OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY tm drill Yrr No. n,uin LENINE FACTION NOW HOLDS REINS RUSSIAN ASSEMBLY DISSOLVED AT START! llOt.HHF.VIKI ADIIKHKNTH AltK I di:fkatki in tiilih attkmit tl) control co.nmtituknt ah hkmiii.y, ano tjik mkctim1 ih hhokkn vi - bc-Liiktu iv i vi-L'fi-r TiiiT ...i..uw.M..m.'.. ............. ...... .....-............ ....- MKIIIATK I'KACK WITH HIH- uiiU HIANtt UKRMAN i iicriiii n ITT Ot'T OK COMMIHHION (lent. Ily AsMKlalril l'rea ,,, ,ir,,t(m seek to show IMTKI.KHH The life or Itusslu's tlint Copperilold was Intoxicated at constituent assembly was short. Thli the lime, and that he was speeding assembly. Regarding which great " niarhlno when the accident oc plans had been mude, was dlssohed ,',rr',,' In a few hours after It had convened Attorney Wffi.ii R. W Hoy appears by the executive committee of the '' 1'icur.utlng Attorney Iluncan. congress of workmen and soldiers del- '" '' 'l'""' I represented by esates, and It Is dcclurcd that It will Attorney Kieil MIIU. be succeeded by a workiuun'H and . soldiers' congresa, which has been supporting the l.cnlne Kovernmont. The dissolution came after the bol shevlkl adhorants were defeated In their attempls'to control the assem bly. Ilolshnvlkl troops' am now on guard at the deserted usHembly incut, lag place. I.enlnu will not nllow the meeting to ro-osiniinltUi with Ihn pun.' Oermans In the political ascendency. It la reported that there are serious itrlkes In flermany, and In Austria n protest against Oermanlsm, and fa voring ponce, has been mndo. I ' One correspondent soya tho Htrlk-' MI-:ilH OF VAM.HV WHO AT- era demand n speedy peace with tho TK.MIKH Mi:i-rriNl HATVIIDAV Husslans, and have grown too stronx HIIOWKH INTKNTION OK FL'T- to bo stemmed by force. TIXO IN ritOF XKXT YK.AH Ilrltlsh warship have asfttktho . German warship UroHlau und driven' ,. i...i. the warship Ooobon onto the bench" A number of farmers near Klamat , at the entrance of the Dardanelles. " " "l reBml; Ing Sntiirdny nftornoon, when tho AM8TBIIUAM, Jan. Sl-llrwU ,n,,or of l'ln)ng nugar bceta next I.l.ovHk .dvfeert any that tho central P"W t"""'",c d, h Hn"' ,.r lowers and the Ukranlan "people'. " "' uporlntendcnt of the Utah republic" have resulted In an agree- "" "!"' T""". Pnn(,.,i ... ment on principles of a peoco treaty, I ITrtlrlly the same ronlnrtwu .ml .h.t .h n win i. ..rmina.ed. otStioi by the company this year a. .. ...nT ...w .......... ... .-... RKTUHNH FHOM POItTIANI Councilman Will T. I.eo returned out nt tho mooting, and It Is believed last night from a business visit to that this culture will be stimulated Portland. Ho declares that business thin the association, conditions there nro gradually lm-' Several contracts wero signed dur. proving, and that Portland Is taking ing the mooting, and a number of advantage of the opportunity offered farmers hnvo expressed their Inten by tbe war to Incroasu Its prosperity, tlon of putting In tho boats again. General Tieup Now Threatens In Austria LONDON, Jan. 81. The strike elated wltb demand for Immediate .v.ent I. .preadlDi thruout Au.. w dcU'r-(1Vrl. trla-Hum.ry. according to dlspstcl.r. ' t 'ndgpnt, wheu tbe entire from Bwlss and Dutch aourcea f- transport system came to a aiarfd colved today. The strikers nrs aso- still. . I If? Iiunttng Hgrald 1 rmrs. s.j . .1 wi' m . -- ' - b COUNTY CLERK S REPORT IS VERY PLEASING TrfMWWWWMMWWWWWWMWMMWWWWWWWW t TODAY TRIAL (IF INDIAN ACCUMKII OP ( OI.LIDIMI WITH XUVSU OIHL WHILK INTOXICATKD IIKOINH IN (IHCUiT court The. rase of Hlato vs. Copperfleld win (fininirnred lis momma in me Circuit Court, and thn drawing of the' iury wu well under way before nooii.l t . as..i.a i... i - . it..!!.... r"rT-r"Y. .'"" :?""."- (nn i;iniuiii ri'sonniion, is aiirava i have In an JUto on Hlith . . ....... . 'VV. : .i.,u iiriei wiiii a iiursn ana u"W) . ........ . ..i.i .!. oj nn in mnwiii i, iinn riiiui . tflnliiK Luke district. The rl was mm STARTED bmlly knocked to pieces, and MIss.Mnrnian, Umatilla. Htewnrt sllulilly Injured In the accl- E HERETO BE !. .M IkA last year, wun mi luiromra prim por ton. Secretary Archie Wishard of tbe Klamath Irrigation district was pres- BEET MR (11M0 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 21, lilt TWKNTY-HKVKN MTATK NOW COUNTIKH IN IIAVK AGHICVI.. TI'HAL AGKNTH HKVF.RAI. ONKH AHRKD THIS YKAH NKW COKVALI.IH, Jan. 21. Twenty- siren ruiiiiuc uii wrvKiui win uatc county agricultural ageuta during l'ls, 'as follews: Ilaker, Ilcnton, (im m m mm i it mill finm frrwilr I .;:.7" . :.:.." .:.:: ,:::,:' '-.ii..v, wUun., n.u... ..., H. hlamatii. .Uino, Malheur. Mult .,.. I, l,.IL Tlll.ninnV lliilr.n U'.l - -... "' in,, h'iini U'.Mhlnrii.n wheeinc. ."-, " '. w- . .---...., uai-mp. i.iiimm. i.inroin, .Morrow, All but the last six named already lavo their agents uppolnted, and the other will be supplied as rapidly as possible. . ENUST ItWTMAHTKII OlVrX NAMKH OF FIVK MKN WHO HAVK I.KFT Mllt lOltTIANI UVKINU THK PAST WKF.K Kecrultlng Officer Postmaster Del icll reports the following enlistments In tho navy during tho past week. Monday, (Irant Nelson of Keno. Tuesday, l.uther Uober and Wm. Ili)f n( Krelgh (southeastern sec tion of tho county.) Sunday, Albert Cox and John noteholder of Klamath Falls. It la not known whether or not the boys have passed their entrance exam- Illations at Portland, but all hnvo of. feted thtilr services. IJOX OF SWKKTH HAFFLKD OFF AT HTAIl THKATKR SATURDAY KKiHT BRINGS SUBSTANTIAL MM FOR POPULAR CAUSE I Mrs. Florence Q. Ingerton wee the fortunate winner of the big bos of randy which was rattled off at the Star theater Saturday night (or the benefit of the Red Cross. A flO box of candy was dontted list week by Mrs. J. J. Keller of tbe Sugar Bowl to the Red Cross Society, and the members deelded to sell raf fle tickets (or It at 10 cents each, in mm AGENTS NOW N OREGON FIVE MEN NNAVY REDCROSS MB VALUABLE 4AMMAMMMWAAMMAAMMAAAAMAAAAAMWWto East Indian Makes LONDON, Dee. 1. (Correspond- cnro of the Associated Press) One o( the greatest charitable sifts In tbe history of India Ijiik Juit been an- rounrcd at Delhi. The. MatiaraJ Ku. ' mar of Tlkarl, one of the wealthiest tintlv tirltirta li nvntr1 tMr1 " - " - ... "' 'rust demoting hi entire personal estate to founding an Institution for tlie education of Indian women. The property concerned Is alued at about 17,000,000. In flow of the much In India, It la be1loed that the rift .iciya..g.fto( Bnrir fn ume. m. sire In England or America. I)lendent aaembera of the himc, Iral'a fsmllv have ulnudv ben liro - . ' "mll neaireaoy ncen pro-.i IN SENATE KKNATOIl HTONt: IIITTKHLY AM KAILH HKITIIIJCAN I.KADKRH IN HPKKtll AT WASHINGTON. PLAYINO POLITICK, HK MAYS WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 21. Characterizing former President Itoosevclt us "the most potent agent tho kaiser has In America," and the "most seditious man of consequence In America," Senator Stone, address ing the senate today, charged that re publican leaders are engaged In a ROUT ATTACKED studied effort to make politics out of been very prominent In the c-Jiurcb the war. Their object Is to "take the and charitable work of tbe city, and government over Into their own her passing will leaea vacancy that hands" by partisan criticism or the wjh long be noticeable. She 3ias conduct or the war. he declared. I Ulen a leader in the work f the ftws Senator Stone's address, carefully byterian church liere for ananjr seara. prepared, la the first of political slg-j yi0 deceased was 111 for leas than nlflcance made In congress tlnre the uue eek. An attack of la triju'e United States entered the war. and uetied her last Monday, and was lol- regarded as tho forerunner of bitter partlsan strife, excoriated partisan- ship In the war. Ilesldos Colonel Roosevelt, the Mis- sourl senator named Chairman Wll- cox of tho republican national com- inlttee and Senator Penrose among tbe republican leaders as bis "wit- nesses" to tho political plot ho ai- leged. Investigations by congress of war operations, Senator 8tone also. declared, havo almost entirely been launched by .republicans and adroitly exploited for partisan purposes. order to get aa much money for tbe work aa possible. That the people of tbe city respond- ed to the move la the eame spirit that they have answered tbe other calls la Indicated by the fact that a total of $01.06 wae raised from tbe sale of tho tickets. Mrs. Iugersog, who resides with her husband on Coager avenue. Is re ported to have two sobs In tbe terv ice, and to have purchased a service nag wun inree goia stars ana two etuswrs. eacg eiue aur rearesente eea ssaiton cs xsna ocy. bu touie relative in the service and tbe tnea, who U emaieyad at Wae. -pi;lU stare Indicate relatives that ha i aaeu to ratura chare in ttaa vary amar dind lu the service, Jfuture. 1 Official Princely Gift lded for by separate funds, and ull nubilities of the estate are' duly - cured. Tlie fctlieme Ik for a rtrirtly "iiurdah" retddcntlal inhtitution. where the girls will le trained and educated on the bout modern jirini-J- vlu frnm fh bm if ? in 1K -Tlutrj. ."- - - - - will be no question of caste or creed. The rift owed it Inspiration to the incbaraj's wife, who has been me of the foremot nathc Indian -women in the cruradc for the Improvement f 1'i.raJ hlmMslf was one of tbe Srrt ..... .i t0 ,n n the .!- field. Ue was brought up y &Aiah tutors in India, and baa fcoen a creal 't'ai.!r ainer. slMSsr! HP. Vf nuitnii u mmm iin .! SlliiNEOWJ MICH HKUVn sUSIIftKXT HK KLAMATH FALLci JaXsimfXtsi TU CAIX OF CKIM KKATCK LATt L.tBT KKMNG The news of tbe death f Mrs. J. B. Mason of Klamath Falls last venisg l causing much grief thruout the city 1 I today. Mrs. Mason, who lias resided litre with her husband and jisrt of in ' children tor the last twelve years, but lowed soon by pneumonia. fbe jiasb- -d away neaoerully at 10;st Hunt I uigut at her norae en Xlnth and HUjU- Mrs Ellen Mason was years uf af e it April. She waa nam In Bar. tholomew County. Indiana, and came i,ere ifom Eureka, Kfrf"". tl )er, aso. Forty-nine years ago aunt month he married lier .childhood friend, J. 11. Mason, jn addition to her husband lie i Hurvlved by four children, Will and jjiirge Mason of this .city, Mrs. Minnie Faught et Modesto, Calif., and Mrs Lena Peaae of Evanstan, We. Three sinters aad one iirother arc also Hiv ing. Mrs. Faught la asaeeted to ar rive tonight from MoAasto. ; ltntMu further uaousraiast & - ,,, tbe Juneral to beld tomorrow aiteraeam. WEtaMXG TOM MOKXIVG County Judge Maries Hanks per formed bis first marriage .ceremony ( in 11K this moral waati e inmrnm t . -. . - - , .. i usris s.. suu n nvaai au . Htm He 4 Ht-v Joaaas . iaisa ad g'.rrwfwafl AluurSuis kiifii antrnwd iirhtcsal t Xluminus lUKUmte on tHimqosic. a TUlfc Is uue tf 4b mwt iiauHiraaa asssl jituinic He ilrrt !hiduxriii3 skxuiSc 3ri win iji Hie ITsrUifl "" 'Gnet; 3k a j:aifliurt tf Saxxscrtl at of tbe Tale Zlhritihr t0ioUL IKiltst mm MMsJsU Tig : Jiivr aatutk M a jit bbvumc mf -' nr an-tnuuL ir Tlte vdeicUi ltd JaucuMt 3Uim. a 3ns5 time TeHltteut itrf atlKBUctfa (TJuusBtr. K-i cuirefl JUrtiirflirj- otttemocm art .oVlod; art live !liine rT Site wui UmuK' in lhln irftj- 2 '"its - yottss and jiuHwid aiw'iO' tfudflaA? irsac i&m' iunrmities nf ulfl oiae. Mr. HH'.liu twuui a aactiv" off and .cunie 3ene in 3li. Be -m stone anuiuni il.v Irufle. - He ltut e Hi- icUUdmm. IUuk. iilti.lai. tf etcl lhf"tt rt-ess TmT HF JaVal (if SoiiU'O'wn. MTb. HL Jl. THiTif ut urtUtnQ anid Mte. SUq- rdk ithutl.cOmicim. HUie Jiumrnl m-iuw -vraielfl ilSiifc aflunioou ait lite IViirQodk tfdaoeO. Stev. IE. 3'- ILuMusioe ffl H rioml a'j-uhliyitiriwi cuiurub .rftlriartrflt. I 'saaaaapBBwaBaaaBaaBBBaaiBaBaj r I aaaaaaaaaaTasaaaaaaVaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaa1 l ! aiiaWsBJIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHH 4 bHHW si-m & tJalllHHI aaaaaaaaaB'!alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamB aHHHlllA. 'iiaiaiaiaiaiaiaialllllllM faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV''.4f mm ! aBBtTalaTatm S MBaVfil 'Wt KaJaVHBUaVaaar . McAbW Faan U.S. WASinuGOTScn. sl C Jan. Sli j&cXiaa Hold ttse l -tiiiibibbsIibi Aay iOut ahtinatht dbe afeOUid aSJBBWI Hhs) HSBXHBttsBJl lisads 5ur atoaw tUana atfisar : REDUCTION IN COUNTY DEBTS IS -aIta)iJK9li "San 3. . xtiaS amx.m it xaas as- VERY m ii3SBBs9JHswaT ssaasS eBssFjajasjEyjBBaa) jbbjbbJip 3 saLSsaW afV aVjaa!alBBBSBBmsBgHBBV aBBBBBBBBLlBBBBW 1 """" l 'asssfl assssBsnasT dksi aassagssr egsafij aajsav .1 ji aaBSBaaaac la mmss SamB 9MEaWs 'an Jftr a WCZsartSm mm Jmmmmw HS4ffiBhss3Baaer. 3 1 JB IV& 9BBB BBSSSBU BS aBBBaLaBBBUBBS BBS taBBB aaBBBBBBBS BBS BBBT HBBT SBBt auassCBm. TaBBB sT BNSBBBBBB bbbbbbC Sb il &BtlrSaBHaBBBBBBKaBBSBBSBBBa.BBBB' BMtfS BM BBBBBB1 OB BBBT BBBBJBBBBt ss an, m atufl DBBBV BBBr BBBT BBBLaBflflflBBBBI Jktsamtes (to wasaC sbsbbbbbbT bbbsbv dBBcr 3 aasM6. aa ad L Mbbbbv lmHhmm zju . .