'SMH hi? :, V W.-. m " r itri OT: IT !. 1 - PAOK TWO THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ruimv, m:n.Mm;u ui, Th Evening Herald W. O. SMITH, Editor Futtehed 4tly except Bandar ky fat) BoraM Publishing Company of tagtatb falla. at Fourth street ALLIES CHANCES tend at the poetoee at Klamath falli. Oregon, for traaamlssloa through e sella at atca-cUaa matter. nbscrlpUon terma by mall to any aaarasa la the United Btatoat One year leatk Friday, MccKMnun gi. 1017 Herald's Classified Ad vs. ARE STILL GOOD losses from t'.noATs onowixu LK8S WHIM? S1XK1NT.S OK UVT. TKB AIIK OX 1XCHKARK 100,. OOO I'ltlSOXKltS TAKKX Wife of England? -Latest War Hero .hV IDKA VOW ItlHAIILKU MKN FOR SALE iL -1 -1-, FOR BALE At a bargain, 1917 Maxwell touring ear. Call and bo convinced, at Ford Garage. 21-St FOR 8ALE 1-roora house, city wa ter; scv.er In; beautiful view In best reildcnce part of city. Price 450. J. T. Ward ft Co.. 20-3t FOR SALE 6-room home and gar age, Just off paved street; $1,350: $3S0 cash, balanco to suit. J. T. Ward ft Co., 61S Main at. 20-3t FOR BALE dood Rogue River ap ples; delivered free. 735 Klamath avenue. 13.10t FOR BALE Dodge Brothers touring car. Inquire P. R. Dodge. Fourth and Klamath. Phone 19W 18-St LONDON, Doc.: I Speaking In the house of commnns csterday. Premier Llovd George said that the margin of the louses nt sea was narrowing and that the sinking by submarines v.ero decreasing, while the sinking of the submarine was Increasing. Altho tho merchant tonnage Is down by 20 per cent, the loss has been only ti per cent of Imports over Inst ;ar. Regarding tho military Mtuat'on, he Mid It was Idle to prctand tht h i'e formed has been realized. TV Uiippoimment he attributed to the ltilnn (ol'apse. Hi; raid that the Germans 'jiJ I :id only cno success, which was duo to sin prise. . He declared that tho Germans had lost 100.000 prisoners, valuable posi tions and hundreds of guns. In explaining the war alms he de manded complete restoration of cap tured territories or compensation. tTOR RENT www wwwS)www FOR RENT Comfortably furnished, 6-room flat. Inquire 60 South Rlv arslde, or phone 303. 19-31 FOR RENT Comfortably furnished S-room flat. Inquire CO South Rlv erside or phone 303. 193t FOR RENT Storage room, conven ient location; terms reasonable. Apply J. B., Herald office. lS-tf HELP WANTED ,0 WANTED Cook for boarding house. Bos 1106 or phone 98J. JO-tf CAR LOADERS WANTED Lamm Lumber Co., Modoc Point, 5-tf HELP WANTED Male Good kltch. en roustabout; no cooking; ISO a sabnth to start. Modsc Lumber Co., Chltoquln. 20-4t ODD MATERIAL FOR MCXITIOX8 WAXTKD LONDON, Dec. 21. Instructions have been sent out to all army and navy canteens to save nil used tea leaves, which arc to bo carefully kept In muslin bags and forwarded to central depots. The old leaves arc not to be used again In making beverage, but are needed In connection with munition making. The Traveler has mill ulnce organ ixatin more that tM0O,00O In c eldest and health claims. Ask Chll cute about the Xew Low Cost policies. 17 ' T -wwsjasMsssMsiaMsjMsjpsapssiwswssss "fci TS - jvi' T aaaaaWBftjkllsaageBnT LLLLLLsTcSHysiMilM 1 sLsaFPHJKSiwBsLLLLLLi i aw BBkasbYsVsbYsbYsbYsbYsbYsbYsbYsi nYsYss. j"ltLi . LleYsmnYsYsYsYsYsYsYsYsYsYsYsYsYsYsYa .m -yim 5?it.rr3Rw:rtrtrsrvww3n!asyc scr?5r51 trnil.i.. In Ihelr leSUCCttVO VIllUCl, For example, the sixpence I icpro- tented by exactly 26 mill. l.'ANCAHTKII. Knuland, Dec. 31. In regard to coin of lower denom- xim Hist Industihil villain for dU Inntlon It was unanimously ngromt nbli'd suldlera and sailors U H ho that they shall consist of 1, 3, 3, t, t iolructed hero on a largo i-slato and 10 mill pieces, of which tho hit- IM, by Blr Thomas Btorny. It U ter two would bo of nickel. to ho laid mil with workshops, Ihuimh - for married innn and hosluls or fra- teiniil homos for olhom. There- will ho n now church, leero ptlnn ground, garden, public park nuil th existing iminslim will he mml an ncluh liouso. Thero will nUo hn lU'eouiodiitloit for iihnut 3IH dis abled mou In tlw village. , YOUXII IIAXCHKH TAKKH lllliliK The marrliigo of IMgar llaller and Mlsi Mnud llrown occurred Thursday evening nt the home of Justice K. W. (low mi n I'lno strict. Roth nro well ..... v.mkb nnoido of tho county. Hn.. .... ,. - .- T he groom is engaged In ranching In tl e vicinity f tho Hopkins ranch neiir Midland, where tho 'I'W wem mi mediately follow lug the coromony. .uuu i .n-nri- ' " (BIT SJb"!!. Moving Pictures x ATai jWt3arTtfw iw i vsaBs'rrfrrir,ffsvarir,i'srJC. "3TX ixniu tv buin "B f Lady Byng may bow well be the proudest woman In England. Her husband. Sir Julian Hed worth Byng. commanded the British third army In Its great drive on Cambral and has been promoted to full general In rec ognition of his services. Lady Byng is well known in" England as a nov elist. 8he Is the only child of Sir Richard Moreton. California Children Prove Aid to Nation fapramekto. Dee. 21. A total and accept positions after having en .. .c,. v .-a .1.1. h' rolled, the report says. Eighty-one ji ,1,1", uvji a ... - w.i.,i. " "" aavs9Ms9spppppppKj i bH fiBBBBBjjIV flB H I w , ,bbbbbbB SsJjBBBiT? I SEJlAVVRCUtRlTE lSkS B "(Jab'oDiaiv" 3?f TURN HAIR DARK WITH SAGE TEA ir mim:d with Htii.PHitit ir II.VItKII.NK SO NATURALLY XO IIODV I'AX ti:i.l The otd-tlmu mixture of Kngo Ten iiml ihilphtir lor darkening gray, strenl ed mid faded hair Is grand' mothers Kilpe, mid folks nre again using It to keep their hlllr II K''inl,( eun mliir. which in iiilto sensible, ns wo nro living In an iikh when a )outhfiit ni'i'cariiticu Is of thn great1 est nihnntnge. I Nowndn)S, though, we don't have 'tho troublesome task of gathering the siirk mid thn mussy mixing at home. J All ilnig store sell tho ready-to-use product. Improved by the addition of other Ingredients, called "Wycth's Huge nnil .Sulphur Compound" fur nhimt 50 i cuts a bottle. It It very Ipiitmliir because nobody ran discover It has been applied Simply moisten imr comb r a soft brush with It and draw this through our hair, taking one small strand at a time: by morn. f i lui urnv nair iiisnuorurs. inn .LOST AND FOUND -ii LOST One heifer branded DJ on left hip and T-quarter-clrcle on right hip; $10 reward for Informa tion leading to recovery. H. J, Les ter, Klamath Falls. 20-4t i LOST One short 2-year-old red heifer and calf, branded 41 on left hip, silt underneath each ear. Notify O. J. Hllyard, Klamath Falls. 19-31 MISCELLANEOUS i,1 We want our money After Jan uary 1. 191$, we will sell for cash only. Ford Garage. 218t Inventlgnte the New Love Cost pol icies of the Travelers. Ask Chllcote. 17 Henry Ford still makes pleasure cars. We have yours In stock. Call and let us show you. Ford Garage. 21-St high tchools of California were en gaged In productive Industries dur ing the summer vacation, according high schools In the state have report ed instances of this nature. In summarising labor conditions itnrin the harvest season Comtnls- to a report made public here today by' sioner Wood's report said that 167 ... . .... ,.-..- ft . ,t , JI...I... mmtA M tlA.I- Wlll U. VVOOO, Siaie comsBiMiuner m j nign kswi k iii, i .. .... .- secondary schools. Of this number age of labor during the summer, and 15.302 worked la the fields and or- that there was a serious shortage of chards. harvest hands In forty-nine districts. The records show the high school Ninety schools postponed the date of pupils responded nobly to the nation's' opening because of a pressing need call 'for labor during the harvest sea- for student labor. At Callstoga the son," Commissioner Wood said. opening was delayed nine weeks, and "The boys are deserving of special j there was a postponement of six commendation. Our statistics show ! weeks at Lodl, both districts In thn that 70 per cent of them enrolled In, vineyard sections or jsapa county Ktandnril fire Insurance policies In Hianilanl tompanleii on Standard VVPWVWiMMMMPWVVWVWWVV I PARTIES desiring tin cans and rub- '"""' blsh hauled, drop postal to H. Astrup, 534 Walnut street. Terms reasonable. 19-6t MILL MEN WANTED All winter Job fcr experienced mill men and lumber pliers; big wages; excellent mess house; fine cabins; electric lights; men's club house. Telephone to Modoc Lumber Co., Cblloquln, Oregon. 28-tf FOR BALE Holiday bargain, 160 acres finest land in valley; all un der irrigation; fenced; good barn, small house; two warm springs on property; 90 acres in alfalfa. Price $60 per acre. I. T. WARD CO., 15 Main Street ORPHEUS THEATER "TRILI1V" Lauded ns the Best Five-Reel Produc. tlon ever produced OXR.REEL COMEDY, ALSO WALL MAPS VED FOR GERMAN TOGS BERNE, Dec. 21. German Inge r Bitlty has once more found a, way to stave off the crisis threatening by reason of the lack of cloths and cloth ing. The authorities of the so-called Imperial clothing headquarters, ac cording to Berlin papers Just arrived, have ordered all schools to turn in eld wall maps that are mounted on linen er cloth of any sort. The maps, It la explained by the clothing headquarters, will then be separated from the cloth by a cleans. tag process, and tho supply of linen IhM eMalned will be used, for cloth, lag, If peesJblt, but In any ereal, for See Clillrote. 17 H OUSTON' Metropolitan Anweemeiru s HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE Geo. Louiie Tucker Present THE MAXXMAX" liy Hall Calne Haturdjiy-Hunday, Dec. 23-23 STAR THEATER . Ailolph ukr Presents Marguerite Clark In "IIAU'H DAIRY" The famous "Sub-Deb" on the sciecn at last. The Saturday Even ing Post stories brought to lire. . A Paramount Picture TEMPLE THEATER "The Princess' Necklace," A fantastic tale, dealing with the search of mortals for happiness. "The Puzxling lilll Board," A trick picture. ' Shipping Live Fish la Sealed Dottles, Educational. "Tho llllud Fiddler," A Comedy. A Program for the .Whole Family ADMISSION TEN CENTS MERRILL; OPERA HOUSE MOTION' PICTURES TUESDAYS AXD.HATURDAYB Merrill, Oregon , the high schools worked during the summer." Since the reopening of the high schools there has been a marked ten dency, especially In the large cities. A drive to encourage food produc tion by high school pupljs and to en list a large number of pupils for har vest work next summer Is to be In augurated January 1st by the-Stu TT TIIIJM HIT ThiHM, linim of useless klilik.knaik,, In these. Umf, "' " . mid replay litem with "GIITHOI'HimviCfc" I'llliim )iur Xiim.lHslii this nI.ii,. , plitjrwors, ( )nti'niiii iheliiill fur "res., nhtr feller" kim.,. Men vmir niir inrnhsa. itlso with irlde, becatss) "It's there," In iimr a style, nluit), If mi) iiiui of )nu Kft hil)en me Hiinklng bo( Khlng n Mill or Otcrroat, JlKt kii'p IIAItr Mil UTH.lt MARX t'l.OTIICH on your mind mid )u rss't go wrong. AT SUGARMAN'S (To he loiitlniinl) Get n iiilendiir for the New Vrsr from Uillnile. ! Xnms tVrllllcnln, lasueil for siy iiinoiiiit, nt tl.tf K. K. K. sTtini:.., MILL MEN WANTEO rinii's Dalrv." the charming I'nrn i. ....,., i,.v -inrrlnr Mnrctierlle i.. riMHUIl 1HUIV'I. " " Illh !-- h" C'lnrk. Is the first of several of tho umt dellKhts Ihe Lidles with Wycth's famous "Sub-Dob" stories by Mary ,.,. , Sulphur Compound, Is that. Huberts Itlnchart, which appeared In i.Hdes beautifully darkening the hall Hin Saturday Evening Post It Is t af1(.r n f,,w atitilirntlons, It also pro . .. . 1 u..l....t .. . . .....- ...... : ....Mu lOllleUy llrnniU Ol IIIO type m-i iiv.. AMV mill SOU lumis nmi mu'cnrn.nv ,mtmm iAh , m.,td .ill to Miss Clark's wlnsoine personality, f ninuuinnro which Is so attractive. ... -, ...... nd as the Irrepressible "Hah." sho T,lU r,.n,y.o.io preparation Is a do-Hn and lumber plltrs. il H.' .?H achieved one f the best char- Kll,ftl, tcllel requisite for those who " " . .Ve"' iT nrter .ortraals of her career. "HahN desire a more uuihful appearance. It ''e Uohts. men a , e ub hMisa, Tl Dairy" Is to bo shown tonight at tho ,lt Intended for tho cure, mltlga- Pooe to Modoc Lumber Ce , Chlless Star. I Hon or prevention of disease. Adv. Oregon. " where Industries offer many oppor-j dent'o Working Reserve, organised tunltles for gainful occupations, on j last spring by the state board of edu- the part or toe pupus to leave scnooi , cauun. England Plans New System ot Currency LONDON, Dec. 21. Retention of the pound sterling aa the monetary, unit and Its division Into 1,000 parts or mills, has been agreed upon by the Institute of bankers, association of chambers of commerce and the deci mal association. This would permit the retention of the existing gold and silver coins down to and including the sixpenny pieces, without any al- "Buckhecht" Army Shoes On the Munson Last Are the oly Army Shoes cat from ladlaa Taa Leather. It Is tho strongest, softest and most serviceable leather that haa ever faeaa produced, and highly i-ecowaaoaded by the governmeat, who la using It in Urge quantity. Tfee soles are the best heavy plump leather, cut from the heart of the hide. Thousands of men la civil life are wearing the "Buckhecht" Army Shoe, and a horde of foot troubles are ao Hwger kaowa to then. . Every pair stamped with the "Buckhecht" trade mark. Oar rled la either black or taa. For Comfort. Service and Wear the - "Bucltfcecht" it a Real Wonder Modern Shoe Store GEO. W. BRADLKY, Mr. Tfl MAIN aWltfWT The Winnek Co, SPECIALS FOR Saturday. Dec. 22 Carnation Flour it proving all that it claimed for it; eaual to any flour on the market. Priced to iitrod.ee it, per sack . $3.00 PETTIJOHNS BREAKFAST FOOD Kollcil Wheat with all the llran, per package. . .0c FLAKE OATS AND WHEAT A Mrcakf.ib't Fowl in hulk, i pounds .Uoc JAPAN STYLE RICE ' ., m Regular KV: quality 4 pounds 2c K CRACKERS IN BULK Small size square, per pound Hc BULK MINCEMEAT Rich in flavor, per pound 22c SNIDER'S TOMATO SOUP Large, only a few cans left 1 1 c HEINZ TOMATO SOUP ' Large, only a few cans left -I c ' SWIFT'S WHITE SOAP Twenty bars for 00c SWIFT'S PRIDE SOAP Twenty bars for '"c , SWIFT'S WASH POWDER - Ter package ' ' 'c PRINCE ALBERT, UNION LEADER, PEDRO, SATISFACTION, STAOr VELVET- Per can or pouch RED, GLARE CIGAR QOc Twenty-five to the can, pcrjran The Winnek Co., Inc. v