3V mmim Bmdd OFFICIAL NEWIPAMt OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NlWtPAFVI OF KLAMATH FALLf .1 1 1 Twelfth Yfer--No. M KLAMATH FALLS, OMCOIL FKIOAV, FESUARY 1, 11 PVto Ifoe Oanas . . I UNS ORDER TORTURE FOR AMERICANS ,'.. .... ",.." S. ... .., UMJJ-.njTJ-JVLtl I ANQ TfJUNIORe WHO IU pgfflvnriMn; UllUlA) ULIIlUh EEP MEN TAPING N CAGES IWM'IJ) KEEP AMERICAN PRIM. OXKRH STANDING WITHOUT FOOD FOR FOUR DAYS, AMI ONLY KM AM. AMOUNT OP FOOD THEREAFTER Iflwmmo.vfi Air quiet along AMERICAN HEOTOR, FOLLOW. IXO BATTLE -- HEAIT POO ORGANZED PUPILS IN CITY AND COUNTY NCHOOlit WILL DR PORMEDJN. TO EFFICIENT MOBY FOR 1UC UKPOPWARaUPPKRKM .SOW OVERHANGS TOW DISTRICT ' i THE RN The latest patriotic activity to b launched In Klamath County la the Junior Had Croat, which ilvaa proi Ise of being promlnant factor la the Important war work" now being car rled on. .At a recent general aeetlag of that faculties of the grade and high aehopl hero, a committee consisting of C. R, llownun chairman, Edna Walla see ratarjr. Geo. Haydoa traasarar, Mrs. II. J. Lincoln and Mlaa Meara war appolated to haad thla aovsaent, which la already doing iaaartaat work aw the eoaaty. Aasstiagot Uila committee la balng kM this af. teraaea at the ofjao'etHltf eeaaty school ssatu-lajaaatal. Aaaag lawweUraaXMMMCawck V - ,."." . . w.i ataaaea for tha asw; sod writ--ha maning or eomrort pillows tar us aoi. dlors, gathering remnants tad auk lag clotbaa for Belgian refagsas and tha ralalag of fundi for ear legltl mate plan for tha relief of the war sufferers. All funda collected will be kept at homo aa far aa poaalble, aad uaed for materlala. Later on It la planned that tha simpler hoapltal FEDFRATEO r : GATHERING SUCCESSFUL ASSEMBLAGE OP MI8IONARY HO- CtTIRM OP CITY YESTERDAY AT METHODIST CHURCII PROVED HIGHLY ENTERTAINING EVENT --- '" "" -" ' t "-"""--''---i-nynyiVivrrinvnvirpf BoartJ Created to Control Shipping j 't 3 MMIHNMM Auailed By President a, p. i wrri. the American army in FRANCE. Feb. I. Coidltloaa Bra aw quiet la the American aectoa, following tha battle wltk Ua Mar. in., due largely to a heavy fog. ' The American offleera now have IMMMlon or documents taken from Ctraant in the opposite treacbea on string that all prleonera Uken ahall at kept lUodlng In cacss for a nsrlod drawing may be aupplled to eome 1 four dsys without food, aad than tcot bjr thU orgtnltatlon, which la en. ln a small quantity of food. I Aon" b I'reeldent Wlleon. and given Tkle itcp belhiTed to have been " rouagroma a ensace to do Dona testa baeauM tha flnt Americana oe aid to th nation. tsttsred rafuied to alve military la. I Th bo' " tralalng IbKMUen. COOKED POOD MU Meabera of the CbrUtlaa Eadsav lotlely of tha Chrlatlan church 111 held a cooked food aala tomorrow ahould I the Klamath Fills Mualc llouao on turn etreet, near Eighth. Tha pro. - of thla aale are to be uaed for "Itgatea' expenses at the Chrlatlan Kndttvor convention at tunu e AIR RAID OVKR PARIS PAIII8. reb. 1. Twenty killed and. fifty Injured In lr raid on Wodneiday '!. the tint In over all li mcnlhe. One aerman ma rtlae brought down during T " "W and IU occupanta made Prlaonen a) department are now at work number of placet which will bo die poeed of later aad tha amoaat aaeur ed, mlnua tha roat of tha wood, giva to the Junior Rod Cram Any achool In the county wishing to be Identified with tha naw body notify Principal C. R. Row man of the high achool Immediately. SUIT HROl'OHT AGAINST COUNTY Alleging that he worked 17 daya guarding the I. W, W. prisoner at the city Jail laat summer at tha solid tatlon of county officiate, for a stlpu lated sum of f I per day, and thnt no part of tha 'payment haa been made, Harry Bernard haa brought" ault against Klnmnth county thru hla at Forneys, Renner A Kent, mentioning the County Court nnd the officera of the shorlff'a office among the defend. ants. Tha complaint allegea that tha plaintiff started hla dutleaaa Jail guard on July 18th. The'aum of lt3.R0 la asked In tha complaint. High School Seniors Plan to Give ray "A Scran nf . i. -- n., PUy which tha aealor class af tha til iZ. . . ' "M "cl Prasent to P local mi hll .k... ... ... Z J l.rk f.or tbM wrttopgUM is to wTT' ,motiy. iu.il ." th' B,w Bl '""'l ttl;1 "p(Jr4 Prog raulag nicely uSrttiT"" "MMwmw tiara Wyi'wwr baan added to tha aanrtea lag, bring. Ing tha total up to forty. Tka aw aura are for th alumni ttudentt. Thla fag la believed to be tha largaatL now In tha county. Members of tha faculty feat greatly aacauragad with iha raaulU af tha tacoad term of tha tight aokaal m ikf ttaaduca kta atandad all pftvtaat reeorda, with m txm af faaV a4h night. Tkara ara four waaka rat ra tflnlagtnth'aiorm.' A very large number were In at tendance yesterday nt the big general meeting of the Federation of Mission' ary flocletleo at the Methodist church This was the first general gather lag elnca the federation had been formed, and It rousing success waa Indicative of tb future of lho organ laatlon. It consisted of an all day ses sion, with n lunch at the noon hour, at which the husband of the mem bera took a decidedly prominent part. Tha work la tha morning was partleL paled In by member of the socletlaa exclusively, but the afternoon enter tatameat waa open to the general public. The Aidreaaaa. toasts and maetaal numbers were of an" 'unusual ly high character, and were greatly appreciated by thasa who attended.. The following program waaglvaj Dovettaadt awertWeaaf r: W. HfCo r" Meader Ruaineae session Round table Mrs. K. p. Lawrence leader Holo 'Temple Bells," Mre. Bert C. Thoma Piano solo Mrs.' Fred Cofer Dinner Toastmaster Rev. O. O. Oliver Toaste-rMlse Missionary, Mlta Ida D. Momyer; Mr. Missionary, Mr. Pred Fleet; Mr. Mfetlonary, Rev. W. H. Coi. Afternoon. Piano nolo Mlaa Clara Calkins Devotional exercise Rav. E. P. Law. rence, leader Roll call by aecretary of each aoclety Bolo Mr. Dert C. Tbomaa . Addraea "Sunday la India" Mr. W. E. Rambo Dual Meadameaatt Smith and C. R. uowman Reading Original poem,."Out of the Dark" Mr. Pannlo Beckley Piano nolo Mr. Chaa. W. Eberleln Addreta Mlttlopary work and dls play of curios T. O, Hague Addreaa Adoption of Fatherless French Children Mr. Cha. W. Eborlala. Hindu aoag Rev. W. B. Rambo Pagaant The Saving Cross Resolution wore adopted on the paailrg of Mr. J. B. Mason, holovud member of the federated aoclety. Closing prayer Mra.Phoabo Hammar WAJHINaTON. Centrallted control) of traaAtlaatle hipping h baawl atUbllehed wltk the creation of s aajw control commit taa to have euaraata aharta of the on. aratlon of all ahliaAaariaM, alllad and nautralateMg aad leaving American ports, 'w The committee wjat named by rep reteatstlve of tka ahJpplag board, the war aid attY'anartaiaaU. tha of tha Clyde aad Mallory lines aad re cently made ahl controller at Naw York, and Sir Cuneop Guthrie, direct or af Britleh shipping In thla country. . Tka arrangement, aa explained by hipping board official, la effect ere atea a pool of ahipa aovlag supplies to Europe. Good deetlaed for over. aeaa will bo loadad la available ship whether operated by the United fltaa ih. alllaa U'llk h. IA .1 W lT w 1 w-ww, www h.h . Ww wwwW w)..w. w,SvV, wW 1B Ww rood and fuel.aABkttetraUon, the dl. I the railroad administration the com rector general of, ealtroeds, tha Brlt-jmUteo will divert to aouthern porU Uh, government turn shipowner, who met to devlee 'aome'pten for apaadlng up the movement af auppllea to En rol, it comprwai. P. A. 8. Praaklln of the, InternatloMl Mercantile Ma rlne, chalrmai: If, R. Raymond, haad .. y X. muck of the auppllea that heretofore have clogged the port of New York, aad Incoming veeaela will be directed by wlrelesa to proceed to the porta la which malarial of tha most Import ance await shipment. ,. m .id-l!l A A aa mm benmg Worse rfoCJKHOrLir) Fabv.Tkir'Stod-jW atlatWoif 9j& situation In Sweden I rapidly grow Ing worse. Pork carde will be Intro duced and the eitra bread card, which formerly were provided for for elgn diplomat, have beaa withdrawn, except one for each hetd of a ml slon. Th export of foodstuffs baa almost entirely topied, with tha exeepUoa of meat, owing to the necessity of slaughtering stock because of tha lack ot fodder. Kven meats show a largo decrease. In November laat tl.S ton of pork were exported, against 1,517 ton In November ,191., and 1SI ton Tha ataUatiea of iftredkk' Imports for tha tret elevea aoatka of tka past yaar, which ara now available. dm onatrsU apoa what akort ratloa the kingdom kaa beea pnt. Tka total Im. porta of all cereals and Soar were U M10 torn, agalnat 311,117 for the flrat eleven months of 11. Coffee Imports were 1,114 tons, agalnat 37 413; tea, 3 tone, ngalast 410; nil Made of animal fodder, chief y oil cake, 33,401 tona. against 77.171. and bard coal, 11,300,000 ton. agalnat 34,600,000 tona In the Jrst eleven month of 1314. saaW7'V' 4!a aammw!'S! aas'F' 'V fSaap? mv.ss?JjtiX4iZ--ri -AasasaaW m-y'igif?r-asaasasT7. aam P. "' laaBVr aaasasWlaVasB. S5aBWw&'aaaasasLl rafaaasTSr-, V'flasasaal loYTJaaaf iXtfr9-w-aaaBaaaaa aw?!3SBsasasi r v'Tasaa t eawasaaal .J-sbsbsbsbbsW KnUMMMMMWnUMMMMMMMMM BaaaaaaaaaaiaBaaaaa CONDITION. B-naBBBHBSSlWSHHaaBlrS rbn. WkU.t..HAne-JUAIS GERMANY CONTINUE UNSETTLED S01ffi.BTIUKER8 ULXJCD AND IN JURED IN CtAaaaaW WlTfl fO LICS ON STREETS OT BSltUN. SOME RESUME WORK TWO DAY DEMONSTtUTiOE ' -. 8enator George E. Chamberlain of Oregon, long considered one of the strong and conservative men la the upper houaa of congress, was tha sub ' POLICE HAVE SEISED Jact of attack by President Wilson for UNION aMttLBtNO IE a speecn in wnicn he aid there bad1 beea Inefficiency In the management I of tha war. Tha president said his charge waa "a astonishing aad ab RaifVstTS oiuMij usjuBiisBDie ai-iorxion oi inei truth." AND ACOSffiMlfO IE or TO AWCassmJassaVasaV sooomnos DRAFT EXAMS IDE WITH SPAINNOW RESTRICTED PERSHING HAS REEN UNABLE TO PURCHASE SUPPLIES FROM SPANISH SOURCES --GERMAN INFLUENCE SUSPECTED WASHINGTON, D. 0., Psb. 1. Tha war trads board haa ceased to Is- tue Ilotata for tha sxport of aarohaa. dlsa to SpaJa. aid has held Ive ahlpa about to tall. . , ' , -Sams lilfuassa,! suspected af aalag cWaua. .UUrvaaal , vwhaa ( Oaasral Pafaklag attaaatad ta-huy aaraaaa ataa taare. - NOWINRILL SmHERE Edward Johatoa, Modoc Point. Ray Cyr. Kirk. Friend Everett Maaa, Stiver Uka. Robert Walter Eamaa. Merrill. Joslah Caatlus aibeon, Bly. Rei A. La Prarle, KUaath Falls. Dick Loualgaoat, Ruck. Henry A. Kettdever, Klaaath Pillc , Arthur Staarn Querntoey, Chllo.uln, usBie. i.etsey nuiana, uoreiia. KIOHTKRN MUX OUT OF TWENTY EXAMINED THB MORNING AT CITY HALL PASS THE TESTS. LIST FOR PKBRUAHY The examinations of the men In Clasa One of the selective, draft are uow In full awing at tha city hall. Fourteen man were examined yester. day by Dr. E. D. Johnson of the local exemption bosrd. out of which -tight war, lacludlag augar utsd In HOOVER SUGOHSTS "HONOR RATIONS" SAN PRANCI8C, Fab. 1. A. vol untary "honor" ration for patriotic persona Is prescribed by Herbert C. Hoover In a telegram to the state food aaainiatrauoa, following numeroua request from various woman's clubs: Tha following aau Is suggaated to supply one person for a week: Two pounds of aaat or matt pro duets; seven ounce ot butter f-.r ta ble use; seven ounces of cooking fata; three aad a half pounds of bread, made of mixed cereals; twelve ounces were ratted. A much better percent age was obtained thla morning, when twenty were examined and elghtoan passed. The following list has baan turn monad to appear for axaalnatloa oa February Ith: Oscar Bert Cornish, Klaaath Falls. Emit Johnson, Klsmatk Fall. Wm. Orohnke. Weed, Calif. Glaudlo Patero, Cblloe.ula. Jcua Nlklaaton, Redding. Calif. Percy W. Slack, Anderson, Calif. Jesse Atvln Perry, Msrrlll. Agoatlno Boss, Saa Francises, Calif. Antonio Dal Brol, Klaaath Falls. Mit.lalo vial, Algoaa. Alvln Lawreaca Back, Stsraasata. Calif. Jasatk RahusUUI. WaaaU rails, Carl Splyastsr Orchtrd, MarriU. Perry Irak Nell, Los Angeles, Calif. Antonio Pretarl, Pellcaa Bay preserving; ssvsa ounces of flour for coohlng; all potatoes, vegetables, fish and otbsr ssa foodt, poultry, game, vegetable oils, non-wheat cereals and milk you Want. BAKERS MUST RE LICENSED f-e-BB-anM- WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 1. Tha president has offsrsd all parsons or. flrmt ataklag any fora of broad or pastry to be licensed by February 4th, If using ovsr thraa barrels of four or aaal aontbly. n DRAFT REGULATIONS CHANGED WASHINGTON. S. C, Feb. 1 Provost Marahtl Crowdsr kaa an- aauaosd obsages it tka physical ax aaiaatloas al 4i teciatraats. ' Ua. aariaa aaw rasUattaaaiMa wltk raw aaflaala JaHM4 dlatUaa wtU' aet be 're- NOWBADLr i urrnrni niLULU LOCAL MERCHANT SEES WON DEKFVL RESULTS OF PAVED IN OTHER SEC- POLICY GOOD HIGHWAYS TIONB THINKS Good roads are the one Improve. ment most needed In Klamath Coun ty. In the opinion of A. C. Gelnger of the Klamath Department store, after a month'a trip thru California and Oregon. The flrst cost of construction would be qulchly forgotten In the beneficial result, were the principal highway of the county put into abape for com. fortable year-round travel. In many sections of the coast country, where this theory hss been tried out, Its benefits hsve been conclusively dem onstrated, according to Mr. Gelnger. It la also believed that with a psv Ing plant owned by the county and the employment of the local Jail pris oners on the roads, the prices now ob taining for permanent road construe tlon would be materially reduced. LONDON, Fab. 1. Tka labor trou Mas la Garaaay still caatataa. Mar. .fsClaar has 'aaV'bssaraaXsMM'-t'' Bremen" and Hsmoltngca, aeecwtiag to reliable reports. Strikes kava bow brokea out la two more Dorumaad mines. It Is re ported that th strikers at Nurea huet, Bavaria, have resumed work af. ter two daya' demonstration. The latest telegraph reports from Berlin Indicate that the aUaatlea Is lUnchsngod. and tha strike kas aet beea sxtsaded. The Bsrlla Tagablatt saya that tka police kava seised tka trad sales. ImlldlBg'la Bsrlla, sad. arrested tka. strike leaders. -------- . AMSTERDAM. Fab. 1 There waa a 'clash between the strlksra aad tka police In the northwestern part af Berlin Thursday. Ons of tha police wa killed aad a doten of the strlksra Injured. Minor disturbances ara re ported from other parts of tha city. The German prses generally agrees thnt the outbreak hss reached a dl max, and i newrecedlng. The demonstrations ars said to lack centralised control. Reports from t.ie Industrlsl centers Indicate 'that the movement I not finding sufficient support to carry It along. PREACHING AT PINE GROVE Rev. E. P. Lawrence of the First Presbyterian church will preach at the Pine OroVe school bouse on Sun day afternoon at 3 o'clock, providing the weather conditions psralt. VI LA HEADS TRAIN IIANDITS JAUREZ, Fsb. 1. Francisco Villa Is declared hare to have led the si tack on a work train twenty-Sve mile south of Bsnts Rosalia last Saturday, In which mors than 110 soldtsrs and passengers were killed. Attar kill Ing the workmen and federal guards aboard th trata, It la reported, tha Villa forces proceeded to Santa Rosa lla, whero they attacked the sautll federal garrison, killed aaay, and looted the town. Troops were sent In pursuit, but the Vlllstas fled Into the mountains. Because ot the activ ities ot the bandits, all train service between Chihuahua City aad Torreon has suspaadad. Success Still Remains With Italian Forces ROME. Fab. 1Ths Austrian! yas. tstisy aad a vicious attack oa tka Atlas platsau, attempting to drive ths'Itallaas froa their aowly was j sttloaa oa Moats del Sells, but the sa- amy waa unable to reach tka Italia Ha.. Vaj-a-tsV -aWasllW; P,1-IIl, B SQtir$ m wjmtmmm. .A j W&tt15$ N I &.