OFFICIAL NBWSPAFHt OF KLAMATH FALLS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY V i wiM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1918 Price Fire Cents Twelfth Vr-ar No. n,UI HUNS LEADERSRAKER BELIEVE PEACE IS IN SIGHT i IF ItltKHtA MAINTAINH PHEHEXT ATTITUDE, AlHTHIAN MINIM. TEU HKCLAKEH PEACE IH AH. HHItKII IINDOHHEH WILHOX'H PHOPOMAM POI.HIEM ADVANCED IIV I'K.V THAI- POWEHM HEEM CONTRA ATTACKH DICTOHY EXEMY'M ON NORTHERN ITALIAN IMHI DEH HAVE CEAHED My ANMirUIrO Prrw DATKI.K8H Tho pram negotla Hon between Austria-Hungary anil Itunila on a linnlM of no annexations anil mi Indemnlti will tin continued, and In the opinion of Count Csornln forelKii milliliter, piMco will ho as sured II llio ItUKslan tiinlutuln tho samu nttllmlii an lit present. This statement with u declaration by Chancellor von HiTtllnK before tlio rolchstag main committee, that tier many hope to roach a "Reed conclu sion" with the ItUHNlan delegate at( llrestLllotk, Indicate complete con fldence by tho central power a to mo mini success or tno scpnraio poaro plan. Further negotiations are shrouded In doubt, duo to Germany's demand for Courland and the llaltle province and Count Cxnrnln1 no annexation and Indemnity declaration. Csrrnln Is quoted as ssylug that he considered President Wilson's latest peace proportion a an approach to the Austrln-Hiingnrlun point of view, but tho fact remained that Austria Hungary would fight to tho end aa , Uermany'H ally. -It w bullovod there that tno en- tjtllta allle will bo forcod to conclude general pouro nftor tho separate peace with tltiHKln Is settlod. Tho rncmy's armies have appar ently abandoned tho pluns to overrun tho Venetian plains, duo to tho har rowing attacks of the Italians. HIIIPH IKM1H TO POHTLANl) .lumen Urkln Is shipping two car- loads ot hoia to tho Portland markot today, ono from Klamath Falls and one from Midland. Huns Mean itnnuN jn ik Rhneiim von Hot I ling baa declared that ik avacu-Jto atlon of muuiitn territory Mirtrm kwily RuilivW,af;paws.l:rT J-M irjIVarmtt f Mi tlut ppwtr.-dld oi,w.t. c.rui. polats nxi.iloa by Mtfe,.t;itti gey. -fMi, m4 Al.uAltJ.Ii.. :PJrtSHt I ftaiul flaanlw a rAliaco-Usraja flttm MtortMrn dawtasad KWUgM'i CONFIDENT OF SEPARATE PEACE uuTJVVVXAruvuvvvinrunivnnri'vr'rrrr MCI FOR PP CIVIL ACTION IN L'lltlTIT COURT HEMULTM IN VERDICT mn WOO AIJAIXHT 8TOCKMAN -CltlM. IX A I. CASK HTAHTKD A verdict for 1600 for the plain HIT waa awarded thin morning In the nine of lluforil Clopton agaluit O. T Anderson, who wan chariot! With di posing of tock, legally belonging to tho plaintiff. Attorney' Itenner and Kpnt apiared for the platatW while Anderson was reurfnenwa oy n. . Manning. Immediately at tho conrlimlon of tbU milt, the criminal action of Inn Ktato v. Jen Bwlnuey, charged with Immoral act on complaint of llortha Owen, wa taken up. Two of the Juror had been selected before noon. There I ome probability of a night session being held thl evening. Tho defendant U represented by John Irwin. C MM E last urn r1- ' fc nilKAKH INTO HOUTHKIJX AUTO COMI'ANV OFFICK AXI HTOCK IUKM MAKFJ (IF.T AWAY WITH Hl'llHTAXTIAI. HUM The sum of MOBlr.O was stolen from tho Houthern Oregon Auto com. pany garngo hero aomo time last night. Arriving at tho garage this morn ing, J. A. (lordon, tho proprietor, dis covered the doors to tho stock room and office had been Jimmied open, and that cash register and safe had been looted. No stock ha been missed thus far, and tho robber or robbers contented themselves with tho larger denomlna- Hons of cash, as the nlckles and dimes were not disturbed. The main door of tho' safe wus not locked, but tho cash was kept in a small compartment, which waa brok. en Into. No trace of the thief has I yet been discovered. to Hold PI AINTIFF K IMS HER Alsace-Lorraine onlv by France and Clermany, and as Belgium, be tald Oermtny did not dsslra any forcible annotation of her poiaia la rreeioeav "J" lavlted saw propoa- flauwt flaaralw also axartsssd a div iig?!W'MiluilliMotisW - Uw wlt the alllas. WOULD BE HEARD kwwww' PMESTREET HON OK WELL KNOWN KLAMATH RANCHER WEDH EAMTMIV OIIIL COUPLE WILL IIKHIDE IN TIIIH CITY Two well known jnung people woro united In marriage Iniit etcnlng In thl clly, when Ham (I. Combs, mod of I'lcrco Comb, a prominent farmer, wna wedded to Minn Vena V. Leggctt at the home of tin- groom's parent o i I'lne street. Tho ceremony wan ierformcd by JiiHtlcn K. W. (low en. Minn Alice Wi'Mfall and T. A. ItobcrtH mood up with the bridal rouplo UurinK tho ceremony. Thono present wrro Mr. anil Mm. I'lcrco Combs, Mr lne. Porter, Jack I'orter and daughter ami MIkh Kva Comb. Tho brldo l nn Eustorn girl. Th couplo will rcHldo In thin city. ' m. MANV CANCELLED HTAMPH COMINU Cnucolli'd stamp In largo uumborM nrn being turned In it ally to tho Her ald olllio for tho relief of tho Holglnn children. Minn Hilda llamakcr und MIih (llnily Kllgoro of llonaiun huu sent in a box of 85(1. Rudolph Plum, cger of thl city ha turned In n larco number, a ha nlno Henry J. Grimes. FORTYPISIS LOtML KXAMIXHIt DKCLAHKH 1HAT MANV IN TIIIH CITY COULD PAHH HATIHFACTOHY TKHTH IN CIVIL HK11VICK Many of the young people of this clly could easily pass tho tests re quired by tho civil service for typists and stenographers, and could bo making a substantial salary In addi tion at-Mntlng tho government at n tlmo when aid in all linos la vitally necessary to tho cause, according to Paul llogardu of the local postofflce force, who has charge of all tho ex aminations held by the government hero. Many thousands of these typists are now needed at Washington and local examinations are held here at freauent Intervals. A person who can operate a typewriter at ordinary speed cab find congenial employment Mr. Bogardus will gladly give Infor mation to anyono who Is Interested lit this matter. VIBNNA. 8TRIKIM DECLARED SETTLED BERLIN, Jan. 86, A Vienna dlt- patch My that workrwss rsiumsd In all factories without exesptlon, and that'worMre li-moit province! have returned to work. WEDDNGON mm GOOD MS ARE NOW PEN jul Lj-ruiAnr-ruiru-L-j-i-.-L i wwwwwwiMDHimwoywiii kmm w Internal Crisis Is Coining in Germany LONDON, Jon. 15. From a source'en- allowed to return thero only In ul.lch It can vouch for a entirely cellonal circumstance. ., .. , . . i, "Hlndenburg 1 loathed by the poo trus.worthy. the Morning Post say. It Qf Hern pUcardi wlh a pc. Ih able to give the following account llr- of mniellbi,rg. and urging the of condition In Berlin. The state-.population to subscribe to the loans, mint, which Is mado by an observer . to hold out, etc., arc torn down by at firm band, who only left Germany in l"pl of Berlin, altho In South . .. , iI.,.i.m ..,!-. Germany they are not touched at all. In tho mtddlo of December, reads, i mlf mUcm Mt "Tlit situation in iicrun is noso lutoly awful. For the great mas of the population there hardly Is any light, warmth, clothing or boots, and an npoalllng lack of food. The work of the city Is carried on by decrepit meii and by women, who are reduced to i early the same condition. Tho linen worn by both the sexes Is abomlually dirty, for there I no soap to rah It. There Is Intensely bitter feeling among tmlcople against the gotornmrnt. Undoubtedly there would tie n revolt but for the fad as tho people urc nlwii) saying women tnnnot make a revolution "The government knows nil of this nn.l forbid able-bodied men return-, dig to llorlln from the front. Officers New Deadly Use Against U-Boats WASHINGTON, I). C, Jan. 35. .shots which fall slightly short will be The "non-rlrochet" chell. a weipiu of as much effect as those which reg- uh deadly as llio d.ptb charge, Is 'ho.Uter, direct hits nuwost device lofccted by the navy ordinance experts for uso agi list (ierman submarines. Tho now sholl dives when It strikes tho surface of tho water, Instead of bouncing, as do the ordinary missiles used in either naval or coast defense artillery. In addition, thru the nue of a new fiiKO, tho charge can be made to ex plode on contact with a solid surface under water, or ut a pre-determlncd depth. The value of the latest anti-sub-marine weapon lies In the fact that CALLED Merrill has been called upon to mourn the loss of another of hor residents. Mrs. T. A, Blake passed away Sun day afternoon at her home. Rheu matism complicated with heart trou ble, was the causo ot her death. She Is survived by her husband and four children, W. A, Blake, who re sides near Klamath VaJIs, Olon Blake, who flnlihts Merrill Eighth -"grade this year; Mrs. Clyde Van Meter and. .. . , U...III .. 'V The funeral sMyUswera heii) at the home MondayT'attended by )any friends, 'Interment' was at thVddd. Follows' comotory. MEW. wm up offering a reward of 3,000 mark to nnone giving Information of per son who say anything against the government, the emperor, the war or the officers. Tie population of Berlin Is dlvld. ed. roughly. Into three classes the upper military class, which adores lllndenburg and hates I.udendorfl; the middle class, which loves huden dnrff because he gives blgft post In the army to Jews, and 'the lower working class, which loathes lllnden burg, l.udendorff, and especially the empercr. This latter class ridicules the crown prince unmercifully Oth. erwlse nobody speaks ot the Imperial family, which has ceased to be a dom. Innnt factor. Shell For Pursuing Its course beneath the water, tho shell will explode against tho side of the submerged subma rine. Similarly, when these shells are aimed at the periscope of a submarine headed bow-on, there la a material In ci ease in the chances that an overshot w III take effect somewhere- along the hull. ' '?. The navy department has Wfitdjsen the publication of details entlon, but It la known that the Brit ish and French admiralties also have adopted it. At the regular election of officers of the St. Paul Episcopal Guild hold yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. H. Garrett, corner of Fourth and Klamath avenue, the following ladtea were chosen as leaden for the coming seasen: Mm. J. H. Garrett, president; Mm. W. U. Foster, vice president; Mrs. S E. Martin, secre tary, and Mrs. Joseph 8. Kent, treas urer. The retiring president, Mrs. Chit wood, was presented' wlthv r hand- - . .all tone hoek: et.jweaa In appreciation jf V aSRaLmA ffvtAa of her elcleat services . The soeUrtr, decided to plaee.a reg- Isier for Guild members at. the Red Cross work rooms, and to ask each to sign It when present at the rooms. OFFICERS OF GUILD CHOSEN YESTERDAY BY CONGRESS E Ti 1 nflDMO KntIREQUESTED HKNATOIt UKCLAItKH IN CON CLLUIXO HPKfcCII VKHTKKDAV THAT UK WILL HTIMj HL'I'PORT WILHOX, ALTHO MIHJl'IKJKD WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan. 25. After sneaking nearly three hour yesterday, Senator Chamberlain con eluded hl speech by declsrlng that he was only doing his duty In arous ing the country to the danger Im pending, and that he would support the presldeataltho grossly maligned Klrby"bf'ArkajMs replied to the speech, challenging his statements, and saing that the examination does not warrant muchthat Chamberlain asserted. The leaders, wishing to avoid fur ther debate, have adjourned until Monday. (IIVKH LKCTUKK ON. WILD LIFE IN KLAMATH COl'NTBA State Biologist W. L. Flnley gave an exhibition of the "Klamath Coun try" In moving picture dims at Port land Wednesday night before a meet ing of the Oregon Society of Engin eers. Mr. Finloy has shown a great deal ot Interest in the wild life of this section, and has spent a great deal of time here atudlng the habit of the bird and other animal. Ho has an unusually fine collection of views. Ti BUI SOCIAL EVENT OF THE YEAR. MANY NEW MEMUERH HINCE LAST AXNl'AL UALL WILL BE OCT THIH EYEXIXd From all Indications there will be a largo crowd out tonight at tho Elks annual ball. This Is considered one ot the chief social events of the year In Klamath Falls, and those of OMGHTIS HOT INLKDOM Lonesome Job ior Assistant Superintendent H, E. Mo. layer of Crater Lake'Natlo'naVJark left tor the, camp at headquarters there this aternlag, where' a expects to remain ter 'the. realtor the season. Mh Mossyer will have a lonesome job, aa he la the only person within tho radius ot about Ifteen miles. He IS HECKETAItV DKCLAREH THAT EX PLICIT HTATKMKXT FOR THIS IIENEFIT OF COMMITTEE, CON. UREHH AND THE NATION IH NECEH8AHV HEAD OF WAIt DEPARTMENT WAXTH ALL MEMRERf) OF'CON. REHS TO HEAR HIH ANSWER TO SENATOR CHAMBERLAIN'S ACCl'HATIONH WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. IB Secretary Maker la a letter has naked Senator Chamberlain to arrange am occasion at which all members of eon. gross who are so dtapoaed may at- tend and bear his statement In reply to the senator's charges of Inefficien cy In the army. The letter said that questions have arisen which require explicit state ments for the Information of your committee, congress and the couutry. DANKER 8LVOOED A$D PLACE LOOTED CHEHALIS, Wash., Jan. 15. A lone thief slugged and bound A. M. Cheney, a banker of Vader, when he opened the doors for businesa this morning, and escaped with 16,000. m LEAVE FOR DENVER Project Munager J. B. Bend and C. C. Hogue of the United States rec. lamatlon service here left today for Denver on business connected with the Klamath project. the order, who are addicted to trip ping the light fantastic (which con sists ot most of them) do not let this opportunity slip by, A very large number have become Identified with this popular order since the last annual event who will no doubt make their appearance to night. Park Official will keep a record Jor the oreri ment of the weeXbJr, ooadltloM, txi look altar thgfsirelly,- K.M 4e clar'sd that therejVa grt deal leM snow in" the! pari hle year tka ual. which will Keealr.ofk4 the sesweWfef MtirteU'wiii eefPHHM much earlier Rtxt summer thea Mtl SENATOR TO ARRANGE A MEETING 'A "t V 5 tj! .