,$ Nw ,lX" i W THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON now, ii: T, PMIVWO tl licit . ... " " 1BI It. o - t V iv TlMErening Herald W. O. SMITH, Editor rMMhed dally aaeeat Matty J flfta UnM Petthlag Cunaaay af th Mil. at 111 WearUi itmt I at tat aoatontoe at Klamath fklto. Oraata. ter tnaaariMlw tatwuk attar. afcterlaUea uw by man ta nay la the United atataet a M FRIDAY, DECEMIlKn 'M, 1917 HenfcrsClassifiedAdvs. FOR SALE KlaMtk cs News - - -- ORIXDALK NOTES - - FOR SALE At a bargain, 191 Maxwell touring car. Call and be convinced, at Ford Oarage. 21-St FOR RENT FOR RBNT Storage room, conven teat location; termi reasonable. Apply J. B., Herald office. 15-tf HELP fmWAMVhMVfeMMVV WANTED WANTED Cook for boarding home. Doi HOC or phone 98J. JO-tf LOST AND FOUND 1X8T One Jersey cow branded OE connected, on right hip, right ear (narked with circle, silt out; $10 re ward for Information leading to re- cevery. Orvllla Elliott, Klamath Agency, Ore. 14-t Chrlitmaa hat come and gone npaln. Nut I a Happy and Pro pciou New Year to all. A veiy nice program wa given at tlio ( Inning exercises of the Orlndalc echool Friday afternoon. A crew of men are busy building a sawmill In the Van Valkenburg tim ber near Long Lake. They eipect to be ready for a big Summer's work In the near future. Miss Myrtle Km called on Miss Ktt.i Hunt Wednesday afternoon. The fall grain Is looking fine In this part of the world at present. The people here are hoping for a good crop to make up for the one Just hac- restcd last fall. Dine Whlthtch and family attend ed the Christmas tree exercises In Klamath Falls Christmas afterncon. C. 0, Hunt and family took dinner with R. V. Ess and family of Plevna. I. 0. Warner has sold his chickens to Dine Whltlatch. Dave Price Is smiling over the pros, pects of hit fall r)e crop, which Is unusually fine. Tom Gunn, Chinese Aviator, Here on Government Mission MISCELLANEOUS 0tMMMWMmWMVMWWWmAMMMMMA WANTED To rent a small farm near Klamath Falls. M. Bossier. 133 Tenth street. 28-lt E8TRAY Came to my place last October, very dark red heifer, branded J Inside of shield on left hip, straight crop and split on left ear. Edw. Freuer, Seven Springs ranch, Poe Valley. 28-3t MILL MEN WANTED All winter job fcr experienced mill man and lumber tiers; Mg wage; excellent bum ine cabins; electric lights; t elab boas. Telephone to Modoc Lumber Co Chlloawla, Oregon. St-tf rOR SALE Holiday bargain, MO acres nnest land la valley; all un der Irrigation; fenced ; good bam, anull house; two warm springs on property; to acre la alfalfa. Price f CO par acre. 9. T. WARS) MX, IS Mate MraK - - -- KE.VO KRV.XOTKH - A dance was held Christmas night at Padgett's hall. A large number from Klamath Falls. Worden and Plevna were In attendance. W. II. Me. Cormlck furnished the music, and er. ery one enjoyed the evening. Mrs Fred Edsall furnished a bountiful chicken supper, which was appreciat ed by those In attendanca. Grass It growing here as If the tea son were early spring. The Traveler has paid since organ. laaUon More that g4S,a0O,0ao la ac cident and health rlalme. Ask Call- rota about the Xew Low Cost policies. 17 COUXTY TRKAfiimER'ft NOTICE ORPHEUS THEATER Maoblrd Photoplays Inc., Introduce Dorothy Phillip In an Exclusive Photo Version of "TRIUMPH" PhotoplaylDg "As You Like It" Altos Condemn His Peace Proposals Notice Is hereby given that there are funds in the county treasury for the redemption of all Klamath Coun ty general fund warrants protested on or before May 15, 1913. Interest on same will cease from date. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this JCth day of December, 1917. OEO. A. HAYDON. JB-St County Treasurer. Combti give complete from Chllrota. automobile policies protection. Gat one 17 We want your money After Jan uary 1, 1918, we will tell for cash only. Ford Oarage. 21-St Investigate the Xew Low Cost pel idea of the Travelers. Ask Chilcot. 17 ijpjljgMgpjpjRMfflyiwi Snnnnnnnnr kfi 1jjjjjjjjjjjjj JnnnnnnV " annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnBnnT8HsnUK LBjh WMW WW smnnnmnw. TmF '"swBHn nRRRRfeaPgjasB& iiiiii av?-iH aTV 'P3& aaa RannnnnnnnnnnnmVrJgr. antatl TtnnnnnnnnnnnnnnvvQXH RnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnKsnl ItmmmmkAV amnmnmnmnmnmnmmvx&. ami t a H OUSTON' Metropolitan Amaaemanta s HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE DARK aTHMKjiEmnnW,AieA- nnninl Li'l3-v X mniannBnmntvdnnnnnnnnnnnml 2utWM09WJmMSfSW ,i mWtk-;!J-n- 31V annI--nrV' !'- ' nmnnfnnnnWmnnnnnnnnnnnWtnm UBsnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnannnnnnPmnnnnnnnnmr 'MWmBmmmwVimmvlmw ill f ' 1 tTany TaajLsnnnnW'fanf ?1BmaT-nBaaa-mnnn- 1 An'tnnnnnnnnnnkVBmV4lmHRaTHLdJRV msnnnnnnnMsMnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnf 1 mmmm'.lBlZmWmiEM'&Wn Snnnnnnnnn snnnnmm. A'-oSsnnnnnnnnnnnnnl': " manaai snsnnnnnnnml InnnnWsnnnnJ'Smnnnnmnnnfc- MnmT.lTBnnnnnnnnmi) t7mnnnnnnnnnrmnnnyTn"tmTa' smnmTtml Hf lnnnnnnnfnW'.''Wl 1 .mnmmmnnll V''xannnnW-'II?ill? Hi $ nnnmmmmit amnmnnnnnnnnsnnnnnPWr Wtlmil lannnmmnnii snnnnnnnnnnnV'annnnnnnnnVKKnBll I mnnmnnnnl' nnnmnnVgBailPV "1 snmnnnH nmmw- -- a i-RRHlRB4g4 dUI snUnmV mmmmnr ml mnnnnnnmnmmmml . V'4wlliimfl A H; "!.-:-4l'viBnmBnfmnnnW5mwWnl A nmmmmni? -'i-BnmnnnnnnnnnnWdBlll M'mnnnmW V JjatmmmB Omnnnnnnnnnnmngl-mlal't.nl ' aTtTtnnTtnli mnnnnnnnnnmmV mnnnvsmnnnnnnnsmnnnnnnnnnnnmmnnnnnnnnnnnnl i , TOO auNM -ANB wift. Enlisted Hen's Club Started In South I.OS AN(li:i.i:s, lcc. 28 An on-j iicny. wmrn, nml tlu Ion AiikhIim UmIciI iiieit's club, at wlili'U uny m.i t'lmmhtfr uf Coiiumnu, mid Urn fur llstitl man or Ihk In ii- cnnclly iiIhIiIiirh ii dmmtvil by l.im AiikhIih with tho colors flmU wlcnme, luu tnorchnnts, Ici'il opened hero as n part of tin)1 a rmm n'f I.oh AiikkIhk wiiinnii. Jwor camp community service. Well ,0I,, ,y Mrs. M, J. Coiinol, lias r. ktocked library, comfortablo loutigliig U,K,,, u mipnrvlHo soclnl nrllvltlrs uiinrters, n writing room, billiard In- , 1C ,,lllf Tn,, ncU, n Kmiwt Mee. musical Instruments, a lunch C,torlalniiioiit each Wednrailny night counter and a aoda fountain arojnt W,0, ()n, miUlon ptctunt actors nmonic Itt attractions. ml, ,, kmiMii pnrsotis nipnrliiK at The club orrupliM a sultn of rooms tluntirn Ihto io nskod to "iln their lit the Trinity Auditorium building, bit." near tho biiHlncM district, provided by tho I.os Angeles Investment com-1 Injjn 'v-'vaus and Ends Tom r.unn, the noted Chinese avi ator, anil his wife arriving at San Francisco en route to Washington, where he will confer with officials on the purchase of airplanes for use In the Chinese army (itimi, who is now a ciptatu in the Ctiliieso urmy. Is head of the aviation corps. He cre ated a sensation here several years ago by his spectacular Dying, Prussian Soldiers Are Forced Into Service ilcct iHlon of the sec n a'. t!i i1i'"il- tiro f i detachment of ri'liiforniiti-jiitu f-.m. Sunrlouls, a o vi n Itliuish 1 1 tin In. The recruits worn Inien'leil ,t'i I'M Knpn In a bnitilli'i which lad ni'fltrvri heavy Iosjk. Tint wiIIm "11c first battalion Is ordered to I f . I ifl H rcliiforcln; iSftnclu'o'ii "f !.;' nti-n. To escort thrtii to I ho l.i ur. l(i.M tlntlon 300 turn have lion or di'i.l out, some of tt.om with nrni. '.c n'n'rh nlongslda tho mo i K','!,K n, :t 'I rthors to art in nlcKoli on il.o wi' to the station, riio men wem u'l let'd: In tho nftArti M, :ntd hail tit vii": r mo lime for a.tv'i i. in.uad 'f i( n ii'ili- from tho l4t coin inn '( cotivnleicviits, who ovuutually 'or. ' rived. "What a sec no! Ahead iminlioil a Hiuud of KiuirdH and to rlKht and loft of oarh II lo two armed guards, nhlto another squiii! of gunrds brought up the roar to guard thc.io (lorinan sol illcrsuir linivo snldlorM In Held' gray, who, arcorillng to tlio miiKiilll contly phraited storlos of tho tionsp.)- I pors, dash forward, full of Joy, and, sustained hy lo of Fnthnrlnnd to do- biroy our enciiilos. "The detachment tnoxod on with a I baud ptnliig a marili. The guards I were so numerous that there wax ono for every two men of tho departing ' ! HEAD STUFFED FROM ;-- CATARRH OB A COLD ; ; j 8ara CWam Applied In Naatrila i Opens Air I'aaaagaa Right Up, I Instant rcnot no wallln-t iour clugtvd nostrils open right up; Hip air imsmigcs of our head clear mid you can breathe frroly. No more hawk ing, snuffling, blowing, headache, dry ness. No struggling for breath al night; your sold or catarrh disap pears. Oel a small hottlo or Ely's Crram I'alm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant antiseptic, touting cream In your nostrils. It I emirates through every air patugo of tho head, soothes tho Inflammsd or swollen mucous membrane and relief comcii Insliititly, It's Just fine. Don't stay stuffed up with a cold ur nssty catarrh. Ad. iiniiiii ii - FRENCH FRONT. Dec. 88. Onr-i n nn oldlera from some cf the town or ritife.la ara asat to tba front uudir Arriid tuard "as crljilualt are lad tr I tm tsptutlonor," ids a litler fonvl or. klli In a recent b.il'.ta on I hi- FicikIi frort The writer lit J given a vlv ! Germans Realize Desperate Conditions STAR THEATER A Mystery Farce of Harprises, Thrill and Laughter George M. Cohan In an adaptation of hlastage triumph "7 KEYS TO nALDPATE" An Artcraft Picture, Disclosing m turn tjrpa of Photoplay yjhinawMf, lavi laaslowna'a Nggattlon that give ap certala of their war sjaaotiau paaca before Oar- mmrr lis nwraf beaten haa ba unl vraMrir iwamaaiatd la England and AatsJ Laaadowne haa been bhtmbJ af Canada and la dfif.iiijailM- wne'rafaiga aacraUry Tar tdwmm fnaaa aad atfcar past aar. tl WAf owi awry make hit crltia tint thMt lri Usmar 1N hare s da- IilMNM IINPMNMtat' Hit AMT1M TB "San- isfWaatt rlacary saggaaUaa hbifiit?.ttmHt p I'aap naaa ia Waah- TEMPLE THEATER Tho. A. Edison Praaenta airis and Mia Wonderful Lamp," - Taken from tba fable of tha iama nam. The Lack of Roaring Camp," A Western Mining Story by Brat Hart "Captain of Tomorrow'," Life and Activities at Watt Point. ADMISSION. TIN CSNTS MERRILL OPERA HOUIE MOTION PICTURES TVanWAYS AND MATVRDAYS AMSTERDAM, Dec. 28. A gloomy picture of Oermnny'i future was painted by Grand Admiral von Tlrplts In bis recant speech in Essen, accord ing to th Hamburg New. Regard ing a successful economic war against Qermany nfter tha war, he said: "Imagine tha position If we simul taneously hare to bear tha burden of taxation which mutt fall on every CJerman, and, despite the fallen value of German money, we still have to buy tha most necessary food and raw materials from abroad. Can anyone in his heart of hearts really believe that in these circumstances, without an Increase of power, without Indem nity and without security, we could avoid Germany's ruin?" Germany's plight at the hands of England be bemoaned aa follews: "Not only baa England taken our colonies and Mesopotamia, but every where she ha made deeper and firm er base for her maritime and colo nial supremacy. 8h haa tarnished and trodden down the prestige and honor of Germany by unprecedented calumnies. In the whole trant-At-lantlc.world we are considered as con quered and dona for." detachment. In it not a scandal that our children In lleld-gray should bo led to wnr to fight and shed their blood In tlio same way as criminals are ted to the executioner or, still worse, like rattle lo th slaughter ? It was not sufl hours befcro hand In fact, from the moment of the announcement of the departure of tho detachment even soldiers who did not belong to It Mic prevented from going Into the town by sentinels posted every five yards. No, It was considered neces sary lo submit the men to the shame of marching to the depot under guard. "Do not the magnificent menda cious articles In our papers represent Lemons Whiten and Beautify the Skin! Make Cheap Lotion IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIII Tho Julre of two fresh lemons strained Into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard whlto makes a whole quarter pint of the most re markable lemon skin beautlfler at about the cost one must pay for a small Jar of the ordinary cold cream. Care should tin taken to strain tho lemon Julre through n fin cloth so n lemon pulp gels In, then this lo lion will keep fresh for months Every woman knows that lemon Juice Is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallownesa and Inn, nnd Is the Ideal skin softener, sinootheiirr and beautlfler. Just try It! Make up n quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lemon llUI'.O I.h,, I ,,., f..,rt "",." "llMtlllKWrtwfc IHllllllo 11111,1,., pill On, ' lulls Silk Suspenders Silk Shirts Silk Ties Silk Host lleltrr Inko ndnntage of a few of l In mi uiir1h.fthUt KpeilNU liefuro they art gone. Tills Work (.III; AT SUGARMAN'S Henry Ford still makes plttlir nirs, Wo lino )inir In stock. Call nnd lot us show jiiu KorJ (lint. 21-81 The ureal MtciiKth, UK dhlttafc, and Imoiiiparuhlo betieflis of th "Old. est Company In America" nirsns Int claim I If ii Insuriuiro fur ou. Porpsr llculam ie Ceo. C. t'lrlch, IMttrkt MnmiKcr, The Mutual Lit sf Mr York 1W In a false light our brave boys In field-,0,,on nnd "" It dally Into tha aray colnc to flaht and dratrnv ili '" "" rm anil nanus, it should enemy for the love of the Fatherland, while such thing at these are hap pening. Verily, It Is a voluntary sacrifice!" Get a calendar for Ilia New Year from Chllrota. K naturally help to whiten, soften, freshen, nnd bring nut the hidden roses nnd beauty of any akin. It Is wonderful for rough, red hand. Your druggist will sell three ounces or orchard white at little coat, and any grocer will supply tha lemons. Adv. Hold That Made Frank Goteh Greatest American Wrestler, Famous K -, RESERVATION VOLUNTEERS In lining the name of young men of draft age who left during tha early part of tha month to enllat In tba ser. vlca of the country, tba Herald gave tha namaa of Charles Hood and Fred R. Hood. , Later developmeat how that both thaaa boy ara under draft age, and ware tending their aenricaa to their country voluntarily, and had no Idea of escaping a draft call In so doing. Thay ara now In tha United State nary. If Frank notch, who wa cham pion of tha wrestling world, had not Chart.. Hood I. tha son of th. !.t.l!nvM!ed "? i0 b0"J "J1" '" Akt HaAd nf Vl. and W,A l.,"ve oeen laroou. wim mat aura, w""" .w w .- ww w -4j!s!i!&aJr' .. ..-": '.'1C. iZig WlkLVAXx-mrrct.Zi3xr "' . '1 . sr.rr.jrn-wB--.. y5awmmBwBjLV-(jx j A "M;-- M ...... P&& BhskJrBarli&ifanaaanV' IW' St ;, 2r$Wvv"-" .-. . A ) .mmmmran " 'aaaaaaaaaaa7 KT ajkiiB'''BaWaHSnaVV jwj haTTTJ?imtHv - " tJ'iSmmlfWWf 'BPaaaanaaaarVHat hXZKt-iiM'WWWtMWWiltvM- 2naaan ;J'Im"r1mTTBf.fvT' mLWmMBm ... ift zijmmrjhM mmm,,BBUtBEmmUnKBUHMMmBtltoll&Ml0)MJi xeTin: To tho Creditors of tlio N'urml Bikrry Company; All persons hating clnlms tmlast the Nurml llnkory Company art aott Hod to preirnt tho same, duty Ttrllii to tlio iltiilorslKneit receiver, at tu otitic In Klamalli Kails, Orgoa.tlttli thirty days from the date o tbli notice. iH-remhcr IR, 1917. (IKO. 0. UI.RICH, IC-lOt Itectlvtr. Htaiiikiril lire inauraiire puUrMj I Slnnilaril loinpnnlo on HUsrt fonns. Hre ('lillrote. 11 ITs Herel Come In sod See HI W I ThtNEW" fWTarWW Hont i- FORM ENOIW Economical -SirnpU Quo Btfil anjj52 Lk-proof CoinpMi G. C LORENZ I .nnnnnn.iuiji.ii.rinn ' " '" I tha sag of Mr. and Mr. Charles Hood of tha KUmath Afaaey. however, ha waa a tarror in tho ring against moat of hla opponent. Whll. ho had several ways of handling men on whom he had got thl hold, the photograph here ehow It very well: Ho took a man who was lying face down, and reaching for tba oppon ent's Vlgbt foot with bl. Ift band, twisted It so the pain wa eicrutlat 'ng. llo could easily break thefknkle, and If the victim failed to roll over on hi back hi ankle would be brok en, But almost every man on whom he secured the bold turned over be fore bi. ankle wa. broken, New City Lanndrj W Ouarant Our wn- Cellar -- nine -n -- .j Wa alaa wah ellk, vl, "T red d very carfully. TOT" ansa and be cenvlncd. 0r" are right Phen 127 Fourth Strgf T.T. .. -i. klatMl "