Ml ' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY Twelfth Year No. I RUSS BOLSHEVIKIShort lines To I I gWaw HBB gggggF I II I FORCE MIR KMINSAHIP.H OK KNKMY DM'LAli. t K NOW TRYING TO IIHKAK I OFF PKACK .M.'GOTIATIONM Fl. NALLY, AND LAY TIIK IILAMK ON THK lll'HHIANH DEMONSTRATION TAKES P1.ACK I AGAINST IMIIMIKVIKI AT COX I I GKK8H OF SOLDIKHM AM, I WORKMEN'S DKI.MaTWRICD (HARDS KILL NKYKHAL lljr Aomm-IhIihI Pm DATELESS With tlio peace nego llatlons nt llret-Lltuk again re ported temporarily broken off, llic Ilmslnii ronulltiifiit aMoiiibty ban op ened session In I'clniKrml. Tliu (lei inun imtl AuMrliiu enilmur leu uru mIi lu bo trying to force lliu llUHvliitiM to break off tliu ieuc ni'ic.i. Nations finally on some, minor iolnl, m m to i-nt tliu blnmo on the Hun slans. Tbo bolshevlkl controlled tlio open, lug of tho nmoiiilily. ( Temporary Chairman Svcrdolff, rop. representing tlio cougres tf work' men and soldier delegates, demanded that iho ody approve the boMmvIk; peare terma and land law. The demonstration which place against the efforts of tho bol shevlkl to rontrol tho convention whh not so large as expectod, altho flvo persona were killed and a doson In jured by tlio Ited Guards, 4ho tired on a group of paradors. The bolshevlkl and Itumanla are now at a breaking point, and King Ferdinand Is reportod under the pro- lection of tho ontenlo allies. j ' Tho bolshevlkl mot dofeat In tho i PROPOSALS irst test of strength when thn lona Kerensky cabinet, won the chairman awaited opening of the aiojombly took ship. place, j One report says that bolshevlkl The nominee of tho modnrate social membera and the left wing of tho so. revolutionists, M. Tehernoff; minister clol revolutionists withdrew from the of agriculture and mombor of the assembly. Will Represent County at Tourist Convention To bo presont at a meeting of tho Northwest Tourist Association, of whch .he la a director, representing this district, President J. W. Siemens of the Klamath Commercial Club will loavu for Seattle tomorrow morning. The meeting, which will be held.'ders of the Northwest are nowhere next week, la one of unusual Import- nre( as the funds for this year which County, and that this district should vara appropriated at the last sea- ba liven a prominent plaeVla all ad aloi of the legislature of Oregon and . vsrtlslng don by the stata. other Northwest States, for the ad-j 'Mr. Siemens will ba away for a vertlsemeut of the scenic resources, week or tea days. t SMj? lEiummg Herald MEETING SPLITS $JiTnaliJ1g The New Britith Ambauador to the United States unim.umr. LUK L KCAOINO Great llrltaln Is about to send to the United Stalea as ambassador to succeed Sir Cecil Hprlng-lllre. Lord Heading, the most prominent Jew In the United Kingdom, perhaps the most prominent Jew who figures im portantly In the world war. He Is well known here because lie was on Hi rntnmlmiliin which tieaotlatml the ' first loan to the allies and he made u J very lino impression among tnoso who met him. knemy iikpvlhkii Mjosu thk ri.wi: ROME, Jan. 19. An attack nf the netr.y along a wide front along the I Lower Plato Itlvor has been arretted. 1 WILSON WANTS WAR COUNCIL WASHINGTON. I. C. Jan. 19 II Is tpderstood here that President Wilrop Is opposed to the creation of n mlnlHer of munitions with cabinet gflSj.1 t gSBaSSaSlI SBv v V 9 H pHHmvBkyy tiC'' nsnnsnm to,iin 'rok.rnnk, and favors tho creation of a dirt ctur of munitions and .the ostab llshmcnt of a war council of threu. WANT SUIT EXPEDITER WASHINGTON, I). C, Jan. 19 Tho Supreme Court was asked by the Aasoclated Press to expedlto the rult brought by the Associated Press to prevent the International News Service or Hearst's servlro fro:n plrat- Ing news. thruout the Rast, are to be portioned out. rteallilng the necessity from past experiences of having an able ntaantaMwft A- th wniitift mi alirk t,mM h ., h prevtled on Mr, Siemens to attend thle meeting, It is believed that the scenic won- mora woaderfu! than In Klamath KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, ITKL ADMINISTRATION HEAD. '.MAI'TEHS RKLl'GKD , U 1 2 II MKKMAHKH OF ALL KINDS PHOi MOXTFACTl'HKHM WASHINGTON, I). C, Jan. 19. The Brst day's enforcement of tho furl ordor was atti-mlcd by tho great, est ronfuslon at the fuel adsalalstra tlon headquarters. Iiemnnds fcr rulings and Interprc ti'tlom. poured In so funt that It was liiiptrilbl to keep traik of the que. tioiu or to uiuku'repllvs. While some of the Industries closed down, the .sume (lasses of business In others went on. Tho exemptions gi anted I Included all locomotive plant and uuteniobilo plants working ou tho aircraft army orders. PRESIDENT OF CHICAGO AM XOUTHWKHTKItX HOAII XOW IIAH CONTItOL OF MXFJi WVMT OF Till-: MISSISSIPPI WASHINGTON, I). C, Jan. 19. Director McAdoo has dlvidod th country Into three sections to sim plify tho government railroad admin Ulmtlon. It. P, Alshtuu of Chicago, preildntit of the Chicago nud North wostern, Mlth licadq-.iartors at Chita, go, has been named chief of oil the terrltoty wot of the Mississippi. MKGF. Ql'ANTITIKH OF COAI AUK NOW UMNO DKMVKRFn THHU. OUT THK HTIUCKKN CKVTKRH OF THE KAHT WASHINGTON, D. 0 Jan. 19. The transportation congestion thru- out tlis East Is being cleared, and coal I unloaded In Increasingly largo quan titles. , Uarfleld' has granted the theater the requeat that thaybe permitted to ricss on Tuesdays Instead of Mon days. r confusion reigns in washington mm mm ISMVIDfD WW CKiim DELMFS Be Released From U. S. Control eSSjsjsVMMMMSjVSjS3ssJ More Dastardly Plots Are Brought to Light Sixteen Year Old Chicago Carrying Satchel With Thirty Sticks of Dynamite. Similar Plots Are Being Unearthed CHICAGO, Jan. 19. The federal officers who arrested the 10-year-old girl currying the satchel In which wore thirty atlcks of dynamite, said FINE TALK WASH Fl'l.l. IIOl'HK AT HOl'STOX'H US- I TF.XH TO AIII.K IHSCIKHIOX OF fltlTK'AL PROIILKMH 'tS FltOXTIXG THK NATION That government ownership of rail- LASTW roads and public utilities will be one tered under the draft service In Klora of the remits of the great world war ath County have now been classified now raging, waa declared by Dr. out of which 10 per cent have been Muckley of Portland In his most in-, placed In Class One, according to (cresting lecture delivered at Houston Chief Clerk Glenn CuIIon of the local opora house last night. A largo nudlence greeted the speak-J Ac there were 1.2r men cu the list ur, whoso discussion of the subject this means that something over 9."0 'After tho War, What?" showed ex- men have been classified, and that tensive study of the big problems of about 260 are now placed subject to tho present crisis. I call In Class One. Figuring the same Legislation for tho weak rather Percentage on the 320 men left to be than tho strong will follow the strlfo, clnIOed. the total number in Class be said, and Instances where a con- 0, "" Klamath County will be grcsslonal commlttco appropriate a c,0, to "W million dollors for tho eradication of, "t tno onUro amount classified hog cholera and curtail one for suf- far ,noro nvo been on,' even ferlng babies to 15,000 will be a Cttic M'Pealed, and In each of the thing of the past. There are two h decisions of the local board classes of paupers now with us, the Lve been upheld by the district millionaires and the very poor. ' Ev- beard. cry man who doea not work has to be Tn.ere , remalna two vacancies supported l0 " on tne nn,t quota called from A. an explanation of the lmlb,e !' county to fill these, ten men have cruelty and customs of the German. befn -ummoned to appear for physl- . . ... tiil AVJtmlngitlnn hrA nn Jnniinrv 2Ti. now bolug practiced he quoted a few maxims from the German creed which have been held up to the' people by the war leadera for exemplification. "Faith, Hope and Hato, theso throe; but the greatest of these Is Hate": "The algbt of suffering Is good, but the Infliction of suffering la still bet ter." "Belgians ahould bo mangled, not killed, and France should be crushed." Following the war, Dr. Muckley said that the returning aoldiera would be placed at building food highways across the continent and constructing the large Irrigation projects thruout the West. He asserted that the Ideals of Christianity and democracy were one and the same, and predicted that tho church denominations would bs far more united than In tho past. Mrs. Mstt Huchei sang "Keep the Home Fires Burning," and Misses Beatrice and Catharine Walton played a piano duet. , - JANUARY 19, 1918 ON PEACE TERMS WWMWWWWMWWWWWWMMMWMWWVW' I Girl Arretted In that they bad proof that she Is Laura Joe ol Youngstown, Ohio. Four other girls who are suspected of being Involved In plots of this na ture are now en route for California. mm. ABOUT 300 FIUIITV PKII CKXT OF Vl'fMTIO.V. NAIIIKS NOW CLAHMIFItilt TKN .MKX CAIXFI H)lt PHYHICAI. KXAMINATtON XK.XT FHIOAAV Eighty per cent of the men regis- exemption board. The men called are as follews: Codermo Pletro, Weed, Calif. , Euglnle Malastests, Keswick, Calif. Alonso Drew Hoff, Qutnton, Okla, Thomas McGuire, Klamath Falls. Jamea Krejcl, Merrill. Carl Philip Peterson, Denver, Colo. Ernest B. Dennett, Klamath Falls. Jesse A. Hunsaker, Klamath Falls. Lee Earl Drown, Merrill. Sidney L. Deals, San Francisco. FATHER OF LOCAL MAX" PASSES AWAY W, J. Steinmets of this city has Just received news of the desth of his fthorf O. 8telnmets, at Selme, Celo. The daceasad, who was wall advanced in years. Is to be buried in Kansas. He visited his son here last winter. NCOUNTY Canadian Leader Opposes Control , of Railroads JTttaSTMv. r? VM 1!J1I- !!J LORD n2 Lord Maughnessy, president of the Canadian Pacific railroad, does not believe the United States acted wise ly when. It took contiot of the rail- wax of the United States. He points out the wonderful accomplishments of his own road during the stress of war to prove, the superiority of prt wito over public control. RAFFLE AT STAR Ti IHO IIO. OF CANDY UIYKX IIF.D CKOMK WILL , UK KAFFLKD.OFF. S.Vl.K OF Tlt'KKTS HAS IIKKN LAIKiK- -MANY KXI'KCTKO There is now every indication that a largo crowd will be present tonight at the Star theater, whon the big box of candy donated to the Red Cross Soilety, will bo raffled off, Tho tickets on till $10 box of hAeets are ouly 10 cents, and they huo been disposed of in huge quan tities, and It is believed thete will be lots of fun at tho drawing. LfMRKHMAX UOKH SOUTH l'reMilent H. I. Mortenson of the Pelican Day Lumber company will leave tomorrow for BunTranclsco and other California points, where he ex pecttf to remain for the next three weeks. Ho will join Mrs. Mortenson in the Hay City, where she has been hIiico the.flrst of tho yeaf. .flsr TVJC fSuagsBSaBsaarJgaHSSsal yaiBBHBSaBBBBBBTtiSlFBSaBSal '.BSVaSBaSSsSBSVffWaBsSaSB . f fjfc flffl I Sal i Ml i i ill i Mat i i OMGHT Reservation Stock Ranch Changes Hands A realty deal waa completed bora yesterday by which a 400 aero stock -AHk ..... H.ll.fli U.M V.l... MM the Sprsgue River, wes taken over by Marvin Cross, who formerly operated) h .eueral atore at the Klamath Agen- OFFICIAL NBWIPAFn OF. KLAMATH FALLi Prko Ftvo Cowas TO TAKE OVER MrADOO TF.LL8 INTfRSTATB COM MKRCK COMMiatMOX TKK THAT SMALL ROADS WILL UK RKLKA8KD FROM OOYKRN MKNT OPERATION SOM: IXTKRKST8 MAY BE MVRT, UK SAYS, ULT THEY WILL HAYK TO STAND IT NO IX NKCK88ARY LINKS ARK TO BR Itl.TAIXKD WASHINGTON, D.fC, Ja." It. Director McAdoo baa hM,Baisi4 before the senate Interstate cematerc committee to exjfaln the operation of the government administration ot railroads. McAdoo declared before tbla body today that certain so-called short Hue railroads would be released front the government operation aa soon as Investigation determined that they were unnecessary. He said that he did not propose to keep control of any unnecessary Unas and did not propose to have the gov. eminent coaapensate those not taken o or. Ho made the atatement that "If some interests get hurt necessarily, they will have to stand It." AMERICANS HAYK HAZARDOUS TRIP- LONDON, Jan. 19. A party ot American army officers who recently traveled from France to London, told the embassy officials that the Germans pursued them from the beginning to the end ot the trip. Ttioy were shelled on the morning of their departure from the front, were bombed in the afternoon travel, ing to the boat, and bombed In tho channel port of departure. Their boat across the channel bad a narrow escape from a submarine, and Anally they arilved In London shortly after nn air raid warning had been Issued. cy, from Charles' Basiling. It Is the new owner's 'UWatls to il.a MtW thftra a 'B ' - ipj.U, Virs Innlfijjs b,'0 deal. The consideration, tssfarrad was a trifle less than 910,000, MCADOO ONLY LARGE r- ti ft., f . f' -.