IF"! I V ' J t-. , v vi Vjv K t( MV : 4Viy'fraaaaaBaaaBa l?'l",,S",",1 --..- f5x y ii. j tMITH, Editor ft.' frfM hf?MM.!PMUV " mUt Mk" S A.. . aMSaata Ir wMMMjr toa-OMieg AV, MKVAliv II, IM8 tQuMkht FOR RENT WWMAAAMMMMMWMA 1P0R RENT Snail boute. well fur- alsaed. oa Nlath street, cIom In; tVefcJl4r: PkoaeK.W. lMf trr-r W'aUaNT wrage rooa, coavea- frjatMMeaUM; tern reasonable. FOR SALE- FOR SALE Two unit Bilking ma- MM. hM Prica; owaer.leaving; fM bo mM at ace. ata 'tails. s . ex 307, Kkua "lMt rpRilLmVAfife Apply 711 r i -. . kUla afreet 17-ft' fOkfAtaV-H garta utUstmsi laiji, t r IrriiatsM; aU 999' atke ajaa saUsa tram stUsaaik ? i 1"TT" TT7 ... TTTTA wss; aamjN.asai m mw mn. $TI caaa, kalaaea Uraw to suit. R I'W' i RaaMr Co. IMt esvt sasfn FOUND IIMIt! rami iSaaaMSMaMWiMMiMM tOsrlu-sMMkl vsjrrt a; ketweaa aMwta Mtal ail Mar UaaUr. IIbsb,sMM rttin ta Karalt U MISCELLANEOUS ea)ajaayMmvki MSSMaMMMSSMMt pavb 11171117 Fort, aa iae4 aa aav. Ml wartk of asrtra Una, tubes e4..eala, ItSI eaah. No tra4ea 'i . . 7ii itaia street, li-it VatL MM! WAJTMD-AM M TRT IT A..aaJaaaaaa leakiaa with " Mr M. raUaala Ira; aeUlag aar wsjrns4akwlUbrtacrag3od maraa. fMel far . farUcalars at Mat. Alaaay Naraariaa, Flrat Na- llMlPaak MiMlac Alaaay, Ora- 17-lBM TO KXCHANOB ! acre of Irri gates! laaal far laprarH tewa prep- mtr. J.T.WAaWaCO,' tig Iwi Mfsjac 4 -- i--- Iar Oaavar AasaattavB la aVJOW-BOWN" y,A( roaaaoa of MJd-Paclle, wbea KirtvtlM aad aagar traaafemai an. aaa.aatare la the ateltlBt pot of priamHlra Ufa. . Klaaath Lodge No. 1ST, 1. 0. 0. F., Mcit Frtdar alght. H. r. Esell, H, q., Nate.Ottarbela, Secretary. waaaa. Kaeaapaeat No. 41, 1. O, O. T.; aeeu Taesaay alght. W. A. Maatsa, C. P., Nate Ottarbela Scribe. i' k Oaagtg eat aWwa Indian Inn algk ii-iieaas it II bm wara wlater atorage. Not asaarr wjarau your ear at Tal lpNUsfa garage. Kates raaiea T r . aa a ana. . ,- ttvaatlr it t - Bjyi wIMarJa ; M Mi; atMtsamt mm ; taw eaaaaa; etotrta ItfMa; Cf-Xs l't !-. MLL MIN WANTgO tt ti nl A mmuumm'm f$hM-"TlP r gUjUHgWMsJ aJH LT V.' "l-MIS aananfl kfAtsaaan -" " ,. VC y jmgMmM aaaam haaiaai abaa aahlaai alaa. .;n!sjai ne ,tm, Te4e- ftdfflmSmlmmaL 1t H?y 1j5JjJ lfoi)mkmm m 4M7 !! aaVaV I 'lift.W' 8&t. ' : KlttMt, QSr Newi j - HEXLEY H.il'l'E.l.U - - T-e farmers of thli tectlon ta re ;o'cJnt over the great amount or moisture from rain and melting snow thai is being absorb! liv tlie soil. It n tt.ns line crops net it-nson. A number of Henley young people attended the dance glicn at the Glenn Steeman borne Friday evening. James Morris of Henley played the violin. Mrs. Uurrell Short and her three young daughters, Eva, Uurrell and Dorothy, are visiting relatives ot Mrs. Short's In South Dakota. Mrs. McClay has been on the sick list for the past few days. The ladles of the Henley Parent- Teachers Association met at Mrs. R. C. Short's last Friday afternoon to work on the quilt that wilt be auc tioned or raffled of to raise money for the soldiers' comfort bags. Karl Rose, the switch engineer at Klamath rails, lsited at Henley last Sunday. Memle Retool Notes Rowa Kinney, who has been at tending school at Olene, catered the Seveatu grade of tba Henley school last weak. The students of the high school are busy with tana aad semester exaal- natloas this weak. Mlas Eenma Jackson has entered the Freshman class of the high school. Qlrla of the Healer high school are planalag to give aa eaterUlament the latter part of the month for the porpoaa ot raising money to make coafort hags for the soldiers. The Ilea have made a handsoae silk aad velvet ullt that .will ha sold at that time. Pillow caees of various klaaearetobeauctloaedoff. A good prograa la being planned, aad evarr. body la lavlted to ceae. Mra. Jaaee Healer preeeated the Kbeol with a lae potted pataala this week. - -- - KF.NO KBTXOTRg - - Taa aauias have broken ,out tha children of tba Keno eeaoal district. Tha followUg faa llles are afflicted: Pucketts, Padgetts. EdsalU and Acerys. Maar new case are breaking out, but all are reported to be In a light fora. Arthur Padgett has gone to Duns- aalr, where he will work on tha rail road. Captain Ball U taking another boat load of wood to Klamath Falls. HUt eartlosj oat Bora ladaaa Taa MtH top shoes. -Modem Wioe Score. II Raautify aad aarlch your homes 101 Willlu 17-lt with Oriental goods. bulldlag. H OUSTON'i s Sw SjSJrSjpM irawaFl HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE DARK STAR THEATER tar TlteaUr Presanta Margaret Clark la "BAB'S RUROLAR" Mary Boberfs Rhlaebart faaout "Sub-Dob" stories, taken from tbe Saturday Evening Post. Also A (wdaSpltttUg Two.Real Kejatflne Ooaedjr J. TEMPLE THEATER Temple Theater Preamta "TOR DRRAM DOM." Tho aost unique picture ever made, In which dolls play real parts. MBARST PATHK XKW8 Frturmg tka HaUma oaaatar Mhr Oarrawt Rraaita ABMIMION TIN CIMTg MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOnMnOTOMI TBAimSATlIRDAn THE EVENINO Portland Launches Another PORTLAND, Jan. IS. Portland's1 campaign for a fund of 150,000 to finance war camp community work Is no In full swing, having started January Ttb, when campaign workers met at a banquet and launched the tlrhe. The money will be used to further the national war work under. And there has made Vmmr Wnm.n'. PhrUllan ltmfll.,1,,w,J plaCC. tlon auspices. The hostess bouses at Camp Lewis, Vancouver barracks and inc urnatnu ana runiua hud. J nnrf wrulliHi mam tnr uMlm an sallors. will be the chief beoeSctarlee. ' Bd u' Uond drlTM- ! Vie' r" ? t, l " ' "T . . . . . . I Hollowing the raising of the local, cfj tK to licenced or unlUfccJ The plan of war workers here Is to fur, a U- wde ompa,Kn WI1 rurtl.cimoro. In caie the do? u Rati- secure two floors ot a building wl'h'inu,,,), therein all the tonn mid'orcd In for roaming unretrict-J. his central location, probably at Fourth and Washington streeU, which will he! Uncle Sam Want Small Railroads WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan. IS. Mora than (00 "short lines" hare been informed that their services would not ha required by the govern ment la Its coaaolldatloa of traospor. tation systems. Their executives, many ot whoa have received detailed ordera froa Director aeaeral McAdoo on how to conduct their properties, were at Irst too much astounded to apeak. Then they declared tha situation with tha big railroads gettlag all tha business by tba goreraaeat edicts aaaat certain bankruptcy. Tbe dUclosure that ther will not be used caaa at tha bouse Interstate commerce coaalttaa'a hearings. Mr. McAdoo'a attorney, John B. Paine, made the annouaceasat. Questioned as to his position, Paine said ha had full authority froa tha director to make bis reply. Only liaea "essential to tha war"! Men Now Enlisted For War PORTLAND, Jaa. U. Command ar E. r. Echkardt, la charge of tha recruiting bureau of tha navy barn, baa been iastrueted froa Washing ton to enlist for tha parted ot tho war only, all applicants applrlu for enlistment In tha navy thus far, en listed la for a four rear period. Enlistments In tha naval coast de fense roservoa have beea closed. HISS PUN TO ORDER SIONRD FOR HIS ARREST BY BOLSHF.VIKI LEADER LE .MNE IS TO BE IMPRISONED AT PETROGRAD PETROORAD, Jan. H. Premier Lenlne has signed an order for tba arrest of King Ferdinand of Rouaa nia, who is to ha aeat to Petrograd tor imprisonment. The order described la detail how tha arrest waa to ha carried out ana how tha klag waa to ha guarded by me aoiaaemi. Leaders of this party now believe they have auReleat foreea oa tha Rea- maataa front to carry out this aore. Woaderful tow priced art ruga aad HOLD RULER nwm Whiu LUaaa at Ml WUlkaTaita-ara lag. iT-fiw HERALD, KLAMATH War Drive flltrd up for welcoming officers ami n.eu. At Vancouver barracks tint hoteiij bouse Is rlt ailing the Y. M. 0. A i headquarters In popularity with oti-j lifted men. A homelike building liai 4?d fitted up and recreation an 1 1 frUndly Interest whlih tlio o!dler It a much fro- Kmery Olmstead. manager of the rar.it.alcn. and Ma lieutenants, mv . tlier will secure Portland's quota for. me war worn, wunoui aimcuil) j. f Dltr. the mult iDl eltr of Red Cross cities of Oregon will be asked to do tbeir share. Does Not were to be taken, he said McAdoo had d Ided; further, McAdoo was said to bare come to tbe definite conclusion that only the main arteries of coin- merce were thua essential. The rea- tn anlgned by Paine was that tho "Jerkwater lines" might proe -un- profitable In operation, andthus prjve a financial drain on the nation if their owners were guarautced the usual profits. I Rlrd M. Robinson, attorney for the "short lines." said: I "Under that ruling, all the bml- aess will move over the bigger sjs - terns. We are told that. In theory. we are to go ahead with our business aa usual. But. In fact, our buslnesa U to be taken awav. and we are lm..lv left out In the cold. I "If the government takes over the big roads cd guarantees their earn ings. Lut leaves the small ones un protected, I wouldn't take the whole collection of little fellows for a gift, Period Only The new regulations' of enlistment for the period of the war only will enable postmasters again to aid in re- crulllng a large number of men be tween the ages of 18 and 21, and 31 T- - "Kue I offering the choicest and 35, 'who are not nubject to the good ot Aila t 201 Wllllts building. draft, aa well aa men of draft ag l"-3t who have desired to enlist In tho " navr. but only wanted to obllcato tnemselves for tbe period of tbe war. Three Good Reasons Why Ty Cobb Plays Baseball 4A iu aananvanw. ''sannnnnnVtff'nvBBr r W p. &j&ZXpyMr.J$Jin!?'j& aWv ClL!- MfMl ?fMpaaaaaaV' tt' Xil l&J ,J3mmmn ntafaanaW1 '- v WAmA sfanaaaafUH. assnwaawi aslaTT 1 anaaaaaanaaaaaaaLsnaaaana "aaaaaasaaaMnaawariiiri-- i n , r --ni riMaTrmnawil. Here nre the three raaaons why Ty at I.U home at Royston. Ca. He Cobb nlara haaabaii n wall. n..!.,!.... ....... ' . "e T Cobb Jr ti.u Ym. " -' iri eokfc ii.Tn.-7: Z-..ZT-i ' Tha plctara was taken FALLS. OREGON jOLDTOWSER ; is now up : AGJWIT II Ills l. HIT I ills i iiwt: citwMV lHTMHk AT ItOsKltl'lu; AT1 PltlKNT P.OKnt'R Jan 1 The are I sure sorrj day- for llosebure" doc N wore can they ram&ie at win. n--inR the top oS csrbace cim or- rrtts rats and fightlnc rranre tanlcc. ' ' "-rr a Leg ominanre hot i.jrc- cuner will be haled Into poltf. coj't isnl Mini AITKIt TMK Mlt. HH.li: I Dr Murkle) ill appear for the last J time tonlRbt before a Klamath Falls audience In tils lecture en "After the j War, Whnt?" at llouaton's opera I hntie at S o'clock. No admission Is' fc t- .. - ...i iiin(i'u i lit- it-viuip la iirrscniru tree uy ic rirsi unrisuan ciiurcn toi the whole lommunlty. Those who have heard Dr. Mucktey In bis ail- dreurs nt the church an confident tlut Ills loittiro will b- IiIkIi ctast. Mrs. Malt Smith will sine "Keep the Home Fires HurnlnR " ij,t K(,t Dr Mucklej closed the efficiency tampilKn with the church The results are- The annual budg-t praitlcally assure.!, and nine acres- 0ns were secured to tho church Dr. Muckley le.ixes tomorrow mernlng for Itosetiuri:. 1 1 ki.i v)f.;sTi:u has .NO TIMK ItHt STItKITCAIW ' c n ....... ... , , , . s,'0KA-y- W"h . Jan. ll-Fraak p0"""- '"' l" '"-' ,02 " '" ,b,uar' " "ttle use for mch u"e,e -Pl'"w rei cars. Vhy r.rc too much troublo, he thinks, and 'vnlkliiir Is quicker. Mr i'.ussett. who tends to all the details of running a ranch across the MjIio line, made his first visit to this city In ten year to spend the lioll- ilas with his dniiKhtcrs. . Mr. Rusfett Is the father of sixteen I children Ho was born In Montreiil, hut c nmi- to the L'nlted States beforo j ho attained his majority, and cast his first tote, for President Lincoln. Ho has spent more tbnn half his life In 1 ,lw. II.. .. ,HV 1191 imiroie ran save yon mouer on -lioiiaf. Iota, hufdarm property, farm land anil stock ranrlic. a To possess a Illmalay Llama rug suows distinction In taste. 201 Wit Uta building. 17-3t Money to loan on cltr aad country , propertr. Ho Chilcote. 9 ' ?. "r,,r.l, m,n,h ' ' " ""a na4 ' rMt ot " witn these happy children. , i:i.itv im. The Winnek Co Incorporated Klamath Falls We are receiving daily a full line of early vegetables and fruit. We offer for Saturday the fol lowing low priced Specials California Grape Fruit, 4 for 25c Wheat Hearts, Macaroni Spaghetti Vermicelli Wilson's Strawberry, Rasp berry, Pineapple & Lemon Extracts. 2 1-2-oz. bottles Sardines, Norwegiiii Style, 2 cans 25c White Floating Tar Soap. 2 bars The Winnek Co. 426 Main St. lloncleiM Chicken Tamalu Factory, Com brand. Special rates to family trade, 20 cents each. J. M. Hall, manager Dixie llestaurant. Is2t Travelers accident anil hrallli premiums for IBI7 amounted to nearly $0,000,000. Fair treatment of policy holder ha. made tlila xl Iile. Ask Cltllcute. 9 i Special matinee Saturday at 2:no, nt the Star theater. Marguerite Clark In "Drb's Burglsr." 18-lt SAGE TEA TURNS GRAY HAIR DARK irS atUNDMOTHKK'H RECIPE TO BRIXQ BACK COLOR AND LIS THE TO HAIR That beautiful, even shade of dark, glossy hair can only be had by brew Ing a mixture of Sage Tea and Sul phur. Your hair Is your charm. It makes or mars tho face. When It fades, turns gray 07 streaked, Jutt an application or two of Sbko and Bui Phur enhances Its appearanco a hun dred fold. Don't bother to prepare the mix- !. 111 Iff 111 nkaal.t. ... 4 l"'1' "' rn get tins famous old recipe lmproeJ by ,0 addition of other Ingredients for no cents a largo bottle, all ready for use. H I called Vytth's Sage and Sulphur Comnnnn.i This can always be depended upon to bring back tho natural color Hn.i 1.... tre of your hair. -na!?' ,.Umn "W0,,,,',, B"gllK"lrSlHopun right up; llmnlf ami huipimr Compound now becnuhe liHiiKe8 of jr uea clear and voa lit arKcns so naturally nmi v,.,,iu ,1,-, . , "" -"".kj Piled Sf "nI,e",,t hn bron "" iniia. ou simply dampen a Miionen or soft bru,hwh ,t and dru m, through the hair, taking onn m,,ii strand at a time; by morning the gray -.. .... iiiioareu, and after an other application It becomes bea tl fully dark and appears glossy and lus- Ta '"" Preparation a delightful toilet requisite for iuva woo QMiri. rlnrlr wA..skf..i " c nnir aatj a iuiui appearance. H la not In- leuura or tna eura. B9ltlntln preveatlon of disease. Adr. WB 111111,1 Y.MMMHV in, luiN per pkg. 15c 10c 10c 10c M 15c 15c Phone 34 I ThisWise Old Owl Says: I take n t'nrl'a l.lrer Lifter at night. Makea tho netl day bright. FOK KAI.K Star Drug Co. aajjaswaj(aw New City Laundry We Ouarantse Our Work. Shirts and Collars Laundered. We also wash silk, wool, and col ored gods wry carefully. Try us once and be convinced. Our prices re right Phono 1M. 127 Fourth Street sack of First National Bank MFan CTIieHft a.Baa bow giurrcu rnua CATARRH OR A COLO: 81B9"' AppUed In" Nostrils j Opena Air Paaaagaa Right Up, LA-.... . . . . . ' MM.MtMMM Instni.i r, 1 can lir.n.11,.. , ,.. v. . i.. . - u iiuuijt. fxo luoro iiawa- ",K'''"',"""'K. blowing, headache, dry iiohh. n:., ...n.. .... .. . , night; yTZ lu, pcarH. (lot a hiiiuII bnttlo of Ely's Crrntu Walm from your druggUt now. Applr n llttlo of this fruKiunt antlsoptlc, l.callng creum In ybur nostrils. " pcnotratcB thrnugli evory air paswgo nf the head, soothes tho Inflamiiiad nt swollen mucous membrane and relM comas Instantly, "a just fine. Don't sUy luffed up with a cold or nasty catarrh. A. .. '-vlSH' y .' rr "