'?"My$C 'Mfc, .,v "&Sw "iifetii 0 SHf iEurnutn -Herald '-.J .-u, ' III , 3h -g BB I BBBB OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NBWAfH 'Ol .1 fc i, - OF KLAMATH COUNTY OV KLAIffATM VALLA H . w - , ,:a j.'!!? '. V'1"! yb$ J& V 1 B4- . ,l Twelfth Year--N. AUSTRIA TRIES officials TO FOR PEACE! i OO.MIM'KU KKKORT KOK FKACK TO IIK MAIK OX TKHMN PHKVI. (H'NLV OKKKHKII 11' t'KXTKAL roWKIlM HKMIOXATIOX OK At'KTRlAX MI.MHTMV HKPORT M, HIT .NOT (IrXKIRMKII LOXUOX KKHM'AI'KKM DECLARE MOVi: IM MERELY MM Mil ,OX PART OK At'MTMtAK OOYEHX MKT TO IXKIAJKXCK XhSOO TIATIOX8 AT IIHKMT.I.ITOVaK lly AMirUlrtl lrta DATKI.KHH-Austrla will continue to strive for a grntral peace, but on term previously offered, I'remlcr neydler has Informed tha leaders of It., .irlklng Austrian workmen. . He declared that the rcinnlljlllly for continuing the wnr reU upon Dm e tnttalt allies. Ttit resignation of tha Austrian InNlrjr, probably Including von Key dlsrs, has hern roorled by n (leruian nsspaNr, but has not 'been confirm ed. Count von Toggtnburg, minister cf the Interior, It la said, has been asked to form a new cabinet. Kondon newspapers believe that the Austrian government Is aiding the workmen'a propaganda for peace In order to Influence the llrest-Mtovsk peace negotiations. I'lmtoaitAI), Jan. JI. I'eace nr toilMlons at llreat-IJtovsk have been Wtioned for a few days. Trotsky Is repotted to be preparing another frontal to (bo entente. I.KAVKM KOH IHHtTLA.M) Attorney Chaa. V. Minna lafl for. lortland tbla morning, where be will attend a meeting of the Slate risk' and (lame Commission, of which ho Is, imber. I Jl.al IMVM.1 XINTrT TOMUHT The opening of the bowling tourna.' mem between the champions of the I'slm nlluys and the Klka alles will rmiiimmco tonight, Instead of last ullht, as announced In the Herald. I PROMISE MAKE MOVE German Would Return All Conquered Country amm emawaamamms-i smet AMSTERDAM, Jan. I3--Tht der Mailmlllan Harden la lb Pie 8u woy sould net take any territory kugft. ' "hb the Russian empire, and might TkU onlaaat atraun aay it waa 'I lva hark Alsace-Mrralne o admittedly a mlsUke to take Alsare ri tins, I. duvlaied lu au article by . Lorraine lu the Unit place. WORK ON NEW aaoellBJe WELLFIXEO mm ' ISH.KrtM OK KLAMATH MAY IIK MID TO JIXtiLF. PLEASANTLY WITH MAXY HIMOLHOXftBIU 41KWT I1AMXCK KVKR ON MAXU The largest bslsnee which kaa ever len on band In the county treasury of Klamath County It reported In the eml-aunusl report ol the county treasurer mad public today. The total amounts Aa 1194,110.40, and while thla arneuaT will aoon be red iced to about 1100.000 by out- Handing warrant, the balance will till Ut unusually large. The amount la dUtrlbutad for tat moat part In four funds, the general luml, H03.lte.Ii; tba general read 'fund, M0.0&7.7O; .the new court house fund, I7S.MI.4I, and the high rfiMil fund. ll?.oM.fl7. Tl, , ro, fuld wh ,Mi year's levy ft 160.000 will be brought up to over 1100,000, and the court '' ""' ' ,oU 'n ne '"' r n.st yt.rol uir.r iHt.OOQ. 1 ,..., M1,v .,,...,. Hum r.r........ ... ........ . .-. Ol'THIOK ItllNTH TO OKFICIATK IX INHTAM.IXO N'KW I'HWtBV. TKIIIAN MJMHTKR llov. K. I'. Uwrence, the new pas tor of the first Presbyterian church of thla city, Is to be formally Installed nt hi new post thla evening. Dr. A. J. Montgomery ol Portland, state superintendent of missions, and Rev. If. A. Carnahan of Ashland ar rived last evening to conduct the ear- lc It la boied that all member of the congregation, aa well aa their friends, will be present to w lines the Impres sive ceremony. Ilev. Uwronce, who came here from Portland late In (he fall, has taken hold of the work here In a forceful way, and has succeeded In oruusliig unusual Interest In Ike activities of the church. MOOT mm SERVICESHERE Emm KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, ItlS ME READY MKMIIKHM OK O. O. I. URIMTLK AT HPKKCH OK DEMOCRATIC HEX. ATOM MAY HEPCBLICAXS SHOULD UK IXSTALLKD WABI.IN0TON, D. C, Jan. II Tke greatest political debate la the anata since the United State went Iota tba war burst out htra today wban Senator Wont, disregarding tba advice ol tha othtr administration captains, arraigned tba leader of tba republican party aa playing politico, Tba republican Itadtra, beaded by Penrose, were prepared to reply te crn(Cun. Penrose said he believed It wa his public duty to criticise the govern meat's IneMelency, nod seek to have republicans restored to power aa a more eracient administration coma Ihua be secured. IS CALLED MAN WHO CAMK IIRRK RKCKXT. LV FROM KAXH.IK FAIWKti AWAY AT MOMK OK DAl'GH TKR, ONTdlCHIOAN AVK.WK Ira II. Perry of this city passed away last night at the borne of hU daughter, Mrs. M. II. Newbanks, on Michigan avenue, fallowing n linger ing Illness from paralysis. The deceased, who was 7 years ot age, waa a rarpaater by trade, and came to Klamath Falls about three month ago from Manhattan, Kaaa. Tha funeral services are to be held tomorrow afternoon at the Whltlock ebapal, the Rev. O. O. Oliver of the Metbodlat charge, oBctatlng. At the request of the deceased, the funeral aervlcea will be private. BH1MAYG0 BYTHEiMMRD WlUfMPR' DeaPPROVAL CREASKM CHANCaW OF MEAS- vnmMflUa CONGRaaS COX. GRM ADJOURNS TO COOL OFF , WASHINpTON, D. C, Jaa. IJ. PraaaeeU for paM4S tke war cahlnet bill are aow dimmed by the presl- eus WITH REPIV REM OTKAN WAMET TO COURT Man Taken Here Is Desperatejkrader Criminal Who Pokoncd Stock In Tule Lake District Last Summer Pleads Guilty to Many Other Crime at Alturas and Receives a Stiff Sentence (lordet), Ike man taken kare about thre weska age by Bkerll Oeorge llumpkrey while aaaklag kU! getaway from Modoc County, I aaw known to be tke, sua who aolsenad tke Block, leprae Tule Lake eectlea last summer, aa well aa belag guilty of steeling sheep. He plead guilty at Allures, and baa beta aaateaeed far an Indeterminate term. SaerlC Hum. phrey waa convlneed when Oordoa was taken kere tkat he kad secured a geaulae criminal. A portlea of an' article uken from tke Alturaa Plain dealer of Jaauary litk ahowa tkat ko was correct. feloajr charge, aa they were certala "The case of the People ra. Jeaee that be was 'a geaulae self-elected Uordon und Joe dordon, charged ' criminal, aad tke dletrlct attorney with the larceny of thirty-three bead had considerable circumstantial evl of sheep before the Superior Court deace Indicating that Jesse Oordoa this week. Jesse Oerdon, who la the waa the man who poisoned all the son of Joe Cordon, plead guilty aad stock that died from that cause In then asked for probation. He present and around Tula Lake section last ed a petition slgaed by tulle a num-. spring, aad wklek attracted much at bar of local cltlaeaa recommending, toaUoa over tke state, causlag tke probation. A slgnlleant fact waa tke .state to send aa espert to make la conspicuous nbaeace of ear namee ea; vestlgatlea." Guard On Luxburg To Be Continued a fnaaaaaeeaWBaaeBjjBjBBBjBM HUEN08 AIRES. Jan. II. The tlflcate of physicians aUtlng that it Argentine government has received a w akaolutely aaceesary to keep von note from tha German governmeat protesting ngalaat tke coalnemeat af Count von l.uiburg, former Qermaa minister to Argentine, to a aoaplul,;Argeatlae government to recognise contending thla la a continuation ottaa charge d'afalrea ad interim Becre. hla detention aa tae Inland ot Martin tary Count Doahoff of the Oermaa ,le Clracla. Germany admlta the Justice gallon until a aucctesor to von Lux ot the dtlentlea af von Luxburg oa burg la appointed. Argentine alee re the Island as punishment for leaving fusee this request, aad also declines Duenoa Aires without permission, but to permit Doakol to continue to act a rguea there ia no excuse for contln - usace of n guard at tka hospital. In reply tka Argentine govern mint has traaamltted to Berlin cer dent'a denunciation of the program, la a reply to Saaator Ckamber- Iain's New York speech, the presldeat mm-i tow war trpa(BMn -miv.mi svf " i"i -. mim- Bakar'a ability. Indication are aaw that aparttaan oeaaie whi afTMra ejiw aaavTWivaaVasre A twa daya aajaaramaat kaa kaaa Uken, la order tkat bath aidea way cool o, kut may aeaatora will da aiaad to be kaard. .vTha preataaafe: .deauatUMoa af CkMiWiola aad ajfravalrof Baker have aalMlaj;karaaMIaa4 aaMOg ooiate damaerato' mU. aaaaan.(tka wr eakfaot bill.,, I(H,aaw deatorad tkat tkey will Sgkt tkla awttor U a PACIFY HOUSE tke petition of resldeats of Tnle Lake section, where Oortfem waa known and bad nude kla kerne for tke last three veera. "Wetrtet AUeraey Bolwett reatet ed tke af pMcatUa. w4 skewed by tke deftadant'a wn teeUateey tkat be wag gnlUy of a number of ether felo. lea ud mtodtmaaaeri, and tkat it would be m travesty of Jaatiee to turn tke defendant oat oa probation. "Uader tke dlreeOea at Dlatrlcl At- teraey Robaett, tke ekerlf aad other oflcera have beea worklag for many moatka to eatcb tke defendant aa a Luiburg closely guarded until ho is able to leave Argentine because of bk meatal eeadltloa. Tke Qermaa note also requests the j as secretary of tke legation, main talnlng that all legation employee lost their oSklal status when von Lux burg waa given kla passports. finish, deeplte tke president's oppo sition, tho they may aot gather , enough strength to compell congress aaaraval. Ckamaerlala said tkey OT PVaWVT or AUTO baxditb r LOI ANOBLBJ, Jaa. IS. A scare t aoMoomiB amad f Itk wwedat okotgwoi r aaarcklag for tka aMta. ajakila baadlta wka killed aaaaum aM waaaded aaatker la tve koW-uia aere Met aigai. STRIKERS MAY PROCEED WWMIMMMNMMMIM I A. BIO B.N'OWH TMROW OtT TRAIN MCMfc.DVUEB trtT MfCB COAL IS MOVIXO MAX PLACKO OX AD EMTHHXO KOR HKLt WASHINOTON, D. C, Jaa. 12. Heavy now over the entire Beet have compelled the abandonment of scores of train schedules, but It la de clared that the coaV Is now moving well, OeeeWtkU fact. Heavy coal ini br reported la tke New York har bor, la spue or the wont ice jam la many years.' The department of labor kaa to ued pre-emptory dlrectloa to mjny large InUustrlat coacarae to eaaae ad vertUIng for kelp. It w believed that such advertising Is uaeettllag the labor supply, and worklag bard ships oa tke 'individuate who aa swered. IXJl'RKD MAX TO RUTl'RX Chester De Lap. who baa beea la San Francisco undergoing surgical treatment for aa Injured eye, it ox pacted to return thla evening. Mr. De lap, who is a farmer ia tke Round Uke district, kad the mlsfertuae to get a small hit of ateel la kla eye. which will probably cause tke wet of slgkt entirely. ft was feared for a time tkat tke eyeball would have to be removed. hut It Is aow thought It would be ua necessary. UIU CAXAIMAX WHEAT CROP 18 PRKDtCTKD WINNIPKO, Maa., Jan. Sl.Caa ada'a greatest crop In Its klstory kaa been predicted for ills by E. a. Par; ker ot tke Winnipeg grain eaekaaae. "Wa win have 10,000,000 aeraaia' heat." be aald. "The average acre. age la 10,000,000. With fair weath er condition the crop a III be eapr mous." Government regulation of tke price of shorts end bran is now In effect. Busy Times Big fTf"-'!';! rr A great deal ef repair work Is be lag done oa the'btg sawmills aad fae. toriea on the Upper Klnmath Lake kere. preparatory te aa early start la tka spring. AtvPeMeaa City, tka lo cation of tke.Pallcaa Bay Lumbar eompaay, muck Impravemeat ia aow la avideace. , Praaaratloaa era bslag.made for tba eaaatructlea of aavaral . aow koutea fa Mlaaltadaa la eaaor Hi iara. 4wh wHl. be muKol by Mm mill iaaaa aNery keaao taera M FREKH ram no "Kj i? ESTIMATES ON COURi TMJtRK RwTIMAI LAX0 sWMCMaa MY COUKTY URVM KAXOK FROM a)lMW o , I j. IBCASSCI ARK AT YAf AXCKOXK MAX UCAVIXO. WtR'tTUiMC AMaV t viLMXti mnr cecav bwvsm a OX AXOTMI Tke tkrae frffSk arckKecte aa tke War comfdetkMt Om aew made pubHe at a meeting of tba, County Court yeeteraar The aaelaMtaa raage ftaea IH.t to I0.M I "B. E. MeClarea of tha Lamber change kalldhtf. Pertlaad, aabasMa a bid for 1110.000 to building, leavlac oat uaaeceesary tktauja la tba tleas. To caaaalete M aWoraaaar aa apeclteaUoaa kaaaka tttt.Mt. a la addltlaa tax Urn. tha eeat ( Uta outside ImareeTaaaoata aa atatMsd would be tS0.ee. R. E. Cuahmaa of 41 Faartk atreati Pertlaad. eubmka a detailed reaart af -tbe prestat eeadltloa af tha balMwc. wkat will be aeeded. way R arlll be Keeded. outlines tka gradea of malar. to be need aad eubmHa aa j utl fitS.OOO far tka aemplaMaa 0f the bulldlag, eadaelvo af laa grounds, wklck would east IN.00 more. ' In kla exposition. Caahmaa da etaree tkat Ua craeka wklekare a (Ceatlaued oa yaga 4) On Upper Lake tliaaui aw aceuDled. aad aaw balUfar tba Beetle wto.wlM'atffa I. Ik.!-1 - --" f- u",ni .' Captain Taylor of.tka iliamaijJMR ' sama kaa iuet kroagkt dowa faot'af lumbar from Weed aaW-y. HQJJSEni NOMC I .. HI KseOM WOttfS , BaMkBYOEnVaaaYaaYj r. "ViUt.C,,;. aaaaaMBsaw'; th vufuih HssalsslmtaiB m .l'.)'- -." a i traJtkai laM'namaJaV -itt '. " -" ""j, z:, . r w weteewa 'P w ' OJOil m 7i Jt Qnaf,. f; sy x mm-jm, jms ' j 8wiwPBHM' jS wiasar tf mm WK :$& II r Ti 4 Vl 1 ."1 Lk ' jiu ."' f