Friday, JiMi.tiiv it, mis. THE EVENINO HERALD. KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON ... rAQK nmia British Tank Captures Big Gun MBsaeivi X ay"lL ' miMmwjKfUKmli i'ti HvflsfaMBip '.vSKT- -bibbbbbbbjbbbtJ After a llrltlek tank during the re cant Cambria offensive had driven the craw from one of tha treat daman aval guns uaad on tha defenae, the HcAdoo Plans An Economical Regime WASHINGTON, I). C. Jan. II. Director. General McAdoo plan on saving 1400,000,000 annually In fed-' oral operation of tha railroads. Economies will be Inaugurated lm-' mediately after passage of the rail road control bill now being ronsld trad by congressional committees. These economies are expected to net mora than sufficient money to pay tha tacraases to be granted railroad, . .. afbr I Aside from the saving automatic la centralising authority and unifying1 all the systems Into a single national plants In the town, they are not with- line hundred of thousand of dol-' In the meaning of "common farriers." 'lars will be saved In the following the Interstate commerce commission moves contemplated. i holds, and, therefore, won't get tba Cut In big salaries and elimination' three year guarantee promised other of unnecessary esecutlve. roads. Rumination of elaborate utructure. la creation of a commoa baying of competitive agencies under private agency for alt tha roeda operating ua management passenger and freight der him, McAdoo will afect another solicitor, advertising, etc. saving In purchasing materials. Thru Conservation of coal by curtaining the government'a power to fix prices, aaneceassry traffic. I further savlnga caa aa eaforced. Would Graze Cattle on DOUOLAS, Wyo.. Jan. 11. Utll laatloa of the aamo range for both sheep aad cattle waa advocated before tka Wyomlag Wool Orowera' Asaocla. 'tlaa la aa aanual convention here to day by Joha II. Hatton. assistant dla triet forester of Denver, Colo. Mr. Hattoa daclarad bo not only believed tack a dual utilisation of range pos elele, but "what appaara to be our largest ramalalag possibility of tura lac out a maximum aatloaal forest product la beef, mutton, wwl, pelts aad hldas." "I am well aware that In mention tbla subject to the average rattle ssan aad to many sheep men Is flaunting tba red rag," be aald. "but I am per sonally convinced w are not going to get tba hlghent uo of our moun tain pastures until wo get clearer Vision on this subject. With tha cob. trol wa have I believe It Is possible, aad tka time Is not far dlrtant when wa will see more and more of this rWSIWE BSOUGHTOUT OOVKRNMKKT WOi'M) MAVN BK. CVftKOaVFKFX ATMCCM UWM ru'CK wvt worn mtuL Tuvwr or WASHINOTON, D. C, aa. It.- I. F, Waatfcarataaa, wM4mU A TaaaaV MMIIEN mjmttiw sauat tfto stoai tnttt s4LM, 4s men ruihed forth, and hitching It to their tank towed II to their tinea. Tha photograph ehows tha gun paaslnij thru a lane of British aoldlara. t Tretnendoua savings ana much 'added Income are expected thru prompt unloading of eara, deauaded by McAdoo, and to be drastically en ; forced, If necessary, and thru elim ination of much back-hauling, awltch. I Ing. etc. I Kitortloaate charges forced oa prl 1 vale road by privately owned awltch- ing roaoa at terminal win oa amaanea by McAdoo. ...ik . a, a. ftlnn thaa rtuita for tha moat Dart merely laler-switcb wlthla terminate ' and operate between manufacturing Sheep and Same Range I e kind of raage use." Tke foreat service began Its prepar ations of war utlllsatloa of tka foreete four daya after war waa daclarad, Mr. Hatton aald. Ha urged tba "open" ar . "bedding out" system of herdtagl sheep aa havlag been proved to pro-1 due lambe weighing 4 to 7 u , nounda more In a three or three and a half months' graslag season. This I Nc . Uw. on tbls 1 1th day of Jaa alao Improved tba carrylag eaaaeRy.uarr. 1. tba petition of Gaorgo W. of tba raagea from tea to flftjr per, Maxaell, administrator of tba above cent, ba asserted. Experiments la entitled estate, coming oa for hear pastures aad corrala for UmMag have Ing and determination, and It appear abowa a proBuble Increase la the Inn to the court by aald petition here lamb crop, he declared, aa well aa In bled, that the real estate of aald labor economise aad a reduction of,ctate should be sold and conveyed, losses from predatory animals. nd Ihst said petitioner aa admlnla- Proper aaltlag of tba ranges, torator of the estate of Robert Mat keep rattle well distributed; eradlca- ll. cVceased. be authorised to cob tloa of polaoaoua waada aad graslag vey the hereinafter described real certain Uads lafestad with poisonous estate, and that all perbona Interest plants with aheap also were advo- ed la aald estate ikould be aotlfled. rated by tba forester aa measures It Is hereby ordered that tbla clU tending to Increase productloa oa'a tlon be publtohed for four eoaaaca given area. tlva and succeaalva week la tha Bvea- mm mmim mmm lng Herald, a newspaper of general circulation published la tha Couaty clal blocked a ptaa by which tka gov-'of KUmaik, StaU of Oregon, betag erament waa to gat ateel at a pries the rotuty wherein said land U situ- oue-tklrd leas tkaa k waa aaw paring. KKRMV BtaWBOTB ltd) OWM " PARIS, laa. II. Tha RaaM ft- raapaadaat as tba afatla aara tkat ar order at Field Marshal va Mlaaaa- bur annnrdlaa ta --"--'- imMrm tul wauTsWrsaukaaMta lleVui tlaa wbUh kaa raaaaad bla, IM tH- lages beblad tba waatara fratM, Ily la tha regtaa a St, kA9m laratad ts) taa gewaad aa aa U ord UMmt apeaHaaKy par dstaaas jaf tba aarmaa Isms to tka raar. ItotwkaataaeVaaT slaaaastL smjIf aasV taVd H taa $,f BasgHaa depart- ami iM AamarBBastsaUT BamaBsm) BBBBmtl aBBBTBBssBBstdsssl ial rnp ew "sfow asaejsgr pyvw aejmvtap bv aaamBBBBBBgf easw ratura to BsBpfjr - - em i tsBisaJgaj ggajipt amfl. saaaam fxeaamamw mv H1 aMsjgJf to saaVaaaa. BbA asasaksassst awivsswaw amw mamswrnmi Wilson's Speech Is Widely Approved WASHINGTON, D. C Jan. II. Approval of President Wllaon'a ad dreM to congress, aettlng forth Amer tra'a program for war and peaee, waa heard on every tide In Washington today, and tha opinion teemed uat venal that the president had choien the paychologlcal moment to counter act any evil effect of Qermany'a let eat peace propaganda. Altho some member profened to believe that the (lermana might find the terma laid down acceptable aa a bail of negotiation, mot official aw In the definite propoitt of tba address only a great war document should bring In the nllln. Hlnce the clearing the atmophere for the allies,' United Htatcs and tho allies have not heartening the Uusilan and furnUh.J recognised tba boUhnvlkl government wa deemed nwewary tlmt the they chose to sea It. United States set forth Ita alma In a It wai authoritatively stated that public announcement which might be the preeldcnt decided to addreaa con- given circulation In Russia, following gress at this time In an effort to pro- the example of Premlor Moyd George. Terrible Conditions Exist In Petrograd LONDON. Jan. 11. The shustlon la .etrorad la depicted In tba most Lt.u, - .w. k. ih. MrrMnnnd..t f il"""-"""' -..- . ,n" i,Bca """ In a telegram dated Monday, the Russian Christmas, aaya that no Cbrlitraa In 300 years, has been celebrated In such tragle clrcum. stances.. Petrograd la full of dirt, dla. order and crime. Burglary, robbery aad murder In tha most audacious forms prevail to aa extant hitherto unknown, and there la ao police or other authority to which to appeal. The food situation Is very critical, and starvation appears to be atarlag MILL MIN WANTSO All winter Jeb far experienced mill men and lumbar pllera. Big wages, ex cedent meea heuse; fine cabins; alee trie lights; men'a club house. Tale phene to Medec Lumber Co., Chlleeula, Oregon. 17-tf e Good warm winter storsge. Not necessary to drain your car at Tel ford Brothers garage. Rataa reasoa- able. t-llt Cttatloa la the County Court of the State of Oregon, In aad for Klamatk County. Estate of Robert Maxwell, Deceased. George W. Maxwell. Administrator. etd. requiring all persons, heirs of I aald oNtate. aad all othera latereeted therein to ba praaeat aad appear la tha rountr court room la tha Couatr of Klamatk, aad Stata of Oragoa, at o'clock p. m. oB tka tk day of Feb- ruary, 1911, aad tkaa and tkara nuke ohjadloaa. If aay tkara be, why aa nt. ' aaaalSJ BsH B BUaa wf tbla oasjrt "KHrlgsg aad ampawarlag the said Gserge W. Magwall, aa admlaletratar of said asiata, to sail aad caaray tka 9W9t"wtmm nm.9mm pviVHVfaw, wmwn Tba nartb half at tka aaataaaat cjaartar, sad tba aaatkaast gaartar af aaataaaat guartar, aaetlaa IT, towaaMp ft ,, raaga III, if., aaat auartar of aastlaa It, towsavhif HI., raagall B. W. M.,ia ass) Caiatr, Stata af Oragig, to tka kaat Mdaar aadac gaaeml tor tag wk4to af gaM astata, aa tkU to tag MMtiaa stod kaMto. Stgad) MAJHOM MAJtmaX IMK4M4 iadga teaaar tosjaaaMi roaaaas daar tara tha body of vent mum tt Ion of neicotlatlons be tween the Ruislan nml Uormnns att' h8m- M ot iU Breat-I.ltovck and counteract the du.i"er of hie wounds, pllclty of the Germun Mhown In tholr dealings with the Itulan. Tho pres ident, In making hi Hpeech, aumed that the RuMO-Oerman peaco negotla tlona definitely hod been broken off. Another reaton for the president's message was found In 4lio nocomlty of making aomn reply to the request of tha bolshovlkl that the United Btalo and the entente Join In tho peace ne gotiations, Germany mndo It n con dition of the negotiation that Itustla tha people In the face. The wretched conditions of existence have been ag- gravated by blinding snow storms, drifted by violent wlnda for throe daya and nights, with the temperature at 14 degrees Fahrenheit. The correspondent of the Times thus sums up the general position of tba ceuntry: Rusalan affairs have become so des perate that only the Intervention of tha allies or Germans can prevent catastrophe. Aa this cannot longer be expected from the allies, the dlshaart. ened Russian looks to the Germans to put aa end to the awful chaos In which the country now Is Involved. NOTICE f shall remain In Klamath Falls un til the receipt of my commission In tho U. 8. navy, and will resume my regular dental practice In the White building. Dr.' J. If. Carter. 10-tf Dancing class w I'artlea wishing to (bone 117. Ill start Join tba soon. class 6t Clillcota caa aave jroa wsoaer oa hoaoea. Ma, bualaeaa propettr, farm lasjaa aad acock raacliea. p Bomb In a French Aeroplane Ready for Use .-Vt i" KV.! Tag tva X marks aaaw tba great to tola Ffaaaa aaroplaaa ready tor attodk aa tka, Oermaaa. Tba aBBBBBBBBBBatr t (A In .'! ws.vj dBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTI aaamaaV ?f I1 'rjT?,'S t BSsSjssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssa. t- UUIb je . .mjf S.I!II1 ( MfflJ ' uZLjJ jigajJJBjjBis,tfifBjjjjjjjjjjjjj sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbrSbbbb sBBBBBBBBBEBBBBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH F-Hi BsaaBaBBBBBBaBaBaBaBaBaaaBT laTyiBiTeBaasBBrkaBaBBaBaBaBaBaBaw . I BaBBflBBBBBBWBBfiacEBBBBaBaBBB loBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBalfdB IbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHrmbbbISbbbb laaaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaraBBaa BraaBaBaBaBaBaBasVaaBBaaV HfRwvkgBBAHHtojHH00 MIX UP WITH BORDER INDIANS NOGALKB, Jan. 11. A detachment of American cavalry aaat lata Bear Valley twenty-rive miles want of Ho gnle to watch tralta, clashed with a band of Yaqul Indians, capturiag tee) Indians died HLHPECTKD SPY ESCAPES HAN FRANCISCO, Jaa.ll Adelpb liollman, detalaed hare as a aaepected German spy. has succeeded la aiaklag his escape. EASY TO DARKEN YOUR BRAY HAIR! IVOU CAS BRING BACK COLOR AND l.l'HTRK WITH MOB TBA AMI Hl'LPHUR When you darken roar hair with Sage Tea. aad Sulphur, a eaa tell, because It's done ao aataraltjr, evenly. Preparing tbla mlxtaro, though, at home Is muasy aad trouble some. For BO cents yoa eta bar any rdug store tie ready-to-aaa prep aration, Improved by tka addkiea af other Ingredients, called Wyeth'e Si and Sulphur Compound." Toa last dampen a sponge or soft brash wtta It and draw this throagk roar kalr. (taking one amall straad at a Urn. By n.crnlng all gray kalr disappears, aad. after another application or two, yoar hair becomea beautifully darkened, glossy and luxurlaat. Gray, faded kalr, tkougk ao dis grace, Is a alga of old age, aad aa wa alt desire a youthful aad atlraottvo appearance, gat buay at ease wtta Wyetb'e Saga aad Sulphur Cempoead and look years younger. Tale ready? to-use preparation la a deUghtfai toilet requisite, aad not a media It Is net Intended for tha eara, mtti gation or preveatloa of disease. Adv EDI m WIT IF BICIIMS TAKK A GLASS OF SALTS TO FLUSH K1DNIYS IF BLAOOBR BOTHERS YOU UEatlBg meat regalarrr avaaaaSr k. duces kidney trouble la other, aaya a waU-kaawm aataarsty, aa causa tha arte adaa to tba kidaays, they ed; gat sluggish; tba aucblM, aad frasj tka laatllM aWfirdtogaf be oeeuptsa to t gt gf aviator waa drop It Ih raaahaa thaOaraaaa Uaaa. bbbbbbbbbbbbH at diattaaa,,pattlaalarlr aaak- la. the kldaer rsgloa atasaach, eaaatlpaUea, torpid fjaaaa mtaftaalaaaaaiaBaBBBgl aalasamat ! pfwif BJBpBjajgajss;ssBsssjajt Wameaaaaaaja; aji arlaarr.lrrltaUoa, Tba momsaf -vmr lack buna or kldaaya areal actlag rigfct, or If bladdar. kataara rati, sat ahoat four ouacee of Jad Salta from aay good phaimany; take a taklsalssafal la a glasa ofr water batora breakfast for a few aaya aad roar kidaays will tkaa act Saa. Tbla famoaa aalU la aaade from tha add of grapes aad lemon Jalea. eomblaed with Uthla, and has ad far geaeratioas to Saab ciagsmd kldaaya aad aumuiata uam ia aormal activity; also to aeatrallte tha adds la tha arlaa ao It ao loager Irritatas, thaa aadsag Madder dia- orders. Jad Salts aaaaat lajara aajraaa; water drlak whleh aUllloaa of mee and women take aow aad thaa to clean, thus, avoidlag aerloaa kldaoy keep tha kldaera ud ariaarr orgav dlaaaaa. Adr. Tiavslara racardl' Par IS17 shows ara abaa iss,gg,ggg of aow Ufa aaasaa. Taw aaw law east policies ifAssnimD MTMMWMmCOUl OgaaaiAtoftinsi.BaallOp, Z riMIIMIM,IXJlMMra laataat ratief ao waltlag lonr naWla aaaa right ap; tha air af roar head clear aad rou eaa kraatha fraalr. No mora hawk' lag, nutllag, alawiag, haaaaeaa, dry aaaa. Ma atraggtlag far araath at alght; roar aati ar aatarrh diaap- Oat a aasall bottle af Br'a Cream Kalm frasa rwar.drasglat aow. Apply a KtUa af tarn fragraat aatawrptk, LaaUac eraaai to roar aaatrila. it ptpatratsa tkriagk aaarr air pasmgs at tha aaad. aaataaa tha taJaamad or swoUaa massaa mambraaa aad relief Ifa Jwat laa. Ooat atar atalad- ap wRh a aald ar aaatr aatarrh. Ad. " SAYS HOT WATER WASHES POISONS i FROM THE LIVER a R, 't Ta fast aa Saa aa tha proverbial Iddw. wa mast kaap tha Uver washed toast arary aMralag to tta apiwgs Ilka poraa fro dogguc wtth ladlgsatlbla material, noar alia aad galea aaaa toUaa. aara a If row gat ksadnks. It'a roar liver. at raa aasah aald aaallr, tt'e yaar Uver. U rwa waka ap wRh a bad taata. far- rad taagaa, aaatr braaU ar atomaah baaamaanaatd. It'a rwarlrrar. Sallow akla, maddr ssmplsalsa. waterr araa. an aaawto Mrar aaslsaallasaa Tour Uver m. tha .mast imaartaat. also tta sasat akaaad aad aaglaetad argaa of tha aadr. Vaw kaow Ita faaetloa or aaw to lalaaaa tha dammad-up body waata, atlaaad toalaa. Most folks raaart ta Tialaat aalamsl. wklck la a dsaaraaajisalivaUag ckemlcal which caa oalr-ao'aasd oesaaloaaUr aaaaasa It aeeamutetaa ta tha Usauss, also at toaka taa.aaaaa. vsrr, maa aad womaa, atek or watl, aaaald. drlak aaah moralag be fore breakfast, glasa of hat water wlta a taaaaaaafal of llmastoaa paos phata la It, to waah from tha liver aad bowelo tta prevloas day's ladlaaaUbla malarial, tha poisaaa. aoar alia aad toalaa; thaa etaaaalag. awastealag aad frashaalag tha aattra allmaatarr aattf mora food Into atrlet tha diet Ilka ataaasal. aaeaaae It caaaatsaUvaU,farltMaarmleasap yoa eaa aat aaytalag aftarwarda. It la Usapaaarva aad almaat taatatsaa. mamt wUl asU roa a gaartar pawad, whteh m aamsteat far a damsaatrarlia af haw hat water aad aUmalasaa to aad dar aat. Adr. iMajaeasianMNMNMMMMiMaaMaMMt 1toGltlMHkj I Wat. gtod) gadg sajra Try g jtfhss&Sfss all taataatlr EXACTNESS All of our prescription work fa handled by graduate phar-audata-mn whahave been iBirkly trained to takacara, 'of yoar rescriptiom. Oar work U hajMNed to tha oat sauafal nsanarr. check tag aad alcalde-checking each upontloa which myouraaaa tata assaraace agslast tha poiaBilityoferror. , Than maoxtracJairfa for oar asm particitlar prsacrla.) tioa service. aVtoffyowaaxt arsacriatkia to aa aajd saaka fww amajw ssssaarma war m waaaaew ""J aara tawt it M compoa aw. UjaWWOftHaTUy aiED ""ttsyifiKar- aAfca Oaraty koade promptly aaeCUkote. KUasaU Lodge No. 1S7, L O. O. F., meets Friday aigkt. M. A. Bmmlat. f. O., Nata OtterbeU, Secretary. Ewauaa Encampmaat No. 41, L O. X F., meets Teeadey alght, R. A. Cmmltt, C. P.. U J. Baaa. Soribe. PROFESSIONAL CARDS jhasgaajaaBaBa1a City St County Abstract Co. ARTHUF B. WILSOX 617 MaJa St. FARM LOANS AT PER CENT FLAT DR. P. R. GODDARD Oateopathlc Payaktsa m BaMa Sll, L . O. F. (over K. K. K. Store) (The only Osteopathic Pbyat daa and Surgeoa la Falls.) W. D. MILLER Walk. Floor, Foundations. Con crete Building Blocks, Flues aad Tiles. Ill 8. Sixth St. Phone 19S The Mutual Life INSURANCE COMPANY of New York F. M. PRIEST. LOCAL AGENT Over K. K. K. Store Passengers and Baggage Aavwfare the Gtj QimkSinkt KctMaaawit KftkS PHONE 187 im&kL CF-X& JOaBf C CXBGMOBJf CosjBty Sarvarat CrriiTasdsssr f- (