' gi?g JEuimtiig OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY Mrraiii OFFICIAL NEWIPAm OF KLAMATH FALLS U Twelfth Vmr N". II.IHW KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, 17, ltl7 Trice Fife Oeata U-BOATS SINK NEUTRAL MERCHANTMEN HEAVY L0SSBABYMINE PM loRRITlS ISASCREAM WRI1ESFR0M INFLICTED MIITIMM TROOPS LAU.Xtil AT. TACK OX ITALIAN FRONT, MITIIOt'T HKHI'LTM, ACCOItll. IXG TO REPORT RECEIVER from iiKiti.i.v AtHTIUMJKHMANH ATTACK ITAI IAXS FROM DIRECTION Or SAX MAIIIXO, AMI AUK DRIVEN BAIM-IIK IX DISORDER llltlT. IKHWKLCOMER IX JEKI'SALEM LONDON, Dec. 17. n llrltlsh aad flvi neulrnl tuorclinutinuii, onu British destroyer unit four mlnn iffer tmvo been Hunk n the Nortli set by German naval force. Tim losses sere the result of un attack on a convoy from Scotland to Norway. Tbt tntnl merchantman tonngo lost it 11,000. Two neutral merchant vessels nml . ea trawler were mink off the Tyn December I2lh lit tlin German de stroyers, It I announced. t BKIILIN. Dec. 17. British troops en the Italian (root yestcrduy laiuicli.j 4 an altark against tlin Austto-Oer-an lines aouth of the Monte Koii-j Una section, hut It broke down before the Teuton positions, the wur ofilcn. Bounced. ROMB, Dec. 17. Aualro Herman force attacking Italian on the nor thern front from the direction of Han Marlon hav been driven back hi dla erder. LONDON. Dec. 17. A detailed de frlptlon of the rapture of Jerusalem Just received allows how the llrlthdi. despite stormy weather, which iiiade l almost Impossible for the rnineln drawing tiiDir supply transport, In keep a footing, fought on the Judcun bill and the Mount of .Olives until lb Turks were driven off. The iieople showered flowers on In troops, expressing their joy of de liverance, When (hey entered Ilia illy the British look 1,000 prisoners beside )VU wounded Turks in Hie hospitals. COOKER HMH) MAI.K Tim ladles' Aid of the I'roKbyler lu (hunh will hold u cooked food id fumy work isle tomorrow ut the Kluiiittlh Kails Muslu llouso, Big Sbakeup Army Heads H'AHHINOTOW, P, 0 Pee. IT. A rrrgHgeMg ot teme blfh tarn' Is lb tor 4mrimt ( " ' ' r ewe meet, ih ,( ' bf UmUW BMW (MMl rr(gMtto T (be wgr mukII. t birjiM kuowu today that Msjor BY GERMANS WMM ,i mont MtttiiAiii.i: iii.M i:vi:u SHOWN IX TITV HUNKS LOT'AI, AUDIENCE NKAHI.Y INTO HVK TERM AT HOt'STO.VS In th first place, we maintain tli.it J. V. Houston Imil mi bmliicHH to spring anythliiK of tlmt kind on tlin public without muni of a wurnliig, llclng tipped off to something unusual we entered the opera huuse iremred to turn un n few moderate IiiiwOihwh, stiniu tec-live titters, unit uiaybu no mid then a real explosion of inlrth. but to be enticed Into a place where n tn nn In not permitted to net hi breath for thrcwiiurters of uu liuiir nt n lime, whern be enn't hear the music nt nil for the IiowIh and shrieks of llm uudlcnre, mid where every body In the housu nets like they bad loit their sense U an act that re ijulreH eplanalloii. "Ilaby Mine" shown at lloiuton'it opera house la the fiinucst Dim that was uter 'shown on n screen In thin city. The experience 'of n yujing father whose wife unexpectedly pre Hi'iitK him with three Infants, two of wbleh are obtained from the windier woman and one stolen from u hos pltal.thn fritlltlc effort of lilx wife mid Intimate frlemlH to keep up a do. reptlon which thicutcns to bind them til! In Jail, Ih brought out In u way that rock the house. llere'N hoplriK It come again. TIM NIGHT 1 Hl'SINESK MEN WILL HANyiET at moose uall tomorrow night large crowd ih kx. PECTKH. It I expelled Hut there will be n l'i.r italherlliK lit tlin rcKUllir bllll- ijiiet and inouthly meeting of the lluidnetf Men's AhhocIuIIoii lomor row night at the Mooso hull. The problems which are pccullur to the mercantile and oilier linen of business are up fir iIIhcuksIou at these bamiuels, which promUo to be one of the most enjoyable organisa tions ever formed In thU city. ' CITV MAX HKIUOl'KI.V Hl The d " " received here to- n...iiu ...t.i r iliii urii. uuy tnsi n. k. imu( " - prlulors of the Meccn pool room, who ' .. ... 1... 1 uu nl Mill! ret'Pllliy leil III Bluer miw " .hiuImio. Ih down wllb un ullack of splusl menlngllU. No delulls of the muter liuvn been received. In High Announced OfHWl Ocbil. bul4r of the Tan. ahih rsual, bad been aMt$4 Ibe pl' ef ttiiarUHrnuttr leMrel, le urreed Mor negrl Hberpe Viawfrr, iMfceeeee4e4rVlbebWeftbe Ceeet Artlller. w " -. Wraver. HGSPREADON -inrwnjM,.,..,, I FRHCAMP MKMIICIt r TENTH ENGINEERS WIIITKH INTKHKNTING LETTER TO llltOTIIKH ELKS IX RLAM ATII IMM.H HuniethliiK of the life of the Ainer lean soldier In Franco Is obtained In u letter Just received by Kxulted Ituler V. O. Kmltb of Klamuth KulU l'dge, II. I'. O. KlkH, from J. W. Ktutz, mm' wltb the Tenth Itegular Knglneeis "Homowhero In Krancc." Thn statement of Mr. Stutx tlmt bo Iiiih nothliiK of Intercut to write-Ih not endowed ut thU end of the line. Ill letter, dated November Kith, follews: "I received tlin circular letter mulled to all Klaniutb Kail Iahko Ktk to be piexent nt the first full me.'tliiK. I was certainly sorry I couldn't be present at thut meeting, but being a few tlioimnnd miles away In Crimen mndo It Impossible. "We left Now York Beptember itb, kiiIIIiik for miotbcr Atlantic ort, where we stayed for nine days, walt IliK for the other trausiortH. It took tit thirteen days to cross the pond. The trip was a very tiresome one, but im to weather conditions, things could not liuvn been better. When we land ed l:i un KiikIIsIi port we were all Kvo.l mid Klad to Ret out on good Milld ground iiKnlu. We stayed here only 11 few hours, then boarded 11 train nml bit for nnotber Kngllsti port. On IIiIk trip wo got 11 glimpse of KiiKlnnd, but that was nil. I saw enoiiKb, however, to make me want to M'liie back bonin day uuil see It rlKht "One iiIkIi) we got aboard lilp uud started ucross the KiikIIsIi Channel, and here again the weather condi tion were In our favor, ns the chan nel uns smooth. The moon was out, which made conditions fnvorublo for submarines, but the next morning wo were In 11 French port, and If they hud any trouble that night I didn't know anything about It, ns I slept all the way across, but had u life pre server stropped an inc. "On landing w'n were taken to n dty centrally located In Frunce, and stayed hero for about two weeks, nulling for our equipment to arrive. TI.Ih city had 11 population of about an, mill, nun. of the older cities of France. " W"W "Now we are located at u place which will be our permuiient ramp, al leusl for some time. Iluve been here for two weeks, and havo boon busy building permanent burracks mid such. Wo still huvo n lot to do before thing look like a rogular ramp. Its location couldn't have beeu belter, right In thn heart of the woods. Tho timber ia fir and aprece of u very fulr also. "One thing I do mUs hero ia thn good sunshiny days they have around Klamath Full. It l very jieldom they have a good rlear day, but tho clear ones they do get are wonder ful, The rainy days bore ore cold and unpleasant, chilling a person thru to the bone, "I urn sorry I can't inaka thU more Interesting, but the things I would like to say would never get by the censor, We are not allowed io moo Hon places or anything, In fuel, of much Interest. Wishing all Klamath Falls Klks a timy Christmas and a baiw New Year, I beg to remain, Vmi rs fraternally, J, Jf. BTHTX. TOMf I iWff n KJE OsmOW ur. and Mrs. James A. Comer of ui.. Ami are the fcaBMr MttgtS M a ati-gMtM bey, bwa 1 taeAr aturaay moraiag. r, - . Wright was lu atieuasuce. V Membership Lanocbed in Comity Outside District Show Unusual Interest ---Promise to Set Pace for City .Workers. Prcdamation By Governor Witfaycoaibe The big Hud Cms drive for snees-1 bershlps which was launched over the; nation this morning met a hearty re sponse by the people of Kiasuth County. Some of the enthusiastic workers In the outside sections were off their marks even before the start ing pistol gave the signal, and it seems wry evident that these sections are going to set a liot pace for tie city workers. Dr. W. 8. Johnson ef Bonanza bad i-carly 1100 collected .for new mem berships before the rmaapun was hardly under way, a 4 Miss Rose, the teacher at the Henley ecbool, espial. cd Saturday afternoon that as her time was limited, she bad secured a dozen or more members in advance of the schedule. Jal workers here YMfe pa hand for duty this morning and the work Is ga in K ahead In first class shape. The headquarters for the county are le Iia at the real estate office of the i. T. Wurd company, on Main, between filxth and Seventh. The first reports of the city drive will be nude tomor row. ' j SAI.KM. Dee. 17. Impressing the determination to do everything In fats power to aid the Christmas member ship campaign for 210,000 members In Oregon of the American Bed Cross, Governor Jame Withyeombe has Is rued a proclamation calling upon ev ery Oregon householder to be repre sented in "the great union f the American Red Cross," and thus te make this a Red Cross Christmas by "giving b Christmas present to Im munity." Tho governor of Oregon is the first governor lu the United States to issue J a ited Cross proclamation. Others are expected to follow in rapid succes succes seon: Following Is the proclamatien: "Kxc( utlvo Department, telem. Ore. "At this holiday season of the ytsar, when, following llmo-bonored rustom. . the r'tli'it of giving prevails in every homo of the land, it is entirely flUing j und proper that each true America) New Courses Ottered At State (IniVersity . KVQKNK, Pee. 17. -A rMy of uttiudlve new courses uUi he opw to new studunU uUjug the Vuivsrr ally of Oregou t the fcegluuijig of she next ivm, a:ordU)g t A- H- TiMMityA registrar. r'nticiiUy 1J fornw courses will he yetaiaed. Home of ibe ew ewiw i he U' fered re: Arhitantuae avd ihris, J'ersiantive, by frot. ftm AUm; Mogeping, y froi. ftoMsV Pmi Rottuy. r,edolcsJ Rtoy " Rave,, uijoiogy, ay rm. wummi avi uierne-AJjartislug. W fee M t oneraUos with site WW ittrtment. w)m M i ftHU ? r - . .. oy of A4vriUiag; AeWaevod eV, eeujsUM, mt, by tmur, Uavb af-umstaaraUaaninybiaM. nn-V ggSjt 1 JawfJae mW foP"w p'aanjamnwnnnnnji 07 essnna-r 1 O, KatkU, Ut, RU t$ ih USm itfitt' Drive should feel disposed to give such sup. port as he can afford to that great hnmanUarlam arm of the federal gov ernment known as the American Red Cross. 'This Is oar Irst Christmas In the world war. It Is oar ffrst opportun ity to mingle with the ana! holiday atmosnfcere a responsiveness to the bkmC snerelfal and elosjnent appeal for deffaKe eervfce that has ever been made to hasaaae hearts.. The larger part of the called civilised world It In distress. There are nmlnfel wenads to heal, ten bodies and aonu that need ministry. There le bo better, surer, easterner arenne of relief than thm the sadiaamlssllsasl agencr of the A mart ran Rod Cress, whose noble officers havo nndertakoa to ssobllbte the heart an4 need aasf wealth of -ascrien toward biadlag ep the weende of m hlssdlsg werhL "Sq asettrr bow msch we assy give for tho tender ear ef oar soldiers and rations, wo who are obliged to play oar sorts at hems asset feel that any hardships and nsrrilces endnred by us are negligible tn the light of the Moresse labors performed by the ctalvart sons ef the land. The asore e rite the sooner this terrible war villi end, and the sooner an eednriag lare will Mason Its costse aeror the now dull horlaon. "Xow. therefore, I. iaases Withy eombe. governor of the State of Ore gon, by virtue of the authority In me seated, do onset earnestly rommrsd the Christmas aseaabersbi drive of the Rod Cross te tho cheerful support U the s seels of Oregon, and urge epos each Oregon bens eh old the Im perative sarmlty ef asahing this truly a Rod Cross Christmas by giv lag a Christmas present to bssusky. tot every Oregon heme be represent, ed la the great union cf the Red Cross. "In teettmoay whereof, f hare hereunto eat my bend and caused the great seal of the fiat ef Oregon to he shteed (Ms f dtb day of December. 117." (smgaed) JAMU WITHrcOMBK. Cotemor. td, otsn t fmwf, UAU of ohMb sw ofw io frmkmtm', KUf numUurf Plsp-'Writkis aod a (wtir' tmrm h Amtdn Mteyature, Oil r sv K90tk touttm mum ia (toph. omotm gshf eVaavced frenbae re; ThesM mmtm, by Jg SHU Hnr. mm, smJ s Msiory " aui JftuaVsh hjgfsli f tUm Msvy H, VmHm. Sjbf Mg t gtggl -laa-l Ww aahVBParRnBV HP Waar i ug goo-- AiJo JMMaiM saVCnS' KennBnnSnntl smapajggaj sRaBjsnajsnnnnp' gwnosn1 pswossnnfnnBPp Weri4 VeW avM fUHvm Utmmte, fey ft, r, n, fret, feit CtmluU 1H 0 wwm M V- '- uj w-i u, I'anso ise-W- 9f, $ w0 WfmwsWieMHws' ftuovrv m itmHm-t m. uu AJ4 ntai Atfd nfiuf AAibyB get smMw sw 00m1s0M, AAAAmAAAAAA0m0WWW0 I rr:i.r:ilR.lTTAI.K:U.S WILL AD. IIRKMf MJCAl. 1'1'ltl.lC OX Sfll- JsXT Of VITAL IMItlltTAXCK. KXTIItK TOWX EXPKCTKIl OUT The biggest mass meeting ever held in Klamath Falls Is to be held at Houston's opera bouse tomorrow night at 8 o'clock for the biggest wtik ever undertaken by the local public, the American Red CroM. That a record breaking crowd will attend this meeting Is assured by the announcement that Judge Lionel Webster and W. Lair Thompson of rr.rttand, whose ability as orators Is widely known here, will make ad dresses. Both these men .have a host of ad mirers In the local community, who would turn out to hear them on any subject, and on a topic so close to the hearts of everyone as the Red Cross, the capacity of the house Is sure to be taxed. Kiery family In Klamath Falls and the torrounding country Is expected to be present, at this meeting, which Is being held In connection with the tis membership drive now under way ovr the county. SWANRANCHER JAKES BRIDE Wr.1l CAI.IKOBMA OHIL IX THIS tTTY KATIKUAY KVKXIXO AT HOME Of f-RIKXI V PI.K WTREKT RIXU fKKItOXY. An Impressive marriage ceremony was performed at :30 Saturday even ing at the residence of Mr, and Mrs, Steve Cobban, at 403 fine street, when John Llskey, a well known stockman of the Swan Lake district, was united citb Miss I'hllomen K. ftrblll of IIIHUter, Calif., by Justice E. H', Rowes. Mr, sad Mrs. Cotaban stood up lib the couple during the ceremony, In which the ring service was used. The young couple expert to take a bridal trip In Ibe near future. 7- WKMKK HVMW.r HKsTIIXtf X, E.'MrOIry has returned from Srellle, nber be went recently. Iftf nfll acrept a position with the Chel-' sen hot rompsay, scrordlng to re port, UiOUiif has tor several years pt teen sudlfor for the While Pel-U-4U Uotf, lie has many friends here who will he gtad to bear that he has 4tsi4 Io return, 1 I BtGrftFTIKG MHOUSS WMtH library Club to, Demonstrate Meats Tho f)e4hr hVJag Ppf igteat thvf of Mr. Bar! C, Tbof, M4 .. ... , ... .... r.,..u .Hi'the dcmonstratlOH will be g4vM by m sm ws-ason MN-ery ""-"., ,, A(Ur ba MtwtiM the tHAiWWmmiWWBiW'gT w(, U m t, m$t ---- -tf e-AsVai -ntst-kstsl aian( mlA silt nVhf.t .'. t- J.M.-.iil.. sums) of fvs" gusX , as glo an ex. MMfc 14 CwrkiWf fUt d ftUe, The afleraooM will be ia I "lVVVnTriruVtlVUVlAnAJUUUViJlfVtAA E TERMS ARE PUBLISHED IN RUSSIA XO ItttiltOU'l.NG OK FOHCKH OX ANY FltOXTH TO UK PKRM1T. TKI XO TltOOI'S TIIANHFKR. ItKD IXTIli THK MIDDLE OF JAMTARY SMALL ROllM AUK PERMITTED TO KXCHAXflK V.VHKALKD MAIIi A.M XKWHIAPF.IW WAR VK8. HKIJt ARK S'OT TO CROWi 8PE t-IKlKD I.1XM I'BTKOHRAD, Dec. 17 The terms of t)ie Ttusso-Oerman armistice; ac cording to a statement made ..here, obligate no transference of' troops until January Hth. In no cnio Is there to be a regroup. Ing of forces on any of the fronts. The Germans agree not to concen trate troops between the Black Sea and tho Baltic east of the fifteenth ilegrca longitude. Groups limited to twenty-flva per sons may nt times exchange newspa pm, unsealed mall or carry on trade. War vessels are not to cross a spe rilled line of demarcation. . Ily Aaoorlated Press DATIXKSS The London papers foreiast that the allies will take steps to prevent the nusslans from passing under the economic heel of flenauy. American delegates to the nrfe conference are said to have tempered the allied attitude toward the bolsue vlkl EPISCOPAL MKETI.M1 Not only Kplscopallans, but all In. terested In the church, are requested Io meet at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J, If. (iurrett, 408 Klamath ave nue, at 7:30 this evening. Bishop Paddock will be present and will be glad to give the Information to those who may have some special Inquiry. A general discussion will be in order, and It Is urged that those Interested avail themselves of this opportunity. XKW HOY TODAY !r, George I, Wright reMrls tbe arrival this morning' of an 8-pound hoy at tho home of Mr, and Mrs. Bam I', Dehllugvr in the Stukel moun lain district, " W W, IT I th sxssntes of lbs This meetlBf will be om to Ha aub.' Ilr, and evryoN Is cordially lavUed, ARM