OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY Turiflh Year N. 1MMO WORK ON NEW COURT contracts GIVEN TO YESTERDAYi I TWO I'DKTia.MI FIRMS RECEIVE AUTHORITY TO ACCEPT HUM (OK IMMEIUATi: COMPLETION OF lll'IMMNG AFTER MANY tCUtSOr DELAY OHIMI.VIL SPECIFICATIONS Wll.t UK MODIFIEIs OMT HAM NOT vt-rAl.lrnIUivnuuv.ww OX THE TEST PITH BEGUN THIS MORNING Work on th.. completion of tho new county court houso horn wa fa. sumrd at K o'clock thU morning. The new that tho Comity Court linn do-" tided to go ahead with II.Ih building ,, . Immediately will bo niont welcome to the cliliiiiH of Klunutth County. I Contract with tho urchlloct llrma of IIoukIiUIIiir & Doiirmi and K. K. McCUrrn of Portland, authorlilng tho letting of bid from rontractora were lined late yesterday afternoon In the County Court rooms In tho court bouse. As there m be some modification aide In th original specifications, It Is not known what the cost will be, but udiiiK from tho average or the stlnutcs siilimitiad iv tha itiifornni aichltect rerontly employed, It will be In the mlKuborhnod of 1300.000. Contractor lloughtiillng declared yesterday that work would bo started on the tint :ltN at tho building till mornlnK. It Ih understood that tho bids from tho different rontractora HI bo secured at a early u daln a Plble, and that tho work will pro Hd with all sliced. Ills uclUtwd thut the completion of j "iinure, which has now been Woer ay for nearly eight year, will J a great uddltlon to tho uppearance ARCHITECTS the city. Moro than a quarter of a )M,raM dear to the hearts of cbll miiion of dollars have already been dre. Appetising rofreahmanU were h wm . ,"'" l1, W,,un ,""'l'lt. served at the conclusion of the after- lll bo ono of tho beat In tho state, i noon BaTCUl flifflirAflfft t9 nitlnlnn hast "tn ndnnccd by different architects l im l""0H0"t condition of tho wm i M"" rl,,lm,n - cracka Wh had uppoured woro proof that j strutcurn wns unsafe, and advls- Us abandonment. This difference 1 0,,,n,0, mndo It difficult for the, Nasty Charges Are Made Against Packers WA8HINOTON, D. 0, Jan. If "big pcklng Intaresta are charged , rrancU J- Haney with bsvlng at- Pt.d to bring Influeaee to bear oa , f,tiil lo have the preaeat la- HUuUo '"to the meat packing In- (Djg lEutmbtg Hralfr "'MgaaiKi i .,, ,, ii.i i, ,, i , 1 1 a gaiaasea a a KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, 1918 AUSTRIA WOULD CONCLUDE SEPARATE PEACE Dummu I MORE TOURNAMENT ARK IIEINU ARRANGED, AND IXTKRESTINU MATCHES ARK TO HK PUIAKD OFF NK.VT WEEK Further Interest In Rowling circles In being nrroused In a seroud tourna ment, which starts Monday night on the Palm alloys between the Palm Tigers and the Mooae Wolves, DM" '" CP' ' IM Wolves, has Uotcrtml to assist In 'the Tlgef hunt tho follewing: l)r. Boyd, mil Hum, I W. Henderson, Hmlth, Patterson and Dr. loaard. The captain of the Tigers, 'liana" Nelson, haa choaen u hla auonortera ,n ne collector of Wolf bounties, fallen, Loroni, Hack, Orubb. Frlti Markwardt and Dr. Carter. The owning tuislo will be held on nM J"? "'"llV!!!. T' Z ,? matches being scheduled for Friday .j,Ik TIIK "NARROW TRAIL" UNUSUALLY GOOD Those who love good horaes, fine riding and good fighting appreciated tho bill at the filar theater last night, when William Hart appeared on the rrnan am tha hero In "A Narrow Trail." This picture la an "Artcraft" production, and tha star' reputation as an actor of the silent drama - " "1 "I"' '" Ilia atunta of horsemanship were very exception, at, and ho waa supported by a strong cast. CHILDREN'S PARTY YESTERDAY Tho primary department of the Emmauuel Uaptlst church waa enter talnod yesterday afternoon at the homo of Mr. M. Jenaea la Hot Hprlnga Addition. Tho little tola as sembled early In (he afternoon and commissioners to know what eourae to pursue. There will be a total of 1130,000 In the court house fund this year, so that the county will be In good ahapo financially to undertake the work. duitry by (he Federal Tradea Coat. aaluloa stepped. He claims that the iolat telere seat to the president by the Detroit beakers, prctasUag that the laveatl. gatlea waa dlaturblag ecoaeaslc eoa dltlona, waa Inspired by the packers. IMS Mffl mmwnm(wmwwwwmw mmwmwmwmwwwxwwmwwwmwwwmwWi wxwmwwwmmmmm DRAFT TESTS MEMBERS OF LOCAL, HOARD AH. HERT NOTICE I(MIHM MEN HOW BEING UfflMU QUICKER THRU PHEHM THAN'1" 1)eK, '" the federal coiyt, It ha ANY OTHKR WAY Oalug to the fact that tho young man who urn listed In the selective draft move nbout so much and ex perience dlftlcutt)' In having their for warded mall reach them, member of tho local exemption board declare that they reach the men bettor thru the columns of tho Herald than any other wuy. In many rases friends of Ilia men sou their name In the er nnd gut word to them. It I announced that tho physical examination of the men In Class One are to be rushed until the supply of 310 I exhausted. The following mon to whom notice were sent on January 25th ara to ap. pear next Thursday, January 21st, for examination. John Terry Amos, Chlloquln. Ira Kugeno llernnrd, Modoc Point. Italph Hull, Algoma, Camp No. 2. Walter Irlaktly, Oakrldgc. CI moll Pletro, Ktumnth Falls, (ieorge Clinton, Klamath Falls. Arlet Ctsrenro Kdsatl, Illy. William Pose Hooper, Midland. John (leorges, Klamath Fall. Walter Dlckband Lindsay, Klamath Falls. Ilhluebart 0. Motschonbacber, Kndor- lln, North Dakota. Arlselmo Mornato, Klamath Falls. Gerald W. Oden, Klamath Falls. Oulseppc I'retarl, Klamath Falls. Nicholas PnnsROfi, 1778 llalght 8t., Ban Francisco, Calif. Alklglades Btamatolopoulos, Klamath Falls. Karl Lynwood Trary, Copco, Calif, llynmn Wechsler, Klamath Falls.. Ixwllo Ambroso Wyatt, Klamath Falls Jamas Toskaa, Hau Francisco, Calif. I (lus Carlson, Klamath Fall. Oscar Kdwln Krlkson. Manthfleld. Ivan Roy Ernst, Klamath Fall. William Thomas Norrls, Ft. Klamath Charles A. McPheraon, Klamath Falls SPIES 1IUSY IN NEW YORK NEW YORK, Jan. 26. Over a million dollar worth of property wus destroyed by a fire believed to have been the work of Oerman spies in the burning of oil barges, pier and ware houses here. The sargent In charge of tho sol dlera guarding tho waterfront had his hat knocked off by a bullet from' the suspect he waa pursuing. The man escaped. TESTIMONY MADE PUBLIC WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 26 More secret testimony before the sen. ata Investigating committee haa been Lmade public, which shows that on De- cemoer lain, rersning waa author ised to buy 100,000 British uniforms for American troopa and 100,000 blankets In Spain. ALUM DANCK AT ST. CLOUD i A Mr French, Mr. Irish and a Mrs. English being ",eent at the dance at St, Cloud la tbe Shlaplagtoa die- trlet last Monday eight, tha affair, weat da record aa aa "allies" A Ine time waa reported. danee. Bolsheviki Rushing To Ai d Of I. W. W . CHICAGO, Juu. 20. Bolsheviki SAN FHANCIBCO. Jan. 26. Sev leader will attend tho trial of 165 eral prominent bolibevlkl leader In. Indtiitrlal Worker of the World, toon uoen unnounrcu nerc. una aireaay is In ChlcaKo, two other aru hi Han Friim-lsro, nnd others arc on the way from Itussln, It I said. It Is reMirtcd than an appeal has been sent to syndicalists of Italy, Aus. tralla nnd Spain to send agents hero to uttend tho trial. Peter Kldklnon, flan Francisco, one of the I. W. W. defendants, was dls ihnraeil today as being hopelessly In sane. Nluo additional alleged mem bers were nrralRiied and pleaded not Riillty. JudRo ljindls said ho would henr nrRiiments on demurrers and pleas In nbntemcul on February 4. France Very Anxioos For American Army NEW YORK, Jan. 26 Everywhere! In France the question Is being asked, "How soon will America bo' hero?"! according to Major Grayson M. P. Murphy, former bead of the American Red Cross work In France, at a recep tion given in his honor here. "You do not know what America means aver there," ho said. "Every whero you go, whether you are talk-.any Ing to soldiers In the trenches, men lu tho hospitals, tho widows and the mothers In tho rear; whether you are talking to statesmen, business men, college professor or what not, the question la always tbe same, 'How Surprising Number Of Women Now in Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 16. i There are approximate) 1,866,061 women In the United States engaged . In Industrial work which la either directly or Indirectly necessary to carry on the war, according to an es timate based on surveys msde In fif teen stntes for tha National League of Women'a 8ervlco by Miss Marie L. Obenauer with tho sanction and as sistance of tho Department of Labor. HUNS ACT TOWARD WOMEN UNSPEAKABLE WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan 16. Italian women la the territory invad ed by Austrian troops are being nude the victims or unspeakaale atrocities, Italian Deputy Gaspatotto, who haa been at tho front since the opealag ef hostilities, baa Informed the chattier, areordlast n an oSleal eahlaaraa fnaat Rome. The deputy told of seeing woman awlm tbe Flare River to eja tnpo the attacks of soldlsrs, and of HOUSE TO START xmwWMMMwmwwWmwwwwwmwwwwwwwmwi tereated In the trial of 163 Industrial Workers of the World at Chicago, nave passea inru mis city, anu some may be here now, It has been admit .led at headquarters of the I, W. W. defense league. Names and present whereabouts of these persons were not divulged, but It was explained that each Incoming ship from Russia brings to this coun. try men prominent In the bolsheviki movement who have been sent to In testlgate conditions. Boveral syndicalists of Italy, Aus tralla and Spain, with whom the I. W. W. ware said by defense league lend ers to be aflllated, alao will be pres ent at the Chicago trials, theysald. soon will America be here?' "This war will be won by the na t Ion which baa tbe grit to stick out longer than the other fellow. America has the greatest opportunity and the greatest obligation that waa ever giv en to any nation In history, and I pray to God that we will live up to it." "Tbe man in this country who for selfish purpose, personal vanity, pride of party, pride of locality, or pride of consideration, atanda In the way of the prompt and effective de velopment of our country to tight this war la worse than a Gorman In tho trenches." "These million and more women," said Mtsa Obenauer, "are in the front rank of the Industrial army of de- fenso. They are the Important women of the nation. Bands do not play In tbelr honor; they do not wear pictur esque uniforms; yet In the business of winning the war It Is aa necessary to protect their working efficiency as to safeguard the fighting efficiency of the nan on the firing line." the cries of women attacked on the banks of tbe Lower Plave, Enemy unite also have used Ital iana as shields In advancing Into bat. tie, the deputy aald, and the native troops are forced to Are upon .their own brothsra In order to save their couatry. GO TO DORMS Ms. Thomas UeCormlek' left this morning for Dorrls for a visit with their daughter, Mrs. A. F. Padgett, who haa been lit for some time. annnrtJVVUVUAruvxiVVTjrv F I'F.DKItAL TILIDK COMMIHHIOX 'I DIYl'IXHCH F.FFOKTH OF THE PACKKH8 TO KEEP Ol'T OF THE INYEHTIUATION WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 26. The Federal Trade Commission In qulry ha brought out the facta as to linw I ha nsrkera worked aralnst tha federal Investigation of their Indus - try, and when this was proposed by congress, they wrote to Senator Wads- worth, who waa a stockholder, to. sound out the president. W. H. Oates of Colorado advised the packers to "keep close" to Sen ator Thompson of Kansas by giving! his law Arm soma business. CHANGE OF TESTIMONY IN CASE OF COMPLAINING WITNESS CALLS FOR NEW PREPARATION HY PROSECUTION After loug and expensive prepara tions, the attorney for tbe prosecu tion were obliged to ask for u contln uance of tho case agnlust Jess Swln iit'.v, charged with a statutory crime, begun jesterday in tbe Circuit Court, on account of the change In the testi mony rf the complaining witness, Ber tha Owens. The raso waa continued by Judfit Kuykendall until February 11th. Mis Owens, who had piovlously af frmed that her first Improper rela tions were held with tbe defendant, when placed on the stand last night Indicated that such was not the case, nnd mimed another man. Ah this materially changed the es prit of tho case, Prosecuting Attorney Win. A. Duncan asked for a continu ation. The preparations for the trial are said to bo unusually expensive. Two PACK n cut RU mm mm Big Time at Elks Party Last Night It waa .certainly one grand time that the B.,P. O, Elka had last ntght at the annual ball here, IfUhe reports today are any indication. No one seems to know just what time tbe featlvtties were broken up, but a num ber left Just la time to snatch a wink and get to work this morning, have OFFICIAL NEWIPAPE OF KLAMATH FALLS Pries Fire Ceate WOULD ACT WITHOUT HUNS AT ! i,i;hh,ax DEMOCRATIC PLAT. FORM IH ACCEITADLK, WITH ONE EXCEPTION CONTINUED UNREST IS NOTED IN AUSTRIA HUNGARY REPORT RECEIVED AT LONDOX IS TO EFFECT THAT GRAVB DISORDERS M'AVE COMMENCED IN GERMAN CAPITAL WITHIN THE LAST TWO DAYS LONDON, Jan. 26. Austria has declared her readiness to conclude a separate peace without Germany, and to accept the Russian democratic plat form, with the exception of the serf determination of nations, according to a Petrograd dispatch. The bolsheviki newspapers declare that great demonstratlona are taking place all over Austria-Hungary. Workmen'a and soldiers' organisa tions have been formed at Vienna. LONDON, Jan. 26. The Amster dam correspondent for theKxpreaa says that extraordinary reports are now current concerning a revolution In Germany, and that there have been grave disorders at Berlin within tho last two days. The riotera are de clared clamoring for peace. There has been no confirmation to tbla re port. witnesses, Mrs. Peter Erlckson and J, M. Groth, were brought from Bend, which might not be considered very expensive at first glance, but when It Is remembered that they were first obliged to go to Portland, then down to Weed, Calif., and north again to Klamath Falls, a distance of over 800 miles, the cost Is better realised. One witness, Estelle Cllnesmltb, wa brought from Redding, Calif., and one man, Mr. Kelsey, from San Diego. declared that high Jinks was la evi dence when they left. It aeams to be th gtaeral lmares- ' sloD that beyond any doubt tala wu th most successful party ever give by thla popular organisation. Atorg numblr'werV present from Merrill, Fort Klamath and other parte of ta county. i CONFERENCE