'Fja if-w rvTjji'--'1-'-T-'i(("7 ,. T. W TS,T, MV f'TpHWTJS' Urif "bttw "VWT"- f -TrW-itlr JiJTW" t i ' H , OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OP KLAMATH COUNTY Twelfth Year No. n.illll CONGRESSIONAL PRESiDENlRUSSiA'S INTERNAL TROUBLES INCREASING WILL NOT INTERFERE WILHON WILL MIT INTERFERE WITH THE .tirriON OK THE FI'KL ARMINIHTIIATION IN' CLONING INDUSTRIAL PLANTS' FOR FIVE RAYS ' STEEL MILLS AND PLANTS MAK. ING CLOTHES FOH THK HOI IHERM WILL HE ADDER TO THK EXEMPTED LIHT ICE I'M NTH CURTAILED WASHINGTON, O. C, Jan. 18. It la atated officially that I'realdent Wllaon la not eren considering Inter, ferlng with tha fuel restriction order, which closet the big Industrie for a period of flv day, and that he feels the country will bo rimvliired of lie necessity. All the principal munition -plnnta will ba tiermltted to Murk nt full cm. paclty under the fuel rwtrlclloii or- der. It la also understood Hint aome addltloni to the excepted list tiro yet .to ba made. It now appears that tint Hirl plnuta and woolen plants making cloth for tha aoldlera' uiilfornia will probably be added to the excepted lint. Only one Ire-making plant may op erate at one place, but It muat fur nish Ita product to the closed plants at coat. ' CHICAGO, Jan. !. Fho alleged violations of the fuel order hnve boon reported by the United State district attorney. The offenders have been aent for, and will ba prosecuted f their explanations lire not sntUfar lory, WASHINGTON, II. C Jim. 18 C'ongresa la In a stalo of "Impotent Idlgnatlon," aome of a the aenatora have declared. The fuel administra tion la Ignoring the resolutions look. Ing toward the postponement of the closing order. WASHINGTON, I. C, Jan. 18 - m ORDER Big Copco Plant Now it I t , A total of 15,000 additional horte power waa hitched on to the tranamle. Ion Una of the California Oregon Power company ehortly after It o' clock yeaterday, when tha big aw Itch connecting the. new Copco plant waa turned. Tha Copco plaat la declared to bo peculiarly wall situated for tbo pur ro of supplying olactrlc power to tke territory narrow by tbo company in Southern Oregon and Northern California, aa It la near the tenter of tjlj? iEiuumtn WWWWi0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0t0i00iA to rOHMEIt RESIDENT OF THIS MTV tlt.TH HURHTANTIAL PROMO. TIION AFTER PILLING NEW It). MTION HIT FEW MONTHS I'OHTI.AND. Jan. II. (J. K. Wld does ot Klamath Valla, who hah been appralrlng land values for the fodorM la. id bank of Spokane for the paat year, haa recently beta appointed chlaf cppralaer. Mr. Wlddoea war. formerly with the United Ststes well, nation eorvlcr, and haa a Ihuru kowltdge ot Irrigation mattura, which ertered Into consideration when lie waa named chief appraiser. Many friends of Mr. Wlddoea In thla city will be pleased to hear of hla promotion, and the recognition of his ability. Ho left here early laat fall to assume hla new duties, follow. Ing a residence here of several year, during which time be waa Identified with the U. 8. reclamation aervlce. DAMAGED HHII' REACHES PORT ATLANTIC PORT, Jan. II. Tbo tranship Texan baa arrived. It haa now been made known that aha waa ramued by a convoying warship, which punched a large hole In her side. 8i..itot flmltli. a republican, declared teday: "All thla chnoa la shameful. The aenute should rise and clip the wlnga of thoee who aeek to exercise such authority, which waa never In tended to be given." In the house Representative Snyder of New York declared that President Wilson mado a fatal error In permit, ting (larlleld to sign the order. The fuel administration haa Issued an order of exemption for every sort of food handling manufacturing or dlrtrlbutlng agency from the fuel or. der. Hinder twine, ammonia and fer- tlllrer factorlea are also exempted. Tha administration haa made public the laat of tboae firms excepted from the order. Serving City the dtatrlct, and radlatea llnea In four different directions. The advantage to Klamath Falle will be at once apparent, aa thla dis trict will not be partially dependant on the ptanta acroaa the mountains, aa heretofore. With the enormous pow. or now available a iteady, continuous aarvlco la aaaurod, especially as aev- oral large plants nro now being con. nected. Tbo Copco plant has bean under c&utruetlea tot '"" years, a4 dur. lag tha last two roars botvaoE three and four hundred man have bean emr ployed night and day, f pnnMHTFn Off APPRAISER KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1918 WWMWWWMWMMW WMMWWW MEMBERS OF OREGON DELEG.t TIO.V AT WASHINGTON WORK FOR laitOKR APPROPRIATION FOR KI.AMATH HKHEVATION Oregon legislator at Washington are making an effort to get tho ap prlatlon for the Indians of the Klam ath Indian reservation thin year In rrrahed from tho proposed 1200,000 to at Icaat T.00,0(n. It In bolloted Unit at least this amount la essential to the needs of tho reservation at thla lime , Congressman N. J. Rlnnott haa been working assiduously on this matter, ami a wire received today by tho Commercial Club from Senator Chaa. MrNary declare that aa a membor of the committee on Indian affaire be will endeavor to necuro the needed amount, and add that he haa given the Klamath Indian situation much thought. The Commercial Club has had the matter before the attention of all the Oregon delegation. 10ME Tl THOMK WHO WIHH TO PLANT HEETH At JAIN NEXT VKAK ASK. F.ll TO IIK ON HAND TOMORROW AFTKRNOON The farmers of the county who con template pluntlng sugar beeta again next year will meet at 3 o'clock to morrow afternoou at the Commercial Club rooms on Main atreet, near Eighth, when the price offered per ton for next year will be made pub lic by Field Superintendent Samuel Story of the Utah-Idaho Sugar com psny. Mr. Storey declarea that many of tho farmera feel well satisfied with their reaulta laat year, and are glad to avail themaelvea of the opportun ity to plant more thla year at an In' creased price. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 18. The state council of defense says that Oar, many has shipped a powerful poison bus pollen to California which will kill tbo satire wheat crop when dls- tilbuled by German agents LEGtSLATORS AFTER HRGfR ArfMATNN FARMERS mm MRTYPIOT OFENEMY mm ATTITUDE Big Storms May Bring Bumper CHICAGO. Jan 18. The anow btorm which has tied up tho Indus tries of the Middle West may not mean such a dlaastcr, aftor all. Professor Eugene Davenport, dean of the Agricultural College of Illi Grange Members Action Brings Harsh Criticism SALEM, Jan. 18. Membera of the. Marlon County Pomona Orange, who demanded that President Kerr ot tho Oregon Agricultural College, prove HEADS OF MOVE TO 8AVK CAN CELLED STAMPS AN1 SENDS A I .AltOr: BUNCH TO HKRALD OF. IKK FOR GOOD OF CAUSE That the people of the Merrill dis trict are exerting every effort to assist in the great call for aid to tho war. aufTerer, and that they are not allow, j ing any opportunities to slip by, Is, indicated by the following letter re ceived by the Herald thla merning: "Editor Evening Herald: ' "Dear Sir Thla evening I read In tbo Tuesday Herald that the dye ex- tracted from fifty cancelled stamps wci'ld keep one, Belgian child sup-j piled with food for one day. I have been clipping atampo from envelopes all thla evening. I am sending overj 100 ttsmps, which I wish you would lake care of. Yours truly, "MARGARET SWAN." NBCTWEEK OFFICIALS FROM POATLAND AND ASHLAND WILL MC gOCM TO CONDUCT IVKMI AT PRE. HVTKRIAN CHURCH Installation sorvtces far Rot. B. P. Lawrence, the new pastor at tho First, Presbyterian iLurch are to bo held on . MERRILL GIRL AIDS BELGIANS PASTOR iraiEii Herald Wheat Yield nois, declares the blixtard may help tliu United 'States win the war. The heuvy fall of snow, he aaya, will In sure a bumper crop of winter wheat, and may keep America and her allies from seven wheatlesa daya a week. that ha waa otered the presidency of the Kansas State Agricultural college, or resign, nro severely criticised by the board of regents. ' ARRESTED FOR FALSE lOUNG MAN WHOTKHTIFIKD FOR DEFENSE IN MILLET TRIAL lit ACCUSED OF PERJURY OX THK WITNESS STAND An unexpected result of the trlsl of Jess Millet, Just concluded, waa the arrest laat evening of Alfred Turpln by Constable Fred Morley, on a charge of perjury while on the wit ness stand. Turpln waa one of the witneaaea for the defease. While on the atand be affirmed that In April last year he icsided with his parents In nn apart ment within ten feet of the Argravea rooming house, which the complaint stales waa "matter being material and testimony being wilfully false." Turpln la released on bonds of f600 pending bis bearing, the date for which haa not been act. next Tuesday night, according to an announcement made today. The service will be conducted by Dr. A. J. Montgomery, the state au- perlntendent of missions at Portland, assisted by Rev. Boudonot Seeley of that city. Dr. Montgomery will deliver the sermon and Rev. Seeley will give tho charge to tho pastor. Rev. II. A. Carnahaa, paator of the Presbyterian church at Ashland will give the charge to the people, and ask tbo constitutional questloas. ( RKCOVEK8 FROM OPERATION Tho little 5-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Bowse ot Bonsai. who underwent sn operation recently ' at he. Klamath hospital, has so f a? recovered aa to be able to leave tho hospital. mm IS IGNORED rMMMMMMMMMMMMMVMMMAAAMM0 rhfgVtfc. tirV w r f" HARVZY b. bTARKWCATHCft Proaatnetit Democrat Famaer aa4 Ra iaeee man' of CUriraawn Oawoxjr, who has aaaoawced raw csniMdorj for Governor. For several years past, Mr. Stark weather has been the member of tbo democratic state central committee for Clackamaa County. During the pnst two years he hag been the chair man of the democratic county com mittee. At a recent meeting of the farm ers of Clackamaa County Mr. Stark wpnther was elected chairman of an iipMalaillM. m itAiiunlB Willi ttll county agricultural agent to Increase the farm production of the county. Altbo born and raised and having lived on n farm practically all bis life, his business activities are by no means confined to farming. He baa extensive property Interests thruout the state, and maintains an oRce la the Broadway building In Portland, In which property he la Interested. RNGU8H PEER INSISTS ' ON PATRIOTIC FARK LONDON, Jan. 18 Lord Rbondda, the British food controller, Is not only living on rations, but Insists on 1-.U guests dining In very plain fash ion. At his estste at Llanwora Park the other day, a number of Hereford itock breeders, after Inspecting some of the famous cattle, aat down to n lunch consisting of bread, cold beef, pickle and apples. jttf..,. wnvmnV' mmiaa'i' aBBBBBBBaflmf'fi"' & -----jljgoaP' hi. At mnai hV A aa((.H mnaff nmsBBBBBBBBBBBai at ismamBBBBBBBBBBal Y nBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBf " New Caves Discovered In Modoc Lava A number of new Ice cares and strange geological formations have been teported discovered In the Laa P-ed district, forty-five miles south east of thlo city, recently by John D. Howard, George. IlQwell and John Cox, who have spent some time Inves tigating the natural woadara ot that region.. Twenty-eight caves have been vis ited (n all, and tho men nro eoartaced that many more aro still to ho fouad. Many current natural .Bridge forma tions ' have also 'bean' 'dlaleflvared. which aro eapahlo of aerllag tromtav rfnua wlh wwww .w-w. OFFICIAL NIWaVAPBX 'OF KLAMATH PALLS rric fir OaMi LEADERS OF BECOMING RELATIONS BETWEEN LRttlKR . AND TROTRKV ARR RROWIWR STRAIN! Of WAR WITH ROVMAKIA MAKJRj'1 OUTLOOK DISCOVRAaiXO Al'HTRIANA ATTEMPT TO DRV LODGE ITALIANS NEAR VENICE BIT EFFORT FAILS WITH SUR. HTANTIAL LOSERS TO THE AT. TACKING FORCES By Asooctatod Prose DATELHfeV-Tk beteaerlkl aro facing a deadleeh in their poaeajMgo. tlatioaa, ant there to' a fouoral mls-up In their proposed program' with tho threatened -war with Roamaala and tho hoatUlty of tho Ukraine dktfrtot. In addition to Ula atialMtorr condition, It Is also reported that tho relatione between Premier Lenino and Foreign Minister Trtosky aro growing more strained dally. Near Venice the Italian have checked the Ansaflan' attempt to dls lodge them frog thalr positions, and have succeeded In Inlletlng hoary losses on the enemy. A total of IIS l-rlsoners have been taken In 'thla see. Hon. , RAD ACCIDENT AT SEA WASHINGTON, D. C, Jsn. IS Six seamen were killed and throe la. Jured on tbe United States ship Mloo Igan, which waa caught la a hoary Kale at soa. A mast falling eas the accidents. i & Writings by the anclant Indiana or tbe prehistoric race har been found. The characters ara bslisTed to to of an Oriental nature, and aro sot, un derstood by any of tho Indiana sow residing In this section, loan of tho pletores found skow'shlps wKh both sails and oars. Mr. Howard, who has spent anoa time iavostlgatlng tho dtfsront m regions of tbo United aHatos. la gr oat. lr lmprassd'Hairh hM hR 4aV oovorod. Hotaiala)s4RM'mcs)Ba that looalRy'Shoakl ho'lmgrovagaa thst tha sa4ie3waM'rthaViMs'on 1 trlet ta' largor Bmbrs2-.',y BOLSHEVK ESTRANGED Beds - ' .v. A' i if