- -4 " i aitl ETCRYONE SHOULD ATTEND THE BIG MASS MEEUNG TONIGHT AT OPERA HOUSE gjgg JEuettittQ jjgrald OfflClAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NIWfPAPEK OP KLAMATH FALLS fMiAh Tear Xe. B.IBT KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUUDAY, DECEMIIR It, 1017 Vittm Vim ENEMY WORKS FAST FOR PEACE IN EAST J"LJfcJ-'i'ririi-Li-irLfUTjTji, CONFERENCE IS PLANNED IN WITH ISHEVIKI '7M ---v-iri-.uvu-LWm RESERVOIR LEAK CAUSESTROUBIE HKATKD DIHCl'NHIO.V AT COUNCIL liAMT NKJHT REGARDING LKAK FROM CENTRAL HEMEIIVOIIt. may re rum into hewkii A lengthy and somewhat healed i discussion retarding lha leakage from the central reservoir waa one of (be features of the city council mooting lait evening. mnnrMvm or nu limKKMGATHEIt IX III'MMIA To! nko baa become a decided nuliance to I the people of surrounding neighbor hood, and that alrooit Impawlble mud hole aro cauMd during the winter season on account of It. Manager Qaorfo Walton of the Cat Ifornla Oregon Power company, when questioned by the council members regarding tba nutter, declared that a number of different methods had been triad to atop thla leakage, but none iiavk bad thue far proved effective. He es. tlmated thai the entire leakage from the reservoir, If concentrated,' would about ail a three-quarter Inch pipe.' It was at leaglh decided that the city anglnaar be instructed to Investl gata tba advisability of permitting the California Oregon Power company to eaaeaatrato the leakage and pipe It Into tha sanitary sewer on Fourth hMatlng about separate ace with . "" wln require about 309 W kol.h.rlki. I row 01 una. Dr. von Kuehlmunn, the Herman ftftfca imrtsry, and Count Zernln, MMMMMMMMMMIMMMM -WWWWWWMWWMWXOWWWWOWi gfGIX XEUOTMTIOXM AM. MrMHMlM Or TBl'TOXIO ALU fK TO PAItTKIPAl K IfMIKV INVITE AMJED KM. Rt:ATIVKM Til JOIX IX ttX.' IMIKXf ITALIAN HfT.MTlKKO PONITIOX MXOW VX TNT FRONT My Aeanrlalad Pre DATKI.KSft Germany and Austria heavy will apparently lose no time tWAmtrlan foreign minister, will r m it llrnt-Utovsk today to begin MBMIalloni. Bulgaria and Turkry also join the conference. a Trotsky has notified the allied ewaslee, and asked them to partlcl. toe, aad to state whether they want BtS. Tiers Is no virtual change In Inter. adlaula. Tie Italians have rotakan a uosl- haes Col Parllle, and are checking atsatayeSeawbare. fre Is now heavy snow on tha enern front UH'M, CARRIER EXAM DOUPIE WEDDED HEREYESTERDAY JOIN'RED CROSS UYouKeed-AliEART "" -A DOLLAR THE BIG NATION-WIDE CAMPAIGN FOR CHRISTMAS MEMBERS FOR THE RED CROSS IS NOW IN FULL SWING frT jAw OREGON'S QUOTA IS 240,000 MEMBERS Your opportunity to serve your couatry "at ttoeae" to erXerad ;& mtmDeranip in the GREAT AMERICAN BED CROOK 8on fire inembera have already joined. It it iuiitfMdea to eariy aa itariaa work of makinc the hard, daajmMM Ufa af "Oar Ben Oter Ikere" 1 .! . ... Vi . ..! T-& r.' ,.. aaiar, onrnier, more enauraaee. .mere aRaabl m iwawy mmm Elliott "Year Heart aad a ajajrar today. i i . DON? WAIT CHRISTMAS EVE . should rial a REbV CBOBaV JamWWaf-4 . amass m to sal aaaa tw to j r l.au in your nome.wifa) 4HM uvea t asjejot to gM(Maai LfMCtotofi. I ! , annj, tVBveajeam. for each member of raws- famtir.'-K am far will be am expression. af.gae tret Cartst- Hwff to raw mas spirib - .:'; t.. vt.-h, ami eft fee : Red Ciost Caimhhi Headoiaitem 611 Main Street Not aae cent of Rad Croaa Fuada ia epamt for aJrartaiaig. That apaca ia donated by Tht Evaadag HaraM. VOIWO PfXM'MS rHOM NKIIRIMi MIXTION NARRIKU AT IlKHI' OKSCK W UtCAh Jl'HTICK. havb van von hhikk hf.ii MXOTKir The United Hlatea Civil Service ajBllMlfll, aiinaunraa lliat u olark. Vfor, poitoMca aervlre, eianiUall'm ee Held at Klamath rails, Ore- eS, on January IS lulu m AUt.k. Jj i-lllblo reglsirr from wblrk Mlou may bo made to All varaa- anas iii.v ...... ....... ... .. "N f r li-rk and wrier in the KUm. Falls boaiiiav EaaeilcattoB Masikn and Informs. MB auy be oncurad raw lfal ttoc f ''' Hogardua, board of eivll nm iiaiuiti. mt .. ....... .. Us Sarrlnri 11. .....,. .,...., u , "W, 303 PooMa,, bB4Bg, an. " Vab, j The wadding of Charles liaymond Rtauhanaon aad Miss Augusta Wilson occurred yesterday afternoon at the resldeare of Justice K. W. oowen on Pine street, near Fourth. Hotb parties are residents of the Merrill dlstrlcl. where the groom Is oagaged la ranching. Tha eaunla have left for a brier waddlac trip to California points, and will return early neat week. aawasaaaeBBaBmnwamaBjjHaMa"aBraMajoa nAixup. M. M.. le. . tlarcla Ouevaa aad aUrarlo, seaUnced to bam aest Friday for murder, commit. ted aukMa la tba county jau nam . day by kaaalBf taemaeivaa. I"", Crowd Assured For Meeting Tonight Mmvailm am day war for j aet It iaaa Jffg N i$ iaaa If rauMto af tfea Ir. 4T 4tt tor atw atoatoertoiue. A aVVaf m wm M9wmm mmw a, IT "'ww am uwoor way r tiled WM atga moetlaa toalato '?-' flaera houre, Taikaara ' Made by iW4f imi wetotar 7' Mir TawaHWM f PoYtUad, Mesa a.. . ... uu ttee a. ij. .irT-TTTjTvilT: H iiZ7X'.V!l .ZZT'-7Lrlim7esiaaiaard to rtoeJab aivale ' , -rim K4 Croaa awriw'fmMi tor to atoaitoi . taaaiartag lir!!, w. f. I niiiiirfir A' M- iweaiann, A. Klamath Responds To Red Cross Call a Incomplete Returns From First Day Show One -Tenth of Counts Membership Quota Secured. Mayor Crisler Issues Proclamation It la (Imply wonderful tha way the workers, not oaly la Klamath Kails, but thruout tba entire county, are re. standing ia tba Christmas Member, bin drive af tba American' Red Cross, Onlv a fear reports have been received far Monday's work, m Many of lha workers waited to ail their books be ton reaortlag. but 111 w members war turned la thla morning, Very aasauraglng resorta have been received trim Moaaaia, Merrill. Fort Klamatb, Atocaw, Healey, and otaar aauaida dlatrlato. aad U toak as ir uiaik a?alla will kava to huatla to kaaa ua with tba ne aawg set ay me rural aaatlaaa, MiM ItoM, eaairaua af tba Heator aitortet, M Ik m to reoert, wn totol or Iklrtr laaaitort. FrariaM Ma, i( vftk m$.p, r, mmun tar. rt IT BtoBFsWgaaeuraawn FraviaM Ne. I, Mn A. . aai wraad la mwi IIMBMaitor. FraeJaet He, T, Mrs, II, u, Mrfsrtay, reaorts ie, rrstiaw No. 4, Mrs. h. a. VanBellaa, rasorta I, with three workers aat laeiadad, Preciaet Ne. I, Mrs. J, H. HaastttoN, raaarta.lv Tba jfttU aubllaaad iiUr ra rtrr laeomplete, aad to aat earer tha actual membersblM) takaa by all tba worker la aaeb araetoet AH the cbairmaa are anaaetad to maka a ra pert m$k tor at kaadauartora hr 'Hffa a ht aa aeearato raaard af eaeadW a vara aaa aa wuw aej mt warded' to kaadauartora at Fartiaad. FIIOriAMATnOW vVaerau, Tba Aatorieaa Red Crm, tkrVHa Ftoeidaat, MaaaraMa Weed. rawWilaaa, Ma akairatoa, WaaeraMe Wllllim M. Ta'ft, aad to aHlraiik mt-wr aaaaeii, Maaaraki N. P. Da. vuaa. aa alJ4 aaaa aH iaral aad iirlaola aaaisseu ad aha Uaakad gwatea awgrajsj ammymay ajsmmsBmnrnjan warm mawagv warwejwswawov svwass'wewm a- aidmaWaUda VMS. amUaf MmmmMmmmMMm mm aw aBfT"a""T ffw aPwom am awawamsnmwswawamw ajgr taatof atoaiiiriklF atoaabi-aaV. ' WaeYa)M Tps) VMS ew ewMemWIK, ITJs kaa baea daaiaealad ky ta aforaaald aa tba time tor membership aailattoa; aad. Whereas, The Mate af Oregoa kaa baaa, aaaiaaad tha aaata of S,M membera, kataaa far aaat af Ma aa tlmated isM-atlsa; aai, Wbereaa. To fahtH Us ato It la Boeoaaarr far avarr aaaa aad wemaa la Oreaea to Jala tha Amerieaa Rod Tberetore, t, 0. CrteUr, mayor of the itr af Klamath Falls, do hereby Bfaeteim to all eHlaaaa af aaid elty that K la a aatrtotto duty incumbent aaaa aaeb aad aM of them to aJUUte with the Ansel aaa Mad Creee during tha aferaaald weak af Passmber li lt, to tha aad that tha city of Ktom- athraHa aad tha atatoaf Oreaea may aaatala ear katovad aatlaa aad the Aatorieaa Red Creas to tha fuH en- tent ratalrai. tomrr aaaa aad we maa la svtoatatfc FWIs abauU kaeaeja a mentor af to Amarieaa Bad Cross duriac to weak aamad to Mian this natrisais astUsMiloa. Taw fraaaaiUlae by bm laauad aa Id, If IT. C. , OBiaUW. Mayor. A" mmm U me NOW UNDER WAY CXR'XCIfj ORAKTH PERMiTS FOK COXHTRICTIOX OF XKW EWAtT. XA FACTORV, XEH' BAXK AJTb F1XR RESIDEXCK Tbe progress of the city of Klamath Falls la evidenced by tbe building per. mlta Issued by the city council et the regular meeting last evening. The new Klamath State bank was granted permission to remodel Its re cently purchased quarters at tbe cor ner of Sixth and Main streetaat aa approximate cost of ,000. A large plate glass front In tbe building la apeclfled, and a large vault Is to be Insulted. A new building is planned for the corner nt a later date. Tbe Ewauna Box company Is au thorised to proceed wltfi tbe erection) of a new factory aad warehouse em the former location on Btxth etreet. tha eatimated cost of which ta $15,000. Fred Oarrlch was gifea a permit for the construction of a house at Ninth and High streets at a cast of M.000. The crosswalk Just beyond the gov ernment canal on Esplanade Ja. Hot aprlaga IsJo bo raised aad repaired. FllWT AIB LECTTRF. TOXOaUsOW EXECUTIVE OF MANSION CALIFORNIA IS BOMBED The sixth lecture In tbe First Aid class will be et 7 p. m.. Central school Wedaeeday. Tbe subject Is 'Injuries Due to Heat and Cold." Mus Maud Baldwin and Mrs. Will Baldwin Join ed nt the last lesson. Anyone caa join between now and tbe last of Jan uary, when new class will begin. SHIV UOBGK CABA W. D. Campbell of Lrorella ai Henry Anderson of Merrill have par. chased new Dodge cars. Mr. Ander sen has already received hie machine aad Mr. Campbetra will be delivered la a abort time. MOXTMXV FEED TMW KVKXIVO Business of Importance is expected to come up this evening at the regu lar monthly supper of tbe Business Men's Association this ovenlnf at Moose ball. The social featuree of thla gathering are also to be unusual, and it is expected that all members Of tbe association will be on head promptly. coumma mw arABTi Aa aetata tor to rasorary of 1171 kaa hate laaiiaiil to to to f the atowaa) aaart atork to Cearla V, D A a HMIFMI'IUMKO VA8HINOTON. DC, Dec, IS. Tba senate baa ordered an in vestigation by a committee of tbe delays in tbe building of tbo American merrlmnt marine by tbe shipping board ud tbe d emergency Aeet corporation. A resolution of Senator Harding to this effort was rushed thru, nXPUMfOX TKARB LAMB MOUC IX RKMDKXCK Of OOVBRXOR MTKFMBX8 AT MIBXKJHT aVA8T XK2HT-.XO OXB M IXJl'RBB. XEARBV HOVHCa DAMAOBB ooi-EKxoK auB irar betitrxbb FROM PATRIOTIC aTKAKIXO CAMTAKIX IX aOtTBKRX PART or aTATB waa abucbp ix TBE MOCaB AT TRB THUS SACRAMENTO. Dec. II. A pow erful explestoa here at aabJnhjht torw a larav'bate an the foeaaatlea af tbe executive mansion, where Governor and Mrs. atapheaa were asleep. . The police believe that ve pounds or mora of dynamite was placed there. Tbe watchman was In the basement nt tba time of the expioelea. aad no one was hurt. There have bees no ar rests, and few cluea have been die covered fit any sign Idea nee. Neighboring houses were somewhat damaged by the shock. Governor. atephems had Just re turned from a trip nuking patriotic apeecHea la the southern part of the state. PROHBILL PASSBHOUST TWO-TMIRB MAJORITY VOTE TO NAVE XATftUXAL tWOMMMTPOX , AMEXBMEXT M'BMsTTtMr TO kTATVM Ity I'XIOX WASHINGTON. D. C. Dec. Id. e The prohibition amendment passed tbe bouse of representatives by tha nsrsirsrr two-thirds vote tola ymff day. The reeoluiloa was adopted by the a seasto August 1st. It prevld-e that a problbitioa amendment to tbe Ces- atitutioa of tbe failed atatas be sub, mlttod to vote of lb different state. Anion by tbe statos, ibree-ronrtns of wbUii must approve, before lb aawudmeut U effective, is rtutrtt I seeu yr by tbe bouse resolution and si year r u senate resoiu- tlon. m aaaatr aa a aato tor I1M to tm Wim milaaat haafc to Mil, djid fator aa fto faaaaal t iitototoahtoiaar, 1Mb to a.mnaaaalii to torlfl. "tW aaftoato tta tote arara mal. ajuy JW. ffBamawanmamji awawmmawmanwawga avamaav amwawawawmawaF ww JamaW A amuld aa aha abwd am TT-Z7l- T J7 TZi.V mmawjnj swemwjsn mr sewamw, (xiverBmadSaiibtBm (kwRanaAM Pa. M,i rtoar A4mM Hurt a riatoart, W m a-l'eof awpw w p pvvv w i 'laT ' a aaaa a!,.' ,. -ai.iii. s. u ', 1 Paper iw'"JP'Fam' PB aRpwprwawnnwapBwj awawanr aspnvw j waaiiiawTV; " Chartos Fie of rlaja aWPlSaj 4yBWsfBl Wtmwml wt 999 mml99 w iffffm fW9mj HaW wafar ffBjBaWiaRJBr 0ir aaet mp0U, to aaaraad) .