wta lgJugnmQ Herald OPFICIAL NEWSPAPER OP KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPIK OF KLAMATH FALL! Twelfth Vcnr N. .HM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1917 Price Flvo Ceate GERMANS REJECT RUSS PEACE TERMS -- "- --v RdlSHEV KlUIMIMI,vt big nil is SnSmSu mE0By E OTJollluN LOCAL MEN: ON RAILROAD iiiAnriAiiiA I - MlUICAOIHb RUSS A LLOYD GEORGE HAVH THAT A LKAUI'i: OK NATIONS WITH I'ltl'hSlAX AUTOCRACY Will' 1,1 1 UK FAHCK MII.ITIAHIgM MIST UK IIKKKATKI) ITALIANS RETAKE STRATEGIC POSITIONS OX TIIK XOIITHKItX FRONT IX REGION III' MT. ASOI O.NK, AM) IIOI.II TIIKM IX SPITE OK PRESSURE LONDON, Dec. 21. It Is reported ttBofficlrilly that tho (lormuns liato rsjectrd the Itusslnn peneo tonus, ac cording to n dispatch of tho Exchange Telegraph company. lly AHMH-Illtl I'lfMH DAI KI.KSS-Opposltloii to tho l.ol- hsrlkl Is apparently liicroaslng, ns reports of the tlornmn Hiipport of tho Msiluilllst government becomes more prcnounerd and tho Russian situation Ii ft heromliiK moro chaotic. I.loyd (ieorgo declares that tho allies must defeat militarism, ami Inst ii league of nations which Includ ed tho Prussian autocracy would bo a farce. ,Tho Teutons must restore all tho territory laken by them mid must repay losses. The Italians are making counter at tacks to regain Mt. Asnlono, whero (be enemy threatens to bronk thru. nOMB. Doc. 21. A roiiBliloinbloJ portion of tho ground gained Tuesday by the enemy In tho region of Mt. iuiiP, east or tho Ilrenta River, lias been retaken by tho Italians, who have held theso positions, despite vlo. lent artillery flro. WAHIIINtlTON, I). C, Doc. 21. Quartermaslor (lencral Henry Khiirpo told the sonato military rommltteo that tho war department, without siting for tho congressional impro priations, had authorised orders for !hi";!' 1 ,'000,00 UO,,H tof0iHlnnr,"j"n. 1BII " tho originally h. United State, went to w,.r. ' J,n,,CIi;,5 ,';.,, tl.eyjmve RKUl'LAH MKKTIXU TOMUIIT Klamath l,odge No. 137, 1. O. O. F. meets tonight In rogulur session. A numuer of the younger members havo eft for tho front In various depart ments of service, and If you older, ones want u touch of military life eonio on und gut In Capluln Poll's Confidence Shown in American Commander si- 31. WA.HIN0TOK. O. ft. D... "if". to i". "."ta.ltoti.. bm . ' If. " French commMittUBkia Per- a i'iWVXAWW ..i.iu.iii, nn;i;vH .-,(T OX HlCdCSTIU.N ill' Illl'.NTV HKRJ cross Mi:.tiiti:iisiiic iiiaiij.j MAX IIOVS AT IRO.Vr LISTER Hearty endorsement lias been tuadu (if Itiu suggestion Unit patriotic ell l.'clie provide n fund Id purchase u e n ilollnr memhirslilp In llio Amrr linn Iti'il Cross for mery Klamath Con lit licy who liriK gim to war. Clins. i: Itlley was tlip ilrM to re spond, ami rent n (ormnunlciitlnn to tho Herald, fiiiloixlriK the plan, anil mi liner lldiiR twcnty-lhii iiiiriiilrnlilrt O. T. McKrndrce of T)tou K Me K ndreo railed up on the 'phone hut lilglit ami n:iIiI In- wan mailing liU i link to pay for tcnty.fla mem Today II H Grlgshy palil In f." for II" IHUIIUIl'llUIHW i' mi' '" ""I" hem. i oniriiiimoiiit 10 win iwiiii mil m- received nt liradqunrtprs or by anyi n. wo worKers sonciiiug incinuer blilps. Mr Riley's letter follow s Editor lloriihl I rertnltil) endorse jour suggestion that the patriotic people of Kl.iiuntli County ralro a fund sufficient to pro. lili ii Ited Cross ineinhershlp for e ery hoy who has gone from here to Join I'lirlo Sam's forees It would he n hIiu and n illsgruio If. while we nr() 1)11(. Im.m,,.rh1l!l f(ir nursclu-. W1, ,,,,, fll, , . 1!lt llr bo)l ullll Iir .....in,.!,.,. ,.'rthliig they hni, should not he enrolled as mem hers. Put me down for tweniy-tle memberships. ciias. i:. rii.i.y I. M'WT NATIONAL HAXK UK. clVKS IIOXIISKI'IISI'RIRKI) HV' PATROXK IX FIRST CAMPAIOX. OTIIKRS KXPF.rrKR MMX All tho first Issue of Liberty bond! ...i.i i.v ih.. First National bank of this city havo iirrlu'd, mid are now being distributed by Unit institution. --.? .n....t totals 131.000. The i..i...iu Iuivh been drawing interest been I'oiiuTli'd Into 4 per cent paper. These tiro tho only Liberty bonds ho fur received In tho county, uium (hoso subscribed ut nllior expected ut an curly date. banks aro' brigade. He will sure glvo you some proper Instructions. Work lu tho bocond degree tonight. shlng's ability and the soundness of sning ") ....... . i.n KuralmimuUamf i'i .. - HRST LIBERTY BONDS ARRIVE , mt mi,,,,,,, IHRT IIKIXU DROUGHT FROM llll.NT FIVE MILKS K.)ST AT rati: of five tr.ux loads PKH l.V HAILS LAID 7 MILKS Progress Ih being tnado on tlic .MunUlpal railroad fill near tlio South' ,r" lail"c cltiB it the rate of i "' ii.wii iuaus 01 tun per uny, now tliat the IiIk alvam shovel linn com merited operations. I Tliu dirt It being hauled over tho llnu from the IiIkIi Kround about llvo lulled cant of the city, and at the ruto it lit now being brought In, tho blq grade fiom the city limits to tho terminus at .Second and Klamath av una hiii soon ue coiupieicu. , Altho weather conditions lll not ( I onnlt the laying of rails with l'i speed heretofore made, steady prog res la btdug inadu In this respect, the I . ,.. I-..I., ...,.... . I far as tho Klllott ranch, seven mile? Ill ; fvillf, linn viiiiici VI1PUIVU 0 o I. ... . ..... .. ...., o, VM ()j j f Mr .strahorn Is stilt In Spokane, return until ami Is not expit'ted to aftir thu holiday season. N STATE DRIVE lti:i'OltlS IUMlti:i) AM TWO PKU 4'KXT OF gi'OTA AFTKR THIIKK KAVS WORK FOR NKW RKI CROSS MKMIIKRSHIPA PORTLAND, Dec. 21. Umatilla County now leads the state in tne big Red Cross membership drive, hav ing "gone out the top" with 102 per rent mi tho third day of tho drive. Union County now ranks second, with 70 per cent, und Coos County third, with 07 per cent. Clatsop stands fourth, llh 64 per cent. Harney, (Jlllliini, Sherman, Wasco, ljiue. Orant. lUkcr. Malheur. Dos- duiles and Wallowa aro all over 40 per cent of their q,un.. Portland U picking up rapidly, and tho whole stute is making good. COLORADO WOMAN'S HTATKMK.NT8 COXFUCT MONTROSB. Colo.. Dec, 21. Mrs. J, II Rush, who yesterday told the cironer's jury that she killed h.r bo,i after he had killed her grandson. has announced that her son is olive, and that ho will return In threo weeks II.KS DAXt'K CHRISTMAS XIGHT Plans are under way for a flno tlrao tho local II. P. O. Klks on Christ- uuis night, wueii u"'" " "'"! lodge members will be given ut tho i, ,,ii nf tho Temnle. These dances be given ut tho MAW LEADS of tno Tempi. iw m".i-v.... w. ...... -.- r.-. me hugely enjoyed by tne inu anu I, I. I.aIIava.1 hAVl their wives, mm iv "- --". . Ill ho a good attendance on mis ocaslon. JOIXT IXSTAI-UiTIOX SOOX A joint Installation of officers will le held by Aloha Chapter, O. B. 8. nd Klamath Lodge No. 77, A. F. ft A. Mi, on the evening of St. John's iuv. The committee m ensrge n decided to forego the banquet which k.. iLinfni'n been a nart of the IB I Wwwww,w,,l""w w"1 Local District Lags On Membership Drive Citizens Of City And County Must Do Better if Klamath is to Hold Up Her Head With Rest of State In Patriotic Response to Call of Red Cross Even allowing for tho reports which have not bean turned In, threo fourths of the cltltans of Klamath Kails have not yet taken out a mem bership In the American Red Cross at tho cost of $1 each. Total mem- borshlps turned In by tho workers up quired of Klamath County Is as fol till noon today was 1,188, dlstrlb- lews: .... a I . I . . MCA. t.... A AAA. I uica as ioiiowb; I'roclnct.No. 1, II; No. S, 61; No. 3, 354; No. 4, 78; Ne: G, 41; No. 6. I 40; No. 7, 132; No. 9, 57; Dig Dasln employes, 17; headquarters, 19; C. J. , Riley, 25; O. T. MeKendree, 25; U. Orltsby, 5. This makes a total of .888 members In Kluuta Falls. I Heuley, 37; Ooaanta, 90; Algoma, 34; Mnlln, 24; Worden, 17; Chllo- quln, 10; Kirk, 25; Swan, 8 No membership retort bare been Coming Peace Terms 01 Kaiser Indicated WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 21. What purports to be the outline of the kaiser's Christmas peace terms received thru neutral diplomatic channels, Includes as follews: To leave tho disposition of Alsace Lorraine to the decision of the la habitants themselves; England to pay Germany for her loss of the African colonies and the money to be used for the rehabilitation of Belgian, Serbia, CONTRACTS LKT FOR OOXSTRFC TIOX OF MODERN FACTORY. TO OB READY FOR OPERATION BY FIRST OF NEXT MAY That the Ewauna Boi company of) this city have altered their plans aomewhat, k.. .a -in h ... ."". atructloa of their new plant here at once, with tne laea oi Beginning op .. 4 . . . era t tons May isi, it ia announce went made today by oacials of the company. F. N. Frakes and A. L. Alexander have been awarded the contract for the construction of the building, which cotilU of factor, warehouse, traaawava and sheds. Work Is to ba ' mmmA ImaaaitlfttAlV Au 'thft HAW Oil. terprlst. A complete aodera factory In ; " "T "i? JSJTSSt. !! 2! MIL m MMEDUTELY '. ma. mndo by Merrill, Fort Klamath and a number of the outsldo precincts, altho reports over the 'phone stato that they are working. The quota assigned to each precinct In order to secure the number re- i-recinci no, i, eos, no. i, -, No. 3, 116; No. 4, 276; No. 5, 285; No. 6, U5; No. 7, 354; No. 8, 105; No. 9, 330; No. 10, 230; Algoma, 98; Midland, 77; Mt. Lakl, 160; Pine Grove, 160; Bwan, 37: Wordcn. 33; Plevna, 88; Tule Lake, 194; Merrill, 155; Malta. 139; Dairy, 102; Hllde brand. 95; Poe Valley, 95; Klamath Lake, 96; Langell Valley, 107; Lost River, 155; Bprague Rlrer, 90; Wood River, 201 .Roumaula and Northern France;. Rus sian provinces bordering the Olack I and Baltic seas to become independ ent under a German plan; Poland to become an Independent state under Austrian suieralnty. Disarmament, freedom of the seas and commerce matters to be left to a , peace conference, Turkey Is to re- I mala Intact. Roumanla, Serbia and Montenegro to retain their original ; boundaries. dally. This would mean about live carloads. The company hopes to obtain a new spur from the Southern Pacific company to facilitate the unloading of lumber at the plant. The new office of the company, which has been recently completed, is very neatly arranged. The Interior decorations making It particularly In. vltlng. OUTSIDE POWER LOCAL PLANT IS SHIT DOWX WHILE LEAK IX KEXO CAXAL IS BEING REPAIRED POWER BROl'GHT OVER MOVXTAIX The electrical power for Klamath Falls is now all being generated on the west side of the mountains, ac cording to George Walton, local man ager of the California-Oregon Power ooapany. This Is due to the fact that a leak lias bM fouad (a the Xeao canal on tho west aid of tho river, and the, power from the local plant has been shut of while itie betag repaired. .' NOWKOTY - 'MFjf 1 ir YOUR WAR AS WELL AS THEIRS They are serving "over there" for humanity's cause. You can back them up at home by JOINING THE RED CROSS All You Need A Heart and A Dollar Join during the Red Cross Christmas Membership Cam paign, and express the true Christmas spirit. Oregon is called upon to furnish 240,000 MEMBERS RED CROSS SERVICE FLAGS will be issued with each One Dollar Membership. You'll want one In your window on Christmas Eve, of course. SIGN UP TODAY at RED CROSS CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS Ull MAIN STHKKT .NOT OXE CENT' OF RED ( CROSS FL'XDS IS SPEXT FOR ADVKRTISIXO (Tills spore Is donated the Evening Herald) by COXFIDEXCE MAX WHOSE OPER. ATIOXS IX KLAMATH FALLS ARE WELL REMEMRKRKD TO UK RKTURXKD TO UTAH SALT LAKE CITY, Dec. 21 Gov ernor Simon Damberger has signed requisition papers for the extradition of Thttddeus E. York, now at El Reno, Okla., who is wanted in Utah on a charge of passing two forged checks. York was employed as agent for the Western Pacific railway at Wendover, Utah. He Is alleged to have opened a mall bag and to have extracted let - ters containing checks made out to railroad workers. In 1909 York obtained $1,339 from the American 8avlngs Hank and Trust company of Seattle, according to the police. He Is alleged to hove ob-J tulned 97,000 from the American, Dank and Trust company of Klamath Su if VBI MCI) BE LOTH Municipal Tree To Be Lighted Tonight The wiring of tho municipal Christ mas tree at the corner of Fifth and Main streets has now been completed, and the tree will be lighted up for the first time tonight. Great Interest hug been taken by the children In the coming event, and tho girls of the domestic science classes of the public and high school the past sev r-r,KnnnnrwvwwswJWVirvi-vwnrrf LIMELIGHT S OF rig millienaire: meat mex be. fuse to tuix over their records to the federal trade commission drastic steps promised FACT THAT PACKIXG HOUSES AXD THEIR TERMIXALS .ARB OWNED UY SAME MEX IS IXDf. CATED FROM RESPONSIBLE SOURCES STOCK IX DIFFER EXT NAMES WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 21. Swift & Co. of Chicago have refused to deliver to the federal trade com mission tho records 'desired for the Investigation of the pncklng Industry. Francis J. Heney, who Is conduct lug the Investigation, has declared that drastic steps would be taken to force their production. The flat admission that J. Ogden Armour and F. H. Prince of Boston own the Chicago Stockyards company and the terminal railroads has been made by W. M. Wadden, former treasurer of the stock company. The stock appears under different names. The National Cattlemen's Assocla bas at various times charged Inter corporate relations between the yards and the roads and the packing plants. The packers have contended rthat they owned no stock In the yards or tho roads, and that their businesses were conducted without other than legitimate relations with the great cattle market and terminal transpor tation facilities. - ---s:---r---"-sr I Ku,)g 0j n boglg cortflcate of deposit drawn on the First National bank of Lexington, Ky. York Is very well remembered by a lurge number of Klamath Falls clt- ' liens for his activities here several jeais rgo. He made a neat getaway with about 12,500 obtained from Fred Melhase, who was then presl- dent of the American Rank and Trust company. Ho was apprehended as he was walking up the gang plank of a steamei at Seattle, bound for Japan. days making and Ailing bags of can dy which Santa Claus will dispense on Christmas afternoon. About 200 bags are being filled. Prof. R. H. Dunbar, who has charge of i ho distilbutlon of the candy, has arranged to circulate tickets among all the small children of the city la order that tbe dupllcatloa wale wag found troublesome Inst year, aur ;be ?ff tin l-r BRING UT I PACKERS TH " '1 . il j..Vl r . ,., iv V I.V- O !. " U