iiyifMl 1 MM i',tefv.H w W n : ri .- ' fcK' I4K ' lO1 I s 'iif;K . . I! :.-Ml i :ir .Li. ." . MM OTfc&!: mm Kli' w k ' , 'Bv . W ntiJj""il' w ywffV'" . VTO. :: i i.'yiK,'. '" VT1 ' THB 1V1WIM0 HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, ORBOOH FRIDAY, JANUAHY IN, a ,f. W:' nnsVnVM llF til 1 gel " 4 Mr NAL MENTION LITTLB 8iDEuann b$ 'local APPKNINOS AMONG THB PBOPLK OF THIS CRT AND yiCIXRY. GOINGS AND COMINGS OF LOCAL FOLKS '"- Marvin Crou of Yalnax Is In the . city oa business. L. E. Wakeman Is In town for a kert time from Medford. B. W. Ewen of Eugene Is a Klam ath Falls business visitor. Charlotte Contrail of Alturas Is a Visitor at Klamath Falls. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Downing of Worden are In tbs city for a few days. Mrs. I.lnle Johnson and daughter of Malln are visiting In Klamath Falls. Orvllle Elliott Is In the city for a few days on business from Klamath Agency. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wedey Elee of San Francisco are recent arrivals In Klani. ath Falls. Fred Stukel of Merrill Is la Klam nth Falls for a few days attending to matters of business. V. K. Lamm of the Una Lumber company of Modoc Point la a county seat visitor. J. E. Gates of Albany was among the train arrivals last night H Is stopping at the White Pelican hotel Rev. Father Brady of Lakevlew Is visiting for a short time with Father Hugh Marshall of Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs? wmUm Goldea of Portland arc visi(lng for a short time In Klamath Fallar they are register ed at the White Pelican hotal. J. M. Bedford, who has charge of the timber on' the Klamath Indian reservation, was la the city yesterday looking after matters of business. HMINIED MS A MB Many Good Openings In Civil Service The United States civil service com. mission announces an open competi tive examination for the following- po sitions, for men enly: Sawyer, saw flier, grader, blacksmith, machinist, stationary engineer and oiler. A .number of vacancies In the spruce production division signal corps, war department, for, duty at Vancouver barracks, Washington, at standard wages paid for any of these positions, will be filled from this examination. Competitors will not be required to report for examination at any place, but will be m4 on the following subjects, which' will have relative weights indlcatft on the scale of 100. 1 Physical ability, 40. X ExperieneertO. Applicants "mast show that they have had at least one year's actual experience. Until farther notice on account of the urgeat needs of the service, applications will bo accepted1 at any time, papers promptly rated, and certllcatloa wilt be mad aa the needs of the service require. For far ther Information apply to Paul Bo tardus, at pottoSce. . OfFW BISECTOR OF MUNITIONS WITH BROAD AUTHORITY AND WAR COUNCIL WILL PROBABLY BE CRCATBBBOON WASHINGTON', D. C, Jan. 18. A bill to create a dimeter of tlous tiot having cabinet membership but with broad authority to eeatral' tie the control of all war mnattloas, was reported favorably by the senate military committee. ' Another bill to eeUbllsh a war council Is declared to be nearly' competed. HUMOROUS FILM STRIKES THE FUNNY BONK OF AUD1ENCR LAST NIGHT ENCHANTED GARMENT CAUSES HAVOC What a wonderful disturbance can be caused by one set of night clothes was pictured to a screaming audience at the Orpheus last Bight in toe Haunted Pajamas.' The garment which were sent to a young millionaire rrom a rriena in China la retaliation for a. box of poor cigars, had tba mysterious power of changing the personal appearance of the wearer to some one who had pro vlously'trled them on. Consequently, when ther are donned by the young man he assumes the form of a Chi neso Mandarin, and Is Immediately attacked by his butler. A moat em barrassing predlcameat faces the poor fellow when ho loans them to a guest who is transformed Into a beautiful lady. Not aware of the transforms tloa from the nascullae form she persists In making an exhibition of her "muscle," which driven the hero to n refuge at his club. The matters are Anally smoothed out to the aatls facttoa of all, including Jenkins, the butler, who undergoes great mental discomfort during the entire story. It h the sort of n film to take a grouch away from the most confirmed dys- pectle. DANCE ALL NKJHT Every Friday night nt Bhlpplngtoa HaB. 17-it COOKED-FOOD BAUD The ladles and friends of the W. C. T. U. will give a cooked food sale next Saturday at Johnson's furniture store on Main street. They take this means of soliciting aid. It la request. ed that the food be brought early. I Local Red Cross I Actimtitt Sale of the Red Cross tlckeU for the big box of caady which Is to be railed of at the Star theater tomor row alcht is progressing nicely, ac cording to Mrs. E. B. Hall and Miss Head, the committee who have this matter" la charge, 1 ' The costly box was donated by Mrs. J. J. Keller, and under the proposed plan for Its 'disposal a largo sum Is sure' to fee raised for this worthy Dr. Richard Grady U. S. Naval Surgeon at Annapolis, says "The tooth brush drill is as needful as any fmntstic exercise." j Not just chance, but persistent care makes clean, sound teeth. The teeth must have daily attention. We recommend the regular use of Peroxide Tooth Paste It sweetens the breath, hardens the gumi, poUshei and whitens the teeth and destroys the germs which 'pro duce decsy. . 25 cents. Of course you will need a good Tooth Brush With which to apply thai dentifrice. The teeth must be carefully brushed so as to remove all bits of focd which if permitted to remain will decay and cause acid month. We handle an excellent line of guaranteed tooth brushes. Be sure that the soldier's sanitary kit contains a tubs of f roxWs Tooth Paste ancW good Tooth Brash. v'i" f lit A AMilf A AJlfe Bnuf'"" H HsVhbbbbbbbbbwI uBBBnuBBBnnuf SBBBBsi flam I JsSmV Jar sBBKSnunmsCI sfeYunVWnBW nuWaV'T75. ..V?l . 1 1 H IT 'mm ?W37 J'.Al.I., t sum 1 mat 1 SsnjSrW w Vtm W T alnwBHSwSni aFHemxW ' gidbMrsrii it IUUU9, vKMivn rJ"v . .! . k 'wncst nejericuuMi wmowum xmuv tmsjr onuas. m IgesmnH' galgmrnsm nsT- SJBBanHSJfBV ISfanvT ' Those la attendance at the work rooms yesterday were: - Mrs. R. R. Brubaker. Mrs. Wslter Cofer, Mrs. J. H. Garrett, Mrs. H. F. Chltwood, Mrs. C. M. Ramsby, Mrs. L. E. Sullivan, Mrs. Alta Smith, Mrs Verl BruUker, Miss Maud M. Carlo- tia. Mrs. D. V. Kuykeadall, Mrs. Carl Adams, Mrs. H. 0. Winters. Mrs. J. II. Hamilton, Mrs. Jennie Hum. Mrs. Cbas. Gsrcelon, Mrs. A. B. Lund, Mrs. R. Vance Hutchens, Mrs. Wm. Whit, lock, Mrs. Marion !!aoks,Mrs. Robt. Emmltt, Mrs. W. P. McMillan. Mrs. C. A. Buattag, Mrs. C. W. Judgins, Miss Ruby Newton, Mrs. A. Walksr, Mrs. Johnson. Tomorrow the Last Day of the Great January White Sale Read Today.' Special News carefully. We can offer no better advice to our patrons than to buy all the merchandise they require for present and future use. Particularly in winter needs. Every purchase represents a satisfactory saving to you. -M.j White Sale of Silks I White &le Coats and Suits I White Sale of Corsets MSiSsSaAanallgSkSlsSaWj Moving Pictures MMMfMMMriMMMMMMIWM Winsome Marguerite Clark as 'Bab," heroine of Mary Roberts Rlnehart's story which appeared re- iLnBHy I MgwBnnnnnnnnnnnnffilWM tnnnn9BlS'?Pl ff gHHilHlllXK' nMf nnnnnnnnHK"r'V' M AAgfifcRTCOAI?K' 5 .6.PARAM0VSTPIC7l- ' .,' '1 cently la the'Saturday Evening Post, has scored oaf of the greatest tri umphs of her entire career. "Bab's Burglar," -which was directed by J. Searle Dawley, aad which laeludat as exceptionally good east, will appear at the Star tonight. A wonderful opportunity for you tomorrow. Stft, Ltstrotc, Waskable Tilda 4').inrh wide Pec-W'cc TaffcM Silk in all Pastel and light cvcniii" shades. Also in dark colors. Special price, per yard $l.l)o $2.00 grade Fancy Silks, 36 inches wide. Satin and Satin Taffeta, for skirts and dresses. Special price, per yard $1.60 White Sale tf HtsJery Act promptly in this very excep tional sale if you would enjoy ex traordinary savings. Boys' and Girls' heavy ribbed stockings they have four-thread heel and toe. Come in all sizes. Six pair for only $1.00 Women's fast black Economy Hose, an excellent wearing stocking Regular sizes. Six pair for only $1. Infants' fine Lisle Cotton stock ings. Made in white and black. Sizes 4 to 6. Special price, per pair . .15c Luxite Hosiery Ladies' Holeproof hosiery. Made from lustrous vegetable silk, guar anteed .to wear. Black and white. All sizes, per pair (0c Wtaei's Fae RiNd IMsi Sats 59c Medium weight, fleece lined. Comes in high or low neck, long or short sleeves. Sizes 36 to 44. Spe cial price 59c Women's fleece lined Union Suits. High neck, long sleeves. Extra large sixes' Special price $1.13 Children's gray or white fleeced Underwear. Vest and pants, All sizes, each only . ., 35c Corns Saturday Morning Indies new style Winter Coals. Large collar, patch pockets, wide belted effect Worth up to $20.0). To cloe out Saturday at . . .$ls.i0 High class tailored styles in the most doirablc weaves. To close out at $12.50. $14.50. $10.50. $18.50. and $20.00 New Silk ai. Serge Dresses At a great saving. We have a large line of new Irese to select from. They were purchased at extraordinary low prices, and with out special discount at the White Sale price, you can se cure the very newest in style and material at less money than the ma terial will cost today. Do not fail to see them. Special at .... 12.05. $11.50 and $17.50 Konrect Tailoretl Skirts At a Great Saving Our line is s complete. Vou can get your size from 24 to 40, in plain serges, gaberdine and wool poplins. Xavy, black and fancy stripes and plaids. Prices range from $3.05 up to $8.50 CUMrea Winter Coats AT HALF Every garment, and we have them age 4 to 12 years, to close out at just one-half what they sold for be fore the White Sale. H. N. MOE THE LADIES' STORE Our best makes and best iiuxldt, broken line of sic.s, including some styles of front lace. Values up iu $2 50. Large assortment to close out at, each OSt' . m MtieU Brassiere Many discontinued styles. Worth up to $L00 racli, to close out at only , . '. lie All Llmi Crask Tawing Ttmrrow 18c Secuie your shaie of Ibis number, as we can only stale we were fortun ate in buying large slocks over a year ago. Value of same today i 25c. Special, per yatil, only . . . ISc Outing Flannel 36-inch heavy white outing flannel. Very special, per yard 20c English Longcloth 12 yard bolt of fine grade English Longcloth. Buy it by the lolt. Spe cial price $3.25 Bltakets aa Ceaforters . Colored crib blankets, each at 50c White Cotton crib blankets up to $1.25 I'u 1 1 size 72x90 comfort wool bats, Special price $2.50 72xK4 wooluup blankets, mostly in dark colors. Very low price, Only $1.00 CROTCHET BED SPREAD Large sie bed spreads iu good as sortment of'patterns, which we have placed on sale. Special at liach $2.00 Bend School Children To Aid Uncle Sam BEND, Jan. 18. Bend's school) directing heads, and a program of cf children are out to help Uncle 8am fectlve work Is being arranged for tho clean the kaiser. A "Win the War" entire school year. The work U at committee has been formed by stu-j present being centered on the salo of! dents, with six faculty members as! thrift stsmps. Sll.Vnt K.MTTIXO I'.tltTY TOMOIlltOW UdifH of the city are cordially In. vlted to attend the silver knitting psrty which Is to be given by the incmtixrN ill the Kplnropnl (lolls I miirron- afternoon t the llaldlis l'l lor ihu benefit (if the two Tl children adopted by this norletjr. Inturi'MIng program has been srrMrl ed for this occasion, The First Photo ol American Wounded OfRctt NH E BNFXTON I HEDOCKET MAN WHO COLL1UKD WITH CHRb FROM HI'IUNG LAKK DISTRICT WILL BK VI FOR TRIAL NEXT MONDAY . The nest case to come up In the Circuit Court, that of the State vs. Eddie Copperfleld, will be started next Monday morning, and the Jury Ls bean dismissed until that date. CopperSsld, who Is an Indian la the Yauuu section, U to be tried for colliding on Sixth street some time' ago with Miss Lucille Stewart of the Spring Lake district. Miss Stewsrt whs driving home early ono ovenlng when the buggy was struck by the auto which Copperfleld was driving. I The vehicle was wreckod, snd Miss' Ktewart slightly Injured. It Is atsrrt ca mat copperfleld was speeding wnen tne collision occurred. The civil esses of Hauger v, Hun. tor nnd Clark vs. Hunter have both been settled out of court. A RECORD HHORTAOK Several months ago there was ev ory ludlcstlon that phonograph rec oids would be hard to secure this win. ter, so Shepherd Piano Depot laid In a stock of several thousand, and stilt bitve a complete stock ecept a very few, on which there has teen a strong run. If you thave a record order to place, you w nnd the maloritv. f them In stock at Shepherd's, next door postosice. , jg.2t e Nothing In Oregon to equal the di. play of art goods, at room 101 Wll Hits building. n-3f t''ggggggVlgSBBP'te WlCfl ' ssB3PnfMT"91( AggggsB!vBsrt'V vLnnnsl gsngfaSL 'trWmitS3t9ipSv''Ij $F uiK'i" .!: ' gnjnnjjgent r9Qfrirk&'&Kffi3&s$iZ$, Itx' YVH ' innBMBBsnnMBnMMBsisBSBBBSBSBBSBBSBsnBn' Thli is declared by the British oil. clal ar picture office to be the Orst phetegrsph of a woundsd American aoldier to be sent te the United States. IU U Meuteasnt Relsey, who was In the flght at Cambral. He was i by n "whl hnB." After the I h was akiboed to London, course, as ike a rat wounded lean to reach a Londoa nessM' attracted much attention. I wm kiitr. ! 'Wx- 1 fU