OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY Twelfth Vr-X. tW KAISER NOW HAS TROUBLES AT HOME INTERNA PHFAVA Ul n l lll(i SlltlKi:H OX IX III1XH MfXI. TIOX WOIIKH XIXKTV THOU- NAM) PAIL TO REPORT I'Olt1 I IM TV IX HHOPH LAHT MONDAY Mdll.MNO i earer auk aiiiiknted, home foried into tiik army kiu 4 ITllltS TAKEN INTO 4.THTODY RKVOI.l'TIOXIMTH 8KT VI OV- i:u.Mi:T ix fixlaxd 1 lljr Associate! P DAI KLKS8 Dissatisfied with tlio iroitrci o( the raco negotiations ntiJ the Prussian utcrtorul roforin, the Orrmnn workmen have brought about wIoiik Mrikcs In Berlin and otliar pari of tlio empire, Tho government Iiiih onloreil lliu nrreit of six leaders of tlio Irnlcpond- cnt unrlnlUt party, whllo at Kiel, tho traders nf the obdurnta workmen hsvn bean forced Into tbo army. In and around Berlin 00,000 work men failed to report nt their posts )inlerdii) inornlnK. seriously ham irrlnK tlin electrical work mid tho lrilnm fai lories. HIk itrlke urn also reported at Westphalia mid iiIoiir thn Illilne. Ka ren and Kiel munufurtorlo and dock i"riln urn nlno affected. Adolph lloffninn, editor ol the Vor waertH, Ix mild to bo imprisoned. In Finland thn rovolullon.lsta hn ft up n government. Tho revolution 1Mb nre now In control In tlio anuth and tho government forces In tho north, according to tho latent romirta. It U mild tho Sweillali aubjecta of Flu laud arn endangered by thn revvolt. Swedish troopa nro reported to huv entered Finland to uld the gov ernment nml the aenato. LONDON'; Inn. 30. Nearly half n million pontons, nre now striking In Berlin, and tho number la being added to hourly, A CopcuhnKOQ dispatch aaya that me movement la extending to the pro. vlnrlul towna. Tho town Hlrlkera have formed n nrkimm'n council of BOO, with "ac tion rommlailon" of ten. Including noted lender. All workmen In tho Kiel ahlpynrdH ml Vulcan worka a,t Hamburg, and IhouanndH of mlnera In the Westpha Han districts atruck on Monday. NOW RAGES IN GERMANY Enormous Fires Burning In Vienna LONDON', Jan. 80, Large wara-lfog done, according to the Vleww hu in the city of Vienna are now Revolutionise are auapaeted of (uiuae, und oiiormoua damage la be- BERLIN nm urrniin E RECENTLY ORGANIZED FKDKHA. TIOX MIMHIOXAHY HOCIKTIKH IIOI.I) FIIWT UHAXD ALL DAY NKKHIOX AT M. K. CHVItrtl A largo gathering la expected here tomorrow when the Federation of Missionary societies of Klamath Fall will hold an all day session at tho Methodist church. A lunch la to he Riven at noon, at which husbands of members are all Invited to be present! 'A lot program conalatlng of addressee, toasts and; mualral numbera, baa been arranged. All uii'inliera of thn Missionary Bocl ety are urged to be preeenl'for the morning session and for lunch. The Ronernl public la Invited to attend tho afternoon seaslon. T The following program la an an eounced: liiivnilnnnl Mra. W. II, Cox Itoll Call by Becretarlea of Different Societies lliiNlneaa Session Itouud Table. Conducted by Mia. K. I1. Lawrence- Kulu Mra. Hert Thnniaa 13 o'clock hunch I:. 10 Devotional Exercises Hev. K. P. l-uwrenrc, Address India Mra. W. K. Rnmbo Hindu Kong W. K. Itnmlm I'lnno Solo Mm, C. W. Kberlnln Ito.idliw OrlKlml Poem Mrs.lleckloy Solo Mra. Smith Addrcsa Mra. Eberleln AT E HAxn hi.iph while woRKixa ox JOIXKII AXI IH CAUGHT IX MA CHINE TWO FINGERH l-OHT AT KXTCKLE JOIXT To loae two flugeri, the third and fourth on the left hand, waa the mis- I fortune which yeaterday overtook A. F. Stankey of thla city, wnue at wora In tho (looller planing Bill. Btankey .... wnrvim on thn iolner when hla ,hnnd Id boW way illpped and waa rmiRht In tho machine. Tne nngera were taken off at the knucklo joint. Tho Injured man waa attendod by Dr. Warren Hunt. having atarteu me urea. num tinu ARRANGED FOR TOMMW MAN NURED H II HR l?g ituntmn Herald KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1918 NOW DRAFTTESTS nnirTTrnrn 1 MF.X LISTED UXDKH "LAHM O.NK tMIX III-: GIVEN' PHYSICAL E.. AMIXATIOXH AT KI.KH TEMPLE IIV LOCAL IIUAIID Tho regular examinations for tho men of Cla One of the nelcrtlvo draft will commence tomorrow morn ing at the Klki Temple, by thn local exemption board. l)r K. I). Johnion, cxamlnlnK phy alclnn of the local board wlil conduct the teste of the 3!0 men which are to be put thru at the rate of twenty-tlvu per day. The following men have been noti fied to appear for their touts on Feb ruary 4th: Percy Walton, MouUkuo, Calif. Jay Walter Ward, Chlloquln. Howard Kaufman, My. Ilrure M. Rambo, Plush. Fred Herman Jackson, Dalry Vlncent Jelenek, Mulln. Charles Kdgar Potter, Merrill. Nouh Kdward Nyhart, Klumath Falls. James Krnest Nail, Klamath Falls. Clyde Morris Short. Ilond. Chns. Khanahan, Chlloquln. (luy Norman 8atterloo, Klamnth Falls Carlos Mobrlglla, nray, Calif. Dennis Kolly McDonutd, Klnmatli Falls. Harry Calvin Measner, Algomn. Thomas John Martin, Tuolomo, Calif. Harvey Wesley MaeKemle, llend. Charles Kdward Jackson, Klamath Falls. Claudo D. Ilechdoldt, Honanaa. Otto Young, Chlloquln. Antonio Tnffoletto, Bacramento, Calif. Jamea Wlllard Thrasher. Klamath Falls. George Wynant Jijckson, llnrrysvllle. Ark. Mnrlon II. Cannnn, Seattle, Wash. Silas I., Clark. Klamath Falls. ji PKCULIAK CIHCUMHTANCK OF T0 XKIUHIIOKH IX MILLH AD D1TION WHO HVFFKIt PAIXFCL IXJUIIIKM F1IOM HAMK CAUSE Two horses falling on two Mills Addition boya Monday afternoon broke a leg on each boy. according to Dr. Warren Hunt, who attended both case. Another peculiar feature of the natter waa that the young men lived within a block of one another. Mr. Btaub. one of the men, Buffered hla mishap In the eountry, near the city, and waa brought borne. Hla left leg waa fractured. It la reported that the other man, Mr.' Moot, who had hla right leg broken, waa hurt near hla home. TOCOMMENC m m mwm HERE MONDAY ADMITS ITALIAN DEFEAT rt w Gemian Press Is Calling For Revolt LONDON, Jnn. 30. A dispatch to the Kxchnnge TclcKruph from Amster dam says tho IK-utsch Tages Zeltung openly culls upon tho German people to revolt ngolnst the present regime. "We, ton," says this' pan-German orgun, "have a Judas among us today. Ho appcurs In tho red coat and man tle of Germany's hangman. Who will save Germany from theso traitors but tho German people. It Is now 'Ger mans, help yourself and God will help ou." Altho Kmicror William Is not named In tho nrllclo, the expression, "Germany's hangman" la meant for the kaiser, ans the correspondent. WASHINGTON, I). C, Jan. 30. Surprliio waa expressed ut tho atato department at uowa dispatches saying State Liberty Loan Campaign Definite pinna for tho third Liberty I Loan campaign aro being arranged at n meeting of tho Oregon State Central Liberty Loan cemmittee at the Mult nomah hotel, commencing yesterday. Membera of the commltteo represent ing every county In the state are pres ent, and the organltatlon of the atate will, be completed and every prepara tion mado to carry on the work of the next loan to a succcasful conclu sion. The first session of tho committee was hold nt luncheon in the dining room of tho Multnomah at 12:30. Kd ward Cooklngham, chairman of the executive committee for the Liberty Loan, presided, and Introduced A. L. Mills, chairman of the committee on organisation, who explained tho plan ' campnlRn outlined for tho third Liberty Limn. PROTECTED In ordor to protect the fishing In loitiu of Klamath County, the Flrh Game Comtiurstoit of OroMPn have decided to t'use for the present certain poInU in the county that hnvo hitherto been speu tc anglera. Tho new crder becomea offncilvo February 15th, it.d Includea the fol lowing Four Mile Lake and' Vila ij'rok to a p'i'nt one half mile btlow Ita outlet; Klamath River (row a pulm R00 feet tdow Ita confluent' with frpenctr Cieek to a, point 200 feet above ttild tontuence sjj mi Spencer Creek from Ita confluence with Kiniuuth River to a point where KLAMATH WM that Count dentin bad forwarded to I President Wilson a copy of his speech before It aJ delivered In Austria. I Secretary Lansing declared no copy I had beeu received In advance of pub lication, or since, Lansing returned to bis office )esterday after an ab sence of more than a week from Ill ness. , It was officially stated that Presi dent Wilson haa not received a copy of Count Csernln's speech on Austro- Hungary peace terms, In advance or otherwise, and so far had acen only abstracts from the addreea. Count Csernln's speech on Austrian war alma and the statement that it was sent In advance to President Wil son baa aroused the nan-Germans, and their newspapers are bitter In denun ciation of the Austro-Hungarlau min ister. Is Arranged "It Is the purpose of the state cen tral committee that every man and woman In the atate be asked to sub scribe to the next Liberty Ioan. The organlxation of the atate, county and city campaign committees will bo completed, and every wheel In the machine greased and ready to atart when the button is pressed In .Wash- Ington, starting the campaign,1 .. said Mr. Mills. Robert E. 8ralth Is state campaign manager, and the membera of the ex ecutive committee are Kdward Cook lugbam chairman, J. C. Alnsworth, Geo. L. Baker, Franklin T. Griffith, Wm. A. McRae, A. L. Mills. Emery Olmstead, Kdgar B. Piper and Nathan Strauss. , Charles J. Ferguson, representing Klamath County, Is at this gather lug. a pipe line diverts the water to the Spencer Creek hatchery; Seven Mile f Creek in the Wood River Valley from Ita confluence with the Weed canal to a point where Short Creek flows into It. A notice Just received from the FUh and Oame Commission indicates that tboso violating the new restric tion will be subjected to the penalties of tho law. This new order, which la taken to protoct the Bin at spawning time, la imade this year much earlier than usual, owing to the warm winter sea son, according to Charlee F. Stone, Fish aud Game Commlstoner, who has just returned from a meeting with the board. The warm weather baa caused the Bah to go up the streams much earlier than usual. Mr. Stone declares that the state department will be dependent ou Klamath County thla year for supply. Ing trout eggs to the .whole state. Three mtr. will be employed to help transport the. eggs, which are. to be taken from' Spencer Creek. Seven Mile Creek. Four') Mile Lake and Sorague 'River. t. ELKS TEAM riioTrni COIWT IH KVKXKD IP WITH RKP- HKMKXTATIVKM FROM PALM ALLKYH LAHT ACKLKY IM STAR OF KVKXIXG Won Palms 3 Elks 3 A. The Elks evened up the count last evening when they entertained the J Palms on the Elks' alleys, In the sec ond match of the tournament between these teams. The Palms easily won' tho first game, but were trounced In I the last 'two. Harry Ackley waa the tar of the evening, with high score of 237, ond high average of J05. He repluccd Lennox In the second game.1 Lealtt lost the bead pin lu the last! game, rolling a score of 90. A good slxed crowd of rooters was present,' furnishing plenty of encouragement to the rollers. - '4 Tho third match will bo rolled on the Pulm alios next Tuesday night. PALMS lat 2nd 3rd 180 166 Av.' 182 153 153 143 149 151 Goodwin Wright . Houston Lcnvltt . Kctsdever Dale .... ..194 172 149 140 148 165 .165 ,.190 .126 .170 90 155 133 Total 845 74 724 152 ELKS 174 168 Van Belleu 162 237 151 173 161 16S 205 116 147 179 174 Ackley Iennox 116 Upp 132 Hayden 171 Kent 162 173 159 192 198 Totals , . I oo 890 884 169 NEW HKTTLER VISITS CITY C. S. Burton from Modoc Point Is down for a short business visit. Mr. Burton was among those who took ad vantage of the sale of deceased In dian lands on the reservation last ear. and Is now nt work Improving his propoity. Ho appears very much pleased with the result of hla pur chase, and predicts a big future for that district In the years to come. TAkTQ 9Mn jpsjIMPQRTANT, H flfl II I I " aH I I NIGHT HARRY) Irwin Suit Against County Is Settled .....ti.t in ... tho AalanAanl nhtaln avlrianra of the violation Of has been returned by Judge F. M. CaL the prohibition law In Klamath Cottn , klna In the action brought by John Ir- ty during Attorney Irwin's admlnls- wln thiu his attorney W. II. A. Ren- nor uKulnst Klamath County, which was tried n few months ago In Jack son County. Charles J. Feriuson ao- peared for the county, and a large delegation of local witnesses were caned to appear on tne siana. .The plaintiff Hd the county 'upon clalma assigned to him. which! were alleged to be due for expense. tacr - red lu obtaining and alternating to OFFICIAL NIWiPAPlH OF KLAMATH FALLi Pries Fire Cvate ...... . . -.-. HUNS LUSt AIDED BY KKI.XFOKCKMEXTS THE V KXKMY IH FINALLY DRIVBX FROM rOHSKSMOX OF COL DEL HOSMO AXD AXD FROM MONTH IIIVAL UKLLA . VICTOHIOt S ITALIAXH TAKB TWKNTY-HLT HCXDRKD PRIH. OXKRH AXD MAXY CiVXS-FIRST AMKRICAl'H ARK KILLED BY GERMAN IIOMIIM IN ITALY BERLIN, Jan. 30. The Italians have retained poseeaslon of Col, del Rosso aad. Monte Dival Bella, after renewal of "their attacka with strong forces, the army headquarters haa announced. VIENNA, Jan. 30 The Itallanaat. tacking on the northern front are be. ing reinforced by large numbera of troops. After a stubborn struggle, In which the Austriana are aald to have made a heroic defense, they were forced to give up Monte Dlval Bella nud Col del Rosao. ROME, ban. 30. The Italians have taken 2,600 prisoners, six heavy guns and a hundred machine guns. The Italian headquarter announce 'the death of the first two Americana on the northern front, Richard Cutta FalrHeld und William Piatt, Red Crosa attaches, who were killed by bombs dropped by German raiders at Mestre Sunday. DAl'GHTKK ARRIVKti Dr. Geo. Wright reports the birth this morning or an 8-pound daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Warren Blake, at 808 Wulnut street. trnuon as prosecuting anum-jr. Judge Colklns, In his decision, - makee no reference to the legality of the liquor law, altho this Ir one of the main points reported to have been dwelt upon by the attorneys In tueir . The amount asked in the complaint V II I AKT BBaaaa'' aasl aaM I ggt I aaH Laaa I II II 1 M. m m m Ml bbbbbiH it'll V I II II M I . m III. -" 'I I III '.; -H-TaW" Lost Pet. W W I I 1 W ! 3 .600. 3 .500 ' ' I J a ln4se aslg hborhMft or ll,lr Uatrarjt; Jta.qgmaf that hcas would HimSB&k &a 1 " ' 'tSVfeV i .. IIMN r-l l,tV ,