?lii - - f OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NIWfPAFn OF KLAMATH FALL! Twelfth Year No. It.ltH KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1916 Price Frra Coat ', (Lhp lEuimhtri wram isiibbIii ' i i i ''(I! ENEMY FORCED ACTIVITIESCHAMBERLAINREPLIESTOPRESIDENT ON BATTLE LINES ARE FAVORABLE KIIKXCII I.N BRILLIANT RAID HMAHH Tlllllt OF.ILMAN LINEN FOR OOOD DIHTAXCK A.M UK TURN AFTKIl Pl'TTIXd l)K. FBNHEN Ol'T OK COMMIHNION Al'HTRtMJKHMAN FOHCKH IN NORTH Kit N ITAI.V WITHDRAW I OVKIt CONHIBKRARLK STRETCH OK TERRITORY 44KRIOUH IUOT IN MONCOW I'AltIB, Jan. 24 Tim French fitters executed a brilliant raid on Monday near Four de I'arla by' penetrating the enemy' linen tn a depth of over a quarter of a mile along a front of nearly twit mllea. Many prlMinera wore taken and the derne were destroyed, after which the French forcea returned xafely to their own llnet. ITALIAN HKADQUARTKRH, Jan. 14. The enemy haa evacuated a lane territory on the northern moun. talo front behind Monte Tomha and from the Have River westward their defame line haa been moved back to Monte Bplnocla. PETROGRAD. Jan. 34. Forty ware killed and 100 wounded In Mos tow rlota during a demonstration at the anniversary celebration of "Bloody Sunday." PEACETERMS Tl Rl'HHIA Mt'HT ACCEPT HAItNH TKRMH liAID DOWN IIV KNKMY Oil NKTMVriATIONH WILL UK BROKEN OFF IMMEDIATELY By Associated Preea DATKLK8S Germany, under the 1 ran Soldiers Start Drive Against "Moonshine " !" "n 4 'vVAiH?NOTON,.p.0., Jan. 14.' Tfithth.4sowy:tAi;ta-anf tag raaUly ta the be3ry oUt M ernng seia tuegaiiy to wneieaaara ana consumers, the aeldleralla the SeuthI rfWWWWXWWWWWWWMWXWXWIWjwiJwWWWWWWWW INDH'ATIONH ARK TAKKN FROM LINT OK CAHULATIKs) TURNED IN IIV UKNKHAL PBHIMUNO-IN. KOKMATION REFUSED WASHINGTON, D. C,, Jan. 34. Tlio IMrrpretatlou generally place on the raiualty llst.aubmltted by Gen. eral Pershing U that tea American battalions have been returned to tba front Una trench jJrI aa abtanra of two wetki; v Tl.n war department baa declined to Malt whether aa aatlra aectr kai been taken over by the Amerlcaas. 10 ATM E ANNUAL BALL TOMORROW MONT WILL RK BIO EVENT IN ELK DOM BIO PREPARATIONS FOR OOOD TIME Everything la now declared Id read. Iness for the big annual ball of the D. I'. O, Kike at the Temple tomorrow night. Tbla Is the one time of the year whon the "Mills" make an extra effort to be on hand and akow beyond all question that tbey are Just, as young aa tbey ever were. A large crowd l expected to be In evidence thla year. control of the mllltartaei, haa thrown down the gauntlet te Resale and de fined the Russian frontier tine eeyemd which the Russians must not claim further Inuence, according to Petro- grad advices. The real Herman terms Include the abandonment by Ruaaln of Ceurlead and all polnta on the Baltto coast. Unless the Russians consent by Jununry 19th to these stipulations, the negotiations will be broken of and the nermann will occupy Ravel, on the Oulf of Finland, within n week. s . era eampa ravoau aaneuAs eeJaVecetaei the UMjjal 4HUtetfa will ha kWMhod in aa apsrfolfr'ftth. the state gevafnars, '' .. , MM NOWIEEVED mm EIKSDANC kav Mao4. ft,UUMAl 'aansamatona Mt 'Sajsaaf 'la a 'lat 4..ilWwi4e eixt'. MMMWMMXMMMW E BTRINOKNT MEASURES ARE CON. TBMPLATED IIV FOOD ADMIN. RrTHATtON IN OKOKK TO HUP. PLY ALLIED FORCE IN EUROPE WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan. 34. To create a lane export for surplus flour for the alllce, the food admlnls. (ration la considering a plan of forced reduction In flour aalea to 75 per cent of the present amounta by the millers of the nation. .if ii. 1 DEPENDANT 18 ALLEGED TO MAVK IHBPOSKD OK CATTLE AND HORHKti WHICH USUALLY BKLONOEO TO I'LAINTIKK Aa soon aa the rate against Kd Cop. perfletd went to th Jury yesterday th work of drawing a new Jury for the civil action of Clopton va. Andar eon waa commenced. The number of Jurore available waa soon exhausted, however, and It waa necessary to wait until the flrat verdict came to a ver diet before proceeding. The case which Is In progress to day Is an action In which the plaintiff, Uutord Clopton, accuses O. T. Aader. aon of aelllag cattle and horse be longing to him. Being under legal age, the plaintiff la repreaeated by his mother. Attorneys Reaner and Kent appear for the plaintiff, while H, M. Maunluf repreoeata th defend net Ithveayoeted that th aa will ho completed before night. BKI MEamxa IS PLANNED IN MARCH A big meeting Is being planned by the Mlalaterlal Association bare on March Slat, In connection with the antl-aalooa drive, when Dr. Lewis Al hart Banks, a noted Methodist minis ter from Now York la scheduled to ap pear before the local public. A great deal haa boon reported of Dr. Danka ability aa a speaker, and It la be lieved tho meetlag will a on of un usual latareet to th residents of this district. COUNTY AQBNt OBTS NEW, BOAT "And th little eld lord, It ram bled right along," wbletloa Couaiy AgrHrtiT; ;atalay,"we his rtturs 10, ta,l(, reMW asMa.I loatlae, after eipertense wHh tie. .IgwA4jeftl Qllrf.aAa eetU. eluiH that at hl.pureeM th aaaall aiaM'-tf'aofgraMltfal ind "oea.: mm MAYSOONB CURTAIfD CIVIL ACTfON BHWED MM Boreal. TO YIELD TERRITORY t 0Wimm000000l0m 9aWaaJjt Oregon Is Makhg Proud Army Record 1 PORTLAND, Jan. 14. The name of Oregon stands out proudly on a colosaal report which will go down la history na oao of tba great documents of the war. It la the report of the provost marshal general to the secre tary of war on the operation of the first draft under the selective mill tary service act of 1917. Ceplea of the report have Just boon received la Portland. "Oregon flrst" la the outstanding feature of the report, studying It from every angle of Ita maaa of detail. In the ratio of actual eaUatmeata to gross quota by degrees, Oregon le shown to head-the list by a big am ain. Her acere la 1ST degrees. The nearest approach to thla la Utah, with 114 degrees, .,Orota alee. heeds the list In ratio of then called to thee FormerFrenchPremier's Duplicity The meeagee from Count Dernstorff. recMti muia nuhiie hv hcntin Leasing, which ao coacluttvety Impll- rated tbe former French premier. M. B, Ntu, Wt Prmtti tnd d,re4 0B Calllaux, have boon given for public, th other hand that Mediterranean tloa In full by the department of and Morocco agreement ahould be ad state. The peridy of tho Froncbmnn1 "" erttlelifal. Our praise Injures I. dlscloud by.d quMtlon In ttol! tf1" JS C,l!"!i! following telegrams. The flrst W . dated February 4, 1915: No. 179. Buenos Aires telegraphs the follewing: No. 31. Calllaux has n n na " '" 0l '"- left Buenoa Aires after a abort aUy.; Bwtorff. and Is g'olag direct to France, evl Idently on account of tho (group un-J SOS. Naval Attache to Admiralty decipherable) eeaadlo which he re-'Staff. Habana telegraphs: Tol, Rio garda as a personal attack upon him. do Janeiro, telegraphs steamer Ara-eelf.- He speaks contemptuously of guaya left Buenos Aires January 30. the president and tho rest of the The captain la carrying Important pa French government with the excep-Pra. Capture very desirable. Cat tle of Briaad. He eeea Urn the pel-! (mux Is en board. In case of capture ley otBrngtaad perfeetly. . tto not Calllaun ehould In aa unobtrusive way aattdaato the oemnleU vorthrow of Franco. He aeee In the war now n struggle for existence on tho part of England. Altho ha spoke much of the "Indiscretions nnd clumsy policy" j of the Wllhelmatraaae, aad profeesed to believe In Oermaa atrocities, he has In oescntlsls hardly changed hlsj political orientation. Calllaux wel- corned Indirect courtesies from me, but emphasised th extreme caution! which he la obliged to shew, a the EDIBLE FATS ARE NOW OBTAINBB FROM WHALBb) CHRIBTUNIA, Jan. 34 A com mittee of expert appointed by th tat to adeavr t Ind n meth4 f obtaining odlblo fat aid oil from whale blubber and flsh (report that Ita experiments bav b sueeosaful. i Wlrtiefstwlthimttiuraef ether ,(t lj'kHT,'b uaed tot JMitasJafalllll WerwOy has alrosdy lwwllta tt rolaartaf, aad thoatata haa fif agottatlOM for th purchase of on t ths registered. The chart shows that reg. Istratlon In this state waa 100 per cent, and that lass than 5 per cent of the registration was called. In the matter of ratio of enlistment credits to groee quota by degrees, Oregon Is llnted aa second among 37 state and territories, with 90.11 degrees. Ha waii la Srst. with 111.97. The 27 'States and territories are those tbst were above the national average, all the rest being below. Washington m No. II In the list of those above. while California la 39 la the other list. There were only three states with 70 per cent or over, th other two be ing Mala and New Hampshire. The coat nor man for service In Oregon wa ti.. Maine's coat per man' waf fll'4. .-' Made Plain French government, he said, has watched him even here. He warns us against the excessive praise bestowed ii twin Mm h aur turwra. eanaelallr mhant Rraall had nnthlnv new. On his return to Franco ho will, to begin with, realde la hla constituency. He ho treated with courtesy and consider. atlon. Can you Inform our cruisers? Dernstorff. ' On Juno , 1917, the German cen- sorshlp Issued the following notice to the dermaa prese: "For political reasons It Is urgent- ly reouested that nothing be written about the former French Prime Mln. titer, and that hla nnme be not men- tloned under any circumstances." BLOOD TBANBKtJaiON BAVBB MANY LIVES LONDON, Jan. 34. Th practice of blood transfusion In the eases of badly wounded men la the army la growing tot Importance. Out of thtr-ty-lv wunded men .who could not hir survived; twenty. were saved by, thla PToeoas. ' '' KaTw ainnMVBdY AMAfwuid.boyas bora yesterday to ajaajnuaji ajre.' r. nasaie. jneiiKia fellow" haa'.beon ',aed MltauH Na kai. HI father eepduetatha new city laundry, NCOME TAX IWCDCPTflD iTdDECLARED HAH INTKItVIKWKD AVKRAOE OK OVKIt NINKTKKN PKIt DAY DIR. ISO NTAY OK NKARLY THRKK WKKKM ao HKPORTtt FILED Three hundred and fifty calls from tbe Klamath residents were made at the office of Income Inspector J. 8. Hogg during his stay of eighteen daya In this city. Mr. Hogg left this morn ing for Lakevlew, and will go from t beret Bend. I Of the 350 who visited the oBce only fifty made. out their reports, but many secured tbe blanks and will make them out later. There were es timate! of about 350 that would come under the Income tax law by govern ment officials, altho there Is nothing accurate nbout such estimates. Those who should pay this tax aad fall to do so are liable to a heavy penalty later. MAN WHO COLUDKD WITH AND IXJUHKD YOl'Ntt LADY WHILE 8PKDINU IS FOUND OllLTY IN CIRCUIT COl'RT FoIIovi'Iuk a deliberation of ovar NK FOUND TO BEGULTY flv hour, vnttorrfav lh. Inrv In Ihal0'1 ,a thO, PrOOldent " " w,w . ..-,, ... -- case of Kd Copperfleld, charged with colliding with Miss Luclle Stewart while he wns speeding tn an auto on Sixth street last November, brought In a verdict of guilty. Ills sentence U to be pronounced Saturday afternoon by Judge D. V. Kuykendall. It was brought out In the trial that the defendant was Intoxicated when the accident occurred. The case has occupied the court since Monday morning. Candy Sales On U.S. WASHINGTON; IV C.?'JaV 34: .The discovery pf.'.'lmpurltlea" in. the csnuy supplied " ceaiveaa.of, ieo 'navy sMpVhas csuie4lWtmee of orders suspending the sale of. candy to men and the purchase of additional TODAY WILSON IS ORHOO.X STATRSMAN SAYS PLE OF NATION SKOVLD KEPT ADVISED OP REAL SfTC ATIO.V OREAT INTEREST CEX. TERED IN SPBRChl ii4 SECRETARY BAKER'S SOURCE OF INFORMATION WAS UNREUA. BLK, HAYS CHAMBERLAIN H2 I ' OWN TESTIMONY BefOWS MB DID NOT POSSESS FACTS WASHINGTON, D. C. Jaa 34. Senator Qoorg Ca1ambartbjj.e Ore gon rooa this nwra4M1ta'nata chamber and commenced his reply to. the scathing criticism made upon him by President Wilson. Chambortoinj waa roundly scored by Wilson for hi, recent New York speech, la which ho pointed out many alleged laeflkteat results In the work of the war de partment. "Why should, aot America know theee thluTwqulred the Oregon senator tct"or. "Sons people In the West belleW that the American nrasy haa all that it needs, and If they only knew the actual conditions they would give their Uvea and their all to the cause for which we are flght Ing. I can show by Secretary Baker'a own testimony that he did aot know tbe actual clothing conditions, and did aot W.l,rt know tha truth, aad I did. He get.hla facta from the aecretary, who get them from some one else, who must have lied. "The conditions ought to be cor rected quickly. Men bave died with, out the proper nursing because of tho Inefficient system." standing firmly by bis charge that AmerlcaV military establishment It inmlied in Inefficiency, Chamber lain reported that the president him iclf does not know the truth. He (Continued on page 4) Stoped Naval Ships INOWOF supplies,' peadtai VlOTeefM)ttnr iJ ,- Vtaat Waeial1 ---"-- ---' gAlafaMl fJaathi J .1 rprttw5ojr4i jjRjsm , ..... -,... -.-.. H .. m ,A'B JV. w' y'W