. ., ,, IW v luttmn Herald OFFICIAL NEWIPAPBR OP KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NEWIPAF1X OF KLAMATH FALLS fwetftli Year No. .lfw KLAMATH FALL OftEGO WEDNESDAY, OECEMKR It, 1S17 Price Fife Cent WANT PEACE WITHOuT ANNEXATION r-. i , ii 1-i-iiu.ui.i. MANY KILLED IN AIR RAID AQPMDM ! BAIIJUM i-mnnwiiiiumji. '4AAAMMMMMM raw ON LONDON! NiioiiT nimmo.v oimpletem! MOT EVENING MAI.IX HO-' MAX FREED MAX IH CHARGED WITH Tlli:iT MEAT Not a true Mil wa returned gilnsl Mrs. I'oKftsll of Hi.; Mlln district UkI cvriilni: !- the. Rrand Jury, which completed a short e- Inn. MIT ED BVH llKI.1. KMIHX ElMTIMt MAKKX STI lV OF T1MKEK COXDiTIOXK IV KLiMATH (1HXTY KEEN . GIIIIAT I ITIItK HERE "" ... . inniiT.T.T.njru-uT-LrjnjLri.-uuuiruT AWIMMiEKMAXH THY IX VAIN Tl FIND WEAK HltlT WIKAK THRU ITALIAN' 1.1 XE8, Ceoro l Cornwall, editor and iublili-r of "The Tlmberfnan" f Mrn. Posplall u taken custody l'rtlnJ. U Im the city for a short ( One Sixth of County Quota Is Now Secured With Only Twelve Precincts Out of Twenty - Eight ' Reporting . Five Handled and Eighty-Seren Meinbera HftfC' Turned In banquet B mm BY , .'recM.ll, for her strenuous objetllon !lw? m""M tlu,ot ""', ,.,,. TO ' lumber situation In Klamath County.) One Itb ' o II.., prurrc.i, of the United KM lu tll. !,,,, of bU ,rWn, thlp for the i of Ike sjaota of wekr- entrrprlslnz: hlp 'or the cowafy M Ik aratau reclamation engineer In running x ivikxiu- He i.rewot at the re Hd Cms drive ha beea reported CHAXGEM MADE IX FRENCH drainage dltrh thru the Posplsll "-t oritaiiliailoii of the local lutnLer- fortbetirst two days of tbe campaign. milUtVIlM ' ira,,rl'- The route seleU.d by the en. . "'" co-operate with them Ial'artlal reports, hare tee. received: IWUfiiaim I tlicirffoit future efficient help for f'om only twelve oeA of tbe twenty-: I K",,or " not '" arr""lr ' .airjInK on the lumber ledu.try fc-re.tebt districts f. the cttsaty, as re- Mm. Posplsll' Idea, lu confidence. Atl.r eelui: .arfullr .rer the len-'orn bare onljr bee bm4 froaa tkree KAVY FHJHTIXti IH REPORTED ,,f "" rectitude of her inmUIou. Mi- , rat conditions In Klamath County, precincts oatstde of Ktematk rails. iit'iiiimsiraira a mosi enermeanu uti- i!r fV.rnll I. ,,. !... ... ....JAi Itetf ret arm srCH kar t u.a........ .--....--.... v.. ..H ... .w- -- - - miiiiniiMi, utual attitude of defenae. reinforced in,j of AMOV.Ml MOUXT OUiHKVIKI MKAI IIKMAMNi b " ,,orM),ll, u'un and a huKe'u.,lU.r Q an induttrial and agrlcnl-!tllar la cetUsaf resona. M. S. West. Bis Baaln Lumber Co., 17; Roy Applegate, Algoma, 3 mem ers aad fXS; T. U Snook. Kirk. 25 cabers. 127.50; Mrs. A. J. Voye, Preclaet No. 2. 2S2 members. 20; Mrs. Ckas. Mania. Precinct 2. 12 embers, IC; Mrs. McCarthy, pre claet 7, SI members, iS7: Miss Jetale Rose, lies ley. 20 members. $41: Mrs. mm KXTHt'KIAKTIC fiATHKIIIXO AT MOOSK.HALI ItOAHT CIIICKKX f'KKI) TACKLKI) WITH KAUKIt- .rH l.Tf:ilrTI.Ci TALKS IM. L. MUler. MIIU Addition. 2 mem. the treat future of this T mall there Is inmarily coast4er..'fcers. 127; Mrs. C. E. Wheeler. Pre- in induttrial and aerlml- ble delay la cettlaa; reporta. iclact 5, 25 members, $2; Mrs. Van kettle of . which ere not aa imat r. iP iwk, forward exiet- Oae preclaet hi the city has beea'Betle. Proriaet 4. it members. $48: TKHMH Or I'KACK i-'KUM THK freihly laid aa ranch eeK are ui-'aiitl- to the time hen the lumber o- lhe4 whh 2C aaeeaaers more tkaa, Mrs. t. T. Kimball. Precinct 1. 57 ,..... ........u ' imand to he. No orTentlte made. t- rat III find an ullt from the (ta. Prectect Mo. 2, la charge members; Mrs. J. H. Hamilton. Pre- ir.. iiuiu i-vncitn H) rr ,,,,, , hy . KOU.rmnrI1, ' ,,r Ml! ,e,H v(uuu( ,,Tint la jrop'cf Mrs. A. J. Voye. has reportesl SSXfdaxt . 14 members, fl4; Uken at , forces, accordltiR to report, until lie(t., ite Kicrameuto Valley, and be .members, Mh a aetal of 92C4 cot-'kaaMaarfra. IX embers. $12. This wss afo lu the hauda of the sheriff's . llfutl aicain oicr the Sierra Nerada ! erte4. I makes a total of SS7 embers report. MI AMriataj l-reaa omrera. JMounialni. He U tUltlaa the loc-l Total ascmbers reaortoa far Mob-' e4 far DATKI.KHH On the northern Itul. A true hill aa returned acalnt jjlng roada at Kirk today. Isa front Ihe Auatro-Oermaim portiM Joph Zinc, rharised lth the theft la UronK elforla to And n weak 1-jK.t of "",'' rro'" thv K,a,h ,,arkluB la the Italian defenae thru whlrh to "Ti'l"?' .., ...... - K, Moore foreman, W, K. Kolfoni. C. ruih loulh. Mounl Holarolo la uow tlu renter of the nahtlnit. There la no chatiKu In the French Stld. Marshal HuIr la now mnklnr Important chnnie In the hcaUijuiir tera staff. Leon Trottky tins onlored IttiHslun rtpreacnutlvra to demand of the reti. tral bowera, whether they axren to ke peace without nniiexatloiiH or Indemnities and on the principle of If definition of nntloiia. V, N.'Imjii, I. Ktraw, Jame I'elton, t.eorice llo)d uud (Sua llllllard. rcwrauB HEREFDREXAMS IIKHLIN, Dec. 19. AiiBtrotier- una have stormed the Italian ponl Uona on the Monto Aaaloite, adjoin Ids the height, and have captured orrr 2,uun prlauners. HKIH NTAXH.IIIH ' tXH'XTV IV HTMM.TtHtK hHtlWX IIV FACT FIHE TALKS LASTHGHT I'llOMI.VKVr ltKTL.VI43W CIVK mi:mhi ADwimtu at mash MKKTtSU IV tUMHW OV Bt ITUrMi LONDON, I Joe. 19. Ten pemoiiH were killed and seventy Injured lu this city during the nlr raid lam night. Two plendid addresses were ssade at the man meeting last eight at THAT I.KHM THAN TKX APPKIILll'Mon's opera loue by Jaage Lionel WeUter and W. Lair Thosap- KXAMS HWJI AT Hll.ll M iMHWi , cf .orl,nd. in cooaertioa with T are i i the tw aays. The boU for tke coaaty Is 2.5e. mmm K PATHOTIC IMHHID AftKYBOOY vxatmox mum wmmvmi AKK IT JUiAlSST A HKAX JOB. Mien usMroxmmutr kx. TAILU Jk WlXi. MM kMCTAIL The criceat 4esre of tho asnera- PBOEXIX Arte.. Dee. It. FJg saeat to keep the cheat dark of tho, area cogajllif at the oaVe of the sute aXICTHEKX MXIXfJ TOWN M-tKlM A WOXpWtriX RECORD IX THK nrtoTHAse w ubertv uo.vim. am rot carta luatl eseotpuea boarsl llaseto for seme la charge of tho seroad the work ef the Red Cross. . I The number of empty teats la the' casr at the The fXC'lleiit mrpa of trjivlieia ljouae waa mort regretuble. As Jadge i..l A l.. el... LlIiiuIi Vallah V . .....,.. Mmaeli A lei a nasi llslHi" laiT talsi Outalde of lxndon five wen. J'rlw.l(Hll, , 4vd,.nr,d by the feci ,bat ,. he did not Umoaa the fart that ?! 'Ilr!""' " hhl Hifc Mi , ,,. twbm ,l fev 1ie,rpd lo ta, him speak. hemhled here thl luernint: to take the UU fce did regret the fart that a raase legulur teachera' examination. which sliould bow be to close to the Teacher who are normal school American eople did not rouse great- craduatea or have had a tubatantla! ..rcuthuMskm wnen it was brought up I day ia tho arrlral of arrea big U.dicaU that the dates tawa 'cawr stWosVeUtkoeoarthoaee. '. "-. oversabscrlbed I down mill another Is uulluved to have been destroyed. Prom nlxtnen lo twenty airplane PI'enred, divided Into six group, and ttemptod to reach Ixind hut only 8ve aucceedi'd In dropping bomb ou tbe city. i I'AHHVM THRU WITH PKIKO.VKH Hherlff W. 0. Snider of Ukeview rrlved last evening from that olut. college or university training are ei exempt from these examination, and continued high grade of other In er amlnatiou reult lu a gradual elimi nation of subjects. Tbe small num ber preent now, therefore, reflect highly on the nUudlug and esiierleuce of large corps of instructor in the nd left this morning for the state county Penitentiary at Salem oner. with a pris- I The examination are being held at the high school building. City Attired In Holiday Clothes for public dUcusfcloa. Ik-th of the men are worth gotag a long dUtsace to hear oa most aay topic, and la their addressee teat ereav lug they were at their best. Splendid music aas faraUhed by a group of the city's most talented tuufclcmn. Klimgth falls bag bow uken on a Ceunlna holiday appearance. Tbe in- Mallatlon yesterday of ibe big muni rlpal Cbrlatmaa traa at tbe corner of rftb tad Mala streets, and the i Atari eahilu.k u.UJ A.t . .J 1.I..IA An. r...oM M tSiJum mm. v" ?? 'ln MM of the faat aparaMi ""T rZrZi.Z. Cbrlatmaa saaMB. 'J'iw nillsliv arrwngeutenl of a very large number of the store window is uKusllv noticeable this year, Tbe up-toate rfBcient auetboda of dvertlalng followed by Klamath Fella ajercbanU are far Jn advance of other m "" ' l" " MCOllJE mym THM AhJr-ALKAX MUM LMAJW 1 WmK MATKaW OtUtti VUG LAfcT fdOftBA', ad. HI UMts HimiUM oat roster., Ueortr Loaa campalga la Arisoua In- of Jer- Its max- Imam of !. mora than four aa4 a half time, makisg lu per cap ita eabeertatioa to tho loaa 9 224. which to boMevod to be a record for tho eatlre eoaatry. Jerome's total aherripttaa was $I,$S7.2S0. Utboeoart Tb- ummease asaoaat of aetall work, as well as too reepiailklllty rlared apoo members of the esemp lloa board caa harstly a roaMisd aa ee one Is snore or leaaja toach wHfc the aJcereat ascsakers. AH esaaarr ef rarylac bwtntrtloa are aaMy re-; ceire4 from besoesarters. some of which resjaire the moat earefaJ coa slderatloa la their aaterpretetioa. Members of the Kliaaafh hoaro fori. to tho aaaoaat of 1142.75 that they hare started oa m reaterfHe4 aaateil tho Eatorprlae Lead job. remaaajr by Ctereaea H. ReU, thru Only three of tho ameattoaaalrea his attorneys, Reaaer A Keat. The aeacoat hy Clerk Ctaaa CaMoa had.pUlotlaT aeaerts la the actloa that be been received last eeaaiee: It te'seaggod to work oa April 22d at thousjht that asaay arc waltioc for a f IS par oath, that bo worked uatll coasaMatioa with the adrtoory heard, 'Oetohor ittb. aad baa been paid only which is accessible at tho aoatoalre the saa of I12J today. HOT TO KEOOVKH WAGEM Actloa to secure wages alleged due Uetween thlrty-flro and forty en- tbuslaitlc member of the Klamath Falls Business Men's Axaoclatlon gathered at the Moose hall last even Ing for ftie regular monthly supper and meeting. Their ability as business men was demonstrated In the businesslike manner In which they individually at tended to the appetizing roast chick en dinner placed before them. Per haps no more undertaken In a co-op. eratlvc way by the business men of this city has been more thoroly com pleted. Following the supper a number of Interesting talks were ma'de by differ, ent members. Will Lee gave an In teresting report of bis activity In rep resenting! the city and county at the Land Products Show in Portland. Les lie Rogers gave a talk on tbeJVVar Thrift Saving Stamps now for sale by the government. George Bradnack of Dorrls told of the work done by himself and other In Washington to ward Ibe reclamation of the Lower Klamath marsh lands. A committee contposed of Oeorge T. Baldwin, J. W. Siemens and Leslie Roger was appointed to co-operate with Bradnack in bis efforts in this direction. A committee was also ap pointed to co-operate with the local lumbermen In tbelr endeavor to bring In substantial married employes for tbe Klamath County mills and fac tories, i IRRIGATION IS OFFERED TD FARMERS OF LANGELL (iOVKIIXMKXT MAKKM RAXCHERH OF LAXGKLL'VALLKY OFFISH OF WATER FROM THK CLKAK LAKK DAM AT VKRV RKAHOX AI1LK FIGl'RK WATKR RIGHTS TENDERED AND PAVMEXTH EXTENDED OVER TWENTY YKARH FARMERS TO DO THK WORK OX CANALS AND DITCHES WKNTERX I'XIOX MOVE Til MAIX KTHF.ET Ql'ARTERS In order to be more easily reached i by Ibe general public, the local office, oner of tbe Western Union Telegraph com' l-any has been moved from tbe for mer quarters on Seventh street to 624 Main street. In tbe new Jacob build- Ing. Tbe change I now practically com pleted, and commodious quarters are arranged. IM1YM ARRKKTED FOR HAVING DEER MEAT PORTLAND, lives wore lost s u'.warJiie S-l Dec, !. JAaotaea a ben tbe lasrifti i-a ramaaed and sunk but It i ooy io l.nertd tiuu "" "" TT" . I. . -,.,. riee Coast souw no aws-. juuat jr(jgjelv busiiuis mm'H. rum nm mmxuui 4 lUMKXttUV BOB - U 9UUOK OX WW MiMX - A are alarm turaod to froas tho ' COFEMHAGKK. Uc. !.-A Basia Lomber natfaay ahowt 7 report baa beoa received here to o'clock tbte aaorsteg, browatht mi Ibo'O eart that former Premier Arcrsiae4Weji4catJaefo. Kw'' fi4 by soma 4 TbebUc, wWr iod sOrtesl te seese t.tbeoeo of followers, baa ap- anaauser fota IJboaawaat aateawraa tnuk aosr Prtregrsd. The OmUrtUtmm,mt- iM t tlagelaked before om avrteal of (ko treofaj atwoet taom ROSEBUIU;. Dec. 19. Harold Hampton, aged 15, and William John- son, aged JO,- were arrested at Yon calta recently on ihargei, of unlaw fully having deer meat In tbelr pos session. Tbe boys claimed that they killed five deer for ramp meat, and were taking the bam to tbelr home. The officers who arretted them, how. ever, declare there I evidence that the lads have made u business of Welcome news that a prlca of $10 per acre for the Irrigation of tends la I upper ..amen vauey rrom ine.viear Lake dam would be ma.de by the gov. ernment to the farmers of that dis trict was recelred this morning by wire from Washington by Project Manager J. B. Bend of the United States reclamation service. This price Is for the water right for irrigation purposes, and la offered on a twenty year payment plan, wltht out Interest, the payments to be grad uated so that the heavier payments come toward the tntter part of tho term. Work of building the canals and ditches muat be done by the farmer themselves, but as a large number are moat anxious to secure water, It Is believed that they will autekly or ganise and take advantage of the Fifteen or twenty thouaand acres can be brought under water from the Clear Lake, which lies a short distance south of tbe state line. The Clear Lake dam was originally constructed for the Irrigation of tbe lands or Langell, Yonna and Poe Val leys, but the price made the pros pective water users at that tlmo (1909) was not accepted by the real dents. A great desire, however, for Irrigation has been evidenced alnce the results of the past dry season bave been In effect, and It Is thought that the opportunity now offered to 'iv a reasonable price for the water and do tbe work of Installing It them, selves, will be eagerly graaped by tho resident. slaughtering deer out of season, and have at different times sold tbe meat at a profit. It Is also alleged that a dog was used to run the quarry out of tho brush, a direct violation of tbe game laws. Wrlaaco4. JKo tioaltvg waatfoae. wort nronwmlunmT uv tuitiLiiT'Le J5-2, ill boaae wet duriaa-aefogMoaoey. TlaS-Sarae liBdaataaod aad airkoi iy of te surrivors, avoweUag to aaaanarsmiaat tAo ristr lor a Urn ofcmj, uiiiil by Kt ' (Aaaueis. ' aow CI.&etOM dsrwool Traewrritor oswMmoJV ddd444 amVassteaatoaaare. Mr. CaL Imxmi ttlm o ftare of George Ham BkNkf, erfts) bad jKorteaaly caavaaaed I'av flHf feVStaeY7'aoat-M Merrill Man Heads Irrigation District Ike dfrectois of tbe newly created. eie elected at the same time the die. Kb..tb irrigation district met n"ET wM kMwajUrd,r (0f tU" ""' Um "'W lto Mr.bAii of Olene. Tb.y .wtV. tb to to bora, Mr, tfand baa raeeatly ro of asoaad a sobsaetlail aroasoliea by tbe etoVlloa, December llh, and elected' nree rtctvinf the blfboet ' rsjite of fjecige UMeid or Merrill as presiaent.jtbe five director or me mamata wa. The three director of Ibe district jiar Users Association. ' f t l .. JM un