aw r . -Jf L& lf i - . V ft 1 if u ' & . F 5i 6fc rt i r & w . rru i'f U I-1 W .'I' Mkjmr BjAiav' reafcitf I'tib '"$ SKA' sshUal r tit.w.t . . . ,2hWi K HUMKii rnmAT, namiAnt i. Ull ,.;'..., -,. -.. Wfct-. .,' MHMBMHMHHBBIHiaH tt BBBI r-T bbUlw -,v; bbbbbI bbbbbbVbbbbbT bbbBW wbWbbT I IsVbvbKbjvJ v amv NAL MENTION MTTLI NDELMMTS ON LOCAL AmNIMtl AMONG IMC PMNtK OP THIS CtXV AND nCIXITT.I OOINOS AND OOMINCW Or LOCAL FOUn. . . B.AaT MBBIAAU amaaH Mramn ar.maw aii'aa BTAii.aM gTi.BgM ira . . i i mm m fci Ljijjfj',MSSBiWe5 . JUg Freak McAllister of Bray Is In thli elty oi baslness. Robert lice of Iran It a business Tkllor'la Klamath Falls. E. E. Magee of the Underwood Pharmacy l on the slck'Hst today. 0. W. pending Falls. Engle of Fort Klamath Is a short time, la Klamath Jamas H. Fercn of Bly Is atendlni to business matters In this cltr. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Crane and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McKeem of Chllo- Jamee If. Honse of Kirk Is a visit er in Klamath Falls. W. E. Stickles of Woodburn Is a newcomer In Klamath Falls. F. L. Barns Is In the city for a short time from Fort Klamath. Das Hiaee and E. B. Hepburn of Ssa Fraaelsco are recent arrirals. S. B. Oreen Is In the city for a few cays from areata Paae, J. C. Dodsoa of Lakevlew Is a easlasss visitor In this city. 1 Ckaa. 0. Tweay, a lumberman from Derrla, la la the-city for a short time. -Wm. Bailey of Aaklaad k la Klam atk Falls, atteadlai to buslnesa mat- Mr. and Mrs. Ckaa. Keeter of Poo Tattey are visiting Mra. Geo. Caae- C. L. Halllday of Laagell Valley U traaeacUai buslaoea la Klamath Falls. S. H. Wilcox la a couaty seat Tlsltor freaAlgome. He to registered at the White Pelican kotel. George Griasle transacted bastaese here yesterday from his ranch la the MtLakt section. Marl B. Brown and Earl Bechdoldt of Boasasa are la Klamath Falls for a few days. Hose Suttoa, made, a fly lag trip to the city yesterday evealag from his raaek near Dairy. 1 Mr. arfMrs. A. L. Marshall of Olemi' wsrs isrKlimath-Fillfyeeter- quln are visiting In Klamath Falls. Ed Sutton was la Ue rtty looking after matters of business yesterday from his ranch on the Klamath Hirer south of town. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. MeLemore are Klamath Falls visitors from Baa Francisco. They are atopplag at the White Pelican hotel. e Enemy Alien on Trial for Murder of Wcrun Montana Pupils Will Aid In Farm Survey BOSEkUN, Mont., Feb. 1. IMs- rlculture. trlct echools of Montana will adjourn Each school la the state will pre fer two day. thto .oath to permit the N '" J J pupils to aaalst la making a survey of . wno w, obu, ,nformatloB . farm labor requirements for the com. girding labor to be required. A sum. tng crop season, aader plaaa annoonc tnary of the needa of the district will ed here by the state college exten- be sent to the county superintendent aloa department, the state depart, of echools, and la turn be forwarded meat of public Instruction and the to the etate collate, where the etate state and federal dspartawnU of ag-1 summary will be prepared. OltMXlBl BQCOCr Costly Railroad Bed In Montana - Mlae Jeeepktae Merrill, who hu rnwa vmKlag her niece, Mrs. 0. A. Kraaee for several weeks, left thto meraiag far her heme la Chicago, tetag fey way of California. LW MRMAKE YOUR NEXT SUIT PERFECT FIT OraAe of Workaaaaehl OVARANTEED Woeleaw o Display. IavKed. Chas. J. Gzek eaLeewe MERCHANT TAILOR SfsjMaiaSt.- Dlmltre Popof, aa eaemy allea. wko while coaaeed la the festoral prison at Atlaau kUled a 4eaaty war- dea, Is oa tfjal for kla Ufa. nrlhtr flail reeae. Tmnks and Rasa. Safaesawt Applet 90c I. $1.65 Bex ftewtti Apples $1.00 1. $1.75 Bai 20c Per Cm KLA V J" 1 ea v Jrb aaflmV am 4B J Stand By the Flag! THE DUTY OP EVERY AMERICAN TODAY IS TO WORK WITH AND FOR THE GOVERN-."- MENT." Each individual by avoiding wits or ex ' travagance; by spending less and savingrnoreTby practicing Thrift. ' r v - On Monday, ihe day following February 3d, fhous- ands will observe National Thrift Day by starting new Thrift habits. .' . v T81 Institution invites you to.Vdo your bit" boptst itiar ar mMlnar tn a Flank Aw"i.4 U.. UTT- : - " vvvu. . - . S f aYBBrnmasflRmmX ?, , eciSavinfaBank mwKmitnBm GREAT FALL!, Moat, Fob. 1. Foar can of ballaet, costlag approx imately ! a toe. or about $1,100 for (he entire lot, an being tried oa a aectlea of the tnaaeoatlaeatal nil road aear BUUaga. Whether It proves fttl or not. It Is aot likely that aay awn will be aaed. The four can,, Iliad with mangan ese on, wen started for the Pacific roaat from a mine at Phtlllpaburg, Moat., and wen mlataken for cinders. The ore le black, aad resembles coat somewhat In appearance, but to ex tremely heavy. 'The eflciala an try ing to leara who eaJBmandeered the! on for track fouaietloa. Unusual Method Of Forming Friendship RED LODGE. Meat, Feb. 1. Cor. Journey to this town, by Loale Felipe reepoadeace that erlgtaated lalltS, Kueda, a wealthy teitlle mill operator whea a raaeker ef thto vklalty at- or bosou. Ueked a asaall kettle eaeloalag hla Rued wroU t0 thejoeal man, and name aad aMnsa'to Ue aeck of JTMHJ!' . . i.! v. 1 . - aBd Weadahlpa developed which the hawk, which later was riot aear Bo- gouUl Aaee, U aow.ea.nute hen iota, Colombia, to reeaoaalble for a to further la pemoa. I Local Red Cross . ... l . v . ' WMIawfM la m. Hmt at WaAmamAmm'm Werken la the wort foome la the Or-'!. ppU- hemekeUdlagr k in. leaaer. ewlagTvoav-Mn. Nate Ottsrbeln, Mra. Mary B. Anderson, Mn. Minnie Sargent. Mra. Vlaa Coaad, Mra. Bert Wltkrow, Mrs. L D. Wkltmore, Mra. Carrie D. AIetaader,,Mra. R. A. Em mltt, Mra. W. F. Jekaaoa. Mra. A. Walker. Workers la aurgtoal drteslngt de partment: BTCTy CLUE MEETS The atudy departaentof the Wo man's Library Club will hold Its reg ular monthly meetlagJaturday after noon la the club rooms. The topic for the afternoon win he "The Rue- Mrs, R. R. Wilson to 0Ww0i0im0wm Moving Pictures I Mrs. W. H. RoherteOB, Mtoe.Maud Baldwla, Mra. George Watt, Mrs, Will 9aldwla, Mra: Uaderwoed, Mra. Ida 8. Stoae, Mrs. . C Kimball. ' m ' w Wool ll-tf t Baseball faaa will have a chance to see their' favorite la action, when ( u tns cowud Bve-reei Teaiuro, "one Touch of Natura," to be shown of vreelat K.K.K. STORE. BtrvIiffJl; liiiiita tar ' 'w'w 8rv m wTL'.vfa mmmrr'" Wi't ,vYa ,-iirr (W n f . m& MOVE FOR mm SERVICE m MnSMmKnMnMnMnMnMm 8 CRTLOQirnf ItaWDENTB WOULD at the Temple tonight. Part of the DsSOOMTTNTB . STAGE - LINE TO picture ahowa McOnw'a Olaate oa the field, aad baseball la one Important theme of. the story. In his latest Artcraft picture, "The Man From Painted Feet," now at the Star theater, Douglaa Falrbaaka dis closes many naw cowboy trlcka leara- AGENOT FOR) DAILY TRAIN SERVICE TO KLAMATH FALLS Wltk Ue Mm of bettering their mall-service, the resident of Chllo aula have started a move to secure ,tvi Jt.i i . 3m.:- v ?? z . ffsSt-Kl- '" champion, of a rssmtt Bodei --.. ,,.... .... .,.,,., .meet, wno appear with him In tba I.. : " Zi "" iPnsee. us aerviee. It to alao reported tbat the request for a towasite for the tows of Chllo- tula has feeea. Superintend est J. M. Jeknaos of the Klamath In- a reserrauen.,, s . j OUHMM MM VI WAHm , ,. 'r-ri TT WASNIKOTON.'D. C. Feb. l - ' '-'-' iT' .. ' --. rjeaere-Pekta-bee resorted. that Dance at Shipplngtoa every Friday night. i.u TOO LATE TO CLAiSlFY TO EXCHANGE Good Improved ranch uader Irrigation-, or subject to irrigation. Aodrcee T-ll. Herald. Mt Khratsa Oeorto W. Mssalag ef MciWAKTEDCkiekeal; pay aasb. Ue Mee, havedtodefpaeiimeato,, - ' Mt Pictorial I'attPrwe for Spring MOE'S THE LADIES' DRY GOODS STORE New Spring Htylee hi all Deaattmimts ' t A Rare Blouse Opportunity The final allotment for the Season of Beautiful Georgette snd Crepe de Chine Blouses bought on contract at economy effecting prices. PROVIDE FOR YOUR BLOUSE REQUIREMENTS NOW FOR MANY MONTHS TO COME. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS UNUSUAL OFFERINO. SHARE IN THE LIBERAL SAVING THAT OUR FOREHANDED BUYING HAS MADE POSSIBLE That silks arc high is common knowledge that they're going higher is also known . So that tilts is a most opportune sale for every woman who has any desire to exercise economy at the present prices of materials they're remarkable values at the prices that will prevail later the values arc really incomparable. ALL NEW ALL SPLENDIDLY MADE ALL PERFECT FITTING Regular $5.00, Styles 3041-3042,3043,3044, at. special $.'.lKi Regular $6.50, Styles 4245-424fi-4247.4248 at, special $.f.7.i All Wirthmorc Waists. $1.00. Wchvorth Waists, $2.00. Women's Coats, Suits and Dresses All good Fall and Winter Models, every one worth double and more than this price, but reduced for quick disposal, because lots and lines are so badly broken. $16.50 Street Dresses, $12.25 Novelty high waist line styles, with sash belt and fancy collar, serge and fancy mixtures, trimmed with silks and satins. Don't fail to get one in this final grand clean-up, at low price of . .$12.25 Evening Dresses, $25.00 Charming dresses for party and even ing wear. Fancy waist with ruff back or draped skirt. Made up in combination of silver cloth, net silk, chiffon and laces. Many new shades at the very low price $23.00 New Ribbons, 25c yd. Excellent quality of plain Taffeta rib bons, light and dark shades, width 5 inches. Exceptional good value, per yard 25c Hair Bows, 25c School Girls' ready-made hair bows, all colors, each only 25c RtMuti at QesaVmf Prices Consisting of silks, dress goods, ging hams, calico, white goods, silkaliue, skirt ings, and in fact, every line carried in large stock is represented at way below today's cost. v New Ginghams, 25c Complete line of patterns for spring now on display. De sure and make your selections early, as we will not be able to get more fancy ginghams for long time. Underpriced Offerings in Domestic Goods TOWELS AT 29c EACH Fine quality white bath towels, with hemmed ends. They come in good weight and 20x40 inches. TOWELS EACH, 59c Fancy colored bath towels, shown in neat and desirable colors. Exfra good weight. Special, only , , .5fJc Renfrew Table Linen Special at 75c Colors are washable, and will not run. Exceptional cloth to wear. TOWELING AT ISc A heavy, durable, all linen crash towel ing, considerably under value at the above price. Sheet at 98c Ready-to-use sheets of finq round tnreaa .cotton. linen finish. Size 72x90. I'.ull size for double beds. 1M-A GL..i! 4 t w a- UMCClinyi, KJC Extra quality bleached round thread cotton, washes easy, and guaranteed to wear. This price is way below today's market. . t ! i The Best Values for the Price in Klamath eimamamamammasaamaaaammmmmssssssssssssss -. - saaaaBmrneBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmW i RAXKR MAN PROVES reiiaurani watch ha na.i..j ... MIM8KLF PATRIOT quented only h. A.T.T.' ,rT. Ms Pessimist lwa concerning the outcome of the war, often became en saied in altereatloas, and aeveral times bad personal eaeouaters. Wbea bis story became known it .. .I.. , V b'4 lvea w iMludlas 160 pair. 0( aboes, to the r cross" snd himself enlisted to again do bla . uovia mm. His record v. BAKER, Ore., Feb. 1. Charged by some wltb being a German aympa tblssr and enemy to the United States government, Louis Reens, whose rec ord was revealed when be enlisted at the local recruiting office, proved to be a patriot. Born In Holland, be came to Amer-t lea when young, and served as a vol- ' y Corporal Ojtley. la chare. unteer la the Spanish-American war. " local racrultlaa oav. ,n Utei he volunteered for urvir. in I . the Philippine Insurrection, and now.i at tin ami pMe, be bs atala offered ms ura to ue country of bis adoption. Reeai waa a Jaw peddler, and In a 't WWT MX APRAJO e'membera'oV'Klapata l4M No. 137, i. o. o. r., bare not present at lodge aeatlaga for time, and It la hinted tbat thsy afraid to coma out because tbsr if rusty In the work, fever mlod, f Noble Orsnd will delegate a cos' tse of one tobrlabtea you up If m the case, aad you caa eome oat1 algbt, and start a new system !, lertainmeat for eaeb Friday nlltH the vu, j- -... a- ..4tf i i.mL'.rr" "" w ""n uolcw'lt', M'aI ' a-aal Twa'sSsiaf ! vSaleJaaaaa . At SSSSSSSSV S. . ' ' ' & W; ammmi' fW an; , sT.jr.ft wa4x, 'V v ;f LmnnnnnnnnnnnnHmnmWb -