i ( OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NIWIFAFIl OF KLAMATH PALLS OF KLAMATH COUNTY TMflfllt YiNr Xo. ll.JMI KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 1918 Price Five OhM BAKER MAKES REPLY TO CHAMBERLAIN SECRETAR UP BEFORE COMI'ltKIIK.NHIVi: .HTATKMF.NT IM maim-: roi.iv to military ix. T.STHUTING HIMMITTEK OX I'llKHKNT KgUII'MKXT HITUA. TIOX MIMTAKMi CITED IIV CHAMBER LAIN' lKCIAHKD OCCAHIOXAL RATHER THAX CHAKACTERIH TIC EVERY MAX WHO NKKDH A RIFLE HAH ONE WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 38. Secretary linker at tho public hear Inic before the iienala inllllary com mittor today replied to Henator Oeo. Chamberlain' chances of Inefficiency by niakliijc u riiuitirelieniilve slatonumt on nil Ilia army activities, particular, ly replying to the charge that the war department haa (alien down. Ho numrlcd that the mlitakea which Chamberlain cited Rave the lm- lireialon that they wvra "characturls tic," rather than "occasional." and declared that there were over a mil-' lion men now under arma In the United Bitten. ' Major (loneral Wood had recoro-' mended calling out a largo army, al; tho the men could not be provided Ira-' mediately wltli rifles and clothing, It wag stated. Hccretary Baker aald, "Kvcry sol dlnr who noeda a rlflo haa one, and Iiuh one of a better type than If the one used by the Urltlih In the field had been adopted." In defending the lack of machine guns, Uaker declared that Oeneral I'orililiiK doci not want tho I.ewU gun for tho ground force, but only for the atlntion service. Fucretury Dakar spoke without manuscript, In a frank conversational manner, disclosing some facta that had hlthorto been held confidential, i He said that France and Rngland sup-j Wing artillery to the American forcea (as becauso they wlahed to do so, having an excess on hand, and wish Inn to tnvof tho ships for more vital liPocHnliles, Thirty-two divisions In the Nation al diurd nnd tho National Army troops ur0 now In camp In the United Tlie rato of rifle manufacture at tires u Heady supply of thla article Continued oa Page 4 Ugly Charge MILITARY COMMITTEE Against Meat Packers WASHINGTON, D. 0 Jan. J8.I ,., ,. . 'rem knowlsdge g..sd by an l - Petllon of confidential letters and th'.rama In the moat, packers (Ilea, MACHINE SHOP AND MMMMMWMMMMMMMWMMMMMMMMWWMMMMMMM MWMWWWWNMWWMWWMWWMWWWWWM nimnis NOWOUTFOfi B MAX UNO HAH BEEN HECHETAHY OK HTATK FOB HEVKX YKAIIH WOULD UK CHIEF EXECUTIVE XOW . i Herniary of Slate Ben XV, Oleolt I hss announced that ha will be a can- dldate for governor of Oregon at the coming fall election. The tame degree of business effi ciency, he says, which haa character ised hit administration as secretary of state wll be pursued In case of hit election aa chief eitcutlve of Oregon. Aa governor he would eipect to be the business head of a great corpora tlon of the people, and apply hta en ergtee to make a success of tho busi ness. Enforcement of prohibition and the furthering or the eunl suffrage move uro among the things emphasised In bis platform. s PRKHH SERVICE HEARING FIXED WAHIIINOTON, D. C, Jan. 38. The Supreme Court has agreed to ex pedlte the appeal on the proceedings brought by the Associated Press to prevent the International News Serv ice from pirating news, and haa lied April 16th for hearing of the argu ments. BIG HTEAMKR TORPEDOED LONDON, Jan. 28. The steamship Andanla of the Cunard line Is report ed to have been torpedoed, but not sunk. Bho It said to have gone to the bottom, however, before she could get Into port, Made Francis J. Heney has charged ivb'lg corporations with control, of prices 5 of livestock- purchases thruout the United States, so aa to eliminate competition, GOV i kf H mm INK GET ANINCREASED JUWHAIN Nt'UGKHTED njMMMMK) FOR IX. UIAXH OF KLAMATH UKHKIIVA 1IOX IH TO UK IXCHEAHKI) TO MAW A MILLION WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 88. Five hundred thousand dollars for use of tho Klamath Indiana for live stock and Improvements, Instead of the 1800,000 provided In the Indian appropriation bill ns It passed tho house, Is practically assured. The senate committee Is, understood favor, able In the Increaw and the Bureau of Indian Affairs haa wlthdruwn lit op position. The money It advanced by the government, reimbursable from tribal fundi. This much needed Increase Is a matter upon which the Klamath Com mei'clal Club hut been active for tome time. It It believed that tho efforts of Itepresentstlve N. J. Slnnott nnd Senator Wm. MrXary have had con siderable to do with securing the In crease. fl KXORMOl'H QUANTITY NITRATE OF HODA BEING SHIPPED TO I-ORTLAND FAItMEIW CAN OB TAIN" IT THRU COUNTY AGENT The government has been buying big tuppllos of nltrato of aoda, ac cording to County Agriculturist Agent H. R. (lltlsypr, who hat Just received news that 18,000 tons are being ship, ped to Portlsnd, Farmers of Klamath County who with to tecuro a supply of thia chem ical mutt put In their application! with Agent Olaltyer not later than February 4th. Nitrate of soda Is a Very strong fertiliser, and replaces nitrogen .In the soil. Very little is ssld to be used in Klamath County, althc It Is used very extensively In the Willamette Valley. A supply of alfalfa seed and spring rye seed will soon be received at the oSlce here for demonstration work. This seed Is not for sale, but anyone wishing to secure supplies of the varl stles which have proved most suc cessful here, can obtain them thru the agent's ogee. The Initio variety of alfalfa has been demonstrated during the paat two year to be the best adapted to this ceuatry, experiments conducted on' the reach 'of M. Olacomlal show- lag aa Increased yield of over a ton per acre for this kind. UHCLESAM BUVSMUCH ERnUZER Withycombe Wishes Thrift Day Observed HALEM, Jtn, 28. Governor Jsraes Withycombe urged statewide observ ance of Thrift Day by Oregonlans this year, In a statement Just made public. The governor said: "The people or Oregon are loyally supporting tho entire war program, nnd are already practicing thrift, but It will be Just as well, perhaps, to focus and concent rato our attention nil the more on this particular patri otic duty at the time set atldo for the all-American observance of the anni versary of Thrift Day, February S, which Is thla year to be observed on Monday, February 4th. "Waste and sinful extravagance weaken our nation Jn the sinews of war, nnd thereby furnish aid and, en rouragementp our enemies. Ansr tlon to be thrifty must have thrifty I'ominunlticN, and thrifty communi T Northwest Timber Allotments Published The North Pacific district, comprle. lug Oregon, Waahlngton and Alaaka, will receive 1273,488 of the 1919 allotment of funds under section of the Federal Aid Rosd act, which pro vldet for tho use of 11,000,000 of fed eral money a year for ten years to lulld roads and trails within or partly within national forests, according to District Forester (loo. 11. Cecil of Portland, who has Just received notice from Washington that the Secretary of Agriculture hat approved the allot ments for the fiscal year ending June 30 1010. Under thla allotment Ore gon will rocelve 1138,786, Waahlng ton $08,565. and Alaaka 847,061. Thla is about $6,000 In excess of the 1918 allotment for the district. Becsuso of National forest land within their borders, twenty-seven ttatea nnd the territory of Alaaka shore In the benefltt of this act. The allotment)) are made on a basis of the area of national forest land In the tev. eral elite and the eatlmated value of the limber and grating resources of the foreMs. In order to take advantage of these Renewed Activity in WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 88. American naval men see the posslslt tly of our destroyers doing soma smart fighting soon with Toutonto U boats more powerfully armed thai ever before. That Osmaay haa recently recalled her V boats la indicated by news dis patches by the lower sinking rata and partially confirmed by official advices. FOUNDRY FOR CITY MWMMWMMAMMMMMMMMMAMWW ties spring from thrifty indlvldusls. Therefore the msn who practices thrift and who encourages thrifty habits serves in a measure to help hit nation to victory Just aa surely as tho leas graphically than the sol dler of the trench and the soldier of the soil. "It la not my purpose to urge thrift only for the one day of observance, February 4th, but rather to command that day aa a proper time for terlout reflection In mapping out a program of conservation to be put Into action thruout the twelvemonth, and atlmu latlng thought toward a practical ap plication of war dutlea and problems. "Be a thrift-maker; for thrift, Just now. is patriotic. Thrift Day fur nishes the patriotic people of Oregon aa opportunity to put an accepted theory to practical aad'patrlotlc pur. allotments It Is neceassry for the local authorities, either state or county, or both, to co-operate la the various road projects, usually on a 50-50 bails. The engineering work for forest roads Is done under the direction of District Engineer L. I. Hewes of tho office of public rosds, who co-operates with the forest service lit Itt road building op erations. ffecietary Houston baa already up proved tho ro-operatlve agreement! for teven federal aid 'forest road pro. Jccts In the dittrlrt: The Cocks-Col. Ilns rosd on the Columbia nstlonsl forest, the liepubllc-Waueonda road on the Colvllle forest, and the Lake Quinault rosd on the Olympic forest In Wathlnaton, and the Ochoco Can yon read oa the Ochoco forest, the Canyonvllle-Galesburg road on the Umpqna forest, and two sections of Mm Medford.Klamath Falls road on jtho Crater forest In Oregon. Funds to par the government' I share in the survey and construction , of these roads have already been pro vided from the 1918 federal aid road act allotment. U-Boats Expected This may mean, In naval man's Judgment, that. Germany to not only cutting bigger tuns aboard her craft, but also ska ma? be preparing to launch further., Mg submarine cruis er!, refusing asms of the smaller typo. . It Germany, Is dolag these things, a now an of naval warfare la at hand which will mean spectacular battles. Now Commands Roumanian Armies Crown Prince Carol of Roumanians now believed to be In real coansaad of ihe Roumanian armies, and It la J considered he hat almott displaced the king, hit father. MOTHER RETUHXH PROM FORT WORTH, TK.XAH, AFTER HEEIXG HON HONORED WITH L1KUTEX. ANT'8 COMMISSION Mrs. Dallle Shldler of thla city haa Just returned from a visit with her ton, Lieutenant Horace Shldler at Tel- aferro Aviation floldt, at Fort Worth, Texas. She had the honor of being present when he took the oath at an officer of the aviation section, signal corps, and of seeing the young lieutenant go thru the actual warfare tactics, in cluding the loops, tplrsl wire dives, etc. Lieutenant Shldler is now In the 28th Aerial Squadron. He enlisted In January, 1016, In tho Coast Artillery, and was one of the few men who finished the forced march from San Francisco to Monte rey In September of that year. He was transferred to the aviation ser vice early in 1917, and was tent to New York nnd Canada In company with others for training. wmnMmmmfMmgUMMMMmMmMMmMMmM mMt , v '"- BsttsH tstK ', yrfr-Wkmmmmmm Kill aasHr3stH attsKlt.H 1UKKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwlm rWSBSSSBBm "waWN .EtUMCE CJWOLj LHM MISSIONED ASAMR Local Firm to Run Boat For Employees .employes at. the Chelsea box fac tory will be given a boat ride aVeech end of the day from now en, as the company hssf iiist purchased the steamer Curlew' from Calklna A Ham ilton oa the Upper Klamath Lake., and Is moving It down to Lake Vwau. na today, PLANS ARE COMPLETED FOR NEW INDUSTRY MICBI NKBDKD PLANT WILL BUB MOVED FROM GRANT PAM IMMJttMTFXYeMnLMNOS TO HE ERECTED NEAR FRCKWT IIEPOT , J MKTAL MILL MEN, WHO HAVK IIEEX HANDICAPPED IN GET TIXO REPAIRH ARE BACKIXQ NEW EXTKRFRKBEBIG WORK WILL HE HANDLED The Klamath Iron and Steel works is the name of a now corporation which baa Just been organised from the Grants Psss Iron and Steelworks, snd will move from that point to Klamath Falls immediately. This new industry, which Is being Incorporated for 830,000 Is greatly needed here since the Klamath Iron works wss closed some months sgo. There has been no place where the mills In this vicinity could go for re pairs for their big mtchlnery, and It it understood that several of the mill men are btohfctg the enterprise. Messrs. Hall and KlrkpaUkk, who have oparated the Grants Pass Iron and 8teel works for a number of years past, saw the big opportunity la this line at Klamath Falls, sad have been working for some time with the Idea of making the change. A mora extensive plant than the one at Grants rats Is planned. A site has been purchased at the corner of Elm and Spring street, which Is said to be Ideally located for switching purposes. It is close to the local freight depot, and along a atreet which will later bo paved. The building wilt be erected with a track running ttralght thru, so thst log ging locomotives may be run right (Continued on pags 4) The boat will be renamed the Chel sea, will make the regular landing at the Acklay Brothers mill., as wall at other stops alonr'tha route. Jkfy rioa about forty "me 'tfmHfmr, aa'd waa one of the fastest ;iHJp tho'-TJpper Lake. " The vaevscaedulo la expected to start ia a day or two,