&& -..-;Wr, :t-t - jfrfrgjEuimtttfl Brraift OFFICIAL NEWIPAPBR OP KLAMATH COUNTY Or KLAMATH FALLS fucKlli Vrer X. 11.11 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMKR 22, ltl7 Russ BOLSHEVIKI musjoalproves READY FOR THE KAISER fWITXKV IrM'MHKM THAT IUH MASH IHI MIT OVKKTIIHOW FIGHT WITH TMK ITAH TO HSKKI, IIKHHCK,,,,",C"1 ""' Uy. who entered TNK KAIHKB KKKXCH UK ftUiK UKKMAMi IX AMUCK mm: or m'kxom aikkm wim WITH AKUKH AT UKKMA.NH OS TNK iTHUCATKJ OV THIS liwuifiLiiu'tui' UXHIKO V 114, PHOHAHLY RKNIXT I'l.TitOOKAD, Dec. . Uulne Tiotiky, the bolshevik! foreign min ister, iildrrMlng the council of vol dkrrs and workmen, declared that If ta Herman emperor offered "offen sive pesre trrma," the Kuaalan would fight. "We did not otertlirow rtarlaiu to keeel before Hie kaiser," he cried. "Hut If thru our rihsustlim we had la accept the kaiser's leniu would f do ,o only to rl with tlm Herman people agalual Herman inlllturUni."! Hy .iaortotnl IYtm lATKI,i:HH- Tlm opposition b Hut L'kranlaua and the Kaleillue follow er to ib bolshevlkl, and Ihn report that I be Herman lm rejeilt-d the Kutslan r propoasls, uterihadow II mtiltuty ofwratloii. The Kreurh have rpiilel Herinau attack In lh AUaro dlatrlrt, Hrrmuii claim ,at Ihn Italian of Unu t iif Moutu Aiuilonit ha Ueil unuerrafu, TIim publliallou of Ihn l.uiburg uiMge ha renulUd III rlota In llueno Alr, uud llm .pl are lusndiug a rupture nt relullon with 'jruiuy, 1 s TMIIWTOI'ATI'Hri' Oslwg lo IU Imi UihI lie wa dls PpolnM lu rrrMvlug Hie film of "Itsb's mum" (Urn Ibe freights' press Mrriie ( h hi Mirfled, MUgr J, V, Ituutfou h derided Ut give M uiulluiu, Uitrriiriillilllit llll ruudty et iiao. viii uiii uivii uiiUiiiii, luw. lliclnmvclloit f''ll"I thitiuu Ut ww Ibis llril)ve film Imig ami iMly lltlgalbm In lliofourls HU thu tuumu rH ul bey Lt VuUUmiU. bcorae Tax Man b Coming Soon h mttf ikU tit fM$u ul iU M iu mw luwm lw f tUtH(U MonmUm mmry t M Mf mum HMl fwmm Mw writ, im wtH um umu MMV at UuUHHHi pWtmm sWt" U H mku4, WtM fmf W av' HHUM Ml l Hhmilk IWMf nn luwu, (,ttnt Jituuuif M Will Refuse w 1 .,..,,, , rr,-,, JUUptt miujk ATTKMiAM'K HV vvnuv YIMTKIIIl.tY AT IIIOII HflllMH,. IIIIJ HKHVICi: M..MI H HIVK.V IIV Jl'.MOII CI.AHM About MWnl).fhc persons In addl. t ton in thn atuilcnts mill faculty wero In i.tlnnduiiro )itrday afternoon nt I tin Klnmatti County high school. I vi hen linn of lliu moat ptranlng color InlruiiKiitH cut glu-n under the an ki'iM of Hint Institution, was reu- il red. A principal fcuturo of I ho oiraslon was tlm presentation by Wllford Hen ry on tlm part of tlio Junior class of u Iiiiku aertlru flag, with the fourteen ntnrs ri-prmrntlug member of the inn tvrviru huh year ana ibsi year. Twenty-the morn tam, rcpruacntlng I ho alumni, an- to he added, which will make IhU sertlco flag the largest In the county. Principal C. It, Bow man rcuponclrd for the school for the beautiful gift. Number on the program consisted of election by the high school or ciimtra and the high school chorus, V'"B M,, "' Harry UoraJ, llano unci uf tnimrm um i.nn aiv ny Huberts, a nolo by Mr. Luke Wal ker and a Chrlstmss talk by Rev.K. 1'. I.awrencu of the I'resbyterlsn church. The arhool rhorua presented Mite Mt-srs with an electric toaster In rrc. (Kiiltlon of her work during the re ct'M lllneim of I'rofeanor Taylor, l.'nlertalmiiculn of thla nature are lo ln gltrn with greater frequency during Hie coining month If prevent plan of the fuiully and student inu lei li lire, Principal llowmun announce that Jlra. Katrelle Currier will be on hand Monday to proceed with the clatte lu Hjmr.lnh and Herman previously ban- itleil by I'rof. J. II. Ilaln. IMVIUMIV . I HUMAN Al Ibe lioiiin of Mr. and Mr. Jmae llalley, corner rlUth-uud Main dreel, wa wtlemnlied Hie marrlugH or Karl J, llatldnon and Ml im In I'lirniann, lioih of I'liin llldge, Klninulli County, ill & p, m. on Wednesday, December I Kill. I Claude lwln wim Im'kI man, MU Ku Hour ailed a brldcamald. The ring leremony wa ued, There wer pri-H-nl, bealdes the attendant .I....-.I 1. h 11,1.1 U,i Bill lV II llll I'llll- l"-l(,r(., Vhe'gnoni Imi biolberof Mr. llalley, W, K. Uambo, inluUler or Klrnt Chrlnllaii iliunh, ofllclaled, HHITH NI,AVi:il I'AIMM.I.KM llcNKIM,K IHI.ANII. WU Itot. ;.-Muuiv Ulggs bs Ml tor hi home In CallluniU, being psrollsd ei.rdsy, Drew Cnmliielll fred rerrnlly. iheae uiin hve been wryn ttme lor Ibe vlwlsitluw of I lie while svlili h mult wM ' tMm suaklwM II tmmvmfn tin ll1'" Z vM fit '- "m tUt f,tfrl,M4 mi,, .uiami luiaraselou Ibil M ilw gWWl' M tHUft Isle l fyP I" " j-1 f , It I ' ' r "w - rwl um IM mnmmni ew w " liabls i um U ' Mi IM 4tMf, , . MtAIJUWtM i iimr -i niii.iijuuuu- ra MIB UNCOVERED I.ITTI.K KXI'KIMTIO.V TO I'KMCAX II A V KIIIIIAV IIUIXHH Pltl'ITPUli IIKNtl.TK HAHT FIXDH if IM- ItWNIIII.i: TO III! I'ltKHKNT Oregon In now u dry state, and you ran bet ou are not going to find any booze within her boundarloH, cipcel ally In Klamath County. No, air; tho pcoplo In thla dlatrlct are law-abiding cltlioim, and you can wager your hat that when they "vote her dry" thoy arc going to aland by the verdict. Of rouroe, If a little la kept privately In the hoime for medic inal purpoava atrlctly, thla might be cnnkldered within the Intent of the law, and ono should not be molested. Contrary to this belief, the officers of the, sheriff!' office yesterday after noon made a moat unceremonious de scent uHin the home of a I'cllcan City resident by the name of Curnlnl, who wa suspected of keeping a tonic somewhere In the cupboard. .The hoit hltiitolf, having been summoned hastily to meet n huslneaa appoint ment, could not be present at the ar rival of Deputy Hrlfflth, who la re ported to have gone right In, In aplte of a lack of cordlullty on the part of the liostesi, Hhnrtly ufler commencing Ihelr In lenllgutlon the officer became con tlnccd of the correclnea of their aus picious. They became more and more certain u they continued the search. In fuil, ulmoal every direction they turned brought out unniistakubla evi dence of Cltlten Carnlui's forehand' ednes. Without making any satis f si lory adjustment with tho absent boat, I ho store of lluuld treasure were loaded on a truck and brought to the rlly early luat evening. The supply 'consisted of five barrela of digit red wlnr and ubout 200 quarts of turlou varieties of other bev erage dear In the heart. mn.M ONKIMAS pss! a ass FINK Ml'NIi'AI riUMKAN Akf KOl'M'Kli VHH (HMIWmAM MOHKIKU AT TNK t.'ATHM4C I'Ht'Kt'H A rare Ireul Is In store for Ibe uy ers ( Hiusb' who attend Ibe 0;SO aerks lu Hi" cutbolic cbureb ou (!brll nns uiornlm. II W, Kberlelu, iMder ol Ibe f bolr, lias brought (lie slngltm up Id slate ul perlei'ilou uuur)sed In former year, Three wonins or lawstewi ann. lug uud reueaiiMNaf Mve iwrue rHH In ibe rt'udMWu ul one at (be woet beeulirul uioduvlloni ol Ibe waeUri, Orlllc tvlll pronouwe II well srcflb ierM end lr beyond ordleeir ore- atrewvi uuriuM ibe aervlies Mrs- Kberletg Mid Ml AlUe Mrourl will rUf fHoutuJd'e 'O0mlari" o lb Wm end orsWH' Qto '" UM u.u be Mrs. Malt iksUb. aoffMO Mb) Hi "(ilerU," Hit, U. W, HWk, WW, t "Umtwetw," mi, H. u, MU7eflbr Wi I" "AwM Mi' Mle FMfi elvla. WUm, I "Ahm fkX," U, W, MeeY tW, "let' m," I, MrAIWef, bate), I "llloila." Offensive Peace MwwMWMawwwwiwtf 0m0Wl0i0WWltl0l0imm0mmMmw0w0m Red Cross Drive Now Making Good Headway Blocked Mfibcrahipt Are Now Beiof SuUcribd ByBufinettMenofGly andCoiuitr Effort BekfMde to- Secui'e On TltoiMand New Members Today Tho Itcd Croaa drive for new mem berships la now at Ita height, aid to day will probably be the bbjgeet day of the drive so far. The oflclala ia hargo of the work have been to busy that It has been Impossible to get a detailed atatement of the progress made since yesterday, but the' gen eral altuatlon hat attained a mere favorable aspect. A detailed report will be made on Monday. Blocked memberships by the fac tories, banka and atores are being Be en red today and an- etteaat will be made to secure !, iberthtH before night. With the weaderfal Many Advantages In War Savings Stamps In looking over tboee new war-savings certificates, tbe point to get In mind la this: Uncle Sam la giving tbe rank and file of us tbe beet chance to save and Invest small turns of money that bos ever been offered In the whole financial history of the world. You can now buy tbe promise of tbe strongest treasury on earth to pay you IG five years hence (January 1, 1021). You can buy that note at cuy lime durlug thla month or nest year nt a price ranging from I4.lt to I. S3, You don't have to figure In terest, nor clip coupons, nor worry about the safety of your loan. Be hind it are tbe wealth and taxing power of the richest country ever known. Your colu Is earning 4 per cent Interest right along, and inter est that Is reckoned every three months. There may be savlage bunks (bat will do that much (or you, but we are not aware of any. It It were not for Hint hundred dollar limit ou rich purchase aud the thousand.) SOLOERinVS wmm r.TMMi AHK taeUKTMsr Wat. lAHomu turn cimiMumi ajuu, WAV AND AJbK saFKNIMKU MUtal 'A unaajftM gf Bsas'wwsB' gwp? gsnnwBBjnaw fMveral of Ibe KUeMtg County sot. dler boy have bang eVauted fur loufbe and have raturaew to epood them wkb Mm osM , CHofd gWt of Mm Haeoftd Com- Pany gd Mm Oregew figajt strUtier? Wire laai aWowUsJ ? Md MM. Ha refcrta MkM a4MM ikay a, ""- uuAMaaiaoa wCa ejBFSTmwessw ewvw'TasetaW4fisBagfl there besUM thew wMI bi lamlarrid 10 seralfg eeHMtry esafiy Mawswsif' AH In tbe camp r sssgtow i ot Inlo suilon, for allbo laelMg Iboro U record that la being made tbruout the rest of the state, placing Oregon tit tbe very bead of the list, It la earnest ly to be hoped that tbe Klamath sec tion will get behind tbe cause, and boost the figures up to make a re spectable place In tbe line. Oregon has sow passed tbe 100,000 nark. Sherman County it 20 per eeat over Ita quota and Umatilla County CO per cent over. Union. Coos, Clatsop, Benton, Malheur. Bak er, Deschutes, Lane, Gilliam, Tam il III, Wallowa, Curry end Wasco eouaUee are all over IS per cent. Portland Is bow about JS.vQO. dollar limit on the total that anyone ean buy. the big financial fellows would leave precious few of these war earing atampe for tbe rest of jis. Af ter all these years of trying to cut out gold brick scheme which fakirs aim at the poor man's pocketboek, the government la sow giving the juen of email meant a positive chance to nbow whether they know a oed thing when they aee It. You ean buy these war savings .cer tificates at any peotodtoo amd at many other placet (keep your eyee open for tbe sign ) . By giving tan days' .notice you will be aU to get your fi 5 (or more) on or after New Yaer'a Xtoy. It8, at any poetoesoe where you ran buy a money order. If you want to cash It eooner, you can do It ibe same way, but in that ease you will only get 3 per cent en your money. detUr aee the deal thru, jf you have sound financial sense, you will tuck in some of the stamps (big at little) each pay day, and the time It to lie- gin now. Collier' Weekly. not uapUaaant, It gOsr tedious. -The food nerved M tho .eamua is whole tome and good, but there j a lack M pastry gad ake, s4 Uo general home iavor which gtakat u .ooaa aienal change very welcome. Clarence Montgomery, Uo atatlou Ad t fort AMevens, who was recently eat to San JfiwwUco for m 4ellcte eye onergUosij hat recovered Jricely, and stopped for brief visit here u hit way north. Tbeodore Case of the V. B. Navy, aUtioned at Mare Island, jtrrived for Holiday vlaU with hit arsmts, Mr, and Uh. Theodore ae -of .the Mi Ukl dtotriet. tutttr MvmwMfn f'o4j Asswsrlgtlonj for ib Jawtoh r retlaf evUI aw aatwlMd y K. Jiugar- aasAJriAWsonmbarlt, fiigiuasl, Mh U JsJlgJ AAlMd tor Aahal sssaasMnasf &L 4a6sMaM49 eaaasftaaa4jUUe9 iihl$4i-mrjm,bamMArt- eud AaaUU AgMAl JMUtJUaaUBtsV Saasf dhssUiJi aastdseAe rnVmii, Wswetby sbaMsVI) .SsWiUMtt. srQ Im naTilfid i imiihmih to jsr umi irf iy aua aiaad, wwmmmmwwmv puhxmas WaLJll lwsVAe,i f'J'IMOrif'AUAS TO VXsnjgUTe OUUHTHAH MY MftXttL M3Br.: K AT LHsfUttV aiAaX gfi'i;-' i ClAli JCMC t. Paul's Ejilwtijiul -JiunOi -will olt aerve Cbristmss Vy a njusciiil sjornics; ervlu- ChriKtmas Our jil H:2Q. 1 tbe Public Library luUl. Al llll DCTTJUe JUIK JTU1 VIUSj will be tbe soloist. coomiatild ir Hiss Maude icoillJe. ixuC Hie ctttur, will alng a number of ibe ld ChriBl-J ma hymns. i At tb ct'UcluKion t the irrloe the . youbg jojile will liold llielr Crm el-3 bratlon end tree. And tho lite Barters are not very tsecJouo. tbe -cliui-cb 3.j comes its friends jisd their tHiliOrtaA and niwures lbem m stKidlr jortiou f true Christmas aplrlt. (WWilO EHTERSERVK OTV TO VWK SHIM. HstawSfiXTS aml'kim; mak rvMMmrvM. e t TO jgKMrm CAIA, TO KWUim' 4 AT KAHLV sVATt: i i 'Alamath ITalls is aoon to lose ooeT of its moBt Able phyeidiin juid eur-1 fie-u aur m jirrjuo ii uie -nu 211 -ur person of Dr. H. S. Mtuulltou vlio iiUns to enter the service iry iiborl- ly. Dr. Hamilton during J J sieicnU years residence here lias built up o extensive .practice, una ills .ubbenoe will be felt keenly, not .only in jiro fesslouttl, l)Ut in social '. VOAUvC MOtXAl tUrXXaW iUKUKC, Dec 21. Tlie irtpoMtl thut Quebec secede from ibe txtiilei oration -of jCUiuadlau iroriuu etjus wade in motion introduced in rfJie jirovlucUl legUUtiv jMsembly by 5. K. FraAcoeur, 4eputy for JUitbluier. .Quebec U ibe only province wiiicb voted jigalust .conscriutlou Jit itbe fe ceut election. i4KA:UK ii tMA J, J. ileal d .of ,thc Joi! .Southern J'jiclflc fielght -oglue ocehod oic yesterday of the death M bl uoUmr At JRoseburg. Jicleft itli Mm. Jieard aud Jdr. iiud re. . f. Wit t V Klamath .this morning for.tluit olut Jbe doceusod 'M)i,thc,iiuitlier)of,Mns.3 Wise. Dentil wan uiuiocUiO, jiud the juosiwKe i:aie jio ,duUIU xf itbe trouble. Explosire Lictisse Blanks Have kmd n, i.i,,i.i,o r,ir ..vi.Il.Ii,. Hcmiiu. ii the jgi...!. wlit-J Abb Inn. uud xjiii iiokv -bu hQCUiaa by itbe v. .r-.-- , . r oue Jiundrud r juoi p;iIjumiI '1ip ie ibeen spiting for ttliem jt (tbe county lerJ'ii1ollci' y hebf JlceUfce ji U .Utd U iJWOl ft- ic Uhi HMiuently'fitt..Uid jtnc y .iO&giaa ,tc iut itlu- JudUi lu 1....1.. .iiui, ll.iiil.iii i.f joiiIuhUk - urn - lUVW .. .,.. iw f,-"-v- . -- Terms BIG KRUPP II M ami I LmssV anaU riAninm IN FLAMES N GERMANY txjkvr ncttv0 nmmn rtmtrm iw sure njgfj raeaVSBSYnXIwasUsIB xkmx Kstzmw vmrsm yUkSXJWKT. Tbe KrJaltai jjtrBsfrseB ttie Kruif sAsss, jnuiihlvo iiblae tur tessr&tr AiKrtM d lo it emy&vtt a WAmtXGTOS, V, c. Kxtetuur tXssXe jc t4b atiivms Ut Gttwwtr Iux1herc Kiirim joUiton, in if Jitwwnswsw. TaWsssist Lue now lt 4smwmxs1 assd SsW cans, iumJ-aitioii utojgwd. IS vmmm mmm t-iw km. nt mm munr, ntrm - urn ditto . mm mt deifiesn ritoy jdUarutMte, AtuKmsVr ttM, M i V'JocJi), Mi tint Um t4 ttr, 04 tin-, H&y; Ajvnmr AVta ad Alulu , mitt. ff0 1tvrt4tm '.u suited 0ufiime tutu &m4m U,rm UU mi Mm tM, 1 ft AAiUiWMiy tAx Htm4 . W,K. iiiUilntwf Um ?Mrt MMdww 4 liiotwvCLLvetAwf, ArhiUiurhitiAlMuf AlMW,p4mW aVSSnt CCiJSZ i....in. ir. 1 .,, u lMr m .Au IIMW H1WF vk -7 w w- WWi ,tlte MwMV &bm 0 mwtti, -Jf'Ju- tWiru - iViStH'psJ Aw dj flo1 Uutto'ttttM UlaV 0 V nW ufMi isjsvinwaV wq'p w, 4)t1f Mtm, m 4)utCwi' illMaiu sUsVjusv ' in.it lmm.llifiiIMjf'iUiiis. tr'r --- i-w ". ' r cAnvsc Tsmssr rnc enr awtmv Ifssssaf. asT. 33- Esflsmtw AmasgimmsBw7 m amasfTV ns waste. shiAwstsnatnoi