIItK THK HK.NATK Ml I J. TAHV WMMITTKK WABIIINOTON; U C, Feb. 8.J Fornier ' (lowrnor Oawald Went of Orgon told the amain military com mlftoe nt a meeting yeatirday that the delay In getting out the spruce for airplanes could bn attributed to the Ignorance of the spruce Induatry by the officers of the signal corp la Washington and the personnel of the Oregon advisory board. West attacked tho appointment of fleorgn S. tang n member of the aircraft board at Portland. Ho con tended that l.ong la connected with the Weyerhaueter lumber Interests, from which the government la buying spruce, and the board should be com. INwed of men not financially Interest ed In the sales. PAW MS DEFEATED UK HKCOM) MiNTKHT OF NKIIIKH IH i TAKEN BV MOOAK BOWLKRH IN I 4 f I 1 PALM ALLEYH LAHT NIOHT Won tast Tie Pet. Moose Wolves....! I I .600 Palm Tigers ....2 3 1 .400 eHa----a---aa i The Moose hooked the Palms two games out of three In tho aocotid set to of the CIbm II league last evening at the Palm sIIojh. The Palms won the opener, but lost tho second 'by n margin of two pins and the third game by alxty-tlx, Neither side scored Its full number of pint, owing to the numerous fouls muted by sliding ovor the foul line. Dr. Boyd went away out In front on average, rolling up 171 for the three gamea, with a high arora of 100 In the first game. The third mateh between these teams Is scheduled for next Friday evening at the Palm alleys. ' ' MOOSB WOLVE8 " 1st Ind 3rd -Avi Lee ,...10? 138 ' 17 ' 140 Patterson ....111 1S 159 lB Hondrlckson ..lid 118 147 134 Hum 119 135 131 111 Boyd ...100 ,T53 161 171 Total 713 710 776 147 PALM TICJERB 1st Ind 3rd, .Av. Carter 166 147 141 1SI Beck 1M 146 130 143 Callen' 134. ,111 113 ,1H Uroni 141 160, 157 15S Nelson 150 184 157 147 Totals ......743 10 710., 144 YOUNG PBOPLe'hOLI. r., , , A GRNK1UL MEBTfNO 'Tha Federated Societies of tha city will moot' g't'Vfe'nerai gathirlig ;to morrow night at 6:15 at tho ktih odiit church. Mrs. W. H. Cog will have .hArko bf 'tholdevatlqiarjoer clsss.a .Mjia! Vera Houatoo wfll hv krf otnooogUiff ItDiUtoll" Tlo pooMrt w4l-ol0i0-lrtmoforisd td'tUondl sarytesa la their respsctWe churches. -N nun MOOSE WOLVES WikoB StiD Opposes f Cabinet Move L. '. r WAHIIINUTON, 'V. C, Feb. .. tltlon to bills for a super war cab At a conference wtyji a deeea of the Inet and a director of munitions. He democratic senators here, yesterday, I said this was move was unnecessary, President Wilson reiterated hie ofBo-jaad, would hamper him. COUNTY j mm , mil mm . mm COUNTV NOTK MADK IX linnon smmnt A much needed Improvement Is be ing made on tho Melee Point ret by tho county oBcutaeueordJu to root dents from tho noril. who am greatly plotted over tho gtVgaU-of too to pnlred-hlghwayt Charles WUIao to now at work with a gang of msnVnd teams, smoothing tho road bed and straightening the sharp curves. This Is said to be one of the districts whore Iroproveraenta can bo made to bettor advantage In the winter than at any other season. KLKVKN MKN PAW ' TKHT8 TE8TKRDAY Eleven out or sixteen men who were examined by Dr. E. D. Johnson the local exemption board yesterday passed the tests successfully. Tho cases of five who were rejected will bo Immediately appealed to tho district board for a second examination, aa lthla la the custom prescribed by law, f they are rejected by tho dlitriet board physicians, consisting of Drs, Merryman, Soule. Rambo aad Flehsr, thtywlll bo dltmlsaed from draft service. ' The following sre called to appear February 7th: Ixmlgl Pardl, Klamath Falls. Tbos. Ilyslop Robb, Sacramento. Cal Jas. Elmer Hoaklngs, Klamath Falls. William Crewe, Tekoa, Waab. Edward Duffy, Klamath Falls. Seldon Spencer Walker, Merrill. Wm. T. Hendrlckton, Klamath Falls Edward E. Furulah, Medford. Leo Lantry White, Klamath Falls. Charleo Alfred Darrlman, Baa Fran' " clsco. Calif. Jamea O. Davis, Algoma, Charles Frank Orchard, Merrill. Delman Harland Kruger, Boaansa. Lloyd Rhuben Underbill, Bremerton, Wash. John Henry DeDar, Klamath Falls. Harold R. CranV, Klamath Agency. 'John Wuletlch, Algoma. ttngvald Maroua Martinson, Modoc ' Point. Chester Llnkenbacb, Portland. ' William Henry Rouse, Klamath Falls. Everett Gilbert. Klamath Falls. Charles Ray Cook, Coqullle. John A. Sahoe, San Francisco, Calif. Levi J. GrlBth, Olene. Clifford Carlton Dlngmsn, North Boat Clarence. B, 'Mottcheabacb.tr, Klamath rails. 1 1 i CALLED TO AlBXANm Covujr. . School fuyorlntegdajtl Eda .Wolla.'tM beea,oillo;rt ss lagdAy the-desthof hortHtltrS.; aloeo,:v4rt Mal,;hs) dauosttor- ot Hits Weils', tlaUr. y caiiei.'wisns, wamaia rano-w panp with her mother last summer. ItMiMsNm FUM8KD TO nsvnovMiiarT MtiNal lower kvamath WOBWAr ABOCK U FEBUARY 2, lilt Mf FILED TtflRTT-TWO LAND OWNKRH OF MAROHKb) PLACE WAIVRHS FOR MEAD GATE rCBTAIXATlOX IN HANDS OF COUNTV CLERK Thirty-two waivers from owners of Lowor "maaMta monk lands have weV4to at .ttM -ojgMwafco.oMatx elarhv wmlvtakc-iakss' laa llitisWssi against the Klamath DratogwMstttci thru the Inatallatloa of the gatea at the Southern Paeifle railroad crosalng over tho'kUmath Strait. The toad owned by the drainage district and others la tho Lower Lake marshes Is being drslned by the Installation of these gates, which diverts the water from the Lower Lake on down the Klamath River. Over 10,000 acres are owned by members of the district. It Is estimated that 40,000 acres will bo drained sufficient for pasture leads next fall by this step', which was tak en last fall after many years of lltl satloa. NKWLYWKD8 LKAVK FOR LAKEVTKW Harold Bell arrived In Klamath Falls last night on a seven days' ful lough. Mr. Bell waa married receatly to Mlta Wtlma Leonard of thla city. Mr. and Mra. Bell left thla morning for Lakevlew with Clm Baldwin of that city, aad will return Tuesday. Mr. Bell haa Just been transferred to tho Aviation Corps of tho navy. i PLUM CASK POSTPONED The Circuit Court Jury In the cato of Fred Plum, which was summoned for February 4th haa been dismissed until further notice, st this case has been continued. . The Jury called for February 11th, however, to proceed with the contin ued action against Joss Swlnney, will convene according to schedule. KLAMATH BOY TO SAIL SOON Herbert Barry, who waa for yeara connected with the White Pelican ho. tel In thla city, Is now a member of the tilth Aerial Squadron la New York, aad expects to leave for France la tho near future, according to newa Jutt received by Mrs. B. B. Hall of thla city. Barry enlisted early last fall. LEAVES FOR ROSEBURG Ernest Hamaksr, who haa hoea oaf. ployot at tho Big Lakes Bog company for tho past two months, loft thla merging to Join his family pear Raebrt . e cfcAMvnmiB oABFrr, V ( -iH d'aw4itjer fsrt'atss't of f,1a htgvtoaaoi ttudwd ruga yet iffijay moralar t tao earnot depart moat ot Virgil Sob furalture store. '.. II RUMANIAN mm BREACH BETWEKN BOLSHRVOU AND RUMANIA WIDENED WHEN LATTERf VEHeJELH IN BLACK SEA ARE CONFISCATED LONDON, Fob. 3. Owing to a break between the Mlsbevlkl and Ru mania, the revolutionary committee of the Black Sea 'fleet have resolved to conflscate the means of transport belonging to Roumaala. Forty steamships and several warships have already hoea sewed; la tho Black Sea harbor. . mm 4-r- v ,lWMItw aWl wsdw nOMEN WHO ARK NOT ABLE TO ATTEND RED CROHS WORK ROOMS ARK DOING GREAT 88R. VICE AT HOME In addition to the great amount of worh being iurned out In tho Rod Cross work rooms In this city, a groat deal of knitting aad sewing Is being done by other loynl women who for various reasons Ind It Impossible to attend the work rooms. It Is really astonishing the amouat of thla hind of work that has been done for the soldiers In Klamath Falls, and If the boys In the different branches of the service are not warm ly clad, It will surely not be the fault of Klamath Falls women. One wo man who has not been able to attend the work rooms baa Just finished halt, ting her sixteenth sweater. 8bo has also turned off three ot the long scarfs and nine pair of wristlets, In addition to a substantial amouat of other sewing. PARENTS VISITS HERB Sergeant Don Newberry will ar rive tomorrow night to spend one day here with his mother, Mrs. Wilbur Jones, and his sister, Mrs. L. W. Me baffey. Hla brother, Carl Newberry, left thla morning to meet blm nt Med ford and return with blm tonight. mm lfg1lMllfyf I WlmMI raotfal Knights of Pythias To Become Active The local order ot tho Knights ot Pythias which has hoea somewhat dormant for the past year or two, la to be revived and agala take Its Place among the active fraternal organisa tions of the city. This fact was as determlaod Wlghi Jilrty members gathered' whoa about thirty to- moot Qra.d CbMeeUer t crouch, arsna Keeper r-B.ocoras aaa Seal 'Walter a. QlsaMaiaad DewrtV nMB4"flhsnVMmutf VuM from'.Portlaad,'who(we'ro aoris.ovag; omctal visit, of IbbrjsJbmi. , It;was decided that the MOaVramV-MOtrHu. w,mmf - . ,:,i' mmmmmmawJSyav ..aamaammmmmm. V Mamaammmmmmmttamn .' . ''iaammmmmmmmmmmaVp , , & ammmmmmmmmmmmmmaH' .tammmmmmmmmmmmmt JL-.mmmml OFFICIAL NIWtPAraX, KLAM ATKVALLt price Five LOAN DRIVE HERE SOON CHARLES J. FEROUSON, WHO WILL BK CHAIRMAN OF COM. INO LnUeRTY. LOAN DMVB SAYS KLAMATH .WILL tmaMmnV UNRAVOHY HaawVaaTJOXtOr THK COUNTY bsi;to failuhh.of , oamMgwM cAlsVAMsHaHHimH-v . dM' BY HKAWY S6RV' i e.t,, . . rlv. mNaCAMrANN tot the biggest, tho most won- esaco to deUvorto-tbo alo sf Klamath County. I'i Mi.tia' to set It out of my sratem.. aad acxt week I'm going to tara R ? gW oaa hi tao eoaaur. aii;btw iwew m. ,r.-f ,-. S-j.w. -,- --yj volvod Anyone excepting tho hoys who went to flghMbnt It sure does, aad ecch of you aro going to hnow It. Your Undo Samuel has found It necessary to-ergo alio 'the forooa at home ,o euaiaferithe forego iBv.tbo, leldsad.rou Mdjovery.one.ef yen- . beloag to th.homo 'force.' I'vo hoea honored by'belng gtvoa tho commas! of the homo army Pa .Klamath Coaa- -ty..and I'vo been told to 'get busy, aad I'm going to got busy, nnd so to every one else In tho army. "One thing I didn't like to learn, aad which you won't tike to boar, either. Is that I found, myaeif repre-" STRENUOUS IS COMING 'seating a 'YELLOW' county whoa I .' got to Portalad. I'm telling yoa this straight from t shoulder, so It will slnh In. It's gagtf. Isn't It. to live la , a county which & represented on tho map with' a great. Us yellow streak 1 clear across It. WHYT Because Klamath County didn't make food. She didn't come across, or go ovor the iop In tho former calls of tho govora ment. But I hnow she's going ovor . tho top next' time, and you'll know, why I know It when I deliver my message next week. Jutt aa soon as I can arrange the date I'll make pub. He announcement, aad you come aad listen to what, I've got to say, aad be prepared to step out a'nd take your place In your squad, because you're In the army." larly oa tho first and third Monday ol each month, tho trst meeting beta nextMoaday. " . ' Tha following officers were elected: Chancellor commander, C. D. Chora-. onlng; vice chancellor, R B,.Amtehe; &ml M. 5o-Jr! tor -wrk. -V, D. Oofer; matter at arms, F. L. 'Jkavtfow ,MrH Mf sssi ana autier w . ? .(',.. . DoUp waaMsVot oxjuMk,.aftrM , IbskaYfeisk tMal t-i-ma Tatf-'imd r MT " ' T . U;daW UlaTVoBggggWi V T mMWmwmtr tJp-xrpawt w c. i,-ntn.yr "