OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY Twelfth Year No. IMBM PEACE NEGOTIATIONS TO RUSSIANACTIVITY STARTS IN NORTHERN DELEGATES' MOVES ARE E UKIIMAXV IH AtTUHKD AT WASH. IMI'IIIN OK VIOLATING 1KHMH OK THE III'HMIAX TRUCK IIV THAXNKEItlllXG SOLDIERS TO TIIK WEST FRONT I.WIII'ATIOX OK fO.NTIXUKII UN. REST AMONG THK GERMANS IH, i HIIOWX IN MESSAGE KHOM THK TO THK PRESIDENT OK TIIK REICHSTAG I'KTIlOdltAD, Jan. 29. Foreign Minister Troliky ha toft for Ureal l.ltovsk o rintno tho poare negotia tions Tho roiiKroKM of workmen and soldiers iloU'KntoK, whllo deploring Ihu Imperialistic tonor of thn (Irrmun i'riro tormit, has uiprovcl of nil tho a-tlonn of tho ItiiKsinn delegation, and ha charged thu government to con tlnuo'tlio t.cgotlatlon. WAHIIINOTON, I). C, Jnn. 39. ('Urges tlmt Germany I vlolntlng tho term of thi Russian truce by withdrawing her troop from thn east Tn 'ront nnd transferring them to tha western lino were rondo hero to day by tho war department. lly Associated I'rrae DATKI.KHB There I every, evi dence Hint tho great unroit among thn drtmnn people ha not quieted down. Ilir emperor In a birthday message to the president of tho relrhstag ex prrjxed the ardent wUh that tho pco Pie miKlit pri'Kervo their union until a tlnul Mctory wna completed. CAR OK RUCKS AltltlVK Tlmt there la villi orae raonoy left Jingling In tho pockets of local cltl oni, despite the high war price, la Indlrnted by tho fact that tho carload of llulrka unloudod yesterday by tho Boutlicrn Oregon Auto company have all boon contracted for In Klamath and take counties. A nalo of afull carload at this aea. on I inld to bo unprecedented here. Zlm llaldwln of Lskovlew Is expected within a day or two to look after the transferring of the Lake County nor. lion. NDORSED New Loggers Quarters Are Well Patronized There la every Indication that the nw lumbermen's and loggers' head Quarter which has recently been In "Hed In the old Upp jewelry ataad n Main street, was a successful move tt itami to be well patrealieel by thou for hom It wis Intended. Tha room, which is under the man. egemsnt of Jama Ilyan. a well Stye JEugumg Herald WWWWWMMMWNWWWW PIERS TED IN ( TIIK MOOOMK WOLVES AMI PALM TIGKHM HAVE EXCITING MATCH I.AHT NIGHT HIGH SCORE OK EVK.WXG IS IIM Wun l.ol Tlu IV t, I'ulm Tiger I 1 1 .500 Moose Wolves ... I 1 1 .COO In n buster of a ronlcet tho Palm Tiger and Moose Wolves emerged with honor even, earh'tea'm winning maA 0,nf on unit, with on game a tie. Tho Wolves won thn first, wero tied In the second , and lot the third by almost 200 pint. Illll torens rolled n 332 ncoro for high mark of tho even ing, and averaged 17? for the three amen. 1 Numnrou good score wero made by the others,-and some score that would look well In a Karoo of duck pins, but nowhere clso. Friday night the Name team bnttle again, and an. other hoar-light I UMtirrd by each tou Ml. ! Tonlaht thu Klk and I'alm meet on tho Klk' alley for tho second match of their tournament. TKIKIIH 1st 2nd 3rd 192 132 115 333 Ml Av. 149 13f 130 177 142 Callnn IS 5 H9 lleck IIS 1S9 Carter 137 137 lreni 167 141 Nelson 120 146 Totals 2 703 "33 147 WOLVES 1st 2nd 3rd K.2 110 137 107 143 Av. 133 120 1.1K 119 is 4 lloyd UN llendrlckson ..133 Hum 201 Mnrkwardt ...125 Lee 137 Totals 703 130 119 136 124 193 703 649 137 KLAMATH HOY ARRIVES IN FRANCE That Walter I. Mann formerly of Klamath Palls, and now In tho Third company of the Twentieth Engineer, ha aafaly arrived in trance, is me . - . ! welcome news received today by hi mother, Mrs. M. A. Mann. The young Midler la only17 yeara of age. He writes that he will send more detail of his trip soon, known timber man of thl city, la kept warm and clean, magaslnea of ill klnda are furnished and a bulletin board la Installed In a conspicuous place with the places lUted where men are wasted. There Is little doubt but that the loggera appreciate this room, where they can congregate and dltcusa the matter concerning' their line of business. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, FOR U. S. I'lillvd Mutes Honntor Oliurlr I,. McNiiry, wliu w 111 bo u ntnillcliitc tor rniioiuliiallun on tho ri'publUun tick. vl. MiNiiry wan appointed to fill hta present position In tlio senate follow. Ing the death of the Into Senator 1 lur ry Uino. Ho Is mnkltiK n good icronl for In that loglslatlvo body. I.OCU, WOMEN PLAN FUNCTION FOIt LIXt'OL.YS BIRTHDAY AT WHITE I'KI.HAX IIOTKI. Ol'KX TO I'l'IILIO NO IXVITATIOXH On February 12th, Lincoln's birth day, a patriotic dancing party will bo given nt tho White I'ollcan hotel. The proceed from tho danco will go to tho aid of tho French children. The commltlco In chnrgo I compo. erf at Mlax Maud llaldwln mid Mo. - -" dr,met w. ll. Foter, 0. n. Coiad, 8 K. Martin, A. D. Miller and B. D. Hall. Several young ladle will aulit at tho dance, MIhsos dray Hunt, Wulvo Jacob, Kllxnboth Houston, Vorilu Co sad, Mildred llurke, Mabel Loavltt and Pearl Loavltt. No Invitation will bo sent out, an tho dance Ih a pub lie nffulr. Tho hall will be beautifully decorated, and any who caro to are nuked to wear fancy costumes. Tickets will be on sale tomorrow by tho ladle, and will bo II each, which price Include one gentleman and ladles, ALIKX8 Ml'BT KKOIHTHK WITH LOCAL POSTMASTER All German male aliens within the delivery district of Klamath Falls over the age of 14 years, are expect ed to register with Postmaster W. A. DnUell between 6 a m. February 4th, during the hour from 6 a. m, to 8 p. m'. up until' the' evening of February nth, according to an order juit laaued. Failure to make aueh registration lays the party liable to aovoio penalties, MDATE MR Lslslssr A . , 'H bbbsbbbbVbbbbbbbK aslslfl P" - 'fl bbIbIbIb. jaTx' i!H s. m jbb1 bbbbbbbbbbbV. .'I'A'A DANCE FOR THE FRENCH CHILDREN (MWWWWWMWMWWkAAMMAAAAAMMMWMM German Planes Raid England LONDON, Jan. 29. A score or morv alrplnnoa again raided England tuvt night. Kho or them succeeded I In reaching lomlon, where one fell In IUiiich from a height of 10,000 feet. All three of tlio crew were burned Bolshevik. Split On Terms ot Peace LONDON, Jnn. 20. The bolthevlkl win now reported to bo split on term of peace, the majority being against a conclusion on the present term of foirtl liv the (iormuus, und to favor a Finland In Of COPKNHAORN, Jan. 29. The Hod - ., (iunrd haa won complete control o! lloUlngforit, tho capital of Finland, Fl MILITAUY COMMITTKK WILL CAIJi HlXTtKTAHV FOB KUK THKIt KXAMIXATION THIS WKKK WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 29. Tho military committee has decided to recall Secretary Daker for cross- examination before the end of the present week. It Is understood that thl committee will pursue Its de mands for a war cabinet and a muni tion director bill, DIG WAR COUNCIL OX VKR8AILLR8, Jan. 39. General Tntkor Blls I representing the Unit ed Pthtei. at the Supreme War Council now In progreaa here. Bugland, France and Italy are also represented. ' MARRIAGE I4CBNSE ISSUED A marriage license wai Issued yes terday to Chaa, Masrow and afUa Mary Bedal of Klamath Falls, by County Clork O. R, DeLap. BAM mm. me JANUARY 29, 1918 4MWMWWMWWMT MNMMMMMWMMM to death. The British pilots returned safely after tbelr engagement In the air. .. Forty-seven person were killed and 169 Injured In the air raid, ac- cording to an official announcement holy war, according to a Petrograd dispatch. As the present government Is un able to wage war, the formation of a oalition of all the socialist factions is proposed. Throes a Revolution (according to a report from Stockholm. I It I not known whether the Finnish IiWfHMl oaclali nav, MC,pw, from the revolutionists. YOUNG MUX REACHINO UltAKT AOK TO IU3 SUBJECT TO 8KKV 1CK AND THOSK DKCOMIN'ti 31 DISCHARGED WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 39. The senate military committee la con sidering new provisions for the draft ! law to bring In young men aa fast as they resell the age of 31, and dis charging tbem as feat aa they reach the age of 31, unleaa they should be In military service. General Crowder said that In the future, operations for the new draft lag would be held ualed new class ifications. WOULD REUNQUIia RAILROAD CONTROL WASHINGTON, D. 0., Jan. 29 The estate commerce committee baa vte to amend the railroad bill to provide the the, government atoll re linquish control within year after the close of the war, mm mm mm CONTINUE 4MMMMWMMWMMWMWMMWMAMMMMMAMM NEW MM. in startsoonSTART BIG WORD RECEIVED 11V POSTMAS TER THAT NEW RURAL MAUL f DELIVERY WILL COMMENCE XEXTTRIDAY The new rural route No. 1 haa anal ly been established, and will be started- on February 1st, according to n wire Just received by Postmaster W. A. Delsell. Mr. Delsell left thl morning for a trip over the new route to obtain a complete Ut of the patrons, and to make a Anal Inspection of the mall boxes. 'A temporary-carrier Is to be In stalled until a certified man Is named for that district. The new route, which takes In Mills Addition to thl city, includes all the territory west of the main road to Merrill, and has been badly needed by resident of the Spring Lake and Midland section for many years. A great deal of effort has been expended by the local postmaster snd by cltl sens In the territory to be served In getting the, route established. EXPIiOSION RELIEVED INCENDI ARY STARTS DEVASTATING KIRK IN niG IRON WORKS. HALF A MILLION LOST MARQUETTB. Mich., Jan. 39. A big explosion followed by Are Is to- day w Iplng out the plant of the Pio neer Iron company. Owing to the low water pressure and freeslng weather, theie Ik a grave question as to wheth f r the blaxe cun be controlled. It Is believed that the Ore Is of an incendiary origin. The loss at this time Is at least f 500,000. BKFRE KM MICHIGAN New Electrical Sloan & Callen la the name of the new electrical firm which will be opened for business In this city next Friday rooming, February 1st. This new enterprise Is to be located at 120 South Sixth street. The pro prietors will handle all klnda ot elec trical supplies, lamp globe, nxture. etc. The Arm will be prepared to fur nish' estimates on all wiring for build ings, and te do contract work, -t Robert Sloan la a practical electri cian, well known la Klamath FaTle. OFFICIAL NSWIFAFEK OF KLAMATH FALL! Price Five) Oarii ITALY ITALIANS OFFENSIVE ON ENEMY LXEMY'S LINES ARK BROKRN IH NUMEROUS PLACSS RM. FORCKMKXTH OF HUNS ARM DISPERSED BY THE ITALIAN ARTILLERY. DOZEN ENEMY AIRPLANMB ARM IIHOl'GHT DOWN DURING EN- ' CACEMEXT ITALIAXS HAVK MASTERY OK THE AIRlM I rtlSONERS TAKEN HOME. Jan. 39. The Italian made a heavy attack yesterday on the northern mountain front and broke Into the lines of the enemy with great force. The reinforcements which the en emy was pouring down the Nog and Campomulo valleys was dispersed by the artillery of the Italians and their allies. Twelve Teuton airplanes were brought down during the engagement and the Italians are reported to have held the mastery of the air every where. More than 1,500 prisoners were taken from the opposing forces. Positions of the enemy were storm, ed on the heights east ot Aslago, and at several points the lines succeeded In breaking thru. Violent counter of- fenslves were repulsed. BERLIN, Jan. 39. The Italians launched a violent attack Sunday on the northern mountain front between the Aslago palteau and the Brenta River. The Austrian are reported to have thrown back the Italians In the Col del Rose region and between the Fieniela ravine and the Brenta River. Firm To Start He haa had twelve years experience as n employe of the California-Oregon Power company, and la believed to thoroly understand the local Bel. Glenn Callen, now chief clerk ot the local exemption board here, m also an experienced electrician, hav ing been Identified with the Bell Electrical company In Plaeer Coutr, fornlayteVa.mberers Me ofersfle'wer.' k .v..